I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 99: Creating Mythology (Part 2) (1/2)

Same as Atlas and Enlil.

Since Enki met Blue Star, his luck has plummeted, good luck disappeared, and bad luck entangled him. He failed twice, and then Enlil died unexpectedly. He was punished by his father Anu and went to Orion Star to kill the murderer Atlas and destroy the Atlantis Empire.

Originally, he conspired with the mechanical queen Xin Yuzhu to seize the throne. As long as he fought against Orion and returned victoriously, he could ascend the throne, own the entire galaxy, and rule a star field.

Unexpectedly, this expedition was not smooth, and even if he did not have the material scepter, he would most likely not come back.

At that time, using the time-space shuttle device and the time-space wormhole, he and the elite team were successfully transferred to Orion Star and came to the territory of the Atlantis Empire.

It was learned that the Atlantis civilization was not a local civilization, but a foreign household that moved from the L77 nebula millions of years ago.

Enki suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he had never heard of a technological civilization using light technology in the Milky Way.

The Atlantis Empire system was huge, occupying the three major star systems of Orion, covering hundreds of celestial planets, with a permanent population of about one trillion, of which the number of various arms totaled more than five billion.

The elite team led by Enki had only three thousand people in total. Even if each of them was an elite-level warrior, they could not withstand a round-robin battle of five billion people.

Moreover, the opponent had a photon strike weapon and other unknown types of weapons. It would be a foolish act to act rashly.

So, he used the material scepter to change the appearance of himself and his team members, so that the local human race could not see any clues.

He led the team to lurk in the imperial city, looking for and waiting for a mature assassination opportunity to capture or kill Atlas in one fell swoop.

As for destroying Atlantis? Leave it to the imperial army.

After completing this mission and calming the anger of his father Anu, he will lead the imperial army, hold the imperial weapon, and flatten the Atlantis civilization in one fell swoop.

One day.

Atlas went out for an outing with two beautiful fish queens.

After getting the exact news, he excitedly led his team to ambush and ambushed them halfway.

The physical fitness and individual weapons of the Anunnaki people are dozens or hundreds of times stronger than those of the Atlantis people.

The guards guarding Atlas were like chickens and dogs in front of them. They were all knocked down in just one encounter.

It seemed that Atlas could be killed successfully.

Unexpectedly, Atlas suddenly raised a blue betel nut trident.

When the tip of the trident released a blue photon beam, he knew that this mission had failed.

He wanted to use the material staff to change the composition of the photon beam, but the blue photon beam didn't give him a chance at all. The photon beam attacked too fast and was too powerful. In addition, the material staff required the user's golden blood power supply output to be too high. Before he could use the mysterious ability of material conversion, Enki was directly blown away by the photon beam.

Fortunately, the material staff offset the powerful penetrating shock wave, otherwise, he would be like Enlil, completely evaporated from the world, without any residue left.

In the end, the ambush and assassination plan failed.

He and his team were regarded as wanted criminals by the Atlantis Empire and released throughout the Orion Tristar Star Region.

So, he and the remnants hid in the east and west, looking for opportunities again to carry out the assassination mission.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Atlas did not see his true identity, otherwise there would be a large-scale, carpet-style search and arrest. At that time, he would have only one choice, evacuation!

But if he left... If Xin Yuzhu's deployment plan failed, what awaited him would be the thunder and wrath of Anu.

For 90,000 years.

Enki led the remnants and has been looking for opportunities to assassinate Atlas, but he failed every time.

He even secretly developed a local force, hoping to compete with the Atlantis Empire and overthrow the empire's rule, which is equivalent to destroying the Atlantis Empire, but in the end, he still failed.

It was just because of one thing - the Trident of Poseidon.

It is rumored that the exclusive artifact of the empire's monarch Poseidon came from the wisdom of a certain advanced civilization, and now it is a national-level killer.

Enki knew that if he wanted to complete the assassination mission, there was basically no chance, so he was ready to take a gamble and return to Mars first. If his father was not dead, he would sincerely admit his mistake, and then lead the empire's army, carrying the empire's heavy weapons, to destroy the Atlantis civilization in one fell swoop.

And if his father Anu died, then he could successfully ascend the throne.

No matter how you look at it, his loss is not big, at most he will be scolded.

As for the failure of the two's conspiracy to usurp the throne, Xin Yuzhu was arrested and imprisoned, and confessed the conspiracy between the two. Haha, without solid evidence, how could Father Anu believe a foreign silicon-based life form? He had many opportunities to reverse black and white and regain Anu's trust.

Therefore, Enki led hundreds of imperial soldiers from the remnants, borrowed the time-space machine, opened the wormhole again, and transmitted across space.

