I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 142: Strange Beasts in Mountains and Seas (1/2)

A magnificent scene slowly unfolded before our eyes.

Continuing the magnificent chapter of Beiming Xiaoyaoyou.

There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty. Its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that it cannot be thousands of miles away...

A little catfish with a fat head turned into the mythical Kunpeng by chance and traveled freely between heaven and earth.

"Aqua Blue Star, the original world of mountains and seas."

Chu Tiange let out a breath of exhaustion. The scene in front of him was so refreshing, like running on the prairie, and the open mind brought by the endless open field of vision.

[Host, please be prepared. This time of space-time deduction, the timeline involves hundreds of millions of years. 】

"Billions of years...Okay, let's deduce it."

[The deduction begins. 】

The picture has not changed much, and it still features the absolute only protagonist of this period.


[The original Tang Lanxing cultivated countless alienated beasts and monsters, but most of the resources were controlled by Kunpeng. It was not until one hundred thousand years later that a whale fell, all things came into being, Kunpeng grew old, and the era of strange beasts in the mountains and seas officially began. 】




Kunpeng was mourning, and the sound shook the sky.

It is the overlord of an era.

Its reign is coming to an end.

The sky is gloomy.

The wind blows and the clouds roll.


With a thunderous roar, heavy rain fell from the sky.

It seems to be playing its final tragic chapter.

Finally, it couldn't hold on any longer.


It attempts to transform into a Peng and fly again, gallop through the nine heavens and travel around the world once more.

But, it's too old and it can't do that.

Its huge body sank and fell.


Falling into the sea.

Those alien beasts that have been eyeing this day have been waiting for this day for a long, long time.


It let out the last hysterical roar between heaven and earth.

The beasts rush wildly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was covered and devoured by countless strange beasts...

A sea area was covered in blood.

"The beginning of the era of mountains and seas with strange beasts."

"The blue star is the primordial pool of life, and the sea water is the primordial life soup. In such a life soup that breeds infinite vitality, how long will the alien beasts thrive?"

【Three hundred million years. 】


Chu Tiange frowned: "Can you speed up?"

Extrapolating 300 million years is too outrageous.

[Good host, the deduction is accelerating...]

"Wait, what I mean is to speed up the evolution of the alien beasts."

"Their evolution speed is too slow. It actually takes 300 million years. The world has changed a lot. Even if you speed up the deduction, I still have to go through 300 million years in the deduction world. Endless years are too long."

That's right, in every deduction, he actually experienced the endless years of the entire deduction time and space, and to the system, it was just one sentence, "How many years later, or how many years ago."

[The host can choose to intervene in the time and space of this deduction to speed up the evolution of the alien beasts. 】


Chu Tiange pondered for a moment, stretched out his hand, and ten bottles of life liquid appeared in front of him: "The fundamental reason why the alien beasts evolve slowly is that there are too few resources. The total amount of life liquid in the primitive soup is too small. To put it bluntly, the total amount is only one bottles, and if we give them ten more bottles..."

As he spoke, he opened the ten ampoules one by one, poured them into the group of alien beasts who were sharing their food, and scattered them on Kunpeng's huge corpse.

roar! roar! roar!

After those alien beasts swallowed the rich life liquid, their organic matter became molecules.

The scene of snatching and sharing food came to an abrupt end, and countless strange beasts turned into powder particles, merged into the sea, and disappeared without a trace.

"Next, how long does it take to evolve, how long does it take to go from the primitive soup pool to the world of mountains and seas."

【Twenty-seven million years. 】

"Let's start the deduction."

[Due to the intervention of the host, ten bottles of life liquid were poured into the Blue Star primordial soup pool, and the perfect organic life pheromones exploded. In just one hundred years, a group of ninth-level creatures appeared. 】

"Hey, it's a level nine creature right from the start, okay, okay."

Groan! ! !

A blue dragon leaps up from the East China Sea, hovering between heaven and earth, flying freely, turning over clouds and raining, swallowing clouds and spitting out mist.

The blue dragon is ten thousand meters long, very majestic, with a vigorous posture and an unparalleled steed.

Moo! ! !


There is a giant turtle with a dragon's head and an eagle's beak, carrying a cold black water snake on its back, with four pillars holding up the sky, threatening all directions.

Chirp! ! !

In the south, there is a big mountain, standing near the sea. There is a big tree in the mountain, named Wutong. There are many exotic birds in the Wutong forest.

They are the first batch of exotic animals to come ashore.

Similar to the period of human civilization in which Archaeopteryx and the alienated race are speculated.

Chirp! ! !

Birds flock to the phoenix.

There is a phoenix perched on the sycamore tree, and there are nine chicks on the sycamore tree, including Qingluan, Lanhuang, Dapeng, and Peacock...

Should have.

