I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 200 The Lin Family Who Suffered Ridicule

Lin Zhentian was down there, not knowing what to think!

However, Lin Qingdie's words shocked those around him who listened with their ears pricked up.

Emperor Lin Qing and the others also knew about it.

Unexpectedly, an emperor made a move, but he couldn't keep Chen Hao.

"My God, the explosion that happened here just now, could it be that Emperor Zun shot it? No wonder it is so terrifying!"

"What's more terrifying, isn't it that a ninth-order escaped from Emperor Zun's hands!"

"Six Eighty Zero" "I had already overestimated that person's strength, but I still underestimated it. Not only did he fight Lin Qingdie, but he was able to escape from the hands of Emperor Lin Qing. It was terrifying."

"Once this person becomes Emperor Zun, I am afraid that he will also be an invincible existence of Emperor Zun, just like Emperor Bai Zhan, it is a pity that Emperor Bai Zhan fell in the wild beast world!"

"Yeah, I hope this boy can survive and grow up!"

Some people began to speak unscrupulously.

I don't have the scruples about the Lin family before, I can't believe some words!

Lin Zhentian's face turned livid when he heard this, but he didn't attack.

The injury that was attacked by Chen Hao just now is still being suppressed forcibly. Once he has an attack with others, he will definitely not be an opponent.

Otherwise, it would be too shameful to call Lin Qingdie for help every time.

And there are many late king-level people among them!

"Brother Long, your friend is so awesome that you managed to escape from the hands of Emperor Lin Qing!"

Wu Xinyue also heard Lin Qingdie's words.

While being shocked, I couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

Her talent is also considered acceptable, otherwise she would not have reached the late king level when she was in her thirties.

But compared with the young people who caught up behind, there is still some gap.

Not to mention Chen Hao, Lin Qingdie and others.

Just someone at Fang Hongying's level.

She can't compare.

"I didn't expect that the person who was inadvertently attracted would have such terrifying combat power."

Long Jing was more frightened than others, after all he and Chen Hao were still somewhat familiar.

Originally thought that his talent was good, and he could reach the mid-ninth stage in his early twenties!


The combat power completely subverted his imagination!

Not only Lin Qingdie's fighting strength, but also a wave of confrontation with Emperor Zun!

In the end, it was even more embarrassing to run away!

"I didn't expect Chen Hao to have such strength!"

Li Li also clicked her tongue!

Su Muyu's eyes were complicated, she originally thought that she and Chen Hao were a good match, but now she listened to the evaluation of Chen Hao from the people around her.

For a moment she lost confidence...

I feel completely unworthy of Chen Hao!

Seeing her like this, Li Li couldn't help but patted her little shoulder, showing a look of sympathy.

For Long Jing, she is not like this.

Fortunately, she was still able to follow behind Long Jing, following him silently.

But Su Muyu was different.

This time apart, I don't know if there is a chance to meet again.

Even if we met, so what, with Chen Hao's talent, I'm afraid I don't know how far it has reached!

"What are you gloating about?"

"Hmph, now that Emperor Lin Qing is chasing and killing him, it won't be long before he captures that fugitive!"

Everyone's praise of Chen Hao made some Lin family members dissatisfied.

A ninth-order member of the Lin family who just stayed at gate tower level 0.6 came out to scold him!

As for the king-level powerhouse, I am sorry to have been killed by Chen Hao!

Originally, there were only three kings of the Lin family who blocked the checkpoint, and Lin Qingdie also met Lin Zhentian by accident, so he was pulled here with resources.

"That's right, Lin Qing will definitely be able to catch him back!"

When Lin Zhentian heard the words, his spirit suddenly cheered up again!

But their words not only didn't make everyone shut up, but they despised them even more!

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