I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 203 The Dust-Faced Emperor Zun Powerhouse

Chen Hao didn't know how much a blow he had brought to the Lin family by breaking through the checkpoint.

Not only the reputation was damaged, but also the plan that he wanted to implement was also destroyed.

If you want to use the name of Lin Tianxiao's death again, before you catch Chen Hao, I'm afraid it's not easy to do it again.

After all, even a ninth level cannot be blocked, and some people who don't know the truth are definitely unwilling to let the Lin family receive benefits.

The crowd rushed forward, and the Lin family was strong again, but they couldn't kill everyone.

After Chen Hao rushed into the wild beast world.


Choose a direction at random, and fly over without reducing the speed.

He knew that the emperor of the Lin family would definitely pursue him.

Therefore, I dare not have the slightest thought of slowing down.

As for whether there is any danger in front of 123, let's talk about getting rid of the pursuit first.

The explosive speed drained his blood a lot.

Fortunately, before entering the deserted border city, I hunted down some high-level ferocious beasts and left some sources of beasts, so I can absorb them while running.

With the system in place, the speed at which he absorbs the beast source does not take time at all.

It means that his blood energy can be revived instantly with enough animal source.

Behind him is Emperor Lin Qing, and his speed is not lazy.

Follow closely behind Chen Hao.

If Chen Hao slowed down a little, he could catch up!


"Why does this kid have such extreme speed, and his blood energy is even more terrifying than the usual ninth level!"

Lin Qing looked at Chen Hao in front of him, his eyes were full of hatred.

He felt that Chen Hao escaped because of his carelessness, if he didn't catch Chen Hao back now.

It will definitely be a disgrace to him.

However, no matter how fast he broke out, he still couldn't catch up with Chen Hao.

His current speed is already his ultimate speed.

But in the blink of an eye.

The two had already entered the wild beast world for dozens of kilometers.

At their speed, they can travel tens of thousands of kilometers in an hour, reaching ten times the speed of sound!

This is still a constant pace.

After chasing for a quarter of an hour.

Lin Qing found that he and Chen Hao started to distance themselves slowly!


"What kind of monster is this kid!"

"With so much blood!" (cbdc)

Lin Qing cursed fiercely.

Half of the blood energy in his body has been consumed

Looking in the direction Chen Hao left.

He gave up.

Don't chase anymore.

If he pursues again, he will go out of the safe range opened up by the strong human beings.

And he also needs to leave some blood in case he is unprepared.

"Hmph! You better not go back to Earth, or I will definitely not let you go!"

Lin Qing looked at Chen Hao who had turned into black spots, and said harshly.

"It's better to die in the wild beast world!"

After uttering the last sentence.

He turns back!

Even within a radius of 5,000 kilometers around the space rift, the powerful Emperor Zun beast that originally inhabited has been killed by the cooperation of human powerhouses.

But fierce beasts can also move.

If he stays here alone, once he gets into contact with some emperor-level beasts, he may also perish.

It was hard to be promoted to Emperor Zun.

Lin Qing didn't want to take any more risks.

Otherwise, he would not accept the treatment of the Human Alliance and sit in a deserted city by the side!

To be able to reach the Emperor Venerable Realm, his potential can be said to have been exhausted.

After flying for a while, Lin Qing was unwilling to turn his head to look in the direction where Chen Hao disappeared.

Thinking of going back empty-handed.

He must be made fun of, he is not in a good mood!

Had he known this, he would not have come out to intercept Chen Hao.

But it's too late to regret it now!.

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