Out of the golden tower.

There were countless blue star people kneeling below.

A rough glance confirmed that he was in the Niluo River Basin.

"Blue Star?"

Enki was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

If the time-space transmission device appeared on Blue Star, it means that the plan has been successful. Mars should have been baptized by the time-space storm and turned into a wasteland.

At the same time, it means that Anu and other core members of the empire are all dead.

"Okay, okay, from today on, I, Enki, will be the new emperor of the empire!"

In front of the first step below the golden tower, the old high priest Raymondoan saluted respectfully.

"The High Priest of the First Dynasty, Raymondoan, and the people of the Dynasty welcome the Holy One."

The First Dynasty? Raymondoan?

Enki maintained a solemn and dignified look: "You should be the descendants of the half-human race of the Mud Snail Empire."

"God, the Mud Snail Empire you are talking about is the extraordinary bloodline era 90,000 years ago?"

Raymondoan was very excited. The other party said 90,000 years. He was definitely a true god, no doubt! Normal humans cannot live for 90,000 years.

"Well, 90,000 years ago, I came to Blue Star and created the half-human race. The first batch of half-humans had my bloodline, so I ordered them to guard the Mud Snail River Basin. The first half-human with divine blood, I gave him the name Monla."

Oh my God, Monla.

The Lord of the Sun!!!

Raymondoan trembled all over, extremely shocked. The gods extradited to the human world this time were not the ancient gods such as Monra, Horus and Anubis, but the supreme, eternal and only God of Creation!

"Praise the God of Creation, please forgive your pious subject Raymondoan for not recognizing your respected and noble status at the first time."

Enki said indifferently: "Okay, follow me, I just have something to ask you."

Raymondoan responded with a very humble attitude: "Just give me your orders, Raymondoan is willing to die for you."

Soon, Enki understood the current situation of Blue Star.

"I see."

Enki loves to hold grudges and belongs to the type of personality that will take revenge for any slight. His anger towards the four native human races of Blue Star has not weakened at all.

Back then, the two failures in the layout of Blue Star were all related to the native human race of Blue Star. Even Enlil's death was more or less related to the native human race. After all, if the native human race could have surrendered to the semi-human race he created earlier and paid the gold annual tribute on time, there would be no such things later.

Another thing is that due to Enlil's death and the failure of his layout, he was indirectly punished by Anu, who forced him to travel to the Atlantis Empire to carry out the assassination plan. As a result, he lived a cowardly life for 80,000 to 90,000 years, hiding from XZ all day long, like a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouted to beat him.

Now that he has returned and learned that the human race still exists and has a good development momentum, his idea of ​​​​annihilating the human race of Blue Star has been ignited again after 90,000 years. Moreover, due to the accumulation of 80,000 to 90,000 years of frustration and cowardice, it turned into a burning firewood of anger. He needs to vent it, and the source of venting is the native human race.

In fact, the most important point.

Enki wanted the industrial technology system of the four human races. The industrial development level of the first dynasty of Niluo River was too low, belonging to the early embryonic stage. According to the civilization level, it was at most 0.5 level, which was not very helpful to him. Now that Anu was dead and the empire was leaderless, he should return to Nibiru as soon as possible to ascend the throne and unify the Milky Way.

Compared with the backwardness of the first dynasty, the native Blue Star civilization of the four human races was different. It had reached the primary level of the first level, or even the medium level of the first level.

Even if it was only the technological height of the first level civilization, it could develop a spacecraft that could carry him and his people back to the Nibiru galaxy as soon as possible.

As for the disposable space-time machine, it has been scrapped, otherwise it would be too convenient to transmit across space and time.

The Galaxy Mechanical Empire has extremely strict control over core technology to prevent leakage. Space-time technology is the foundation of the country and is not allowed to be explored by outsiders. Especially in the face of Nibiru, a higher civilization that is more powerful than the Mechanical Empire, the vigilance is naturally needless to say. It can only be granted the qualification to use it, and never give extra research opportunities.

Want to use it? Of course, you can. After all, I am not as strong as you. As a younger brother, I can lend it to you. I dare not say no. But you want to borrow it and want to take it for yourself? Absolutely not. After all, I was willing to submit to you and get along with you. I was seeking self-protection. I paid you protection fees every year, which was the maximum tolerance. Now you want to take my housekeeping skills, I have no sense of security at all. Since you are chasing me to death, let's fight to the death.

The Anunnaki Empire belongs to the fourth-level civilization, which relies on several special technical dimensions to break through the fourth level, rather than the fourth-level civilization. However, the Mechanical Empire belongs to the old third-level advanced civilization. All technologies have broken through to the peak of the third level. With just one step, it can break through the fourth level with the help of space-time technology and compete with Nibiru.

