Chu Wuan and Zhang Xiaoyu refused to leave the earth, and Chu Tiange did not force them to leave. Everyone has the right to choose. There is no right or wrong, as long as they do not regret it in the end and can make mistakes for themselves. If you pay the wrong amount, that's it.

He went to the Antarctic, wrapped the three sculptures with the power of rules, and punched the three sculptures into the huge iceberg.

The iceberg seal will be unsealed in hundreds of millions of years, and at that time, a new wave of human races will replace them.

At the same time, he discovered an unexpected situation.

That is, the light and heat civilization does not refer to the earth, because the palace complex under the iceberg has existed for a long time, and it has existed before this civilization.

These palace complexes were not built by today's civilized human race on earth at all.

"Good guy, the history of Blue Star is so terrifying. How many waves of glorious human civilizations did it spawn in the middle?"

[Four waves, the current human race is the fifth wave of human civilization, and human civilization will appear once every one to two billion years on average! 】

[In the middle of each cycle, some human-like intelligent life forms and non-human intelligent civilizations will also be produced. 】

[For example, the dinosaurian civilization that appeared 440 million years ago is a human-like intelligent civilization. 】

"According to what you said, the human race on Earth belongs to the fourth wave? The human race on Blue Star is the fifth wave of human race? No, there is the biggest bug in the middle! The time is not right! Both Earth and Blue Star have emphasized one thing , which is the 4.6 billion year period of the planet’s existence.”

"What's the explanation for this?"

[The human civilization cycle does not represent the racial civilization cycle. The same human cycle will also have an inheritance sequence. For example, the five major human civilizations in the solar calendar recorded in Mayan mythology are Gendaya, Mesopotea, Lemuria and Atlantis. These are human civilizations belonging to different periods within the same cycle. 】

[In addition, as a student majoring in astrophysics, the host has forgotten the most important thing, which is the carbon 14 radioactive dating method... Is it accurate? 】

"Isn't it allowed? Well, it's not allowed!"

As we all know, how people determine that Blue Star is 4.6 billion years old is because a stone was found in Mexico. This stone is the oldest stone found on Blue Star. It was swept by carbon 14 radioactive dating method, okay? It turned out to be 4.6 billion years.

As a result, after astronauts landed on the moon a few years ago, they sampled surface rocks and the results were measured... Oh my god, it's 20 billion years! !

Of course, you can say that the rocks sampled by the astronauts were dropped on the moon by other celestial bodies... But don't forget that the scientific Big Bang model believes that the universe is only 13.9 billion years old...

Back to the cruiser.

Chu Wu'an and his wife handed Xiao Tiange to Chu Tiange and said, "If I hand Xiao Tiange to someone else, I may not be relieved, but if I leave it to you, I will be completely at ease."

Chu Tiange smiled, this is not nonsense, I can't hurt myself.

"What are you going to do with him?"

Zhang Xiaoyu couldn't help but ask, as a mother, even if she knew that Chu Tiange was Xiao Tiange's future, she would still worry about her son.

Chu Tiange said: "Let me tell you about my growth experience."

"I grew up in an orphanage without a father or mother. The dean didn't know my origin. He only knew that my name was Chu Tiange."

"I have known how to study hard since I was a child, and finally got into the top university in the country, majoring in astrophysics. Later, due to some opportunities, I founded a technology company. The money I made every day was an insult to my company. Now This technology company is already comparable to a big country and is in an absolute leading position. Currently, my company is single-handedly promoting the upgrading of the entire civilization.”

"In addition, I have three transcendent forces under me, across the heavens, at home and abroad, in ancient and modern times. There were feudal emperors in ancient times... Although my statement is a bit inaccurate, it is indeed true. I, Chu Tiange, have the power to dominate the world! The uncrowned emperor! "

"So, you two, you don't need to make heroic self-sacrifice at all. Maybe with your protection, Xiao Tiange's achievements may be even higher." WeNXuEmi.Cc

Chu Wuan and Zhang Xiaoyu looked at each other and smiled: "We are very happy that you can achieve this. Congratulations to you."

"But like I said, we belong to this civilization, and we must try to use our own meager power to save our own civilization. Even if a mayfly shakes a tree, we overestimate our capabilities, and even if we hit our head and get bleeding, we will not regret it."

Chu Tiange shook his head, "Forget it, I can't help you."

