The third realm of a cultivator is the realm of rules.

One can initially master one or more cosmic rules. In science, this kind of rule is often called truth!

An existence close to "Tao".

It is time and space, movement, contradiction, and the organic unity of the development of things and the increase and decay of entropy.

Speaking of it, it is a bit mysterious, but if you analyze it thoroughly, it rises to the height of philosophy.

The planetary realm corresponds to the ninth level of body refining.

The star realm corresponds to the ninth level of star fragmentation.

The universe realm corresponds to the ninth level of rules.

Stars and planets are all independent individuals of celestial units, and galaxies, no matter how big or small, are themselves units composed of multiple stars and planets, not independent individual celestial units.

Therefore, the realm of rules is equivalent to the universe!

Chu Tiange saw it.

After Fuxi and others broke through to the realm of rules, the level of cultivation civilization developed together.

The sixth-level civilization is the highest level of civilization he has come into contact with and seen so far.

The area of ​​the fairy court is very small.

It cannot accommodate hundreds of millions of immortals.

So, Fuxi and other kings and emperors discussed and decided.

Leave the fairyland, leave the mountains and seas, leave the blue planet.

Go to the vast universe to find pure land and paradise, explore the roots of mankind, and the land that can make the human race stable and healthy.

Among the human race, there is a young man named Yu, also called Xia Yu, who is the successor favored by Emperor Yu Shun. He is smart, talented, brave, dares to fight, is good at summarizing, and loves the great struggle of the human race.

He went to the ocean and fished out the Jiuge spacecraft that was submerged by the human kings and emperors.

He has advanced ideas and long-term vision.

Dayu carefully analyzed the technological spacecraft, used his intelligence and wisdom, integrated the fairy method into it, used the formation as the drive, and used the spirit stone as the energy, thus, a flying ship fairy boat belonging to the world of cultivation was born.

"I call it a flying ship. You can call it a spirit ship or a fairy ship. Its only ability is space travel. In addition, if we need to install weapons such as technological strikes, we can also use fairy magic engraving or will marking to store the attack power in advance, and launch fairy magic to attack when needed!"

Dayu's flying ship fairy ship has been unanimously praised and recognized by the human race.

Since then, Emperor Xia Yu has ascended the throne of the Great Emperor of the Human King.

[440 million years ago, the immortals moved away from the incomplete continent and the mountain and sea fairy court. 】

One spaceship after another left.

Carrying countless immortals on the voyage.

The once brilliant fairy civilization has disappeared.

Chu Tiange has been watching them to the border of the Milky Way until it completely disappeared.

This deduction is coming to an end. This wave of harvest is full. Let's not talk about other things, just one point: the rules of the realm of practice, rare and precious.

The fairy civilization is engraved on the fairy court continent.

When he returns.

A brand new original blue star came into view.

Chu Tiange's pupils shrank slightly: "This scene is very familiar..."

[It is the replacement of parallel universes, the unified macro-control of parallel worlds by cosmic consciousness. When the parallel time and space of the universe's own world has missing bugs, a new correction sparsely comes into play. ]

"Stop talking nonsense to me, did I ask you to explain it?"

Chu Tiange raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know what the truth of the universe is, but when a planet dies, a new planet will be added, and it will be exactly the same... Do you think it is possible? Is it realistic?"

"If this matter is caused by cosmic consciousness, then well, tell me, what about the stars and celestial bodies that Fuxi captured to refine the Shanhai World? Why don't they have new celestial bodies to replace them?"

[Because there are no living beings and no intelligent civilization on those celestial bodies, they are all dead stars for celestial bodies without civilization, and the cosmic consciousness will not separate the souls. In this way, there is naturally no need for substitutes. ]


He didn't know what the purpose of the system was, but a sense of crisis gradually enveloped his heart.


I must improve my strength as soon as possible.

As for the deduction, I can put it aside for now, and just keep brushing the old copies I already have.

Brush the available resources to improve my own cultivation.

Everything is fake, only when I become stronger can it belong to me.

[This deduction has ended, do you want to end it? ]

"Wait a moment, I'll go recite the book for a while."

He passed through Guixu and came to the flat world.

There is almost no big difference from the previous copy. The only difference is that the fairy civilization in the previous copy only reached the level of fourth-level civilization, while this mountain and sea fairy civilization has risen to the sixth-level civilization.

The level of the fairy civilization skills left behind is also different. The Tianjiaorenren of the human race has deduced the skills to the rule realm, which should be the greatest wealth in this deduction time and space.


The passage of time seems to be still.

In philosophy, it is generally believed that time is just a scale, and the so-called time is just movement, that is, the movement of development, which promotes the development of everything in the universe, spiraling up or zigzagging forward.