Let's get back to the point. Since he wants to return to the Anunnaki Empire of Nibiru as soon as possible and inherit the throne of Anu.

Therefore, the starting point for eliminating or suppressing the four human races is the technological crystallization of human wisdom and hard work - the large industrial technology system. As for the anger 90,000 years ago, it can only be regarded as a fuse.

Enki looked up and saw that the particle lock in the ionosphere was still in effect, and the effect would last for a total of 360,000 years.

"Fortunately, there is a particle lock, otherwise the primary and secondary human civilizations on the blue star would have left the planet long ago."

Enki, who had been frustrated for 90,000 years, finally got good news that the particle lock still existed.

"Where is the pharaoh of your dynasty? Let him come to see me. I want to support him to unify the nine states and destroy the four human races."

"Your Majesty Narmer is too old and can no longer come to see you in person."

Raymondoan responded respectfully.

Enki nodded and ordered: "Well, then let his crown prince come and find a smart, capable and ambitious young crown prince to take over the throne of the current pharaoh."

Raymondoan was stunned. Shouldn't you grant immortality to His Majesty Narmer?

But he didn't dare to ask more.

In the end, on the night of the god's descent, Narmer died, and the dream of immortality could never be realized.

Raymondoan obeyed Enki's oracle and picked out Capras, the most aggressive, ambitious and talented one among Narmer's heirs.

Enki said condescendingly: "I will give you and the warriors of the First Dynasty super healing ability, and form an undead army to attack the four human territories to help you unify the Nine Provinces."

Capras knelt down and kowtowed solemnly: "Thank you for the power of the Creator God. Capras will dedicate his life to the unification of the Nine Provinces!"


[Ten thousand years ago, the Undead Army of the First Dynasty, led by Capras, launched an attack on the territories of the four human races. The four human races had strong physiques and technological weapons, so they were naturally fearless and fought bravely with them. 】

On the battlefield.

"Strange healing ability?"

Du Hongjian frowned.

"What undead army? If the big mushroom can take effect, they will disappear in minutes."

Li Kongqing's temper was as bad as ever.

Du Hongjian shook his head: "Something is wrong. Is there any secret information about the First Dynasty? They can't have super healing abilities."

"Ninety thousand years ago, among the mortal half-human race, those with special abilities were rare. After ninety thousand years of changes, the blood power of the half-human race has long disappeared. Now the people of Niluo River in the First Dynasty should all belong to the human race, and there is no possibility of special abilities."

"Something must have happened to lead to today's drastic changes."


Intelligence information came.

"Three golden towers lead the gods to the human world?"

"Golden towers? Gods? Who? Anunnaki? Atlantis?"

Soon, some aerial photos came.


Du Hongjian couldn't sit still.

He jumped up and stood up.

"He's back."

"We must not take him lightly. Let's develop the Sun Ferry as soon as possible. That will be our only chance to defeat him."

[Nine thousand nine hundred years ago, a hundred years of fierce fighting, the first dynasty from Capras to Ka, all seven pharaohs died in battle, but still failed to break through the four major human territories. ]

[With the support of Enki, Hotepus established the Second Dynasty of the Mud Snails and ordered the Prime Minister Visir to take charge and reorganize the Undead Army, but at this time, Enki was somewhat impatient. In his cognition, the local human race was too weird and unreasonable. ]

Enki ordered his tribesmen to lurk in the human race to investigate and spy on the internal intelligence of the human race.

Using the material scepter to transform the internal and external structure of the tribesmen, the six-meter-tall Anunnaki turned into a 1.89-meter-tall human race in an instant. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to tell who is who.

So, a hundred tribesmen transformed into the four major human races, lurking inside the human race, spying and collecting useful intelligence information.

Chu Tiange, who saw this scene, was puzzled: "The Blue Star civilization is very different from the Atlantis civilization. Is Enji, who comes from the fourth-level Nibiru civilization and has golden blood, a little too cautious?"

He is too slow in doing things. It seems that something is wrong and a little abnormal.

Continue to read on.

Not long after.

Enji obtained the cultivation methods of Yanhuang Body Refining Technique and Rem Yoga Technique. At the same time, he obtained information about the primordial soup, the time machine, and the destiny server.

"It turns out that the Yanhuang people do not belong to this time and space at all. No wonder..."

Enji suddenly realized that this could explain why his plans failed again and again. Could it be that the Yanhuang people have been playing the pig and eating the tiger for a long time? !

The result of the sudden realization was that Enji was furious.

So, the next battle.

He was ready to do it himself.

