On the way back to Blue Star.

Xin Yuzhu hesitated again and again, and said: "Sir, we are fully capable of integrating, governing, and even annihilating the dinosaur civilization."

She does not think that Chu Tiange is a womanly person. Chu Tiange has always been decisive and resolute in his actions. Moreover, Jiuge, Underworld and Xianting have strong strength. Why should they cooperate with the little dinosaur civilization? It will not help, but will become a drag, which is really not cost-effective.

Today's world-class cooperation is obviously based on unequal status. What is the meaning of cooperation?

It's like you are an immortal with Broken Star Realm cultivation, and you have the terrifying power to defeat a mortal who is only at the first level of body refining in all directions, but you want to discuss cooperation with a mortal who is only at the first level of body refining...it is obviously unjustifiable.

Chu Tiange smiled: "Can't you make sense? Don't you understand?"

"Yes sir." Xin Yuzhu nodded: "If you are willing, I will lead my mechanical army and help you destroy the dinosaur civilization and occupy the entire inner world of Venus in just two hours, without any effort."

Chu Tiange waved his hand: "Don't always think about invasion. Sometimes, cooperating with them is more useful than destroying one party."

"Moreover, the dinosaurian civilization is just a little bit sloppy. They are pretty decent people. The future of Blue Star is the sea of ​​stars. We need some friends. Even if the dinosaurian civilization is very weak, the first stage... is still very useful."

Chu Tiange clasped his hands behind his back and looked out the window at the blue planet that was gradually getting bigger in his field of vision, with countless thoughts in his mind.

In the main world, the cooperation between the Blue Star human race and the dinosaur human race is essentially of little significance. He does not want to disturb the stable life of the other party. He is not the Anunnaki of the Nibiru civilization, who uses colonization and slavery as means to coerce People from various civilizations work for him, but in terms of deducing time and space, the cooperation between the two parties is of great significance.

"Whether a civilization is weak and useless cannot just be judged by its surface. Okay, let's go back first. I have to meet someone."

While Xin Yuzhu was muttering, there were also quarrels in the Dinosaur House. Some hawks even thought that cooperation was useless. Now that the lair has been discovered, then just one word!

"Let me tell you, what a great opportunity we had just now. As long as we swarm up, we will definitely catch them off guard. In our territory, we have a large number of people and we have the right time, place and people. It's a pity, it's a pity. We captured Chutian in one fell swoop. Song, why are we afraid of the Blue Star humans?"

"Don't talk too much, and don't be too confident, otherwise you will easily get pecked by an eagle. If Chu Tiange dares to come in person without any soldiers, he must be fully prepared. Believe it or not, you have kicked him in the head. , or kill him, and our entire clan will be buried with him!"

"Haha, to grow others' ambitions and destroy one's own prestige, the power of Tianwen Group is indeed not small, but he cannot represent the entire Blue Star civilization. Even if we can handle it properly, we may be able to get some second-level scientific and technological information from his mouth. "

"Really, you really only have that much strength in Tianwen? Then do you know Jiuge! Jiuge is the force behind Tianwen, a transcendent force that controls Blue Star."



The big leader slammed the table and everyone fell silent, including the most noisy representatives of the hawks and doves.

"I think you are focusing on the wrong thing. The focus of our discussion now is not whether to kill Chu Tiange or whether to cooperate. Whether we are willing or not, the cooperation agreement has been signed and we all have to cooperate..."

The representative of the hawks was unwilling to give in: "Then tear up the cooperation agreement!"

"Do you want all your people to die because of your recklessness?"

The big leader glared at the representative, took a deep breath, and said, "What I want to say is not whether cooperation is good or bad, but why they want to cooperate with us."

"Some of you may have seen the seriousness of the matter. Jiuge and Tianwen controlled by Chutian Singers are very powerful. They have Blue Star integrated resources and high-tech technology. If they want to eliminate It's not difficult for us, but the problem is that he took the initiative to establish a cooperative relationship with us, the dinosaur race. "

The representative of the hawks opened his eyes wide: "The wolf's ambition must be defeated!"

Big leader: "..."

"If you can't keep your mouth shut, you don't have to participate in this council."

The representative smiled bitterly.

"And the strangest thing is that they clearly have the power to destroy us, but they still give us a chance to live in peace and work together. Everyone, do you understand what Chu Tiange wants to express?"

A young congressman said: "A friendly message is also a warning."

"Yes, it's two-sided. What should we do?"

"Without him, there is only one thing. What should we do if he asks us to do it?"

