I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 105 Rescue, Background (1/2)

Once you use the time machine to go back to the past, if you are not careful, the main time axis of the world will be displaced and a new time axis will be generated.

Therefore, Chu Tiange is worried that Su Fangmu will go alone, fearing that Su Fangmu will not be able to help but kill Shi Yuanjie and others first.

At that time, the development of the world plot will be disordered.

A new timeline will appear, which will inevitably produce a new parallel time and space. On the main time axis, everything is still consistent with the original plot development. What changes is only the dislocation result on the new timeline.

Chu Tiange said: "Disappearance does not mean death. You can make a fuss about the disappearance."

Su Fangmu nodded to show that he understood: "Okay, I know what to do, and I won't make it difficult for the master."

Su Fangmu was also afraid that a tiny action of his would cause a shocking earthquake. He was proficient in mathematics and knew that the butterfly effect was very likely to cause an event with disordered probability.

Once the butterfly effect appears and a chain reaction occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable, and there is even the possibility of triggering a large-scale destruction event.

Start the time machine.

The two arrived on July 17, 2022, a rainy weekend, with drizzle, as if it was not raining.

Su Xiaonuan, 21 years old this year, is a junior at the School of Foreign Languages ​​of Annan University. Her major is language research and application. She is quite talented in language and writing, and is proficient in thirteen conventional languages ​​and sixteen minor languages ​​in Kyushu.

Even though Su Xiaonuan is talented, she has an extremely talented brother, so her talent is slightly mediocre compared to him. If she is pulled out as a benchmark, she is also extraordinary and belongs to a first-class genius.

In fact, if Su Fangmu and Su Xiaonuan learn languages ​​together, Su Fangmu can basically master a foreign language in one day. There is no other reason, because his memory is too strong. He starts with a big dictionary, and then watches some teaching videos to verify the grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary one by one. In this way, a language can be easily mastered. As for the details of the language, such as slang colloquialisms and idioms, just practice them in the language usage environment.

But there is one thing, Su Xiaonuan is a hundred times better than her brother.


Su Xiaonuan is very beautiful, or very pure and beautiful, with eyes like autumn water, clean, clear, bright, and not polluted by the world. The lotus in the article "Love Lotus" probably looks like this.

But Su Fangmu is not like that. Although he is not ugly, he is definitely not handsome. He can only be said to have regular features, a cold temperament, and a strange aura.

Chu Tiange: "Your sister is prettier than you."

Su Fangmu: "..."

"Let's follow her and see what's going on."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Su Fangmu suppressed his excitement. He had been separated from his younger sister for a year. He thought that he was separated by life and death in the Yin and Yang worlds, but he didn't expect to meet again one day.

Thinking about it, two tears appeared in his eyes.

The two followed Su Xiaonuan 200 meters away, which was not easy to be discovered, nor would they be lost.

At this moment.

A Jinbei van followed Su Xiaonuan slowly.

"They have been targeting your sister since the beginning. This is a premeditated kidnapping."

"I only investigated for half a month before I was imprisoned. I found too little useful information. I still don't know what they want to do."

"Let's take a look first. As for the specific reasons, you can interrogate them when you go back."

In the Eighteen Hells-type destiny server, there are the spiritual consciousness bodies of Shi Yuanjie and the other four. As long as Su Fangmu imposes a little punishment, he is not afraid that Shi Yuanjie and the other four will not confess honestly.

Follow all the way.

Came to the Shugang Street District that Su Fangmu will never forget.

Su Xiaonuan happened to meet Qin Caiwei, who was a tutor in the Mid-Levels Villa District.

Tutors in the Mid-Levels Villa District are the most coveted part-time jobs for students at Annan University. There is no other reason. The salary is high, one thousand yuan an hour, while other part-time jobs only make a dozen or twenty yuan an hour, and if you want to earn more, you have to be exhausted.

"What a coincidence, Caiwei, are you working part-time?"

