Su Fangmu.

From his personal experience, there is no doubt that he is a top genius.

In fact, in high school, he was a mediocre person, very ordinary, the kind that you can't tell apart in a crowd.

But in his senior year, Su Fangmu had a high fever for no apparent reason, and his body temperature rose to 39.3 degrees. He tried every possible way to reduce the temperature, including physical and chemical cooling, and even went to all the hospitals around him, but he still couldn't reduce the fever. So he spent his days in a daze, which directly affected his daily study and daily life. In the end, he had no choice but to apply for a leave of absence and lie at home all day long.

Then, the strange high fever lasted for three years before disappearing. Not only did it not make him stupid, but it helped him open his mind and unexpectedly awakened his photographic memory and mental calculation ability. The statement of awakening ability is rather mysterious. In fact, modern medicine classifies abnormal phenomena such as hyperthymesia as brain neurological diseases. As for quantum fragmented reading, which was once regarded as a joke, it became real in front of him.

What is quantum fragmented reading? Hold a book in your hand, hold it in a crescent shape, twist the pages with your thumb, release them one by one, and quickly pass through them. It takes about half a minute to memorize a book. Is it reasonable to memorize it to the point where you can recite it by heart? From a normal person's perspective, it is simply nonsense, but people can do it.

Regardless of whether his brain nerves are sick or not, Su Fangmu's life has been like a cheat since then.

After only repeating for three months, he was admitted to the insane asylum in the School of Mathematics of Annan University with the excellent results of the provincial college entrance examination champion. During his university studies, he repeatedly won the gold medal in the world mathematics competition. At the same time, he minored in computer science and technology engineering and successfully obtained a double bachelor's degree.

A year ago, this genius who had a bright future became infamous overnight and lost everything.

Last July.

Su Fangmu had just graduated. Due to his poor family conditions, his age was three years older than his classmates, his parents were poor and old, and they had been digging for food in the soil for a long time, and they did not make much money from farming. His sister Su Xiaonuan also had to spend money on studying. He decisively gave up the qualification for guaranteed postgraduate study and found a high-paying job to ease the family's financial situation.

An actuary position in a venture capital financial company under Tencent, with an annual salary of 5 million.

For a college student who just graduated from undergraduate school, it is simply a fantasy to become an actuary at the beginning, and to calculate the salary level with an annual salary unit, and even to make the employer offer a salary of 5 million, but Su Fangmu did it with his talent.

Su Fangmu shared the good news of getting a high-paying offer from a big company with his parents in his hometown and his sister who was studying in Annan City.

In his future plan, he will buy a car and a house in Annan City, get married and have children within three years, and bring his parents from the poor countryside to Nan'an City to live together and enjoy the joy of family.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

It was a weekend, and it was cloudy and rainy.

Annan in July was the flood season of the Huangjiang River, and the eastern region was cloudy and rainy.

Su Fangmu and his younger sister Su Xiaonuan agreed to celebrate.

But not long after Su Xiaonuan came out of school, she disappeared strangely.

Su Fangmu was like crazy, using various channels and methods to investigate, and finally found out that the disappearance of his younger sister was related to Zhang Shan, Shi Yuanjie, Amy and Luo Hao, and Qin Caiwei and Li Hongxia were inside witnesses. As for the street vendors, they watched coldly and were indifferent. If they could take action in time, even if they took out their mobile phones to call the police, there might not be any tragedy.

As for where Su Xiaonuan is now?

The word "missing" is mostly linked to death, or it is more appropriate to describe it as "no one is seen alive, no body is seen dead".

Su Fangmu speculated that his younger sister had been murdered.

At that time, he was so angry that he went to Zhang Shan and Shi Yuanjie to ask for an explanation and find the truth. However, the other party was powerful and wealthy. He was pinned to the ground by a group of bodyguards before he even met them. Then, he was bitten back and eventually spent a year in prison for trespassing and burglary.

Not long ago, he was released from prison.

When he returned to his hometown, his elderly parents, who had lived a life of honesty, had passed away. He learned from his neighbors that he was imprisoned because his younger sister disappeared unexpectedly. His parents were so sad that they cried all day long. They once brought a petition to appeal, but no one paid attention to them. They prayed to the sky and the earth but no one responded. Finally, they became sick due to worry and never got up again. Fortunately, the villagers in the same village were all related, and the local people were simple and honest. Everyone helped to arrange it together, and finally the two elders were buried in peace.

Su Fangmu was heartbroken when he learned the whole story. His anger was like a raging fire, and the word "blackening" was just right.

He had only one thought in his mind, that all the scum that caused his family to be destroyed should be cleaned up and evaporated from the world.

In fact, his anger had not been extinguished in the year in prison. He had been holding it in, waiting for the day of release. At this moment, he was not overwhelmed by anger again, but turned it into fighting spirit. He wanted revenge! How can I be a son if I don't avenge my parents and younger sister? How can I be a brother?

So, there was the shocking scene just now, which was like a ghost and god's calculation and operation, which was really eye-opening.