[9,500 years ago, Enji and Du Hongjian fought a decisive battle in the Maka Islands. 】

On one side, Enki and a hundred elite Anunnaki warriors, each six meters tall, but without advanced technological weapons, their individual combat weapons were used up in the Atlantis Empire, but they were still not worried, the Anunnaki were golden bloodline humans, even if they were facing a group of ninth-level warriors who practiced Yanhuang body refining techniques, even if the genetic warriors had some technological weapons, they should not dream of competing with their bloodline power.

On the other side, the genetic warrior camp headed by Du Hongjian, each warrior was ninth-level, especially Du Hongjian, because of his complete training experience, he had practiced to the peak of the ninth level in just two hundred years after leaving Guixu, but for thousands of years, he had been seeking a breakthrough, but unfortunately, he still failed, just one step away, but that step could never break through the threshold.

"Du Hongjian, we meet again after 90,000 years."

"Sir Enki, why bother? Why do our two races have to go to war?"

Du Hongjian knew that although the ninth-level strongman was strong, he was no match for the Anunnaki.

If it is possible not to go to war, it is better not to go to war.

Enki sneered twice: "If you don't want to go to war, okay, agree to a few conditions."

"Please speak."

Du Hongjian raised his eyebrows.

"First, destroy the Yanhuang body refining technique, Rem yoga technique, time machine and destiny server."

"Second, hand over your industrial technology system to me for full use, and let your human wise men serve me."

"Third, all of you four human races will submit to me, serve me, and become my slaves."

Du Hongjian's face darkened: "It seems that you are unwilling to talk properly."

He pressed the button on his belt, and the biological armor instantly covered his whole body, like a transformation style of armored warriors.

Draw out the alloy long sword.

"Get ready!"


The Yanhuang people and the Anunnaki people collided for the first time and were completely defeated.

The human race of golden blood will not be able to say that they are completely crushed against the genetic warriors, but the difference will not be too big.

Just a little.

"Terrible healing ability!"

Bagua Zhan cuts one after another, and whenever it falls on Enki, it will release a ray of golden blood to Enki, but the wound will heal and recover in the blink of an eye, as if it never existed.

The greatest damage done to Enki was the momentary pain when the flesh was cut.

The golden bloodline ability can be used endlessly as long as there is a supply of gold. Moreover, if the blood is not exhausted, the life will not be lost.

Therefore, if you want to kill Enki and other Anunnaki warriors, there is only one way, which is to instantly explode the golden human body, let all its golden blood evaporate, and blast it into dregs and ashes. Only then can Enki and others be completely eliminated.

However, due to particle locking, the big mushroom cannot be used at all.

“Only Sun Ferry…”

[In the same year, genetic warriors led by Du Hongjian were completely defeated by Enji and other golden bloodline humans. 】

[Nine thousand four hundred and fifty years ago, the human camp was retreating steadily, but Enki and others did not attack rashly. 】


Enki and other Anunnaki with golden blood should be able to easily destroy the Blue Star civilization, right?

Why did he feel like he was... restrained from the very beginning, or even afraid of the enemy?

To the point of spending hundreds of years supporting the First Dynasty and the Second Dynasty in attacking the four major human territories...

Something is wrong.

Just like before when we sent troops to spy on the inside of the human race, something was very wrong.

Under normal circumstances, only Enji alone, plus the material scepter, can wipe out the Blue Star human civilization in minutes.

Even if Enki needs the human race's industrial system to develop spaceships, they can still suppress it by force and then take it by force.

Now that the God particles in the time machine have been completely consumed by repairing the space-time wormhole under the ruined city in the water, and there is a particle lock seal in the ionosphere, the four major human beings cannot do without the Blue Star.

Occupying such a dominant position, it is impossible for Enki, who has always been conceited, not to suppress the entire human race in one go.

Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself: "Unless Enji and others have an accident."

Golden bloodline, golden bloodline, without gold... where would the power of blood come from?

In particular, he remembered that the system once said that the material scepter consumes too much energy and is not recommended for use.

Inside the temple of the Second Dynasty.

Enki's face was a little pale, and his chestnut hair turned gray. Like other warriors, silver hair appeared.


"In the 90,000-year battle for the Atlantis Empire, most of the power of the golden bloodline was consumed. Over the past hundred years, fighting against human genetic warriors... it has become increasingly incompetent!"

"We need gold to fill the gap in bloodline power. Otherwise, if things go on for a long time, our bloodline body will not be able to hold on, and even the most basic power of immortality will disappear."

"But, where is the gold in Blue Star now?"

Blue Star has a total of 60 trillion gold reserves, and the human race has 10 trillion gold reserves. They are scattered throughout the country and serve as financial control means, some jewelry, and industrial core raw materials.

