I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 195 Shocking Everyone

"Don't let him get away!"

Lin Zhentian shouted loudly with red eyes.

If Chen Hao is allowed to escape, he will lose all face!

Not only was he beaten helplessly by a junior, but he was also let go in the end.

It's no wonder it's a joke!

In fact, he didn't need to shout, the moment Chen Hao left.

Lin Qingdie caught up in an instant.

For such hard work, apart from Lin Zhentian's promise to give her some remuneration outside of the family, Chen Hao, who can resist her blow at the ninth level "387", feels a little interest.

It also turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the space crack.

With their departure.

Everyone looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you.

After a moment of silence.

There was an uproar in an instant!

"Damn, what did I see, someone resisted Lin Qingdie's attack with a ninth step!"

"Monster, the genius of human beings!"

"Humans on my earth have indeed produced a large number of talents. I originally thought that Lin Qingdie was the most evil in this generation, but now I am afraid that Lin Qingdie will lose a little bit!"

"What's this person's name? In the future, he will definitely be famous in the world of wild beasts!"

"I don't know, but he is familiar with Mr. Long Jing, just ask him!"

"I think you guys are too optimistic. It's not certain whether he can escape Lin Qingdie's pursuit, but there is still the emperor of the Lin family on the other side of the space crack!"

When the last sentence came out, the people who had been extremely admirable at first seemed to be poured by a wave of cold water in an instant.

With a sad face, he dared not say anything.

Some people wanted to scold the Lin family, but Lin Zhentian and others were still there, so they could only suppress the anger in their hearts.

People of civilian origin, they have silently stood by Chen Hao's side.

Even if Chen Hao really killed the person who killed Lin Tianxiao.

They would just applaud.

But they were too weak to even dare to speak out.

call out

Wu Xinyue landed beside Long Jing and the others.

Curiously asked: "Brother Long, is that your friend?"

She was repelled by Lin Qingdie's sudden explosion just now, when she realized it.

Lin Qingdie had already fought Chen Hao.

It was also because of the sudden outburst that she knew that Lin Qingdie had been in a lot of water, and it was still a lot of water!

Although she didn't use her full strength, she didn't hide much either.

"Well, originally he promised to join my team!"

"I didn't expect the strength to be so terrifying!"

Long Jing smiled bitterly.

"Hmph, it's all the fault of that disciple of the Wang family, otherwise Chen Hao wouldn't have encountered these troubles!" Su Muyu snorted.

She made up her mind about the whole incident, and she also knew that Wang Shenjing and Chen Hao had conflicts before..

That would lead to all kinds of things like this.

"Captain, why don't we follow up and have a look..."

Su Muyu made a suggestion.

She was a little worried and wondered if Chen Hao could escape!

"Okay!" Long Jing didn't hesitate at all, although he didn't know each other for long, he still cared about Chen Hao.

After speaking, he glanced at Wu Xinqie.

"Let me take a look too. As long as such a character can escape this catastrophe, he will definitely be able to rise!"

Wu Xinyue laughed.


Several people instantly turned into streamers and flew towards the space crack.


"Hongying, let's go and have a look!"

Fang Bingdizun, who has been paying attention to Chen Hao, said to Fang Hongying.

Fang Hongying had no comment.

Chen Hao was able to fight against Lin Qingdie 2.0 at the ninth level without falling behind.

She was also extremely shocked.

I wondered in my heart whether I could beat Chen Hao, but finally shook my head helplessly, thinking that it was only a 50-50 split!

With Fang Bingdizun making a move, the speed of the two of them is much faster than Long Jing and others.

Some people who eat melons saw someone chasing after them and continued to watch the excitement.

The tickle in my heart followed suit.

for a while.

A large number of people flocked to the direction of the space crack. .

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