The truth of the deduction is both true and false, and most of them are parallel.

The mapping of time and space is also extremely magical.

He did not dwell on it too much. Some answers will emerge on their own in the flow of time.

After he memorized the required immortal books, he let the system end this deduction.

[This deduction is over. Please name the time and space of this deduction. ]

"Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors·Immortals in the Mountains and Seas."

The screen faded.

[This deduction can draw a lottery. Please draw a lottery. ]

"Draw it."

A few minutes later.

[Congratulations to the host, you have received the Immortal Gift Package. 】


Chu Tiange was stunned.

[One hundred thousand broken stars are at the first level, five hundred broken stars are at the second level, and one broken star is at the third level. 】

"Okay, Jiu Ge... the strength of the underworld will be increased hundreds of times."

But Jiuge...

Chu Tiange rubbed his eyebrows.

How to treat Jiuge as an organization?

Nine songs, Tianwen, all come to Qu Yuan in Chu Ci.

The most interesting thing is that his name is Chu Tiange.

Songs of Chu, Tianwen, and Jiuge.

If one day, during his deduction, he discovers that Tianwen has become an advanced civilization, he will not be surprised.

Because, sometimes, fate is not something you can avoid just because you want to.

That being the case.

Let Jiuge and Underworld be strong.

"Immortal, stop joining Jiuge and Underworld. Create a new force to check and balance Jiuge and Underworld... Let's call it Heavenly Court. I am the Emperor of Heaven!"

The development of Tianwen Group has been extremely rapid, especially the emergence of a group of big guys (historical giants), which has given Tianwen Technology a blowout development.

The great masters of history, after a period of study, have improved their thinking, technology, experience and vision in all aspects, and are no longer bound by the times.

Sometimes, everyone has to admit that there are differences between people, and the differences are huge.

It's like everyone is studying in the same classroom and following the same teacher, but their academic performance is very different. If they take the same test paper, if they are good, they will get full marks, and if they are bad, they will get single digits.


To put it bluntly.

The theory of innateness is true.

Even Chu Tiange had to admit it.

Some things, different people have completely different results.

When he came to Tianwen, the first big boss he met was Song Yingxing. The old man was wearing a handsome suit, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and he had the aura of giving advice.

"You must not let your guard down regarding the dark particle capture experiment. It is related to the future of the entire physics world."

"By the way Phytolacca, last time you told me about the anti-gravity technology flying car. I think it is not difficult to achieve flying cars technically, but it is not easy to effectively control it. I suggest that the guy Xin Yi make a car. Brain system to realize L5 world, earth, people and car networking system..."

The big guys are very skilled in technology, but what Chu Tiange cares about most is his thoughts, which guide practice.

The wild ideas of the big guys have practical value, and in the end, the probability of success is very high.

Chu Tiange stepped forward.

"What are you studying?"

The appearance of Chu Tiange interrupted the discussion between the two.

"It's Mr. Chu, hello."

"Senior brother, you're welcome. Just call me by my name. No need to see anyone outside." Chu Tiange raised his hand.

"Mr. Chu."

Song Yingxing bowed his hands respectfully.

"Mr. Song, you are fine."

"Thanks to you, everything is fine. Thanks to your recommendation, I was extradited to Tianwen. The Tianwen Group opened Song's eyes."

Shanglu asked in surprise: "You two know each other?"

Song Yingxing smiled: "It was Mr. Chu who recommended me to Tianwen."

"I see."

Phytolacca nodded.

"By the way, I just heard you say that you are researching an anti-gravity flying car? How is it? Has the research been completed? I am planning to buy a car recently. If Tianwen has its own brand of car, I will order one first. ”

Phytolacca pondered for a moment, nodded, and said truthfully: "The technical application and realization of anti-gravity flying vehicles are 100% possible."

"But the promotion and popularization of anti-gravity flying vehicles will not be easy."

"Involving the reform of the entire transportation system, it also has an impact on some people's livelihood, and the safety of the installation needs to be given an absolute guarantee. From materials, to performance, to the entire system, every link must be strictly controlled. This point , not easy to implement.”

After Shanglu finished speaking, Chu Tiange waved his hand: "As R\u0026D personnel, you should not consider business cooperation and policy support. You only need to apply the technology to reality and build the flying car. As for how to promote it and how to use it, , are all the work of us people. In addition, you are right, product control and safety and quality control are very important. I will tell Mr. Li that you can just do it and leave everything else to me... …us!"

Phytolacca smiled and said, "Yes, technology and business have their own proportions. Everyone is busy in their own way and divides the work and cooperates."