"Yes, I'm tutoring two children from a rich family in foreign languages. By the way, Xiaonuan, how about you? Are you working part-time, too?"

Su Xiaonuan smiled and said, "My brother rents a house nearby. He just got a good offer, so he asked me to come celebrate with him. Otherwise, let's go together. It's more lively with more people."

Qin Caiwei shook her head and declined, "Sorry, Xiaonuan, I have an appointment with my boyfriend tonight..."

At this time, a Jinbei van slowly drove through the street. There was no way. There were too many people on both sides of the road. There were all kinds of small vendors. The small stalls were along the curb and filled the entire sidewalk. Some stalls even occupied the non-motor vehicle lane.

Once the urban management came to check, the vendors immediately wrapped their clothes in cloth, packed their bags and turned to leave. When the urban management left, they turned back and spread the cloth and continued to shout and sell.

The sky was gloomy and it was about to rain again. In the flood season area of ​​the middle and lower reaches of the Huangjiang River, there were cloudy days for more than half a month in July. It rained for a while, stopped for a while, intermittently, and endlessly.

But a touch of lingering misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River was intoxicating.

Under the gaze of Su Fangmu and Chu Tiange, two big men in suits came out of the van and ran straight towards Su Xiaonuan.

The two big men held Su Xiaonuan on the left and right.


"What do you want to do?"



Su Xiaonuan screamed in panic.

In full view of the public!

audacious in the extreme!

Su Fangmu's eyes turned red and he clenched his fists tightly.

Chu Tiange stepped forward and patted Su Fangmu, admonishing: "Please hold back first, don't be too impulsive. If you step forward to stop him at this time, a series of changes may occur in the subsequent events."

Su Fangmu nodded heavily and responded in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Lord, I am very rational now and will not be impulsive anymore."

They hijacked Su Xiaonuan, stuffed her into the car, and drove away.

The sudden scene scared Qin Caiwei so much that she quickly took out her mobile phone to call the police. Li Hongxia, the sanitation aunt at the side, stopped Qin Caiwei with quick eyes and quick hands.

"Girl, I know you are kind-hearted, but if you don't want to be like her, it's best not to call the police, or someone may die!"

Qin Caiwei's face turned pale, "But, but...she is my classmate..."


Li Hongxia shook her head: "Classmates are nothing. In the face of life, no one can do anything."

"Listen to me and don't call the police, otherwise the consequences will be serious. They dare to do such a thing in front of others. Obviously they are not afraid of people knowing. If you let them know that you reported the crime, think about what will happen to you."

Qin Caiwei was silent, hesitated, and silently put away her phone.

Chu Tiange's eyes were slightly cold: "Blatant and extremely arrogant!"

"It's sad. Looking at the entire scene, no one reported the crime?"

Su Fangmu sneered: "They are all afraid of getting into trouble. Yes, this matter has nothing to do with them. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Everyone is in danger, and no one can care about your life or death."

Chu Tiange sighed softly. He did not dare to make any judgments about human nature. He only said: "This Li Hongxia is so timid that she actually stopped her from calling the police. No wonder you set her up and taught her a lesson. "

The van drove to the suburbs.

Su Xiaonuan was handed over to Luo Hao, a frozen seafood truck driver, who pulled him out of the city to the East Bay Pier.

One hundred thousand at a time, cash on delivery.

On the road.

In the cargo compartment, there was a truck full of frozen fish and shrimp. Su Xiaonuan struggled hard with his hands and feet bound, and with tape taped on his mouth, he couldn't move even if he shouted for help.

The most important thing is that even if a car of fish and shrimp is frozen, it still exudes a strong fishy smell.

It went straight into her head and nose, it was disgusting, and she almost fainted.

She is still confused and scared.

Why did those big men in suits kidnap her?

She is just a very ordinary female college student with no enemies, no money, no background, and almost nothing...


Beautiful without knowing it!

Road inspection ahead.

Luo Hao's small box of goods was stopped.

"Comrade, routine inspection."

Su Xiaonuan realized that the opportunity had come.

