I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 196 The Emperor's Powerful Wrath

"Sister Huo Lan, what shall we do now?"

Chen Qing asked blankly.

Seeing that everyone was attracted by his elder brother.

Chen Hao asked them to find opportunities by themselves, but she doesn't know when the opportunity is!

"What else can we do, let's follow up and see, maybe there is a chance to enter the world of wild beasts, your brother is no different from being exposed now, attracting everyone's attention, just giving us a chance, alas, but he is too impulsive.

Huo Lan shook her head helplessly.

I feel that before Chen Hao always said that he has a bad temper, but now the person who wants to have a bad temper is actually himself.

"Then what about Sister Bai Ling and Xiao Ru? Should we look for them at 21?"

Chen Qing asked again, with a worried look on her face.

"You, it would be great if you were half as decisive as your brother. You don't even blink when you kill people, and you don't care about us. You agreed to protect me and leave. Now it's all right, leave alone, and leave me the tail of the crane. !

Let's take care of ourselves first, as for Bai Ling and the others, they are not stupid, they know how to look for opportunities!"

Huo Lan tapped Chen Qing's little head and said.

Chen Qing shrank her neck.

the end.

Huo Lan led her to follow the tail of the crowd, pretending to be a melon-eating crowd, and chased after them.

The deserted city is closest to the end of the space crack.

Created a city gate.

But this city gate is just a decoration.

After all, compared to the incomparably huge space cracks that lead directly to the atmosphere, they appear extremely small.

Here you can already see the wild beast world on the other side of the space.

There is no obstacle between the two worlds, not even any turbulence in the void.


In addition to the strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth pouring into the earth from the wild beast world, plus one or two fierce beasts running over from time to time.

Nothing special at all.

It's like a room door leading to the hall.

And this space crack is the door of the room.

There are many members of the Lin family guarding the gates of the city. There were none before, and there was only one strong Emperor who was on duty.

In addition, there are two emperors standing guard in the deserted city.

Under normal circumstances, the three emperors guarded to prevent king-level beasts from coming here.

As for other things, they are too lazy to care.

At this time, Emperor Zun who sits at the checkpoint is a member of the Lin family.

Lin Qing, who had been sitting cross-legged all this time, suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrifying light burst out.


He drank it suddenly.

The sound shook the world.

The people at the gate of the city held their heads for an instant, showing a painful expression.

"What happened to Emperor Lin Qing?"

A king showed doubts, and didn't understand why Lin Qing suddenly scolded him.

There are no powerful beasts appearing over the space crack.

Not to mention the powerful beasts, even the weak beasts did not pass by.

"Look, there are people coming from the direction of the city, it seems that there are quite a few people.

Tsk tsk, we can get a batch! 413"

Someone pointed in the direction of the city and said loudly.

The people on the side of the city gate looked over one after another, but there were a few figures flying towards this side, and the speed was not slow.

"Damn it, are they breaking through by force?"

Perceived that the arrival did not mean to slow down at all.

Immediately surprised.

"It's unreasonable, I think my Lin family is just a display!"

A king of the Lin family was furious.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he flashed his figure and flew towards the person coming from the pole.

And the person he went up to was Chen Hao who was rushing towards him at explosive speed on the other side of the deserted city.

Chen Hao's speed was maximized, but he still couldn't get rid of Lin Qingdie behind him. .

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