As for the remaining 50 trillion secrets...

Enki's eyes flashed: "Let the Second Dynasty fight the four major human races first. Let's first look for the lizard people in the center of the earth and the fish people on the bottom of the sea. If they are still alive, maybe we can hope to inject new blood. !”

"Even if we can't find the two human races, as long as we find the gold mines of the two races, we can still be resurrected with full health!"

In fact, five hundred years ago, Enki ordered hundreds of millions of people of the Second Dynasty to dig underground and dive into the deep sea in search of gold and mines, but to no avail. No fish-humans or lizard-humans were found at all. trace.

Atlas caused the polar magnetic field of Blue Star to reverse, and the geographical location of mountains and rivers was completely changed. Perhaps the inner world of the earth had collapsed long ago, and the fish people and lizard people had long been exterminated.

But as long as there is a chance, they cannot give up, and their own lives are at stake, how dare they give up easily.

[Kean and other Anunnaki people spread out and traveled around the world to look for traces of lizards and fishmen, as well as the reserve treasury of the two tribes. 】

[Du Hongjian and other senior human race officials saw a clue. After gathering intelligence from all parties and analyzing by human think tanks, the fundamental reason why Enki and the other Anunnaki were looking for gold was to use gold to practice and replenish the power of the golden bloodline. So, Humanity discovered a way to eliminate Enki and the others. 】

The hinterland of Zhongzhou.

"Judging from the before-and-after comparison of hundreds of Anunnaki, we can see that they have indeed aged, and the rate of aging is accelerating."

There are videos and photos taken from five hundred years ago to today. A slight comparison of the before and after will clearly show the changes in appearance and form of Enki and others.

"They have endless lifespans, rely on gold to survive, and also rely on gold to possess the terrifying power of golden blood. But I don't know what happened to them. Since the last time they came 90,000 years ago, they have been unable to They were fully supplied with gold, so they did not attack our human race immediately, otherwise our human race would probably have perished long ago."

"Perhaps, this matter is a good opportunity for us humans, a good opportunity to eliminate Enki and others."

"They must not be allowed to find the gold."

"The Sun Ferry is about to be developed."

"At that time, give them the final fatal blow!"

[Nine thousand years ago, the successful development of the Sun Ferry gave the human camp full confidence. They understood that the great human counterattack had begun. ]

Human Technology Center.

Shang Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, we have succeeded!"

A sun-shaped spherical spaceship with a diameter of ten kilometers was moored at the special research and development center.

Sun Ferry.

A warship weapon specifically used to fight against Enki and other Anunnaki people.

One thousand years ago.

Upon learning that Enki and others had landed on the Blue Planet, the human leaders realized that something was wrong.

So they wanted to imitate the photon strike weapon of the Atlas Great City mothership and give Enki and others a fatal blow.

Therefore, humans collected all the magnetite crystal columns in the ruins of the underwater city under Bermuda, that is, the ruins of the original Atlas Great City mothership, to develop photon strike weapons for humans.

Fortunately, Shang Lu and other scientists lived up to expectations and finally developed the solar photon beam strike weapon and named it the Sun Ferry, that is, a ship-borne weapon that extradited sunlight energy.

Desert North Plain.

Enki heard that there was a bottomless cave in Yanzhou.

He speculated that maybe the bottomless cave was the passage to the inner world.

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Enki went there happily with great expectations.

Desert North, there is a big lake.

On the shore of the big lake, there is a group of people who like fighting. They are keen to dance with bears, drink the strongest wine, and sing and dance on the shore of the mother lake, the Volga Lake.

Enki disguised himself as a human.

"Fellow villagers, I heard that there is a bottomless cave near you?"

"Yes, there is, I found it."

The old man was drunk, drinking the strongest vodka, eating the fattest salsa, and shouting Ura.

"Can you point me in a direction? I'll go take a look and learn something."

"Want to go and see? Okay, it's right in front of you. Go straight along that road. Fifty kilometers... burp~ we'll be there."


Enji disappeared.

The old man scratched his head, "Eh? Where are you? Why are you gone?"

"Forget it, let's drink."

"Let's drink!"

"ZBC, you're so ruthless!"


In front of the bottomless pit.

Enji was about to jump down and take a look.

Du Hongjian slashed down from the sky with a shocking knife.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Enji dodged in a hurry and was accidentally injured by the knife light, which cut a terrifying wound and splashed golden blood, but after a moment, it recovered as before.

At this time, Du Hongjian was 100% sure that Enji and others who had disappeared for hundreds of years did have physical problems.