Chu Tiange waved his hand, and Xin Yuzhu handed over a box: "This black box contains a complete second-level civilization technology package. You don't have to refuse it. As you said, if you are destined to be cleansed by the will of the universe, why Why don’t you try to struggle? After all, the Chinese spirit of the human race on earth is that my destiny is up to me and I can’t help it, even if it’s half the world!”

Chu Wuan nodded solemnly: "Okay, I accept this gift, thank you."

Chu Wuan, Zhang Xiaoyu and his wife watched the cruiser disappear from the coast.

Chu Wuan hugged Zhang Xiaoyu and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. He is excellent, his achievements are high, his future is limitless, and we should be proud of him."

Zhang Xiaoyu nodded silently without saying a word.

"Sir, you can actually..."

Chu Tiange shook his head: "It's useless. Some methods may seem childish and undesirable, but they are also a kind of spirit, an indelible noble will unique to the human race."

"And they will be fine..."

Chu Tiange's thoughts returned to the deduction copy that had just ended. In the copy, there was the stone tablet!

If the civilization ended on April 2, 2042, who would have erected the stone tablet? Who would have the time to erect a stone tablet?

Moreover, the end of civilization does not mean the end of the human race. Even though the light and heat civilization has little to do with the Earth civilization, it can also explain one thing. This group of human beings in the Earth civilization should have left and not become extinct. As the provider of the second-level civilization technology package, Chu Wuan and his wife definitely have the "ticket" to board the ship.


"Okay, sir."

Xin Yuzhu looked at the little guy in his arms: "Sir, what should we do with Xiao Tiange?"

"His fate is very strange. Sometimes it can draw a circle inadvertently. Let's go to 21 years ago and send him to Annan Welfare Home. His growth trajectory should not be broken at will."

"Sir, how about I send him?"

Chu Tiange waved his hand: "I will send him in person. I want to verify one thing."

Back to Blue Star, he used the time machine to return to Annan Welfare Home 21 years ago.

He put Xiao Tiange at the door and wrote a note, which read: Chu Tiange.

As a result, only when the nurse aunt shouted: "Dean Pei!!!"

No other "Chu Tiange" appeared.

At this time, the system spoke: [It seems that the host still does not believe in the uniqueness of the system. 】

"No, I believe in the absolute uniqueness of the system, but I don't believe in the deception of time and space. Time and space are deceptive. Fatalism, time and space theory, endless struggle, I just want to see if there is a Chu Tiange across time and space appearing in front of me, even if Su Fangmu appears, I feel very scary!"

After launching Xiao Tiange, he vaguely realized that it was himself who launched Xiao Tiange, and his origin was the earth.

In other words, he was not reborn, nor did he travel through time, let alone take over the body. He was himself, just living in a new time and space.


"Sir, are you going to Venus? The spacecraft is ready."

"Let's go."

"Do you want to turn on the stealth mode? Now the space is broadcasting the solar energy cover project in full view."

"Well, be invisible."


In the deduction of time and space, Venus, at the beginning, he did not pay much attention to it until the dinosaur civilization appeared.

The dinosaur civilization sprouted more than 400 million years ago. It belongs to the human-like intelligent civilization and has little connection with the human intelligent civilization.

It started 440 million years ago, flourished 200 million years ago, and 65 million years ago, because of a devastating disaster, that is, a cosmic civilization strike, the dinosaur civilization had to relocate.

Because the dinosaurs' intelligence level developed slowly, it took more than 100 million years for intelligent civilization to emerge.

If the dinosaur civilization in the main world still exists, then with the nature of these dinosaurs, they must be watching the development of Blue Star silently.

The level of dinosaur civilization is not high, only between the first level medium and high, but the overall strength is not weaker than the current Blue Star. After all, only the top technology of Blue Star has reached the second level, and most of the technology and development level is only the first level of the primary level, while the dinosaur civilization is all the first level of the middle level.

Chu Tiange thought so in his heart, and the spacecraft soon passed through the harsh surface world layer.

"Sir, there is no sign of life here. The environment is too harsh. It is impossible for organisms to exist. Although many people on Blue Star firmly believe that there is life on Venus, the facts are in front of us. Impossible is impossible."

Xin Yuzhu looked out the window and made a rational analysis.

Chu Tiange smiled mysteriously and said, "Sometimes, some things cannot be simply judged by the surface."

"Do you see the mountain ring in front?"

"Yes, sir, I see it, what's wrong?"

"Hit it!"


"It's okay, hit it hard. If you make a mistake, I will take you to another time and space for refuge."

