I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 205 Slaughtering A Beast Is Like Cutting Leeks

Chen Hao took advantage of this moment to check the properties panel.

Name: Chen Hao

Genetic Qualification: 17%

Boundary: ninth level

Blood gas: 1560000/3500000


Beast Sha: Level 3 Sha Soul

Gene: Suzaku Gene (SSSP grade)

Qingluan Gene (SSSP grade)

Bai Ze gene (SSP grade)

Kui Niu Gene (SSP Grade)

Unbranched Qishui Ape Gene (SP "893" level)

Tengu Gene (SP Level)

According to the estimation of blood energy, the blood energy of the King Realm is in the tens of millions.

And Emperor Zun realm is even more terrifying, reaching the amount of billions.

Chen Hao has never encountered a mythical level powerhouse, so he can't estimate how angry he is at that level.

Now his blood energy is only 3.5 million, which is far from the king-level 10 million, which is still far away.

Of course, raising one's realm doesn't just require raising one's blood energy.

Also the degree of stimulation of the beast gene.

For genes of the same level, the genetic abilities stimulated by the ninth level cannot compare with those stimulated by the king level.

Just like Huo Lan has the blood of Suzaku in her body, as her realm rises, Suzaku's ability will become more terrifying, which cannot be achieved by the amount of blood.

"It is said that the world of wild beasts may encounter some king-level beasts at any time. If so, my blood will increase faster!"

"Just don't be unlucky enough to meet an emperor-level ferocious beast, otherwise it will be too much!"

The weakest emperor-level fierce beast is probably much stronger than Lin Qing emperor.

Chen Hao was able to escape from Lin Qing's hands. In addition to bursting with full strength, he also had some high-level beast sources to replenish his blood.

Otherwise, I will burp too.

Not to mention facing these emperor-level fierce beasts that have been fighting and growing up under the law of the jungle.

A single Emperor Zun human being, if he sees an Emperor Zun level beast, he must avoid it!

Chen Hao can only pray that he will not be unlucky.

Stop thinking about it.

The figure flashed.

Fly close to the ground.

Fly towards the eighth-level fierce beast that the spirit feels.


Instantly kill that ferocious beast, dig out its source, and the system prompts instant refinement.

Vitality and mental strength, at the same time mention some.

In addition to extracting the beast energy from the beast source, he also ingested the evil spirit from it.

Immediately, he discovered that there was a slight difference between the ferocious beasts of the wild beast world and the ferocious beasts of the earth.

It is the evil spirit contained in the beast source, which is stronger than the fierce beasts on the earth.

"It seems that the environment is different. The same level of ferocious beasts have different hostility. Only when they grow up in a ferocious environment can they condense more terrifying evil spirits!"

Chen Hao whispered to himself.

Just this eighth-level beast source, the evil spirit contained in it is stronger than the ninth-level beast on earth.

If this goes on.

Chen Hao believes that it won't take long for his Beast Shade to be upgraded again.

When fighting against Lin Qing before.

The more reason why he was able to repel him was because the evil spirit he erupted caused Lin Qing to suffer.

At the same time, he also heard Lin Qing say that his evil spirit can only be condensed at the emperor level.

"If you reach the fourth level of evil soul, wouldn't you be able to fight against mythical level powerhouses!"

Thinking of this, Chen Hao laughed at himself again.

What's the use of having evil spirits in the air.

If the strength is not reached, I am afraid that I have not yet approached the mythical powerhouse, and I have already lost my mind and soul!

Evil Qi is nothing more than an attack that blesses power.

Not the attack itself.

It is the same as a blade, only sharper with evil spirit. 4.9 No matter how strong the evil spirit is, if there is no blade, or the blade itself is extremely poor, it still has no effect!

However, it can quickly increase the level of evil spirit.

It's also good.

Knowing that the fierce beasts in this world, the evil spirit of beast origin in their body became stronger, Chen Hao also worked hard to kill them.

Those who are weaker than him, none of them can block his blow.

Just like cutting leeks, as long as Chen Hao is staring at the fierce beast, the head will fly out instantly, no matter how big or small!

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