Jiangnan City.

As soon as he arrived outside the hospital, he noticed that the pollution spread quickly, which was stronger, more violent, and more ruthless than the spread in the deduction world.

The location where the three sculptures landed was overseas, but in the blink of an eye, the spread of spores came to China.

"Why so fast!"

[The three sculptures are alive and more powerful than the deduced time and space. From the moment they arrived, they began to spread spores all over the world. 】

Chu Tiange's face was extremely ugly: "Is there any way to seal them?"

[The host can try the method of deducing time and space and use iceberg sealing. 】

"Okay, let me give it a try!"

at this time.

Some polluted people around are constantly looking for uncontaminated human individuals.

Their eyes were red and they looked at Chu Tiange excitedly.

A middle-aged doctor grabbed Chu Tiange's wrist: "Sir, you are sick. Go and get a shot. Just one shot and your disease will be cured!"

As he spoke, a nurse beside him raised a huge syringe. The syringe was filled with a tube of unknown dark green solution. It looked extremely disgusting. The nurse's red lips opened and closed, outlining a ghostly smile. , some people said: "Sir, are you ready first? I'm going to get an injection."

Chu Tiange snorted coldly, and his figure flashed away from the two polluters.

The doctor and nurse were stunned, "Where are the people?"

When they turned around, they found that Chu Tiange was behind them.

"How is that possible?"

"No matter what, catch him first!"

The doctor shouted, "Sir, don't run away, come and get a shot!"

Chu Tiange walked towards the ward like a leisurely stroll.

The doctors and nurses ran over to catch Chu Tiange. However, every step of Chu Tiange's feet was like shrinking to an inch, spanning seven or eight meters. The doctors and nurses chased him for a long time, but they could not catch up.

In front of the ward.

The young man struggled to stand in front of the door. Outside, a group of doctors, nurses and patients broke down on the door.

The child was so frightened that he cried.

The young man showed a wry smile: "Xiaoyu, these people are crazy..."

"It's useless to call for help. Once the purge starts, it will never end... They are probably crazy now, and we will soon become them."

Xiaoyu shook her head helplessly: "Tiange was just born. He suffered so much when he came into this world."


The door was broken open.

The young couple had accepted the fate of assimilation. However, the world suddenly became quiet.

In front of the ward, the crowd gathered in silence. They were all knocked to the ground, unable to move.


"You're not assimilated?"

The young man was stunned.

"Oh? It seems you know something?"

Chu Tiange looked at his "biological father" in surprise.

"Yes, I know, I know everything, but I thought that their fate would not come until 2042. Unexpectedly, it was nineteen years early."

The young man smiled sadly.

Chu Tiange asked: "Can you tell me some truth."

The young man looked at his wife Xiao Yu, who nodded: "He saved the lives of our family. There is nothing that cannot be said. Moreover, those people may have been assimilated, so the secret is no longer a secret."

The young man nodded: "Can you rescue us first, find a safe place, and then talk in detail?"


With Chu Tiange opening the way and the force of rules guarding them, the group soon returned to the deep-sea cruiser.

The young man looked at the huge deep-sea cruiser and couldn't help but admire: "It is definitely not something that can be made with today's science and technology."

"You are not this civilized people, are you?"

"In addition, you said that your name is Chu Tiange, you have the same name as my son, and you gave me a gift... so you..."

The young man looked at Chu Tiange with a different emotion.

Chu Tiange waved his hand: "Strictly speaking, not really. You can treat it as different periods in parallel time and space, not this time and space."

The young man also smiled: "Even so, if you and I do a paternity test, the result will be 100% related."

Chu Tiange changed the subject: "Okay, this is not the point. Let's talk about what's going on first. How do you know about their existence? Logically speaking, with your level of civilization development, it is impossible to come into contact with them. , primitive technological civilization does not have any conditions for contact with extraterrestrial civilization.”

The young man’s name is Chu Wu’an and his wife’s name is Zhang Xiaoyu.

Chu Wu'an is a child of the Chu family in the south of the Yangtze River. He belongs to a family. What is a family? It has wealth and power for more than five generations. It can be called a family. The Chu family has been in power for more than two thousand years and is the direct descendant of the King of Chu.

Chu Wuan received training in a special organization since he was a child. When he grew up, he directly served the organization. Three years ago, he participated in a special mission, the exploration of extraterrestrial civilization! During the mission, he met Zhang Xiaoyu, fell in love and got married.

For marriages within the organization, the superiors definitely encourage them, because in this way, the reliability and confidentiality of the tasks will be very high.