"Since our tribe has been hiding for thousands of years, why not continue to live on? You all understand that it is best to enjoy the shade under a big tree, right?"

"But... isn't it a bit too frustrating?"

"Aggrieved? Life is more important than face?"

"In short, for the sake of the lives of the tribe, I will write a gift list, count out some scarce resources, and give them to Chu Tiange in exchange for a deeper friendship... Everything is for the dinosaur race!"

"Everything is for the people!"

The big leader smiled slightly, Gou, no shame, no matter what happens to Blue Star in the future, at present, Blue Star has the largest civilization in the solar system, so they just obey!

Obedience is also a kind of cowardice. At most, when doing things, you can be a little passive, lazy, and half-lying down. As long as you don't give up completely, otherwise the other party will have a handle on you, you can do whatever you want! WeNXuEmi.Cc


Annan City Mental Hospital.

I made an appointment with Lu Ying to chat with Euonymus and discuss in depth profound topics such as the universe, time and space, and the truth of the world.

"Teacher Lu, long time no see."

"I haven't seen you since the first day of school. You won't drop out of school, right?" Lu Ying said half-jokingly.

Chu Tiange responded with a smile: "Although academic qualifications are dispensable to me, academic qualifications are always a proof of interim achievements."

Lu Ying patted Chu Tiange's strong shoulders, "Tianwen Group's business is getting bigger and bigger. I thought you were busy with work and didn't want to go back to school to attend classes, and you also fell behind in astrophysics courses, but I didn't expect that I heard from Mu Jin and Wei Mao that you often come to the institute to discuss some academic knowledge with Wei Mao."

"Well, there are always some doubts and things I don't understand in my heart, and I want to find Teacher Wei Mao to solve them."

At this time, Chen Mu Jin came to pick up the two of them with a stack of information, in a hurry.

Chen Mujin said unhappily, "You two have come here three times this month."

Lu Ying wanted to say something, but Chen Mujin didn't give him a chance at all: "I have to do some new cases. There are several patients transferred from other hospitals who need to be consulted. I don't have time to chat with you. I asked Xiao Li in the department to arrange it. You can go directly, but remember, you have to follow the rules. It's only half an hour."

As she said that, Chen Mujin turned around and was about to leave.

Chu Tiange hurriedly said, "Wait, Sister Mujin, can I see Senior Sister Zhou Nan?"

Chen Mujin was stunned for a moment, and looked at the date and time on her phone. "Zhou Nan will come out for a walk today. There will be a nurse in the department to take care of her. You can see her, but it's also only half an hour. In addition, don't talk about sensitive topics, especially don't stimulate her. Her mental state has always been not very good."

"Okay Sister Mujin, thank you Sister Mujin."

Chen Mujin shook her head: "Okay, you are just sweet."


Lu Ying went to find Euonymus, while Chu Tiange was walking in the garden.

The environment of Annan Mental Hospital is quite good, with small bridges, flowing water, rockery, flower beds and pavilions, which make people relax their body and mind inadvertently.

Zhou Nan, 35 or 36 years old this year, is a doctor of biology from Annan University. A doctorate is the second stage of postgraduate study and the highest academic degree in Kyushu.

But there are also different levels between doctors.

Shang Lu is undoubtedly the top doctor. He is only 27 or 28 years old. He won the highest science and technology physics award and mathematics award in the three realms. He is the most dazzling genius in the world today. Li Shuijun is not bad either. He won the highest biology award with his teacher Yu Lao. He is also a top doctor.

However, there is another type of doctor. Although they have not won any awards, they are not inferior to top doctors because of their advanced thinking and ideas.

There is no doubt that Zhou Nan is one of them.

A pioneer in science and technology who revealed the consciousness of the universe and the soul, a top scholar in genetic informatics, Zhou Nan is amazing without exaggeration or slander.

Unfortunately, genius and madness are only one step away.

Zhou Nan sat in the pavilion, looking at the artificial waterfall on the rockery, motionless, with dilated pupils, dazed and absent-minded.

Chu Tiange sat beside her, also silent.

After a long while, Zhou Nan "woke up" and found a young man sitting next to her.

"Do you want to see me for something?"

She frowned. Chu Tiange was wearing a custom-made suit, not a hospital gown. He must not be a patient, nor a doctor, but family members were not allowed to move around freely.

There was only one explanation, that the other party came to see her specifically.

"Hello, senior Zhou Nan, my name is Chu Tiange, and I am an undergraduate student at Annan University."

When Zhou Nan looked at Chu Tiange, he also looked at Zhou Nan. He was about 1.62 meters tall, with too white skin and dry and pale lips, giving people a delicate feeling. He had short student hair and no makeup, but simply drew a light willow-like eyebrow.

