

Two brothers lived in a farm ten miles away.

Song Yingsheng and Song Yingxing.

The two brothers were definitely outstanding people in the local area, no, no, no, they were outstanding people among the descendants of Yan and Huang!

The two brothers took the provincial examination at a young age, one ranked third in the province, and the other ranked sixth in the province, and won the title of Juren.

Later, the two excitedly went to Zhili to take the joint examination, but the national politics was controlled by treacherous officials at that time, so they failed the examination repeatedly and were out of the list.

However, Juren can also serve in various positions.

Start from the ninth or eighth rank.

Unlike Jinshi, they usually start from the seventh rank or the seventh rank, and even those who won the first place in the first place start from the sixth rank.

The eldest brother Song Yingsheng started as a small county magistrate, climbed up step by step, had political achievements as an official, and had great fame. Later, he was promoted to the prefect of the provincial government.

Song Yingxing's official life was not smooth, but his unsatisfactory life was all because he did not want to do it. He worked in education for several years and was a county teacher, which was roughly equivalent to the head of the county education bureau. However, he was not a high-ranking official at that time, but he also received a salary from the court. Later, he was evaluated as an eighth-rank official, in charge of a prefecture's prison, which was equivalent to the warden of a provincial prison.

Later, he was promoted to the prefecture, and then... After the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the new power gave Song Yingxing a high official position and generous salary, but Song Yingxing declined.

The two brothers were promoted to the fifth rank. After the fall of the Ming Dynasty, the two brothers had no interest in officialdom, resigned, returned to their hometown, and engaged in farming.

Among them, Song Yingxing's unsatisfactory official career led to his achievements in science and academics.

Academic products such as Tiangong Kaiwu, Lunqi, Luntian... have a great influence on the times and future generations.

In particular, Tiangong Kaiwu can be called a masterpiece.

It contains knowledge in physics, mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, philosophy, agriculture, biology and other fields.

It can be called the encyclopedia of handicrafts in the Ming Dynasty.

He inherited Zhang Zai's academic work, materialism! The naive bud of materialism and dialectics.

Who is Zhang Zai? An academic giant, the most widely circulated is the four sentences of Hengqu, which are to establish the heart for heaven and earth, to establish the destiny for the people, to inherit the lost knowledge for the past saints, and to open peace for all generations!


"Sir, according to the comparison between ancient and modern maps, it should be the village in front."

Su Fangmu glanced at the map and looked at the village in front.

This village is not small, with at least 200 households, and it is definitely a large clan in the local area.

All the people in the village are surnamed Song, and the main family is the big manor of the two brothers of the Song family.

The two Song Mansions.

Chu Tiange and Su Fangmu both wore ancient Hanfu costumes, plain and gorgeous, and they were not ordinary people at first glance.

"During this period, the society was turbulent, Xijiang Province was full of mountains, and the main force of the northern expedition was in the plains, which made the mountainous part of Xijiang a good place to live."

"The Song family did not become prosperous because of the two Songs. Their ancestors were also officials and belonged to a family of scholars and officials."

After all, advanced knowledge is always in the hands of a few people.

Even today, with the prosperity of science and technology and modern society, real knowledge will not be publicly popularized. What can be promoted in education is always marginal knowledge, and the talents cultivated are all subject to the same standardized education.

The two Songs can go to private schools, official schools, read books, and take civil service exams. They are not ordinary people.

Su Fangmu arrived at the gate of the Song Mansion: "Please inform him that we two are here to visit Mr. Chang Geng."

The doorman shook his head: "My second master is not in the mansion at the moment. From your Zhili accent, you must have come from the north. Are you here to invite my master to serve as an official?"

In the late Ming Dynasty, Mandarin was basically close to the official language and elegant language. The ancient pronunciation of this period was different from the official language of later generations, but it was not too big.

Su Fangmu was stunned and nodded: "Yes, we are from the capital. We came to visit the master and want to invite him to serve as an official."

The doorman's eyes were full of contempt: "Then you will have made a wasted trip. My master said that any messenger from the capital will not be seen!"

At this time, Chu Tiange stepped forward and controlled his mind.

"Where is your master?"

"In the upper river of Zhuangzi."

"Okay, thank you."

Chu Tiange took Su Fangmu away.

The doorman woke up in a daze, and couldn't help but be confused, "What happened to me just now? I feel like I fell asleep? Wait, where are the two envoys from the capital just now?"

The doorman looked for a long time, but there was no trace of them. He shook his head and turned back to the mansion.

In the farmland along the Shanghe River.

The Song Yingxing brothers led the tenants in the farm to do farming.

"This vegetable called chili is a top-grade delicacy for removing dampness and heat."

Song Yingxing held up a chili and introduced to the tenants how to plant and take care of it.

Then he distributed the seeds.

The people of Xijiang in later generations can eat spicy food, which may be due to this.