During Chu Wuan's recent mission, they obtained some results of the exploration of extraterrestrial civilizations - information about the great cleansing of the universe!

They call this civilization the cleaning agent of cosmic civilization, and they are the cleaning experts of all civilizations in the universe. They are responsible for the destruction and aftermath, as well as preparing for the next restart.

Chu Wuan calmed down his thoughts for a moment, sorted out his words, and said, "What level of civilization are you at?"

"Level 2, just reached Level 2."

"Well, it means that your civilization has the potential to continue to develop. When your civilization has no development potential and completely stagnates, destruction will follow."

"Why do you say that?"

"Do you know the basic laws of time, space, and even the operation of the universe and civilization?"

Chu Tiange thought for a while and said, "What goes around comes around again."

Chu Wu'an nodded: "Yes, it goes round and round, over and over again. This is the basic law of the world. It is inevitable for any civilization and any material."

"The level of civilization on our planet is not high."

"But we have come into contact with many different civilizations, from primitive civilizations to level nine civilizations."

Chu Tiange frowned: "In the universe, contact between the weak and the powerful is a very dangerous behavior, isn't it? If you are not careful, you will be regarded as a target and beaten into a sieve."

Chu Wuan smiled and said, "What you want to say is, the law of the dark forest of the universe?"


"But there's a bug in this theory!"

"This theory explains the general conjectures and basic situations, but in fact, the unprovoked attacks in the universe are all completed together with the cleaning plan, just like a person's life span reaches the limit, he will die, but before reaching the limit , if a strong person bullies him or even kills him with a knife, this person will also die, but compared with aging, accidental situations have a very small probability. People die every day in the world, and all accidental deaths account for the total number of deaths. Only less than 5% of the people suffer from the disease. As for the disease, it is an internal cause. From a civilizational perspective, it means that the development direction of civilization is wrong, its social ideology is wrong, and self-destructive behaviors occur from the inside out, such as, A world-class war, or an infectious disease that cannot be eradicated, etc.”

“When unexpected situations occur, purgers will still appear, because no matter what form of civilization’s demise, it means the loss of development potential, and our civilization’s development potential is not high. Even after twenty years, technology has stagnated. has passed, and the subsequent internal cleansing has also started spontaneously... The destruction will not stop until 2042, and 2042 is also very interesting. A great scientist said that 42 is the truth of the universe, or in other words, the truth of our civilization and Destination, he said, 42 has no meaning. If the entire civilization is destroyed, 42 will certainly have no meaning. "

When Chu Tiange heard this number, he was immediately stunned, because the number he saw on the Antarctic Pole Center Stone was surprisingly 2042.4.2!

Chu Wuan stared at Chu Tiange, "What did you think of? Or what did you see?"

Chu Tiange sighed: "Your civilization was destroyed on April 2, 2042."

Chu Wuan smiled with relief: "The great scientist said before his death that 42 is meaningless, because everything is arranged, and every day of our lives, everything we do is also the best arrangement!"

"Don't you feel decadent? Or hopeless?"

"No, on the contrary, he reminds us to cherish the present and life! Haha!"

Back to business.

Chu Wu settled for a moment, then continued: "There are two sides, the macro and the micro. Let's not talk about those false and empty things, but talk about practical things. When we learn that when a civilization stagnates, its development potential is consumed. Once it is empty, the universe’s great cleansing plan against this civilization will begin.”

"By the way, we learned about it from the mouth of a ninth-level civilization that is about to wither and wither. Maybe you have heard of its name."

Chu Tiange said in astonishment: "Could it be Thiaoohua?"

Chu Wuan nodded and said with a smile: "You and I are indeed from the same place, not a parallel universe!"

Before Chu Tiange could say anything, Chu Wuan explained first: "The ninth-level civilization's contact with Hiaohua is a single one. They have broken the limitations of time and space. There is absolutely no possibility of parallel time and space. In other words, you also You come from the earth, but for some reason, the environment you grew up in is not the earth. After all, as you just said, civilization will end in 2042!”

Chu Tiange waved his hand: "This is not important, you continue to talk about it."

Chu Wuan said: "The Thiaoogua civilization is a ninth-level civilization. In the eyes of our earth civilization, they are like a group of gods, but they are still cleaned by the cleansers, that is, they are called the cleansers. special existence!”

"They are not invincible..."

Chu Tiange stretched out his hand and grasped it, and the ethereal power of rules appeared.

"Wow wow..."

The little guy burst into tears immediately.


Zhang Xiaoyu smiled softly and said, "It's okay, Xiao Tiange feels the power of the rules!"

