I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 204 Desolate Beast World Eastern Desolation

Chen Hao on the other side.

Noticing that Emperor Zun was behind him, he didn't continue chasing him, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If Lin Qing continued to chase him, he would no longer have the speed to explode.

After all, there are not many beast sources left~.

"The strength of the emperor-level powerhouse is indeed terrifying. I exploded all the hole cards, but I didn't cause any damage to him!"

Chen Hao stopped and looked back.

The big hand that blocked Lin Qing before.

But all his strength broke out.

All the powerful ferocious beast genes in the body are fully stimulated, plus the evil spirit that can directly crush a ninth-level ferocious beast to death.

It turned out that it was only to repel Lin Qing for a hundred meters.

If he hit Lin Qingdie with such a terrifying blow, Lin Qingdie would not die, but would be seriously injured, and it would be difficult to heal!

Look away.

Chen Hao glanced around and found that the world of wild beasts was not much different from the primitive jungle of the earth.

It should be said that the earth has been occupied by fierce beasts for 800 years.

The environment is more and more like the wild beast world.

"The aura of heaven and earth is indeed much richer than that of the earth.

Chen Hao felt the breath flowing between the heaven and the earth, as if with every breath, the cells in the body were replenished with energy.

Looking at the boundless mountains and forests on all sides.

For a moment, Chen Hao didn't know where he was.

"Huo Lan said that once you get lost in the wild beast world, you will go to the god city built by the human race in the eastern wasteland to gather!"

"But the ghost knows which direction the city of God is in!"

Sighing, Chen Hao now regrets not giving Xiang Huolan a map of the Wild Beast World in advance.

Of course, if Huo Lan knew what Chen Hao was thinking.

He will also yell.

Go away, my wife doesn't have one either!

Although there is no map, Chen Hao also learned a little information from Huogang.

It is known that the space crack connecting the earth and the wild beast world is located in the wild beast world called the Eastern Wilderness.

Huo Lan doesn't know how big the Wild Beast World is.

But the Eastern Wilderness is tens of thousands of times larger than the Earth's area!

Just the Eastern Desolation Region has the area of ​​Dayang.

Chen Hao was also a little shocked.

Looking up at the sky, it was also blue sky and white clouds with huge fireballs.

"This desolate beast world is probably also a planet somewhere in the universe!"

Chen Hao muttered.

There is still one thing in my heart that I haven't said.

It's just countless times bigger than the earth.


Chen Hao shook his head, shaking off his messy thoughts.

...asking for flowers...

It's no use thinking about it.

The figure flashed.

Find a place to stay.

His purpose is to constantly remind himself of his strength.

As for what the Desolate Beast World is, it doesn't matter at all, it's important to rely on the system to stand at the top all the way.

"The emperor of the Lin family didn't catch up, so he might have come back, but it doesn't rule out that he is hiding somewhere. It would be risky to go back now to see if Chen Qing and the others can break through!"

"Forget it, let's go to the God City of the Eastern Desolation Territory as Huo Lan said!"

"Although the Huo clan has been wiped out, why does Huo Lan still have some contacts!"

Chen Hao thought for a while and felt that he could not go back.

Moreover, what kind of God City did Huo Lan try to push, I'm afraid she has some contacts there, otherwise she would run out there with a ninth rank.

"I still have to ask the local human race for directions!"

Chen Hao smiled bitterly.

After entering the wild beast world, it was not as beautiful as I imagined.

"But there are indeed many beasts!"

As his spirit spread, he sensed that there were many ferocious beasts around. Although they were all low-level ferocious beasts, their numbers were completely greater than those on Earth.

If Chen Hao wants to advance to the king rank, he still needs to hunt down a large number of ninth-level district Lushan. .

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