I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 154: The Main World is Invaded (1/2)

A blacksmith still needs to be strong himself.

Even if he has four powerful organizations with great development potential, they can help him solve 99% of the troubles.

But it is undeniable that individuals play a subjective initiative in it.

After all, in this surreal materialistic world.

If you don't have some strength, you may not live to see tomorrow.

It is difficult to break through in cultivation, and only perseverance is rare and precious.

From the fifth to the ninth level of body refining, each level is a chasm. You only need to break through and cross the chasm of cultivation. When you reach the ninth level of body refining, add his special ability, and the double brilliance will play an infinite power.

But what he doesn't know is that the crisis about the main world Blue Star is coming.

It is as turbulent as the sea.

If handled properly, it can also be calm and without ripples.


In the vast universe, a warship like a black dragon is sailing, shuttling through various celestial galaxies.

"General, the emotional power of the wolf people is too weird."

"This battle was so frustrating. I am so angry that I can't vent it."

"General, how about we go back to the Three Dials to get reinforcements? Kill them with a surprise attack. I believe that as long as we start with a large-scale siege and attack, we can definitely kill them by surprise. What kind of emotional power is this? Let them have no chance to use it."

The deputy commander of the warship, who is also the adjutant of the general, paced back and forth angrily.

Yes, he is Baru from the Three Dials civilization.

General Baka shook his head: "If we lose, we are losers. Three Dials will not give losers a second chance. We can't go back, and we can't get help. Right now, there are only three options. The first is that we die on the battlefield and sacrifice heroically. In this way, our wives and children will be treated favorably by the empire. The second is to escape to the starry sea, away from Three Dials, and become a space wanderer, wandering outside, but in this way, our wives and children in Three Dials will suffer endless suffering. The third way is to win the almost fatal battle in front of us."

"I won't choose the first or the second. I only want to choose the third way, and I must do it!" Baka's eyes were bright, and he firmly believed that he would win.

Baru scratched his head depressedly: "How is it possible... There are only so few of us left. It's a foolish dream to want to defeat the Sirius..."

Baka waved his hand: "Don't be completely pessimistic. We still have a chance."


Scientist Batu stepped forward.


"Have you translated the signal on the wireless copper plate?"

"Yes, General. The other party is from the third planetary civilization among the twelve single star system civilizations. Their civilization is very low in development. According to the content displayed on the copper plate, they are still in the primitive technology stage. Their intelligent race, the human race, has almost the same genes as the Sirius people. If we can obtain genetic attack weapons specifically for attacking the Sirius people based on this intelligent human race, it will not be difficult to counterattack the Sirius civilization."

"Okay, use this human race to study genetic attack weapons."

Baka ordered.

"The warship is flying at full speed, the target star field is the East Twelve Star Field."


On the Blue Star.

Chu Tiange has been in seclusion for three months in a blink of an eye.

During these three months.

The Tianwen anti-gravity flying car has been launched for the first time.

The launch of the anti-gravity flying car directly shocked the world.

"Science fiction has come to reality."

"Technology changes life."

"Society is developing, and humanity is progressing."

"The emergence of anti-gravity flying cars marks that the transportation industry of the human race has leaped from the primitive technological era to the first-level civilization stage, and it is a first-level advanced stage."

All media have reported extensively, and all kinds of beautiful praises are endless. Presidents of various car companies have come to beg for cooperation.

Tianwen brand flying cars have not yet been launched, and the number of people who come to the official website for consultation and reservations has reached billions.

The advent of flying cars is a great reform of a decisive nature for the entire transportation industry, transportation and logistics industry, fuel and industry.

People's lifestyles, especially travel methods, will undergo earth-shaking changes.

And the announcement of this new product launch conference shows that Tianwen Group has completely become the synonym and new symbol of Blue Star Science and Technology.

As the focus of flying cars continues to rise, Tianwen Group has once again released a big move.

A breakthrough in aerospace technology.

The first space elevator is launched.

And by using the space elevator, 10,000 units will be built in the next year to realize the interconnection between the ground and space, and the diversified development will be transformed from specialization to commercialization and entertainment, so as to realize the purpose of human space travel.

Of course, the main purpose of the space elevator is still to prepare for material transportation outside the space.

The fundamental task of the space elevator is to replace rocket launch.

Plans such as space fortresses and alien bases can also be gradually carried out.

The Internet has only heat, no memory.

Therefore, the Internet storm once again swept the land of Kyushu. Wherever there are humans, there must be topics about Tianwen.