"I'm going to the metallurgical workshop later. I'm going to make a water tanker to achieve unmanned ditch irrigation and water level measurement balance..."

The eldest brother Song Yingsheng was mediocre in academics, but he had strong management ability as an official. Even the Fengxin County Magistrate had to respectfully call Song Yingsheng a teacher when he met him.

The two brothers were chatting with the tenants in the farm, and from time to time they could hear a hearty laugh.

"Master, Master, it's hot, you two go under the shed and have a cup of cold tea to cool down."

The housekeeper said.

Song Yingsheng nodded: "Okay."

Song Yingxing and his eldest brother Song Yingsheng walked side by side.

Song Yingxing said in a deep voice: "The war in the north is tense, the Southern Ming will be destroyed, and the Qing army will enter the pass... Hey."

Song Yingsheng's originally happy face turned gloomy.

"The country is destroyed but the mountains and rivers remain. I, Song Yingsheng, am willing to die with the country..."

"Brother, don't be determined to die. The country was destroyed by long-term weakness. One day, the descendants of Yan and Huang will surely rebuild the country, dominate the land of Zhongzhou, and glorify the glory of our ancestors!"

At this time.

A voice of praise came from behind the two brothers: "Mr. Chang Geng has a very good attitude and a unique vision. Yes, within the next three hundred years, the blood of Yan and Huang will be revived and glorify the land of Jiuzhou. Within a hundred years, Zhongzhou will be like a dragon and a tiger, soaring into the sky and traveling around the world!"

The two brothers turned around suddenly.

The leader was eight feet tall, slender, with a face like a crown of jade, lips like painted fat, eyes like bright stars, what a handsome young man in the world, with a strong aura all over his body, not like an ordinary person.

The other person, although his appearance was ordinary, but with a pair of sharp eyes and a rebellious look, he had a face that was upright and vicissitudes of life.

"You two... are from the capital?"

Song Yingsheng narrowed his eyes.

"We two are from four hundred years later."

Song Yingxing brothers: "..."

Chu Tiange didn't explain too much.

He took the brothers directly to today four hundred years later.


The brothers were shocked.

"Four hundred years later."

Chu Tiange handed the history book to the brothers.

The two opened the history book with doubt and took a closer look.

Seeing their own fate and historical evaluation, they felt sad and read on.

"The Tartars are hateful!"

Then he turned on the page.

Finally, the glorious moment of Zhongzhou came.

The brothers applauded.

Chu Tiange played the TV.

"Plane, cannon... By the way, Mr. Chang Geng once said that sound is transmitted by air. Today, it has been confirmed that air is a medium for sound transmission."

"Today, science is flourishing, and people's material life is rich and colorful. Although spiritual life is a little lacking, we are improving it!"

The Song Yingxing brothers trembled with excitement: "This is the era that our descendants of Yan and Huang should have!"

"The young have someone to rely on, the old have someone to take care of, everyone can go to school, everyone has the opportunity to learn knowledge, and everyone can eat and wear warm clothes...Hahaha, even if today's experience is a dream, it should be clear!"

Song Yingxing and his brother laughed heartily.

Chu Tiange was silent for a long time. When the two brothers calmed down, he said, "This is not a dream. I will find you four hundred years later for one thing. Join Jiuge and become my companion to fight for Yanhuang and for mankind!"

"I will provide you with a bigger platform, a big stage to show your talents. On this big stage, you will have endless life and realize your life ideals."

"Moreover, the human race is not safe now. It may be destroyed at any time because we are being targeted. Our homeland has become a target. Countless arrows from the universe are shooting at us!"

"Therefore, Tiange invites you to join Jiuge to save the human race and the world together!"

The Song Yingxing brothers looked at each other and said, "Although we cannot understand what it means for our homeland to become the bull's eye, as the descendants of Yanhuang, we are willing to do our part for our homeland."

"Thank you for your help, gentlemen!"



Still, Ming Dynasty.

Li Shizhen.


"Hello, sir."

"Stretch out your arm, I'll take your pulse first."

Li Shizhen said without raising his head.

Chu Tiange shrugged and stretched out his arm.

Li Shizhen frowned: "Your pulse is strong and powerful, which is rare in the world. You are not sick and very healthy..."

As he said that, Li Shizhen looked up at Chu Tiange.

Chu Tiange smiled and bowed: "I am here to invite you to join Jiuge?"

"Jiuge? What is Jiuge? Why should I join Jiuge? I am just a doctor. Patients need me, so I come to see them. That's all."

After that, Li Shizhen turned around and waved his hand: "Next."

Chu Tiange was not in a hurry, and only said: "Sir, saving one person is also saving, saving the world is also saving, why don't you try to save the world?"

Li Shizhen was puzzled: "What do you mean? How to save the world? Doctors are kind-hearted. If I can save one person, I will save one person. If I can save the world, I will save the world!"

"Please follow me, sir."