However, at the top of the treetop, there is not a phoenix, but a big fiery red bird. It is covered with brilliant flaming feathers, like a bright sun. If you get even slightly closer to it, you will feel the heat.


The west.

roar! ! !

This is the first continent among the primitive mountains and seas, and it is also the only continent at present.

A large tiger with a clear white forehead and a colorful face roared up to the sky, announcing its sole dominance of the continent.

This group of terrestrial creatures were not born in the primordial soup from the beginning, but they relied on the primordial soup to survive.

They drank the nutritious water of the primitive soup and ate the aquatic beasts bred in the primitive soup. Over time, they gradually became stronger.

"The green dragon in the east, the white tiger in the west, the black basalt in the north, the red bird in the south..."

Buzz! ! !

A strange roar resounded through the sky and came from the waters.

Chu Tiange turned around and came to the vast sea.

A ferocious beast slapped a powerful aquatic beast to death with one slap.

In a crazy fight and devouring.

For a long time.

No more beasts appeared in such a large water area.

"Mo Qilin, the first Qilin in the world."

Amphibious beasts, and an important stage and link in the evolution of primitive Tangchi aquatic creatures to terrestrial creatures.

Five nine-level beasts came together, and the conquest of mountain and sea beasts officially began.

"The emergence of the king's leadership and territorial consciousness is the essence of biological conquest and occupation, more or less because of a resource, in the final analysis because of two words, live!"

Whether it is the human race or all living things, whether there is subjective consciousness or not, living is instinctive.

Fighting for resources is only for living, and living better.

Instinct, no good or evil argument.

In the world of mountains and seas, there is an absolute law of the jungle, just like the animal world.

[In the past five hundred years, the five ninth-level king beasts have attacked each other and seized resources. For a time, the primitive hot spring was filled with blood. ]

The beasts are divided into five forces and attack each other.

In one area of ​​water, the Dead Water Lake.

The Eastern Water Tribe led by Qinglong and the amphibious beasts led by Mo Qilin fought.

Broken limbs and arms.

The mountains and rivers were stained with blood.

This battle lasted for eighty years.

The stench and decay filled the entire Dead Water Lake.

At this time, the Dead Water Lake was called the Blood Lake, or the Blood Sea, which is more appropriate.

There was no winner in the battle between the two tribes.

Each of them collected the remaining soldiers and evacuated.

Only the rotten corpses and the blood sea and a blood-marked mosquito were left.

The blood sea became a paradise for blood mosquitoes.

Blood mosquitoes reproduced and lived in large numbers.

In the sea of ​​blood, countless blood corpses of alien beasts turned into the purest nutrient solution, which was three times thicker than the original soup. Soon, the sea of ​​blood gave birth to an alien embryo. This embryo was very large, floating on the surface of the sea, emitting a glowing blood light.

A young blood mosquito plunged into the embryo.


The embryo was seen breathing in and out, like the rhythm of life, madly devouring everything around it.

The battle between the Azure Dragon and the Black Kirin was not the most tragic among the five tribes. The most tragic battle was the chaos between the three tribes of the beast tribe, the water tribe, and the bird tribe in the mountains and seas for 1,800 years.

This battle almost destroyed more than half of the billions of creatures in the original soup pool.

[After two thousand years in the mountains and seas, the original soup pool returned to calm, the ninth-level king did not come out, and the eighth-level alien beasts emerged in batches, and a new round of battles was about to begin. 】

"Hmm? Fighting each other is not the Shanhai world I want to see. Don't the beasts have anything else to do besides fighting for territory?"

[What kind of world does the host want? ]

"A world of Shanhai civilization except Shanhai beasts!"

[The host can intervene according to his own ideas. ]


Anyway, ten bottles of life essence have been put in, so it's okay to continue intervening.

He stretched out his hand and clenched it.

He poured a bottle of life essence into the turbid river.

At the same time, he sprinkled the genes belonging to humans into the turbid river water.

The first batch of human race came out of the turbid mother river.

The first batch of human race has powerful power and long life at birth.

"The racial collision between the innate human race and the Shanhai beasts, the spark of thought, the dawn of culture, the flame of civilization, the trinity, is called the Shanhai world."

[Shanhai 2100 years, the innate human race has thrived on the continent. ]

[Two thousand two hundred years ago, the human race expanded its territory to all directions of the continent due to development needs, affecting the interests of various alien beast races. ]

[The innate human race and the alien beast race are about to fight. ]

[The innate human race is indeed powerful, but it is not inferior to the alien beast race that evolves without limit. ]

Chu Tiange came to the human camp.


The human camp was defeated by the alien beast army and continued to withdraw its defense to the mother river.

"Compared with the unique mountain and sea alien beasts, the innate human camp is still weak..."

"In that case."

"I will do it myself!"