Chu Tiange felt sad in his heart: "When a peerless genius uses wisdom and knowledge as a weapon to strike, then a gorgeous killing feast begins."

At this moment, even Su Fangmu, whose IQ was as high as 200, could not help but stand there in a daze.

"This... is incredible..."

He is a genius, a genius who was accidentally awakened by a strange high fever, but it is still within the scope of science and can be attributed to the high degree of brain development and use, but the space-time transfer in front of him is different, which completely violates scientific cognition and common sense.

It's amazing!

He was still at the corner of the street in the previous second, and appeared in a villa in the next second. The key is that in the corner of the room, there is a sleeping... colorful phoenix?

Is this reasonable?

Is the existence of the phoenix reasonable?

Chu Tiange smiled: "Do you want to have extraordinary power?"

He believes that no one in the world can refuse extraordinary power. Everyone has a strong desire for control, an inner desire to control everything, and extraordinary power is the simplest way to fill the desire for control.

Su Fangmu suppressed his excitement and shock, and asked expectantly: "What do you need me to do?"

To be honest, Su Fangmu was moved. With mysterious abilities, he could not do whatever he wanted, but at least he could protect himself. Just like Chu Tiange said, in Zhongzhou... if he touched the red line that he should not touch, the superiors would never let him off easily.

Chu Tiange said lightly: "I am from the underworld. I need a judge. I need your loyalty, faith and your innate ability."

Su Fangmu's heart trembled violently.

What? From the underworld?

The legendary netherworld? !

"Are you the legendary..."

Chu Tiange waved his hand to interrupt Su Fangmu's conjecture. He said: "There are four judges in the underworld, the Rewarding Department, the Punishing Department, the Prosecution Department, and the Yin Law Department."

"The Yin Law Department Judge is the head of the Judge Department. What do you think?"

As smart as he is, Su Fangmu knows that it is time to be loyal.

But at this moment, he hesitated.

It's not that his faith and loyalty are valuable, or that he can't live under someone else's roof or be constrained.


Without his parents and his little sister, he seemed to be a 'lonely soul', and everything was meaningless. Even if he had extraordinary power and could protect himself, what could he do?

Everyone said: Live for yourself all your life, but in fact, who can really live for themselves?

Being alone and helpless is not something that power, money and power can replace.

Chu Tiange smiled faithfully: "I already know your concerns. If I give you a chance, a chance to change the past, can you grasp it?"

"Can the past really be changed?"

Su Fangmu's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, full of confusion, and then, his eyes slowly brightened. If someone said that he could reverse and change the established facts of the past, he would not believe it 100%, and would only regard it as nonsense, or mental illness, but the great existence in front of him might really be able to do it.

Su Fangmu asked excitedly: "Can you change the future?"

Chu Tiange shook his head.

Su Fangmu's eyes dimmed. Sure enough, even someone as great as him couldn't do it?

"I can't, but you can."

After that.

Su Fangmu raised his head suddenly: "Can I?"

"I can teleport you to the day when your sister Su Xiaonuan got into trouble, but you should be careful not to reveal too much or change too much, otherwise the original plot of the world will change together, and you will also be wiped out by the will of the world."

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Chu Tiange's words were half true and half false, but they were not alarmist. Once Su Fangmu revealed too much and changed too much in that time and space, who knows what kind of big mess would happen later.

It would be nice to recruit a top talent as a judge in the prefecture, but I don't want him to cause trouble for me.


Su Fangmu was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes.

"My Lord, I, Su Fangmu, will be loyal to you from today, unswervingly, and dedicated to you. I am willing to guard the Yinlusi of the underworld for you, stick to my job responsibilities, do my best, and sacrifice my life. Please accept my worship!"

As he said this, Su Fangmu was about to kneel down. Chu Tiange moved his mind, and no matter how hard Su Fangmu tried, his knees could not kneel down.

A man's knees are made of gold. Is it shameful to kneel down?

It's not shameful. If the other party can really go back in time and space, it will save the lives of his parents and younger sister. Let alone kneeling down and kowtowing, even if his life is taken, he will not frown.

"My underworld needs the judgment of the underworld, not the humble and servile mortal master."

Su Fangmu took a deep breath. The other party showed him great respect. He solemnly promised: "Su Fangmu, the judge of the underworld, will be loyal to the underworld and you forever."

He bowed and bent 90 degrees.

This time, Chu Tiange did not refuse.

He summoned 500 bull heads and 500 horse-faced beasts from the system.

Su Fangmu was shocked again.


Appeared out of thin air.

A group of legendary bull heads and horse faces.

Chu Tiange waved his hand, and the more than four-meter-tall bull heads and horse faces changed their appearance, which took a lot of deduction points.

Since the beastmen drawn in the lottery have cultivation levels ranging from level 6 to level 7, or even level 8, and he is only at the peak of level 4...

When his cultivation level is raised, he can use the Life Scepter to modify it by himself without spending deduction points.