However, explosive news is never one, two or three, it is a collection and group symbol of a series of focus information.

So, Tianwen struck while the iron was hot and announced an astonishing, and it may be more appropriate to describe it with the word "shocking".

"The Blue Star Secondary Civilization Energy Development and Solar Shield Technology Application Plan is officially launched!"

"This development plan will comprehensively apply a solar energy collection system to collect most of the lost solar energy for storage and backup supply!"

"To put it bluntly, it is to add a special cover to the sun to collect the energy without losing any energy."

"We all know that when the energy released by fusion on the sun comes to the blue star, our utilization rate is less than one billionth. If we can collect and utilize 100% of solar energy, the civilization level of our blue star will be There will be a qualitative leap in technology level!”

"When the topic rises to the level of a civilization, human scientific and technological power should be exerted in one direction. Science has no state boundaries. We invite scientific and technological workers from all over the world to join the great engineering plan and work tirelessly for the cause of mankind. "

"The gate of Tianwen Group, you can come and go freely!"

boom! ! !

With the perfect ending of Tianwen's latest press conference, the whole world exploded.


"Tianwen! Crazy!"

"The international market for genetic medicines was opened not long ago. As soon as the popularity started to rise, it was immediately announced that the anti-gravity flying car has been realized and will be put into mass production in the near future."

"The topic of anti-gravity flying vehicles has just become hot, and the dimensionality reduction blow of the space elevator is coming hard. Before everyone can react, guess what the official Tianwen said. They actually want to build a space fortress and an alien base within a year. Realizing the space travel plan is so... it’s like living in a dream.”

"The most important thing is that there is never more than one shock. I finally accepted the news that I will be able to travel in space in the near future. But Tianwen said again that Blue Star is going to break through the second level civilization. All it takes is to make a decision A solar energy shield will do, grandma, for this operation, Tianwen Group is in the atmosphere, no, on the sun!”

"Thousands of words can be condensed into one sentence, which is awesome!"

"The explosion of technology!"

“What Tianwen sells is not technology, but human dreams, beliefs and feelings.”

"Even if one day in the future, Tianwen Group officially announces that they have conquered the technology of immortality, I will believe it!"

"You have to believe it. Think about genetic medicine, which can live longer by itself. Wait, what are the scientists in our state doing?"

"What can you do? You are busy applying to Tianwen. Didn't you see what Tianwen said? For Blue Star civilization and Blue Star mankind, no scientist at this high level of thought can resist the temptation to leave a name in history. What's more, Tianwen The science and technology is so powerful that scientists from various states have no intention of resisting and fighting. As for science and technology, Tianwen Group has a tight grip on it!”


Scientists from various states are clamoring to go to Zhongzhou Tianwen to interview for employment.

Many people say that they are traitors and should be pulled out and shot, but scientists from various states resolutely retort: ​​"We are for Blue Star and for the human race. Please don't use your narrow vision and dirty thoughts to tarnish our beautiful scientific research spirit and pure soul. Let’s not stop our determination and pace of fighting for the cause of humanity!”

Furthermore, they know it very well.

If Tianwen is around, they will accomplish nothing.

The technological level of Tianwen Group is too high, and it is completely ahead of this era. No matter what technological products and cutting-edge latest technologies they come up with, in Tianwen’s eyes, they are all child’s play and can be surpassed easily, and once Transcendence is not a transcendence of magnitude. WeNXuEmi.Cc

With the departure of a large number of scientists and technology workers, the states have suffered serious losses of high-tech talents. Each state has adopted coercive strategies, such as restricting entry and exit, or increasing salaries and chips... These things will only be counterproductive, and will instead incite irritation. Aroused the resistance of many scientists.


In addition to the vigorous development of Tianwen Group, the two major organizations behind it, Jiuge and Difu, have also been fully staffed and developed in comprehensive strength. Especially after the organizational structure has been improved, its business has also covered the entire Zhongzhou and even the world.

There are intelligent robots, photo-silicon warriors, mechanical life forms, lycanthropic tribes and the top figures from every dynasty in history.

Take the underworld as an example. Its purpose of existence is to collect the spiritual consciousness of the deceased and maintain fairness and justice.

Jiuge, on the other hand, is aloof for the sake of aloofness.

In the process of development, it is inevitable to encounter several special forces.



"Only by joining Jiu Ge can you hope to reach a higher level, otherwise, you will die!"