"Uh huh..."

She used all her strength to struggle and roar. Even if she could only make a whine, she could be rescued as long as the traffic police paid attention.

Luo Hao said with a smile: "It's just a box of frozen fish!"

As he spoke, he opened a rear door.

There was a fishy smell that hit my nostrils.

The traffic policeman hurriedly took a few steps back and waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go."

"Okay, thank you."

Luo Hao left the suburban testing station calmly.

Su Xiaonuan in the carriage was desperate, her only chance was gone.


The rural intersection ahead.

The two came out of the void.

Chu Tiange's thoughts moved, and a hole suddenly opened in front of the truck. The driver Luo Hao's consciousness sank, his eyesight turned black, and he was unconscious on the spot.

The truck instantly appeared on a deserted beach a hundred kilometers away.

"Go ahead."

"Thank you, Lord."

Full of expectations, Su Fangmu opened the back door of the carriage and opened the frozen fish and shrimp. When he saw Su Xiaonuan, who was tied up with tears on his face, his eyes turned red.

"Uh huh..."

Su Xiaonuan was shocked when she heard the car door opened and shrank back in fright. When she opened her eyes, she was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Saved! Brother is here to save her!

Su Fangmu stepped forward to untie the rope and tore off the tape on the little girl's mouth.

"Brother!!! Wuwuwu... I'm so scared... Wuwu... I thought I would spend the rest of my life..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I'm here to save you. No one in the world can hurt you. Even if I try my best, I won't let you get hurt at all!"


Su Xiaonuan sobbed in frustration.

It took Su Fangmu a long time to coax her.

"Brother, why did they kidnap me? I have no money and no power."

"I investigated for half a month a year ago and only found out the mastermind and executor behind it. I don't know the specific reason. The only possibility is that you are good-looking."

Su Fangmu frowned.

When Su Xiaonuan on the side heard this, she was dumbfounded and said in surprise: "A year ago? Brother, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I am your future brother, not your current brother. I will explain to you in detail later. Come with me first and I will take you to meet a noble person."

Su Xiaonuan: "???"

"What kind of brother is this? I'm confused. Brother, what on earth are you talking about? What kind of noble person are you?"

Mid-level villa area.

A roadster roared past.

Stopped in front of a villa.

Zhang Shan said to Amy, the car model he had just hunted, "Wait for me in the car for a while, and I'll go give something to an elder."

Amy nodded and took out the makeup mirror to touch up her makeup, as if there were always imperfections on a heavily made-up face.

In the big villa.

"Uncle Shi, my mother has prepared everything you want. Please check the goods first."

Zhang Shan handed a password box to Shi Yuanjie.

Shi Yuanjie asked his subordinates to open the box and try the taste.

The subordinate tasted it, spit it out, and responded to Shi Yuanjie: "Boss, it's ninety-nine degrees pure!"

Shi Yuanjie nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, not bad. The shares belonging to you and your mother have been transferred to overseas accounts. Please check them carefully."

"Thank you Uncle Shi."

"Don't go back at noon, let's go to our restaurant for dinner together."

Shi Yuanjie patted Zhang Shan on the shoulder.

Zhang Shan said jokingly: "It's okay to go to the Shijia Hotel to eat, but you can't let them add ingredients to the meal."

"You know nothing about your kid. It only tastes good if you add some ingredients. It doesn't hurt."

Shi Yuanjie received a batch of goods and was in a good mood. He said, "When will my useless son be half as capable as you? I won't have to work so hard."

"What Uncle Shi said, I just followed my mother and started a small fight. It doesn't matter. Besides, Long Rui hasn't graduated yet. There will be a lot of opportunities for growth in the future. If you give him two more years, he will definitely be able to stand alone." one side."

Shi Yuanjie smiled: "I hope so."

An extended version of the Mercedes-Benz drove towards the Shijia Hotel.

inside the car.

Shi Yuanjie narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Xiao Shan, do you want to open up some new routes?"

