I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 98: Creating Mythology (Part 1) (1/2)

Twelve thousand years ago, the Blue Star was basically stable, and the world's geography formed a pattern of four oceans and nine states.

A spaceship came out of Guixu and anchored in the Huangjiang River Basin, the flat and open hinterland of Zhongzhou.

Xin Yuzhu of Tianwang and a group of original human high-level people wearing mechanical life forms stood on the bank of the river.

The water of the mother river is not as clear as it was 88,000 years ago, but it can become the source of the development of the Yanhuang human civilization.

Du Hongjian said excitedly: "A new era is coming, and the future glory of the Blue Star civilization will be created by us together."

Xin Yuzhu suppressed her excitement and said: "According to the pre-planned arrangement, let's implement the first plan first-Nuwa creates humans!"

Shanglu took out the improved version of the original life liquid. At this time, the glue solution in the ampoule should be called the original soup.

One hundred thousand years ago, they pried out relevant information about the original life liquid and the time machine from the designer.

Both items came from the third-level advanced civilization, the Galaxy Mechanical Empire.

There is nothing to say about the time machine. The key lies in the God particle, but the original life liquid is different. It belongs to the designer's special secret formula.

The core raw material is the ashes of the fire source of the mechanical empire. It is integrated with the basic factors of the direction of biological life that the designer wants to design, and it becomes the real original life liquid. Then adjust the ratio of the two to make different concentrations and different uses of original life liquid.

After obtaining the production principle of the original life liquid, Shang Lu led a group of scientists to start a research lasting more than 80,000 years, and finally achieved results.

You only need to fuse the ashes of the fire source into the basic factors of human beings according to a special ratio to form a primitive soup solution exclusive to the human race.

They divided the original life liquid in the ampoule into four parts and made four original soups of different human genes.

That is, the original soup of the Yanhuang race, the original soup of the Rem race, the original soup of the Maya race, and the original soup of the golden age fusion race.


"You will lead the primordial soup of the Rem race to the Ganges River Basin and create a glorious era for your race."

Lejef, the last leader of the Rem race, respectfully took the primordial soup of his race and expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

"Fang Xiaojun."

"You will carry the primordial soup of the Mayan race to the Great Lakes area of ​​Bingzhou and create the Mayan civilization."

Fang Xiaojun solemnly took over the primordial soup of one race.

"Xin Yuzhu, you want to lead the original mechanical life form to create the human race. The situation is quite special. The human race in the golden age of 100,000 years before history belongs to the great fusion race of the Yanhuang, Rem and Maya races. It has good development potential. It just happens that they were born in the Crescent Plain and have no racial barriers. You can take it to the Mesopotamian Basin and create your own human civilization."

Xin Yuzhu nodded and smiled. After waiting for more than 90,000 years, he finally became a real person.

Since then.

All civilizations and races in the world originated from Zhongzhou and were divided into nine states.

Shang Lu took a step forward.

The most critical step to complete Nuwa's plan to create humans.

He poured the primordial soup solution containing the genetic factors of the Yanhuang human race into the rolling Yellow River.


The naked Yanhuang human race floated to both sides of the river.

They had different body shapes, no distinction between their forms, and even unknown genders.

Because they were just shells, empty shells without spiritual consciousness.

The next step was to inject the soul, and the soul consciousness completed the shape and gender.

Constantly download the human consciousness in the destiny server into the empty shell body, establish the gender, age and appearance, and in this way, one by one, fresh life was born.

People first simply covered their bodies with leaves and vines, waiting for the arrangement of the human leader.

Then, the human leaders led a group of human race to various parts of Zhongzhou to develop modern scientific and technological civilization.

Nuwa's plan to create humans, completed!

Chu Tiange didn't know what to say.

The so-called Nuwa created humans, it turns out that they really used water and yellow mud! ?

In fact, it should be said that the primordial soup of human beings and the original liquid of designer life are the same. In fact, it is not created by water and mud, but by organic compounds nurtured in the Yellow River, that is, organic life forms to form the empty shell of human beings.

The primordial soup first dissolved the creatures in the Yellow River, turning the Yellow River into a "pot" of life pool full of organic compounds. Then, because the primordial soup contained the origin of the Yanhuang human race, it combined with various organic compounds in the life pool, and then human beings appeared.

As for why the gods of creation in later myths are mostly a man and a woman with a snake body and intercourse, it is probably related to the double helix model structure of the pheromone of the origin of DNA genes.

[Twelve thousand years ago, humans used the primordial soup of life to create four major human races, each of which developed corresponding scientific and technological civilizations. ]

[After three hundred years of development, human civilization entered the industrial technology era, the basic materials were basically built, and humans entered the information technology era. 】

【During this period, because humans have the original soup solution, even if they do not practice Yanhuang body refining and Rem yoga, their lifespan can still be as high as 800 to 1,000 years. People call them the Silver Age humans. 】

Chu Tianxing thought of a strange book, the Great Wilderness West Classic of Shanhaijing, which records: There is a country called Xuanyuan. It is auspicious to live in the south of the mountains and rivers. Those who do not live long can live 800 years.