Originally, the werewolves and vampires were unhappy, but after the first battle, they became compliant.

In addition, in addition to the werewolves and vampires, Jiuge also confronts Tongzhouhui.

The Tongzhou Association never thought that there would be such an organization in the world.

"What do you plan to do?"

"Two choices, Tongzhou will join Jiuge and become Jiuge's subordinate force, or be destroyed!"

The president of the same boat association narrowed his eyes: "Your Excellency, you are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you speak big words."

Xin Yuzhu snorted coldly: "Is it your courage to rely on the lizard people on your back?"

When the president heard this, his pupils tightened: "Your Excellency..."

Xin Yuzhu raised his hand.

Three teenagers were escorted up.

The three teenagers only had horror and disbelief in their eyes.

When the president saw the three people, he suddenly felt like a balloon was deflated, and murmured: "How is it possible..."

"Three ancestors, I..."

Noah sighed softly: "I don't blame you, they are too strong. It is hard to imagine that there will be such a powerful force on Blue Star."

Suddenly, the president stared at Xin Yuzhu and said: "You Jiuge is definitely not a force organization of the native civilization of Blue Star!"

Xin Yuzhu shook his head: "You are wrong, Jiuge is the product of Blue Star, but its mystery and origin include more than one world and time and space. Some things cannot be explained to you, but as long as you join Jiuge, many resources and information will be open to you!"

Why Xin Yuzhu insisted on asking the other party to join.

Just because of one thing, the other party is the head of Tongzhouhui, which means that except for Zhongzhou, the other eight states are more or less controlled by Tongzhouhui and have a very high voice. Take Bingzhou as an example. The appointment and removal of Bingzhou representatives sometimes also need the nod of Tongzhouhui. It can be seen that if Jiuge incorporates Tongzhouhui, to some extent, it is equivalent to controlling Blue Star!

As for Noah and the other three, they are just old and immortal.


Science and martial arts are blooming on both sides.

The comprehensive popularization and promotion of Zhongzhou martial arts is not a short-term process.

First of all, the elite guards in black of Anxie Division must first practice martial arts well and form an effective martial arts management mechanism.

We can see this from the Warrior Administration Bureau and the Martial Arts Association.

Second, it is education.

In order not to affect the normal development and operation of society in the process of promoting and popularizing martial arts, it can only enter from the education end, and it must enter from the education end. After all, practicing martial arts from a young age and strengthening muscles and bones will make teenagers plastic, and they will have higher possibilities and unlimited potential for future growth.

The education model is diverse, and martial arts specialties are set up from elementary school, parallel to cultural courses.

There are four stages: elementary school, junior high school, high school and university.

There is a three-level assessment system for primary school to junior high school, middle school entrance examination, and college entrance examination.

A martial arts university and a comprehensive university of literature and martial arts are established.

After graduation, you can choose a special department such as Anxie Division, join the army to defend Zhongzhou, or teach and become a martial arts teacher.

In short, martial arts are not useless. On the contrary, even if it is not for personal life or employment, one should practice martial arts well. First, it can strengthen the body, second, it can prolong life, and third, it can protect oneself.

In addition to martial arts education for students in schools, martial arts learning channels should also be opened for adults in society. Therefore, the government allows private martial arts education and related martial arts training and counseling institutions.

The trend of Zhongzhou martial arts is unstoppable and has attracted the attention of people from all over the world.

First of all, Zhongzhou Kung Fu is already famous. Now, some martial arts that violate "science" have been frequently exposed on the Internet, attracting the attention of countless people from other states. As a result, a wave of martial arts is about to sweep all over the world.

But the premise.

You have to learn Chinese!

Because martial arts secrets are not like other books. You can understand the general translation. Even if you swallow it in a hurry, it will not have much impact. But the secrets of martial arts cannot tolerate any mistakes. If you are a little careless, you may die in the northwest and hang yourself on the southeast tree.

Therefore, the Chinese fever swept the world.

Half a year passed in a blink of an eye.

In a large villa in Annan City.

Chu Tiange slowly opened his eyes and exhaled softly.

"Finally, I broke through."

"Ninth level of body refining!"

He relied on elixirs and top-notch techniques to break through to the ninth level in just half a year. Although he could not be called a gifted person, he was hundreds of times stronger than Du Hongjian in terms of time. As for the fact that he relied on elixirs and top-notch techniques, even a pig could have achieved some success... But it is undeniable that being able to possess these things is also a kind of strength.


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