He waved his hand and came to the afterlife.


"Four hundred years later, medical technology and biology are developed... This era is the era that doctors should yearn for. This era also faces severe tests. Sir, saving one person is a good deed, saving millions of people is a great good deed. There is no difference between small good deeds and great good deeds, but if you can save more people, I believe you should choose great good deeds."

"How can I do it? I am just a doctor."

"You can't do it alone."

"But we have elites from all dynasties behind us, and the support of countless descendants of Yanhuang!"

"Medical biology is an important branch of science, and it is even more important to humans. Therefore, sir, please!"

Li Shizhen and Chu Tiange looked at each other seriously for a long time, and suddenly laughed out loud: "Okay, I understand."


Ming Dynasty. ŴŴŴ.

Xu Guangqi.

Ming Dynasty.

Gu Yanwu.

Ming Dynasty.

Liu Bowen.


From the Ming Dynasty, to the Song Dynasty, to the Tang Dynasty... all the way to the pre-Qin philosophers.

All those who can be won over have been won over.

Military generals, counselors, scientists... as long as they are talented and have left a mark in history, they all have the opportunity to join Jiuge, join the underworld, and work hard for the cause of all mankind.

After Zhongzhou invited ancient and modern people, Western sages did not give up, and all the famous scientists were recruited.

The organizational structure of Jiuge and Difu is increasingly improving.

Only such Nine Songs and Underworld can be called transcendent, a great force that spans the long history of mankind.

However, history itself is also quietly changing.

Many history books are unable to give the year of death of some famous people.

Take the Song brothers for example.

Song Yingsheng died in 1646. He committed suicide by taking medicine due to the destruction of his country.

As for Song Yingxing, he simply disappeared from the world.

Only date of birth, no date of death.

Therefore, the history books become: [Song Yingxing (1587——?) A famous scientist in the Ming Dynasty...]

The structure of Jiuge and the underworld is becoming complete.

The wind of spiritual energy revival blows across the land of Zhongzhou, and flowers bloom all over the country.

This is a trend of the times.

A trend of the times that no one can stop.

In an ordinary residential area in the East District of Annan City.

The boy has loved reading martial arts fantasy novels and fairy tale TV series since he was a child.

The moment the practice method was officially announced, he was sure that the spiritual energy was about to revive.

He listened carefully to the three exercises, memorized them by heart, and observed the green plants in the community.

Sure enough, within half a month after the official announcement of the exercise, the growth rate of the plants was far faster than before.

"The spiritual energy has revived."

"I, Long Aotian, will definitely be proud of the world!"

One night.

Breathing and breathing techniques produce a sense of Qi.

"I am indeed a genius."

Long Aotian felt strong and grabbed the glass in front of him.

There was a crisp sound and the glass shattered.

"Hahaha, I want to share the news. I, Long Aotian, want to become the man of the God of War."

Finally, I took a look online.

"Oh my God, I can really develop the sense of Qi!!"

"I spent an hour practicing the sense of Qi."

“I feel like I’m rubbish for taking half an hour.”

"Can you say goodbye to Versailles? It took me four or five hours to touch the door of Qi."

"Sense of Qi? Isn't it something that comes with just practicing?"

Saw the information online.

Long Aotian instantly shut himself up.

It took him just one night... to develop his sense of energy! ? ? !

It turns out that the clown is himself.

In early November, the martial arts administration and the martial arts association were officially established.

The Martial Arts Association has no management or judicial power, but it has all rights except management and judicial power, such as resource allocation, martial arts scheduling, certification management, and event hosting, etc.

Gao Liangjiang concurrently serves as the head of the Martial Arts Administration, and Zhang Laodao serves as the president of the Martial Arts Association.

The establishment of Wushu University successfully implemented the education system at all levels in Zhongzhou, and established Wushu University on a provincial basis.

At the same time, various localities are encouraged to establish public and private martial arts gyms, but they need to register with the Martial Arts Administration and the Martial Arts Association.

Judicial requirements require that warriors must not fight privately or attack ordinary people. If warriors fight, they can only fight in public and under the ruling of the Martial Arts Association.

Xia uses force to break the ban. This point must be eliminated from the beginning.

Since then, martial arts has spread across Zhongzhou.

"It's time for me to do space-time deduction too."

Chu Tiange murmured to himself.

His next deduction has three directions.

First, based on the current world, it is bound to be a world where martial arts flourish.

Second, the derivation of mountains and seas. This copy has been saved and has not been deduced yet.

The third is to open a new copy and intercept a deduction of a certain copy.

"As early as half a month ago, the system has been upgraded to 4.0, and the scope has been expanded to the entire galaxy... In this case, let's deduce the mountains and seas first."

[Will the deduction begin today? 】


[Please select the direction of deduction. 】

"Retrieve a copy of Shanhai·Original Chapter for deduction."

[Okay host, the deduction begins...]

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