"Uncle Shi, what do you mean?"

"I have a friend in the southern region. If you want to open a new line, I will take the lead for you. Currently, your mother only has one line. Once the supply is cut off, you will have to drink from the northwest wind. It’s not a big deal if you can’t make money, but if you piss off all your old customers, everything will be lost.”

Zhang Shan was silent for a moment, hesitated again and again, and asked: "Are the resources reliable?"

"Could Uncle Shi lie to you?"

Zhang Shan gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll do it!"

In this world, no one can live with money? !

"His name is Kunsha. He has a popular preference. You have to prepare it in advance."

As he said that, Shi Yuanjie glanced at Amy.

Amy shrank back. Shi Yuanjie was almost like an old fox. His every frown and smile were really scary, giving people the feeling of a smiling tiger, which made people shudder.

Zhang Shan understood immediately and said with a smile: "It's easy to say, as long as you have money, you can have as much as you want, and you can have whatever you want."

"No, no, no, you are wrong. Kunsha's taste is extremely high, pure and beautiful, and he will not take anything except the best. But it is not what you said. You can have whatever you want."

Zhang Shan frowned: "Young actors can perform that kind of effect, there are too few natural existences..."

Shi Yuanjie showed a fox-like smile: "Xiao Shan, you must take it seriously when you choose what you like, otherwise it is easy to choose the wrong thing. Kunsha is a local emperor, big and small. What kind of things have you not experienced? Do you really want to split one?" New Line, I advise you, don’t try to fool around with things. If you want to do something, do it to the best of your ability. Otherwise, don’t do it. Even if you spend money on it, it will work wonders!”

Zhang Shan knew in his heart that if he wanted to get things done without spending any effort, he might not be able to do it.

"Uncle Shi, please show me a clear path."

"You matured too early, and you just like the smell of dust and fireworks."

With that said, Shi Yuanjie glanced at Amy again.

Amy: "..."

Shi Yuanjie continued with a smile: "My son is better than you at this point."

Zhang Shan was stunned when he heard this and suddenly understood: "College student!?"


"It's a coincidence that my subordinate has found a good one and has been preparing for it for several months. It just so happened that she left school today... Originally, I wanted to give her to Kunsha as a favor, but now you need her more than me. , I’ll give it to you, but it won’t be for nothing. When you and Kunsha get on the line, your Dasheng Group’s fleet will lend me one for a month. I have a batch of goods overseas that I need to sell..."

Say it.

Shi Yuanjie showed the photo to Zhang Shan. Zhang Shan glanced at it and said in shock: "Su Xiaonuan?"

Shi Yuanjie raised his eyebrows: "What? Do you know him?"

Zhang Shan nodded: "I have been chasing him for a long time a while ago, but I never got the chance. Unexpectedly, you beat me to it."

"It shows that you have good taste. Okay, she should have arrived at the pier now. Let's go have dinner first, and then go see her after dinner."

Shi Yuanjie stood up and patted Zhang Shan on the shoulder.

"Okay, everything is up to you."

Zhang Shan rubbed his palms.

As for Amy, she didn't dare to speak at all, otherwise, she might be thrown into the river for being too talkative.

I didn't see them. They were all big men in suits, with bulging waists, and they were extremely tough.

On the deserted beach.

Su Xiaonuan's eyes widened and her mouth opened wide, looking in disbelief.

"So, in the original timeline, I was probably dead, and you two traveled from August 2023 in the future to July 2022 now?"

"That's right."

"Brother, you're not afraid that I'll have a shadow in my heart and deliberately make up stories to make me happy, are you?"

Su Fangmu: "..."

"Okay, believe your brother. He spent a year in jail for you and suffered a lot. Do you believe it or not?"

Chu Tiange stretched out his hand and grasped it, and a blue thunder dragon jumped out of his palm.

He threw it into the sea.


It exploded like thunder from the sky, and water splashed seven or eight meters high.

Su Xiaonuan's pupils narrowed and she took a breath: "Hiss!!!"