Because Enki's healing ability is weakening, the healing speed has become slow. If the damage from the knife just now was healed in seconds a thousand years ago, it took half a minute to recover just now. It can be seen that Enki's blood power has weakened a lot.

As the human wise men speculated, gold is the energy supply for the Anunnaki bloodline cultivation. Without the timely supply of gold, the Anunnaki people are only a little more tenacious than ordinary intelligent life in terms of vitality.

Of course, due to their huge size, they are more intimidating than ordinary short intelligent life races.

Enki didn't understand, he was fooled!

This is a trap.

"Du Hongjian, you are looking for death!"

Enki raised the material scepter angrily and rushed towards Du Hongjian. At the same time, he changed his body and suddenly increased to six meters, restoring the original body of the Anunnaki people.

He jumped hundreds of meters.

The two collided in mid-air.


They separated at the touch.

The material scepter hit Du Hongjian firmly.

Normally, Du Hongjian, who was at the peak of the ninth level, would not care at all if a stick hit him.

But in just a few seconds, his alloy sword and biological mecha all turned into mud and sand, and fell down, making him dusty and stunned.

"This scepter..."

Du Hongjian was extremely shocked, "This scepter has the ability to change matter?!"

"Now you find it?"

Enji laughed grimly, "Unfortunately, it's too late!"

After that.

Enji raised the scepter again and swung it at Du Hongjian.

Du Hongjian's expression did not change, and he did not want to fight, so he turned around and ran away.

The two chased each other.

Enji shouted angrily: "Du Hongjian, you have successfully angered me, you must die today!"

"Give up, you can't escape!"

A few minutes later.

The two came to a cliff one after the other.

Enji sneered: "I told you, you can't escape."

"You must die today, no one can save you."

Du Hongjian shook his head: "It's hard to say whether I will die today, but you will definitely die."

After saying that.

Du Hongjian jumped off the cliff.

Enji: "???"

A moment later, a sun ferry rose slowly from under the cliff.

"Aim at Enji."

Ten hollow crystal columns stretched out from the sun ferry.


Swish, swish, swish!

The white light columns bombarded Enji densely as if they were free.

Enji's expression changed drastically.

"Photon strike weapon?!"

"How is it possible? Why do you also have photon strike weapons?"

For 90,000 years, he has been suppressed by photon strike weapons. His disgust for photon strike weapons is like a steel knife scraping bones. He hates them very much, like a nightmare.

Du Hongjian didn't want to explain too much to Enki, and he didn't have the time. At present, he should beat up the drowned dog.

"Hit me hard, but be sure to keep a safe distance from his scepter."

"His scepter can change the compositional properties of matter."


A beam of white photons falls.

Enki could only keep dodging. Once he was hit, it would be a penetrating injury. Although it could be healed, it would consume the golden blood ability.

And if you are hit by a concentrated beam... you won't even have to think about it, you will evaporate directly, and you will never die again.

Enki could only dodge while looking for opportunities to use the material scepter to destroy the human sun ferry.

Back and forth, Enki and Sun Ferry compete.

Sun Ferry found an opportunity and gave Enki a shuttle photon beam attack.

When Enki found an opportunity, he attacked the Sun Ferry, but every time Enki attacked the Sun Ferry, the Sun Ferry would rise into the sky at the fastest speed, keeping a safe distance from him.


It’s so frustrating!


Enki roared.

Ninety thousand years!

He has been dormant in the Atlantis empire for 90,000 years. Because of the photon strike, he has been hiding like a mouse for 90,000 years.

I originally thought that I would be able to successfully ascend the throne and proclaim myself emperor upon my return, but I didn’t expect that a small Blue Star civilization would also possess photon strike weapons? !

Anger, depression, helplessness, frustration... and other complex emotions suddenly flooded into my heart.

"No, we can't go on like this, or I will die..."

That's right.

His bloodline power has been weakened a lot again. Every time he attacks, every time he uses the material scepter, every time he heals a wound, he uses the power of golden bloodline.

Especially the use of material scepters consumes too much energy.

Enki gritted his teeth and decided to give it a try.


Enki holds the material scepter high, no longer caring whether he is injured or not, and goes on a rampage, determined to destroy the Sun Ferry in one fell swoop.

Inside the Sun Ferry.

Du Hongjian narrowed his eyes: "He is going to fight to the death!"

"But it also means that he has reached the end of his strength."

"Let's hold on, continue to carry out photon strikes, and consume as much of his bloodline power as possible."


The photon beam was like a rain of flowers all over the sky, shooting towards Enki like an arrow.

Enji did not dodge, and allowed the photon beam to fall on him like raindrops. The six-meter-tall body instantly turned into a sieve, riddled with holes and devastation.

