I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 202 It's So Angry That My Liver Hurts!

"You..." Leng Yi caught his subordinates, extremely anxious!

But there was no attack, I could only swallow this breath!

Everyone saw that even Leng Yi of the Guardian League had no temper when facing the Lin family, so they couldn't help but feel sad.


There is a figure that suddenly explodes and rushes towards the space crack.


There are still a few figures following behind him in an instant!


"Who let you pass!"

Seeing this, Lin Zhentian immediately scolded him.

But those figures ignored him, as if hearing his voice, the speed increased instead!

Seeing this, Lin Zhentian's face turned ashen.

He wanted to rush up, but the blood in his body suddenly became disordered due to the momentary anger.

The injury is getting worse!


At this moment, he hated Chen Hao to the core.

If it weren't for Chen Hao, he wouldn't have suffered such a serious injury at all.

In particular, there is still fierce evil spirit in his body that needs to be suppressed by him.

for a while.

I can only watch those people disappear into the sky!

The other members of the Lin family were also helpless, because among the few people who had just broken through, two were king-level powerhouses.

If Lin Zhentian didn't go up to stop him, the others would not be able to stop him either!

"Qingdie, why don't you stop them!"

"It's all right now, not only did a ninth-level kid break out, but the others also followed suit!"

Lin Zhentian calmed down and questioned Lin Qingdie.

"The family didn't arrange for me to block the checkpoint!" Lin Qingdie said naturally.


"Okay, I still have things to do, you send the promised resources to my other hospital as soon as possible!"

Lin Zhentian still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Qingdie.

After finishing speaking, she didn't say anything more to Lin Zhentian, and disappeared in place in a flash.

"Bastard!" Seeing this, Lin Zhentian could only curse.

Now that Lin Qingdie has left.

He can only rely on himself.

Just when he was about to arrange for people to continue to block the checkpoint.

Several figures flew out towards the space crack.

Before Lin Zhentian reprimanded him!

Everyone seems to have reacted.

The people who originally planned to go to the world of wild beasts also flew towards the space crack at explosive speed.

in a blink.

The dense figures flew up.

People from the Lin family can't stop them even if they want to!

I can only watch helplessly.

Even those who are only eighth or ninth level, they are too lazy to stop them.

Now that there are so many people breaking through the barrier, if they rush up to stop them, a fierce battle will inevitably be inevitable.

Moreover, they are still fighting alone, and it is possible that dozens of people from the Lin family will besiege them.

At that time, no matter how powerful their Lin family is, it will be impossible to pursue it.


What's more, they cannot represent the law.

"Chen Qing, let's rush out of the hospital now!"

Huo Lan, who was following behind the crowd, pulled Chen Qing, and followed them out at an explosive speed!

Chen Qing also wanted to find Bai Ling and Ling Xiaoru.

But he couldn't find it no matter what, so he was dragged into the wild beast world by Huo Lan.

Aunt Bing, should we follow the Lin family to block the checkpoint?"

Seeing the crowd rushing away, Fang Hongying turned to ask Emperor Fang Bing.

Her mission is to come here and block the checkpoint just like Lin Zhentian did!

"Seal the yarn!"

"Didn't you see that the Lin family's resentment rose to the sky because of the blockade?"

"I'm afraid (Zhao Le's) after this time, the Lin family will also fall from the altar!

"It's a good thing we only made rumors and tried to stop it, otherwise we would be like the Lin family, not only losing our reputation, but also losing face!"

Emperor Fang Bing glanced at Lin Zhentian with disdain.

Then he left with Fang Hongying.

Lin Zhentian's complexion was so dark that his skin color could not be seen, Fang Bing's words were not concealed at all, and he said it directly in front of him!


Lin Zhentian roared angrily.

Only in this way can he vent the anger in his heart!

Just so angry that my liver hurts!.

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