"Okay, you two brothers and sisters can chat first. I'll give you one day. Tomorrow morning, I'll come to pick you up."

As smart as he is, Su Fangmu immediately understood the real meaning of Chu Tiange giving him one more day - to save his parents!

As long as his parents are not sad and in pain, they will not fall ill or die.

Su Fangmu bowed deeply and pulled Su Xiaonuan to bow and thank him: "Thank you for your mercy, Lord!"

Chu Tiange waved his hand, and a box full of banknotes appeared out of thin air.

"Settle your family first, and remember not to interfere too much in the world's plot."

"Fangmu always keeps this in mind."

Chu Tiange waved his hand, and the truck disappeared out of thin air. He turned around again and disappeared without a trace.

Su Xiaonuan said stupidly: "Brother, I seem to have seen a fairy."

Su Fangmu shook his head helplessly: "I only have one day to go back home."

Su Fangmu left with a box of cash in one hand and his silly sister in the other.


Luo Hao suddenly shook his head and shuddered, as if he had just had a strange dream, but he couldn't remember what happened in the dream.

He immediately broke out in a cold sweat. Drivers are most afraid of falling asleep while driving. If they are not careful, the car will be destroyed and people will die.


A large semi-trailer behind the car honked, urging him to drive faster.

Luo Hao shook his head. Maybe he was too tired last night. He couldn't stay up late anymore. He was old. He would stop after finishing a few more orders.


"When you reach middle age, you have no choice but to soak wolfberries in a thermos cup."

He stepped on the accelerator and drove to the dock.

A dock in the East Bay.

"Where's the goods?"

"Where's the goods?!!!"

"Did you eat the goods?"

Luo Hao was sweating on his forehead and flattered: "Boss, please listen to my explanation..."

"What's the explanation? My people gave you the goods, and now you lost the goods for me. What do you want me to do?"

Shi Yuanjie looked very unhappy.

Zhang Shan shrugged: "It's okay, Uncle Shi. The monk can run away, but the temple cannot. As long as Su Xiaonuan goes to school in Annan, she can't run away."

Shi Yuanjie snorted: "Since Uncle Shi has promised you this, he can't say he can't do it. Three days later, I will find a new source for you, and I guarantee that you and Khun Sa will be connected."


Chu Tiange used the time machine to come to the day when he was abandoned in the welfare home 20 years ago.

That is, March 10, 2003.

March 10 is his birthday, but not his birthday.

This day is the day when Pei Shaoyu, the director of the welfare home, picked him up.

He came to the welfare home and waited for his parents to arrive.

Waited and waited.

He didn't see his biological parents.


At this time.

A nurse suddenly shouted: "Director Pei, come quickly!"

"What's wrong?"

Director Pei ran over in a hurry.

Push open the door and take a look.

A baby in a swaddling cloth was sleeping in a stroller.

"Where did the child come from?"

"I don't know. He appeared in the blink of an eye."

The nurse shook her head.

Dean Pei smiled bitterly: "Some parents... Oh, never mind. From today on, he is a member of our Annan Welfare Home."

"Dean, there is a note."

"Let me take a look."

There were only three words on the note: Chu, Tian, ​​Ge!

Chu Tiange was stunned.

"How is it possible?"

The handwriting was exactly the same as his.

He didn't believe it, so he turned on the time machine and traveled again, and stayed in the baby's room.

The result.

"Dean, come and see."

The voice of the nurse came from a bedroom next door.

Chu Tiange's pupils shrank, and his expression changed.

Come again!

He came to the corridor in front of the two rooms, and his mental power covered the entire welfare home.

But soon.

Another nurse yelled in the women's restroom: "Director!!!"

Chu Tiange: "..."

It's true that his mental power covers the entire welfare home, but he subconsciously staggered his mental power because a nurse was using the restroom.

As a result, baby Chu Tiange appeared!


[Sorry host, the main world is not a deductive space-time, so the specific truth cannot be obtained. ]


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