The 800 years of lifespan just confirms the Silver Age of Humans, whose lifespan is 800 to 1,000 years.

【11,500 years ago, humans drove a Jingwei spacecraft to the Bermuda waters at 30 degrees north latitude to repair the space-time wormhole. 】

After tens of thousands of years of research, we still haven't figured out how the God particle is composed and derived.

It can be seen that there is a huge gap in science and technology between the third-level civilization and the first-level and second-level civilizations.

Even looking at the technological creations of the third-level and above civilizations from the perspective of the first-level and second-level intelligent life, there is a sense of looking up to the "god".

There is no other reason. The low-level life forms have fallen into a knowledge blind spot and cannot understand the height of the other party's technological level. The technology in their cognition is like magic. Therefore, the saying that the end of science is theology is not a kind of thinking error and a deviation of dimensional perspective. In the final analysis, the level of vision and cognitive scope is not enough.

He came to the bottom of the sea.

A spaceship rushed into the vortex.

Half an hour later, the spaceship could not come up again.

But the seawater vortex disappeared, and the space-time wormhole disappeared.

The seawater is no longer swallowed up crazily.

But at this time, the seawater plane is too shallow, with an average position of only more than 900 meters.

The land area occupies 85% of the total area of ​​​​Blue Star.

"Jingwei fills the sea..."

The Jingwei was unable to come up again, and people spontaneously came to the coastal embankment to burn incense and paper to commemorate the great heroes on the Jingwei.

Jingwei became a bird of spirit that is determined and tenacious.

[11,200 years ago, in the Niluo River Basin, the descendants of the semi-human race established the Pre-Dynasty in the Fayoum area. 】

Chu Tiange turned and stepped to the Niluo River Basin.

He saw.

The descendants of the semi-human race have transformed into the appearance of all humans. It is unknown whether it is due to evolutionary relationship, or the influence of geomagnetism, or the strong human genes have killed the beast genes. In short, the descendants of the semi-human race now basically show normal human characteristics.

In the early days of the Pre-Dynasty, Fayoum-Amrat City.

Kize, the first pharaoh of the Pre-Dynasty, completed the unification of the city-state era in the Niluo River Basin.

Kize was a pioneering monarch, with superior literary talent and military strategy. He governed the city-state and the dynasty in an orderly manner and was deeply loved by the people.

However, the monarch, no matter whether he is wise or not, is most afraid of aging and death.

So he ordered the various temples of the dynasty to offer suggestions and find a way to live forever.

Until one day.

"Your Majesty, we found a book and picture album drawn on papyrus in the Temple of Horus."

The priest Imhotep presented the picture album to Gizer.

Imhotep said respectfully: "According to the contents of the book, this album is called the Book of the Dead by our ancestors, that is, the Book of Death. It contains a special architectural structure called the Palace of God's Descent. As long as we can build the Palace of God's Descent, God will come to the world and grant us immortality and the power to rule the world."

Jize was very excited when he heard this, and immediately ordered: "Imorton, from today on, you are the first high priest of the dynasty, responsible for all matters related to the construction of the Palace of God's Descent, and you must invite the gods to the world."

And promised: "All material resources in the dynasty are at your disposal first."

The young high priest Imhotep expressed his willingness to devote himself to Ji Ze.

The Palace of God's Descent consists of three golden towers, with special constellation coordinates and rigorous structural design. The length, width, height, slope, and mural patterns have high requirements and standards.

It involves scientific knowledge in astronomy, geography, mathematics, and physics.

The most critical point is that magnetite is needed.

But the preliminary construction work was not easy from the beginning.

The bricks needed for construction were too big, and even if half of the people of the former dynasty were mobilized, it would not be possible to build the Palace of the Gods.

Imhotep invited skilled craftsmen and scholars from all over the country.

"Use the flooding method to divert the water of the Nilu River and use the power of water to transport large stones."

"You can give it a try."

As a result, it failed!

The water power did not succeed in transportation, but instead drowned many of its own people.

Another skilled craftsman suggested: "Try to use rolling logs for transportation, and stack them from bottom to top at the same time."

As a result, it failed again.

Not many large stones were transported, and many slaves and free people were exhausted to death. Even when stacking them, if they were not careful, the large stones would slide down, and some workers might be crushed to death.

Finally, a young scholar, Imhotep, studied in the heart of the Crescent in the Mesopotamian Basin for ten years and learned a lot of useful scientific knowledge. With his own intelligence, he became the most famous scholar of the former dynasty at the age of only twenty.

He said: "You can try to use the inverted mold method, using the Washing Stone concrete to fill and pile up layers. The advanced civilization in the heart of the Crescent uses this method."

Imhotep suggested that the sticky mud snail river bottom sand and the solid Washing Stone in the Eastern Desert, combined in a certain proportion, can make the large stone bricks used in the Palace of the God's Descent.