"You all know the existence of the power of rules?"

Chu Wuan nodded: "Yes, we even know that the power of rules is the fundamental law of the universe, and it is also the core and nutrient of the entire universe."

"There are eleven dimensions and nine-level civilizations in the universe."

"Only three-dimensional and four-dimensional creatures exist, but for some reasons, all four-dimensional creatures are basically dead. Three-dimensional creatures have become the absolute protagonists of the eleven dimensions, and all nine levels of civilization are composed of three-dimensional creatures. Civilization, only level ten civilization is the most special.”

"Level ten?"

"We don't have the opportunity to come into contact with that civilization, but the ninth-level Thiaoohua has contacted, communicated and interacted with that highest-level civilization more than once."

"It is called intelligent civilization, also called sage civilization, or ancestor civilization. It is the only tenth-level civilization in the universe and the only special advanced civilization composed of four-dimensional creatures."

Chu Tiange took a breath of cold air. He was indeed surprised.

Chu Wuan shook his head: "However, the ancestral civilization also perished."

"Was it perished by the cleansers?"

Chu Wuan shook his head: "Those cleansers are composed of the rules of the universe and the will of the great cleansing, but the tenth-level civilization is a cross-dimensional civilization. The great cosmic consciousness, that is, the one-dimensional and eleven-dimensional Him, is equal to the tenth-level civilization. He cannot cleanse the tenth-level civilization, but He absolutely does not allow the existence of the tenth-level civilization!"

"The law of nature believes that there can be no two tigers in one mountain!"

Chu Tiange was amazed and said: "What a big chess game."

"It is a competition between the tenth-level civilization and the eleven-dimensional great cosmic consciousness!"

"Yes, the great cosmic consciousness wants to destroy the tenth-level civilization, because the tenth-level civilization has the most fundamental power for the survival of the great universe, and as the supreme ruler of the great universe, He does not allow a second absolute authority to exist!"

After listening to Chu Wuan's words, he finally sorted out the relationship between the world tree, the ancestral civilization, the great cosmic consciousness and the system.

The Ancestral Civilization is also the only Level 10 Civilization in the universe. It is an intelligent civilization composed of four-dimensional creatures that jump through time and space dimensions.

They have a sacred object, the World Tree, which is the key and core that supports the operation of the universe.

The system is the core power and incarnation of the World Tree, so it can control the material energy and time and space dimensions in the universe.

The Great Cosmic Consciousness is the incarnation and representative of the universe. It is the beginning of one dimension and the end of eleven dimensions. It repeats itself over and over again. He was thinking about getting rid of the shackles of the Level 10 Civilization when he was born, so he tried every means to kill the World Tree, thereby indirectly killing the Level 10 Civilization!

To put it bluntly.

Let me give you an inappropriate but very appropriate example.

The World Tree is equivalent to the Chaos Continent.

The four-dimensional creatures in the Level 10 Ancestral Civilization are equivalent to Pangu and the three thousand demons.

Pangu created the world and created the Great Desolation Continent, various creatures, and a group of innate creatures.

But at the moment of opening up the continent, the first consciousness appeared in the Great Desolation World, that is, the Way of Heaven!

The Way of Heaven cannot allow anyone to have a higher cultivation than him. He must firmly control the entire world, and no one can go against his will.

Therefore, Tiandao tried to erase the marks of Pangu and the three thousand demon gods and put his own marks on them.

The three thousand demon gods were unwilling to give up, so they worked together to extract the source of power from the prehistoric continent and refined something called a system.

I hope that one day someone can bring the system to end the hegemony of Tiandao and restore the world where everyone governs together.

That's basically what it means!

"What are you going to do next? Live in my world?"

Chu Tiange asked.

Chu Wuan and Zhang Xiaoyu looked at each other.

Zhang Xiaoyu stepped forward and handed Xiao Tiange in his arms to Chu Tiange.

"We will not leave this world, this is our home."

"But Xiao Tiange has just been born, please forgive our selfishness and take him to your world."

Chu Tiange frowned: "But you will be cleansed."

Chu Wuan smiled: "Since our civilization is destroyed in 2042, it means that you have a way to stop it, right? At least temporarily."

Chu Tiange sighed deeply: "The Antarctic iceberg seal... But you can..."

Chu Wuan and Zhang Xiaoyu both shook their heads and refused, "The destruction of a civilization is not a personal matter. Our sacrifice may be meaningless, but for our family and country, we want to make up for something, even if it sounds a little ridiculous, like a gnat trying to shake a tree, it is beyond our ability."

"But the road is there, we have to go."


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