[Does the host intend to kill the alien beasts himself? 】

Chu Tiange shook his head and said calmly: "As an observer, even if I am a member of the human race, I have no intention of helping the human race to eliminate the alien beasts, but to bring fire to humans, a means to eliminate the monsters, to bring them hope of survival and development, and to make the world of mountains and seas rich and colorful."

He is not a god, and cannot be full of impartiality, justice and ruthlessness, but as an observer, he needs to find infinite possibilities. If the innate human race perishes, his previous plan will be in vain.

What state is the most stable?


What kind of environment can promote the prosperity of the world?


If you want to make the world of mountains and seas rich and colorful, and want the world of mountains and seas to have the fire of civilization in addition to barbaric conquest, there is only one way.

Dynamic balance!

The alien beasts are too strong, and the innate human race is too weak.

"If the innate human race wants to become stronger..."

"You can only tap your own potential."

He turned into an old man of a tribe.

"My name is Suiren!"

"I founded a country, named Suiming, Sui means Suihuang, Ming means light, bring hope, bring fire!"

Ten thousand miles from Shenmi country, there is Suiming country, where people do not know the four seasons, day and night, and they do not die. If they are tired of the world, they will ascend to heaven. There is a fire tree in the country, named Suimu, which is bent and coiled for thousands of acres, and clouds and fog come out from the middle. Break branches and drill them together, and fire will come out. Later, the saints changed the smell of fishy smell, traveled outside the sun and moon, and used food to save all things. When they went south, they saw a bird on the tree, which pecked the tree with its mouth, and fire came out. The saint was moved, so he took a small branch to drill fire, and was called Suirenshi!

The means he wanted to bring to the Xiantian human race were naturally not the flames of drilling wood to make fire. The fire in the wood was useful against ordinary beasts, but it was a bit unrealistic to fight against strange beasts.

The source of fire he wanted to bring to the human race was the martial arts and cultivation methods of the immortal civilization.

Suiming country was the country of the Xiantian human race.

Suiren was the king of Suiming country.

Suiren said to his people:

"I comprehended the heavens and the underworld, the eight wildernesses and the four poles, and learned that if our human race wants to survive in the mountain and sea world full of strange beasts, it must become strong."

"If the human race wants to be strong, there is only one way to choose."

"Explore potential and practice martial arts."

Suiren passed on the practice method.

"The method is the fire I brought to the human race. With the fire of hope, our human race can be immortal and live bravely in the dangerous mountain and sea world. With the support of the method, we are no longer afraid of monsters and beasts. "

"Next, open up the territory belonging to our human race and build our own home."

[With the host incarnation Suiren passing on the fire of the method, the innate human race showed unparalleled amazing potential. It only took three hundred years for the human camp to gain a foothold in the mountain and sea world, dominate one side, and fight against the strange beast camp. 】

【In the past three hundred years, many powerful people of the human race have emerged, and the overall strength of the human race has risen sharply. 】

【In the past two thousand seven hundred years of Shanhai, the two major camps of the human race and the alien beasts have fought again. This battle laid the foundation for the division of sovereignty and the struggle between the protagonists of the world in the Shanhai world. 】

Human camp.

Warriors and cultivators, each of them is extremely powerful, with blood and smoke, like the rising sun.

Alien beast camp.

Each of them is huge, exuding bloodthirsty pressure, and showing ferocity in their fangs and claws.

Both camps have nine-level strongmen.

The ninth level is the same as the ninth level of the Yanhuang Body Refining Technique, which is the highest realm in this period.

It is also the top combat power that this planet can withstand.

Once it breaks through to the Broken Star Realm.

The small blue planet cannot accommodate such a high-level strongman.

Chu Tiange's imagination is to create a mythical Shanhai civilization similar to the fairy civilization.

In other words, it will give birth to a powerful person in the Broken Star Realm.

The ninth layer of the planet is the ninth layer of the human gene bank. Above it, there is the broken star realm, which can also be called the star stage.

That is, the planetary realm, the star realm...

"I need a strong man. The mountains and seas in front of me are too small. I need to deduce a real world of mountains and seas."

Chu Tiange directly pulled the timeline.

[Three thousand years of mountains and seas, the innate human race and the mountain and sea beasts fought for three hundred years. Both sides suffered heavy losses and each occupied one side to recuperate, but the small-scale friction between the two camps never stopped. ]

The human race occupied the plains of the continent. As for the mountains, rivers, wastelands, deserts, waters and seas of the continent, they are still occupied by mountain and sea beasts.

"Large-scale battles are replaced by small-scale frictions, but the human race will not relax their vigilance. How can others sleep beside the tiger's bed? The human race will never give up before completely conquering the mountain and sea world. The same is true for the mountain and sea beasts. They are all fighting for survival resources..."

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