"Then what?"

Zhou Nan spoke calmly, like water, so calm that there was no personal emotion mixed in, giving people a very distant feeling.

Chu Tiange got straight to the point: "I want to know what you think about the consciousness of the universe and the spiritual soul."

Zhou Nan glanced at Chu Tiange in surprise: "Did you hear it from Euonymus?"


"Let's go, I'm just making it up, don't take it seriously."

Zhou Nan didn't seem to want to say too much about this topic, and Chu Tiange was not in a hurry.

But he said slowly: "I work at Tianwen, responsible for the core research and development center of Tianwen. There is a technology that has been developed, very mature, and has been put into small-scale use. This technology is called life upload technology!"

Zhou Nan stared at the rockery waterfall, his eyes fixed, but the fluctuations in his eyes were still captured by Chu Tiange.

"Life uploading technology utilizes multiple technical principles, among which biology and computer science are the most important technologies. The application of biological computers involves gene storage units. I believe that you should understand the meaning of the information contained in gene base pairs better than I do."

"A person's soul and spirit, to put it bluntly, is a collection of experience, knowledge, experience and memory. By compiling them one by one into code strings, a person's past life can be completely stored."

Zhou Nan sneered: "Such a consciousness upload cannot be called a soul at all! The soul is thinking and creative. What you store is just a memory. Even if you live forever in the computer world, it is still a fragment. Before a person uploads it, Experiencing the repetition of the past is like a prison of consciousness, a spiritual quagmire, what a life upload.”

Chu Tiange did not argue and continued: "In order to improve the life uploading technology, Tianwen Group has developed several new products and several new technologies."

"With the perfect genome cloning technology and the original liquid of life, you can think of it as the Nine Heavens Breathing Land of Empress Nuwa!"

Zhou Nan's eyes flashed: "Why should I trust you?"

Chu Tiange smiled: "Believe it or not is up to me, but the fact is the fact. If I can leave the mental hospital, I would be happy to take me to the Destiny World to experience the joy of life uploading."

Zhou Nan was silent for a long time and said: "Regarding the research on spirit and soul, I can only say that it is related to genes, but not all. Most of the souls come from the consciousness of the universe, and it is also the only soul mother body in the universe. He is God. ! It is everything in the universe and the source of everything!”

As he said that, Zhou Nan stared at Chu Tiange: "If you think I am talking nonsense, then I am talking nonsense."

Chu Tiange showed a kind smile: "Senior sister, the world I know is very similar to yours, and I don't rely on mental speculation, but actual verification, so no matter how outrageous you say, it will slowly come true with me. To confirm.”

"Okay, I'll continue."

"The consciousness of the universe is the incarnation of the universe and the author of all the rules of the universe. It is like the water of an artificial waterfall, rising from high to low. The reason is the force of gravity. This is one of the rules established by Him, the force of gravity!"

"He is alive."

"Eumatism's teacher said that he is a one-dimensional creature and also an eleven-dimensional creature!"

Chu Tiange's heart skipped a beat, good guy, this mysterious teacher is the real master!

Understand the universe and its ultimate secrets!

No, no matter what, I have to pay a visit to this boss today!

"We, including all creatures in nature, as well as civilizations in the universe that are as numerous as stars, as long as we have consciousness and a soul, all of our consciousness and soul come from Him, and are existences separated from His mother body!"

"Do you know what this means?"

Zhou Nan stared at him with strange eyes, making him feel shuddering.

"Our lives, from birth to death, are all arranged! Everything is destined. No matter what we do, we cannot resist, because our every move is monitored, and even our thoughts and Consciousness has been manipulated!”

Seeing Chu Tiange's dull look, Zhou Nan suddenly laughed: "What can I do if I know the truth? It will only increase troubles and pain. As the saying goes, the less you know, the happier you are, and the ignorant are the happiest! "

"The ignorant are miserable, but they are also the happiest."

Zhou Nan left the pavilion quietly, leaving Chu Tiange alone in a daze.

"System, I think I understand why you chose me."

[The host understands something, the system doesn’t know why it happened to the host. 】

"Because I am a time traveler! Even if I am a special time traveler, I am also a time traveler. The relationship between the earth and the Blue Star is not important at all, but what is certain is that my life trajectory will not be monitored by the consciousness of the universe. , because my soul is not born out of Him!”

"Anomaly! I am that anomaly! That variable! An anomaly that is uncontrollable and has countless unknown quantities. There are countless possibilities for my future."

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