After chatting for a while with Shang Lu and Song Yingxing, Chu Tiange went to Li Shuisu to discuss the manufacturing of flying cars.

As for Shang Lu, he stared at Chu Tiange's back curiously, looking again and again: "The back is very familiar, the height and figure...the tone and language habits are exactly the same."

"Moreover, a general manager dares to interfere in the decision-making of the R\u0026D center..."

Shanglu shook his head.

Within the group, especially those working at the Tianwen headquarters, anyone who is a Tianwen employee, even the driver or the cleaner, is very aware of Chu Tiange's special status within the group.

But at this moment, Phytolacca suddenly discovered that maybe this young boy was not only lucky and handsome...

When the two figures overlapped, everything that was unreasonable seemed to be reasonable.

"If my speculation is correct, the special status he holds within the group is reasonable."

Phytolacca is very smart, and its intelligence, energy and height are among the best in the world.

Because, looking at the essence through the phenomenon, even if Chu Tiange wears a mask, he still has to lose his horse!

I worked as a street stalker in Tianwen Jiuxing Building for a day, and I got off work on time.

It was the first day of work in half a month. After this day, he was going to take another leave.

To break through.


"Spiritual energy" has been revived.

Martial arts have been popularized throughout the country.

It is not right for his cultivation to remain at level 5.

He got a lot of good pills and medicines from the mountain and sea dungeons, plus the top cultivation techniques.

This wave.

He will not leave the retreat until he breaks through the ninth level of body refining. As for the first level of star shattering, he cannot break through even if he has the ability to break through.

To refine the body to star shattering, he needs to pass the tribulation.

How can Blue Star bear it?

When the plan to build a space base with aerospace technology is launched.

He will go to the outer planet to break through and pass the tribulation.

In fact, the ninth level of body refining can also be passed through in the flesh.


In the big villa.

Yuan Feng has awakened.

Chirping non-stop.



"The technique you gave me seems to have loopholes."

Yuan Feng raised his head in front of Chu Tiange and said.

Chu Tiange stroked Yuan Feng's little head, which was furry and felt great.

"Not bad, speaking human language."

"Speaking of loopholes in the technique... I can only say that the Dapeng technique is not high-level. It doesn't matter. I will give you a new technique. This technique can allow you to reach the ninth level of Star Shattering!"

"Ninth level of Star Shattering? What is the ninth level of Star Shattering?"

Yuan Feng asked with his head tilted.

"You should break through the ninth level first."

The little guy in front of him was only at the first high level. He still had a long way to go to become a ninth-level beast. As for the ninth level of Star Shattering, even if he had no shortage of resources, it would take a hundred years to train Yuan Feng to a great monster beast of the ninth level of Star Shattering.

Then, Chu Tiange began a new round of breakthroughs.

As for the development of the Heavenly Court, the Underworld, Jiuge and Tianwen, let them take their course.

Needless to say, the Heavenly Court has an extremely strong fighting power. Chu Tiange plans to build the Heavenly Court on the sun or the moon.

The Underworld is in Guixu, and Jiuge is in the human world, with Tianwen as one bright and one dark.

The main responsibility of the Underworld is to maintain some justice that cannot be maintained in the Yang world.

Late justice cannot be regarded as true justice, because true justice should not be late.

Since there are some things that the Yang world cannot control, let the underworld handle them.

Tianwen's next step is to enter many directions, one of which is the automobile manufacturing industry - anti-gravity flying cars.

When flying cars come out, they will inevitably become a potential existence that subverts the industry.

The aerospace division of Tianwen Group is also booming...

Everything is moving in a good direction.

Chu Tiange is very satisfied and relieved.

Go to retreat with confidence.

In the bedroom of the big villa.

Chu Tiange sits cross-legged.

The top practice method of the rule realm fascinates Chu Tiange. ŴŴŴ.

"The Rule Realm's skills are nothing compared to the strongest skills of the Source Divine Art at the ninth level of the Shattered Star."

After carefully appreciating the skills, he couldn't help but feel yearning. After a moment, Chu Tiange shook his head. It's best not to be too ambitious.

Based on the present, break through little by little.

With a sweep of his mind, several ecological-level negative oxygen ion generators started to work.

The biological energy in the body slowly turned into cosmic energy absorbed from the outside world.

At the ninth level of body refining, during the stage of human gene development, the energy used comes from the biomass energy of the body, that is, the body power absorbed and transformed from the outside world.

But the ninth level of the Shattered Star is different. It directly absorbs the mysterious power in the universe!

And he only broke through the sixth level of the fifth level of body refining, and the cultivation of biological energy to cosmic terrible!


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