But even though he was covered in wounds, he could not stop Enki. He braved the rain of photon beams, endured the pain, and blasted towards the Sun Ferry with the material scepter.

at last.

Just a little bit.

Only one meter away.

The material scepter can fall on the sun ferry.

Enki failed to do it, he failed.

But in fact.

In fact, he could have done it.

But at the most critical moment, he shot into the sky with a blow that could destroy the Sun Ferry.

At this time, all the blood power in his body was basically exhausted.

His appearance began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body became rickety and shrunken. His originally six-meter-tall body shrank to just over four meters.

Falling straight from mid-air.


It hit the shore of Daze Lake.

The golden blood flowed in all directions and merged into Lake Voga, where it was swallowed up by the fish in the lake.

When he landed on the ground, he was already very old and his mental state was sluggish.

His body could barely move, his consciousness gradually became blurred, and his pupils even became dilated.

His life has come to an end.

Without the timely supply of gold, it is like a kerosene lamp without oil.

Coupled with the continuous bloodline power output and high-intensity internal depletion, he was completely exhausted.



The material scepter flipped several times in mid-air, then landed next to him, with one end inserted into the ground.

It took him a long while before he regained a little strength.


"I, I, Enki, am the emperor of the Anunnaki Empire... How could I die... in this small, remote place..."

"No, I don't want to die, I haven't ascended the throne yet..."

At this time, Du Hongjian jumped off the Sun Ferry.

He frowned: "Why did you give up the last blow? You can completely destroy the Sun Ferry and even kill us together."

Enki coughed twice and grinned, like a desperate hero, "Ahem... Destroyed the Sun Ferry? Kill you? Hahaha... What's the point? I, Enki, plan my life and like to plan layouts. But I have failed again and again on Blue Star... This time, I plan again, and it is also the last plan in my life... I don't believe that you Blue Star is so difficult to chew on! Ahem..."

Du Hongjian was at a loss. If he didn't kill them at the critical moment, would it be a plan? Is it the same as planning?

He didn't understand it, but that didn't stop him from writing down the conversation between the two in detail and bringing it back for analysis by human think tanks.

Enki dragged his old body, leaning on the material scepter, and built a tomb for himself on the shore of Daze Lake.


A hill rises from the ground.

The material scepter decomposed and turned into a peach forest, covering the entire Peach Mountain.

Enki smiled.

The breeze blows, and the fallen flowers are colorful.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Enki asked Du Hongjian.

Du Hongjian nodded and hummed slightly.

Enji was lying on the ground, looking at the sky: "In my hometown, there is a peach forest, which is also very beautiful..."

Enki is dead.

He merged with Momoyama and made a tomb for himself.

Du Hongjian sighed and shook his head, without saying anything, turned around and left. He always felt that there was something in Enki's words, and that crucial blow, Enki's character would never let them off easily.

Du Hongjian, like Enki, looked towards the blue sky.

He suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Is it related to the particle lock?"


Chu Tiange was sitting on the bank of Daze Lake, next to the drunkard old man.

The old man's eyes widened and he murmured to himself in disbelief: "Fuck, there is a giant who dared to chase the sun, and then he died of exhaustion. His body turned into a mountain, his cane turned into a peach forest, thunder and lightning, ZBC is ruthless Hello, are my eyes really blurry?"

The old man patted his dizzy head.

"Old woman!! Son! Come out quickly? There is a giant..."

The old man stumbled towards the house.

Chu Tiange: "..."

Kuafu Zhuri!

But this Kuafu is not of the same mind as human beings!

With that crucial blow, Enki didn't smash the Sun Ferry, but instead hit the sky.

He turned back to the ionosphere.

Sure enough, the particle locks were breaking layer by layer.

The ionosphere, oh no, is now called the thermosphere. Neither the warm layer nor the thermal layer is appropriate. It should be more appropriately called the atmospheric water layer.

As long as the particle lock completely collapses.

The water from heaven will fall and fall on the earth.

The world-destroying flood is coming!

Enki's key blow, not to kill Du Hongjian and others, not to destroy the Sun Ferry, was not because he was compassionate before his death, but because Enki wanted to crush the entire Blue Star and wipe out hundreds of millions of creatures on the Blue Star. Come and be buried with him.

For Enki, a sun ferry and a Du Hongjian were not worth sacrificing his life.

Only the whole world deserves Enki’s peach blossom funeral.

[Eight thousand and nine hundred years ago, hundreds of Anunnaki were killed by Sun Ferry. 】

[Eight thousand and eight hundred years ago, humans finally discovered that there was a problem with the atmosphere. The particle locks were collapsing and decomposing, and the thermal layer was completely hydrated. 】

[People realize that the rumored world-destroying flood is coming, and mankind is once again faced with a difficult choice. 】

"Damn Enki!"