"Okay, sir." Although Xin Yuzhu still had some doubts, as a capable assistant, she resolutely carried out Chu Tiange's orders.

The next second, she started the spacecraft and plunged into the mountain ring.

Xin Yuzhu subconsciously closed her eyes, and then, she didn't hear the imagined explosion. Did the sir take her through time?

When she opened her eyes, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

There is no harm without comparison.

Compared with the outside world of Venus, this place is simply a paradise, with clear air and lush vegetation.

Xin Yuzhu was surprised and said, "Where is this? Sir, have you taken me through time and space?"

"No, this is Venus."

Chu Tiange smiled and continued, "There is a special space on Venus, called subspace, or inner space, which has an inner-outer relationship with the outer space."

"Okay, since it is confirmed that there is an inner space, then the dinosaur civilization is likely to exist."

"Start the spacecraft and go to Mishalkov City, about 600 kilometers ahead, which is the core capital of the dinosaur civilization."

The spacecraft spewed fire and reached the capital in minutes.

Xin Yuzhu sent out a large number of small exploratory robots, and soon received a lot of information.

"Sir, it is confirmed that the dinosaur civilization exists, and they have been monitoring us and paying attention to our every move on the blue planet."

"I expected it a long time ago."

Chu Tiange said: "The dinosaur civilization is a very cowardly civilization. It cannot be said that they are timid, but they are afraid of being attacked. In the early stage of technological development, they sent radio signals with coordinates and biological information to the universe like us, but they were attacked by advanced civilizations in the universe. Fortunately, God gave them a natural shelter. Therefore, after the destruction of the world by the big meteorite 65 million years ago, all the dinosaurs that had not evolved successfully died, and the intelligent human race that evolved into dinosaurs moved to Venus to live and redeveloped their own technological civilization."

"What is their attitude towards humans? How should we treat them?"

Xin Yuzhu is more concerned about this. If there is any harm to Blue Star, she will immediately return to Blue Star to mobilize the mechanical army to destroy the dinosaur civilization in one fell swoop. After all, those who are not of my race must have different hearts.

"To be honest, their attitude is good, and their attitude towards humans is generally friendly."

"They will even lend a hand when humans are in danger, but it cannot be denied that they are timid and cowardly. Once something that can hurt them occurs, they will hide and ignore it at the first time."

Chu Tiange's opinion of the dinosaurs is not bad. After all, the dinosaurs have not made any excessive actions except monitoring the actions of humans. They have even helped humans more than once in the deduction copy, but they are not very friendly. After all, they are also afraid that humans will cause trouble and involve them.

They belong to the neutral faction. They will help humans in the deduction copy, mostly because of a little incense.

"What should we do next?"

"Negotiation, negotiation."

The huge golden spaceship suddenly appeared in the sky above the capital, scaring the residents of the capital.

In less than an hour and a half, a number of defense aircraft surrounded his spaceship.

Chu Tiange spoke a set of dinosaur language when he came up.

"Don't misunderstand me, sir. I'm here to establish peace and friendship."

The chief and the members of the parliament were stunned.

"He can speak our language?"

"Have we been exposed long ago?"

"Yes, the current level of development of the human civilization on Blue Star is higher than ours."

"What should we do, chief? Should we fight or negotiate?"


The chief wanted to talk first and see. To be honest, he didn't want to go to war with the human race. The dinosaur civilization had finally recovered and developed its own technological civilization. He didn't want to destroy everything that was hard-won because of hostile exchanges between civilizations.

"Sir, please come down and enter the parliament. Let's slowly negotiate and discuss."



"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Chu Tiange, the boss behind the Tianwen Group."

The chief and other dinosaur executives were stunned. They always pay attention to the development of Blue Star civilization, and naturally understand how important the words "boss behind the Tianwen Group" are.

The chief's attitude became much better: "Mr. Chu, just call me Lei Duo."

"Okay, Chief Lei Duo, let me express my intentions first. First of all, I have no hostility, and I don't want to interfere with the development of your civilization. I know your origins and past, and I know that everything you have now is hard-won, but as an intelligent civilization in the solar system, as long as the human civilization of Blue Star continues to move forward, whether the dinosaur civilization is willing or not, it is inevitable that it will be affected."

The chief frowned: "What does Mr. Chu mean?"

Chu Tiange smiled confidently: "Go hand in hand, develop together, and cooperate for win-win results!"


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