I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 201 Guardian Alliance

Although no one saw how Chen Hao escaped from Emperor Lin Qing's hands, since Chen Hao has such abilities.

He felt that he would not be easily caught by Lin Qing.

Now that the people of the Lin family are roaring like this, they just want to save face.

However, some people present have had enough of the faces of the Lin family.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Since Emperor Lin Qing couldn't stop him just now, if he catches up now, I'm also hanging!"

Someone said very shamelessly.

"Who? Who will speak again!"

Lin Zhentian was furious. 21 However, the person who spoke just now was extremely clever and used some kind of method to let the voice spread from all directions.

for a while.

Lin Zhentian was also unable to confirm who was speaking!

"Is it you!" Lin Zhentian couldn't find anyone, but he still pointed at someone casually, who was a person in the ninth-level realm.

He wants to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys, catch anyone at random, and frighten the scene in some time and space.

Don't wait for that person to speak.

Lin Zhentian grabbed him and said sternly, "Say, who told you to say these things!"

"It's not me, I didn't speak at all!"

The man struggled and screamed, he was not too young, about thirty.

"It's not you, who is that?"

Lin Zhentian ignored him, even if he was injured.

However, with the strength of the late king, there is no problem at all in capturing a ninth rank.

Not every ninth level can be as scary as Chen Hao.

"How do I know who it is!" The man was confused.

Lin Zhentian is a king-level existence, and his spiritual power is many times stronger than his spirit, so he can catch the wrong person.

How could he know who it is at the ninth level!

Seeing Lin Zhentian grabbing a random person, everyone started to make trouble.

Can't help but despise him even more.

But he didn't make a move either, after all, it had nothing to do with him.

There is no reason to run out to offend the Lin family for a stranger.

Although they resented the Lin family's overbearing, they still had a subtle fear of the Lin family in their hearts.

"It must be you!" Lin Zhentian said coldly.

Just when he was about to abolish that person.

Someone said: "Stop!"

"The people of the Lin family are so domineering, they will attack a ninth-level man in public!"

"Could it be that the ninth level of human beings has already reached the point where your Lin family would be humiliated?"

The person who walked out was a late king-level person.

"Leng Yi!" Someone exclaimed, recognizing him.

"I don't know who it is, it turns out to be Leng Yi from the Guardian League, I advise you, don't worry about our Lin family's affairs!

Otherwise, even the Guardian Alliance can't keep you!"

Lin Zhentian's voice was cold.

The Guardian League is an organization established by strong men of civilian origin.

Among them are twelve powerful emperors.

There is one more emperor than the Lin family, but the Lin family has a mythical ancestor.

Not afraid of any organization or family at all.

"I don't want to worry about it, but the one you caught was someone from my guardian alliance!"

"You say I don't care!"

Leng Yi looked solemn, he was not afraid of 36 delivery.

But beside him was the mighty Lin Qingdie.

"Master, save me!" The person caught by Lin Zhentian shouted excitedly when he saw Leng Yi.

heard the words.

Lin Zhentian also knew that he had arrested members of the Guardian League.

He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky that he would just grab someone with a background.

No wonder he dared to get so close to him.

It turned out that there was a support, but thinking of this, Lin Zhentian became even angrier.

There was a snap.

Knock that guy out straight away!

"Don't gossip in the future, otherwise not everyone is as easy to talk to as I am!"

After Lin Zhentian raised his palm, he said coldly.


The ninth rank didn't die, but he was also seriously injured!.

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