"Even when I'm dying, I won't let everyone live in peace."

"We have always been too afraid of particle locks. Even if we have guessed that there may be problems with the particle locks, we dare not test it rashly... It is useless to say anything now, it is too late."

Yes, the ionosphere blocked by particle locks is an absolute restricted area.

Even two hundred years ago, Du Hongjian and the human think tank speculated that Enki's key blow might be related to the particle lock, but humans did not dare to test it rashly.

In fact, small spacecrafts go to the ionized layer of the atmosphere every year, but the results are the same. As soon as they reach the ionized layer, they are directly destroyed by the particle lock and turned into powder residue.

However, a satellite probe they just launched not long ago was unexpectedly not destroyed by the particle lock. It was intact and successfully passed through the atmosphere and headed for the outer satellite orbit.

People realized that there was something wrong with the ionosphere. To be precise, something was wrong with the particle lock, and the situation had become serious. Combining the key blow that year and Enki's words before his death, it is not difficult to deduce Enki's ultimate goal.

He wants to drag the whole world with him!

Because satellite detectors have discovered that the water in the ionosphere has completely atomized. Once the particle lock completely collapses and decomposes, a large amount of water will surge down.

Even though the mean plane of Blue Star's ocean is now only 900 meters away from the seafloor, once the water reserve volume above falls, it will directly fill all the ravines on the ground of Blue Star.

All over the world, only plateau areas above 5,500 meters above sea level are protected from seawater inundation.

In fact, we really can’t blame people for not being vigilant in advance. Every year, humans launch satellite rockets to try to break through the particle lock zone, but they are all destroyed and disintegrated by the particle lock in the ionosphere. After all, the layer-by-layer collapse of the particle lock will still take effect for a long time. , Therefore, the results speculated by Du Hongjian and human think tanks cannot be 100% confirmed.

"Once the great flood and the world-destroying flood come, in just a few dozen days, the entire Blue Star will turn into a vast ocean."

"what to do?"

"There are two ways. The first is that once the particle lock is destroyed, we humans can leave the Blue Star."

"The second one is to abandon the physical body, upload the spiritual consciousness to the destiny server, and hide in Guixu again, but we don't have any extra primordial soup ingredients, so it's hard to say when we can have a flesh and blood body again."

Shanglu shook his head: "In fact, there is no difference between the first and second items. Regardless of leaving Blue Star or going to Guixu for refuge, most of us humans have to be uploaded to the Destiny Server."

Phytolacca briefly reported on the production status of the space navigation spacecraft at the space center: "Due to the long-term blockade of particle locks, the aerospace sector, especially the spacecraft production plan, is basically at a standstill. Regardless of whether various materials can be supplied in time, three to five ships are produced per day. The progress... Comparing it with the endurance of the hot tide layer above, it is estimated that the flood will come in about three months... We have no time to produce too many spaceships, and we can save the flesh and blood of 30 million people at most. Others can only rely on The life-uploaded consciousness form survives.”

"Is there no other way?"

The human camp is a little impatient and restless. After all, no one wants to lose their flesh and blood body, everyone wants to become one of the thirty million people!

If it is not handled properly, it may trigger a series of civil unrest and conflicts.

Xin Yuzhu jumped out and said: "Perhaps, we have another way."

Everyone turned to look at her: "What way?"

Xin Yuzhu pointed to the sky: "Since we can't stop the water from the hot tide layer from coming to the world, let's find a way to pour the water into a large container!"

Du Hongjian frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Not long ago, the satellite probe broke through the atmosphere and successfully reached the designated orbit. From the pictures sent back by the satellite, there are a lot of fragments of Nibiru warships around the blue planet. If they can be used well and repaired as containers... they can not only stop the flood, but also create a moon. After all, there is no moon on the blue planet. Don't you think there is always something missing at night? Moreover, the prehistoric murals show that the moon did not exist at the beginning. In addition, the moon is hollow inside and stores a lot of water... I think, in the dark, God's will has been determined."

The whole conference hall was shocked and then fell silent.

Fatalism, time and space paradox, cause and effect cycle...

Everyone stared at Xin Yuzhu blankly.

It seems that it is really possible!

In the end, Gao Liangjiang made the decision: "Make multiple preparations."

"First, make every effort to produce spaceships and let some people leave the Blue Planet first. This method is the safest and most appropriate."

"Second, upload the elderly, weak, women and children to the destiny server and never let them get hurt."

"Third, repair the Nibiru warship, make it into a lunar sky and water container, and start the moon-building project. I call it the Nuwa Sky-Repairing Plan!"


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