Well, hurry up and practice.

"They are handed over to you to manage and arrange. In addition, inject this bottle of extraordinary potion, it can give you extraordinary abilities."

Chu Tiange gave Su Fangmu a bottle of Gene Potion III.

At the same time, he stepped forward and pointed at Su Fangmu's brow, and passed on the cultivation method of the first four levels of Yanhuang Body Refining Technique.

"Practice well, use your ability and authority well, and Annan, Jiangnan and even Zhongzhou will be judged by you to judge sin and protect justice! But remember, your authority is mainly in the underworld, and you must not easily interfere in the affairs of the world of the living."

After a pause, he continued: "The underworld office of this city is in Changtianjian in the Annan Four Mountains Scenic Area."

He stretched out his hand to open up space and led Su Fangmu to Changtianjian.

"You will work here from now on."

"The cave house next to Sanshan is Jiuge, and Jiuge and the underworld belong to the same class of forces."

Jiuge! ? !

Hiss, the other party can actually be on par with the underworld.

"Okay, get familiar with your business. There will be special people to help you complete the household registration work in this city. As long as someone dies or is about to die, you will assign soul-collecting agents to collect the spiritual consciousness and store it in the eighteen layers of hell. If there are people who are extremely evil and have committed many evil deeds, you will need to take action yourself to punish them on behalf of heaven and punish them severely!"

The destiny server, Xin Yuzhu opened up a virtual simulation world of the legendary eighteen layers of hell inside it, and imitated it one by one according to the ancient books and legends, to imprison the spiritual consciousness of those who are deeply sinful, and at the same time, it can be used for punishment and whipping, etc.

There is more than one set of destiny servers. The spiritual consciousness of those with a kind and beautiful heart will be stored in an illusory world like heaven. What is heaven? The world that everyone yearns for in their hearts, that is, heaven, is the original appearance of the game of destiny. According to personal wishes, they can open up their own spiritual world.

"You should inject the extraordinary potion first, and come to me when you have powerful abilities. Then, I will send you back to the day of July last year."

Chu Tiange left.

Su Fangmu couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Today's revenge was a relief.

As a result, he turned around and ran into the "immortal fate".

Time and fate!

He was full of gratitude in his heart, and was sincerely grateful to Chu Tiange.

"From today on, Su Fangmu is gone, only the judge of the Yin Law Department of the underworld!"

Su Fangmu looked around and was familiar with the office environment and work flow.

He has a high IQ and can associate and speculate many things.

For example, the legendary underworld is not a place where gods and ghosts come and go, and it is gloomy and terrifying. Instead, it keeps pace with the times and has a high level of scientific and technological development. You can see it from the surrounding facilities. It is full of future science fiction style and a mixture of ancient charm.

The souls were all imprisoned in a small silver box. They called the silver box the Destiny Server. As a person who had obtained a computer professional degree, he was surprised, and a bold idea came to his mind. Perhaps, people have misunderstood the underworld from the beginning.

Perhaps, the underworld is like this, and the legendary Yama Palace, Yellow Spring Road, and the Husband-Waiting Stone are purely conjectures and imaginations.

When people deal with unknown things, they always like to use wild imagination to speculate everything.

Of course, he still maintained a scientific and rigorous attitude. The underworld may not be that underworld, but a terrifying force with advanced technology and incomprehensible. From the current point of view, when it comes to the soul level... He prefers the former!

Regarding the soul consciousness body, it affects his blind spot.



After injecting Gene Agent III and successfully awakening the ability of the memory palace, Su Fangmu came to find Chu Tiange.

"My Lord, I have awakened the Memory Palace, which can store knowledge from billions of books and can also be used as a super-brain computer."

"It only enhances the original innate ability?"

Although the Memory Palace is very powerful, it is of little significance to the identity and duties of the Judge of the Underworld. You don't need to do academic research. No matter how good your memory is or how strong your calculation ability is, what's the use?

Seeing that Chu Tiange was not satisfied, Su Fangmu said hurriedly: "The memory palace has several other wonderful uses. First, it can store information in different categories and file all registered population."

"Second, when I awakened the memory palace, I realized three special mathematical formulas, a life formula, a death formula and a coupling formula."

"Using the life formula, I can calculate whether a woman can get pregnant, when and where she gets pregnant, the gender, appearance, personality and health status of the child, etc."

"And the death formula can determine the time, place and method of a person's death... At the same time, it can kill people invisibly and design a perfect death case."

"As for the coupling formula, it can deduce a person's fortune and misfortune within a period of time."

"Third, the memory palace can imprison some soul consciousness bodies for a short period of time, which is similar to the function of the destiny server group. It belongs to the mental consciousness cage type ability."

Chu Tiange's eyes lit up when he heard this. Wow, the three abilities combined into one are clearly the human brain-the book of life and death! ! !

Good, good, this is what can be called the judgment of the underworld!

Holding the "Spring and Autumn Pen, Book of Life and Death", he judges the yin and yang of the world.

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