Each time a layer is piled up, the next layer is inverted, and the layers are pushed forward, interlocking and overlapping inward, so that the large stones fit tightly together.

One day.

When Imhotep and Imhotep were inspecting, the two discussed.

Imhotep's face was full of worry: "Brother Im, His Majesty Gize may not be able to hold on until the day when the construction of the Palace of the God's Descent is completed."

Imhotep asked curiously: "If the Palace of the God's Descent is completed, will the gods really come?"

He was once influenced by advanced science and culture, but as a citizen of the former dynasty, born in a country where theocracy is supreme, he has a strange expectation in his heart.

Just like most people, even with higher education, they still have a certain degree of awe towards ghosts and gods, and firmly believe that there are gods above their heads. If possible, everyone even hopes that gods really exist.

Immorton nodded without hesitation: "If the records in the Book of Death are correct, I think it will be, and the gods will come."

"Getting back to the subject, since His Majesty can't survive that day, why would the High Priest think of a way to seal his soul in his body?"

"Sealing the soul in the body?"

Imhotep paused and continued: "About eight hundred years ago, the Creation Mother Goddess of the New Moon People used water and soil to create the New Moon People. According to legend, those who were created by water and soil The human race is just an empty shell of flesh, which was later infused with soul by the Mother Goddess of Creation, and then became a complete human being with flesh and blood and emotions.”

"Your Majesty the High Priest, you can refer to the method of the Creation Mother Goddess of the New Moon Human Race, seal His Majesty's soul in your body, wait for the construction of the God's Descendance Palace to be completed, and then grant him rebirth when the God descends."

Immorton was deep in thought and reached out to pluck out the few remaining hairs. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "I thought of it!"

“You only need to take out the internal organs, fill them with grass and soil, and use special antiseptic materials to marinate them to ensure that the body does not rot. Finally, wrap it with holy gauze and seal it into the coffin. Then you can seal the soul and wait for God’s coming and guidance. "

Immorton left excitedly, not noticing at all that a few stubbles of his hair fell into the mixed sand and soil slurry, which was stirred and carved into large stone bricks by slave workers.

If one day in the future, an archaeologist finds the hair of High Priest Immorton from the big stone, he may be able to discover that the construction of the golden tower originated from the concrete pouring method.


Ki-taek is dead.

The first mummy appears.

Since then, mummies have become exclusive to the rich and powerful.

Because the process of making a mummy is extremely complicated, requiring hundreds of procedures, and the production time takes three months, and some special synthetic materials can even be obtained a year in advance.

Therefore, only the rich and powerful can enjoy the high treatment of becoming mummies.

"Mummy...that's how it came to be."


No, everything is arranged.

[Eleven thousand years ago, the construction of the three golden pagodas was completed, but the new high priest failed to wait for the arrival of God, so he read countless ancient books and materials and finally found the way to the arrival of God - the Ciou stone. 】

[10,500 BC, in the late period of the First Dynasty, the then pharaoh Montugela was very enlightened and actively learned from the Crescent people. He sent a large number of young people to study abroad in the Mesopotamia. The high priest Asukem came from the Crescent It was found in the library that the Ciou Stone is in the ruined city in the Baimu Dashui. 】

[10100 years ago, during the period of Scorpion King II of Dynasty Zero, four hundred years of imitation and learning finally allowed the Niluo River civilization to enter the industrial age. The emergence of the first deep-sea submarine made the Fayoum Temple of the former dynasty The priests saw a glimmer of hope in obtaining the magnetite. 】

Ruined city in the water.

High Priest Raimundogan obtained a broken six-sided crystal pillar.

"Your Majesty the Scorpion King, I obtained the crystal magnetite from the ruined city in the water."

Raimondogan was extremely excited.

Scorpion King II smiled with satisfaction: "The next step is up to you, Raimundogan, don't betray my trust in you."

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Raimundoan will definitely extradite the gods to the human world and help your Majesty complete the unification of Kyushu."

When the Scorpion King heard this, his blood boiled and he pointed his sword towards the east: "Xinyue, Yanhuang, Maya and Yinzhu, the leaders of the four human races, will one day surrender under my feet."

However, Scorpion King II's ambitions could not be realized.

The talented prince Narmer plotted to usurp the throne and successfully killed the Scorpion King II.

Established the First Dynasty and ushered in the Early Dynastic Period.

Raimondogan: "..."

"Your Majesty Narmer...I will bring the gods to earth for you."

Pharaoh Narmer of the First Dynasty smiled and nodded: "Let it go, Raimundogan. Whether I can live forever or not depends on you. If the gods don't come, when I die, you can go with me."

Raymond Anduo: "..."

[1050 years ago, just before Narmer was about to end his life, and Raimundogan was about to accept his fate and be buried with him, the time and space shuttle devices of the three golden towers finally responded - Enki led the remnants to arrive! 】

Enki is here?

The remnant?

It seems that he has suffered a defeat.

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