Wei Mao stared at the three teenagers.

"I will explain to you about the multiverse and parallel worlds one by one, but after listening, you must promise me that you must go back to school and study hard, OK?"

The three teenagers nodded: "We promise to study hard after getting the answers we want."

"Okay, Teacher Wei's small class will start. I can tell you clearly that it exists! Whether it is the multiverse or the parallel universe, it exists!"

"Let's first introduce a few high-sounding terms, quantum mechanics and relativity..."

Afterwards, Wei Mao concentrated on teaching, while Chu Tiange, Lu Ying and Chen Mujin left the consultation room.

Lu Ying asked curiously: "Are the three of them really not from the Blue Star?"

"Yes, and no. This world does not make them feel strange, which means that the world they come from is exactly the same as this world, that is, a parallel universe that is temporarily synchronized at the same time!"

"I understand."

"The boy Fang Di does not exist in this world, so naturally this world will not have any information about Fang Di."

Chen Mujin on the side was speechless: "It's just a post by a group of children playing around to attract attention, what's wrong? You two took it seriously?"

Lu Ying smiled mysteriously: "Some things you haven't seen with your own eyes, it's better not to rush to deny or kill them all with one stick."

Chen Mujin was quite speechless: "I think you are seriously ill, but I warn you not to put folk science knowledge in the classroom to mislead students."

Lu Ying repeatedly assured Chen Mujin and let him go.

Chu Tiange looked gossipy: "You two seem different, and your relationship is very unusual."

The two blushed and remained silent.

Chu Tiange changed the subject, "Sister Mu Jin, can I meet Professor Li Su?"

Professor Li Su, the leader of the physics community in Zhongzhou, a god-like top scholar, this great god... suddenly became a psychopath.

Because his control of knowledge and research on the truth had reached an extremely terrifying level, but he was still trapped in a scientific research dead end, so in order to keep his mind clear and rational, he locked himself up in a mental hospital.

Some time ago, the visiting Professor Wen Tang was Professor Li Su's junior. Li Su, he had been protected on the highest level of the mental hospital and was a national treasure.

"Professor Wen Tang may have some time, but Mr. Li... is not easy to see. He is obsessed with scientific research. Let alone you, even Lu Ying, I haven't seen him for more than two years, right?"

Lu Ying nodded: "It's true that I haven't seen the teacher for two and a half years."

"Wei Mao waited for a year and only saw him once. Mr. Li has completely fallen into madness."

"He said that if he doesn't come out on his own initiative, don't let anyone disturb him rashly."

"The nurses in our hospital deliver meals on time every day. If the meals are not eaten up every day, we are afraid that Mr. Li is in the room... ahem, so, don't even think about seeing Mr. Li."

"Is there no way out?"

"Yes, a special transfer order."

Lu Ying took over the conversation.

"If there is a special transfer order from above, the teacher can be invited out."

Chu Tiange was stunned. Well, he is actually a person who listens to orders but not announcements.

"Oh, there is one more thing. The teacher's surname is Li and his given name is Su, and his courtesy name is Yi. He is also called Yi Su. It is more appropriate for you to call him Yi Lao than Li Lao, and he also likes others to call him Yi Lao."


Chu Tiange frowned: "Is the title important?"

"The title may not be important to ordinary people, but it is very important to the teacher. He pays attention to rules."

An old scholar who studies physics pays attention to rules?

Chu Tiange is most annoyed by the seniority system.

The management model of Tianwen Group is that the capable are promoted and the mediocre are demoted, reducing unfairness to zero and achieving the greatest fair competition.

Seeing that Chu Tiange's face was not right, Lu Ying hurriedly explained: "Hey, don't think wrongly, it's not those drunkards you imagine."

"The teacher is quite knowledgeable in Chinese culture."

"Hey, it's new. Physicists need Chinese culture."

If you want a transfer order, it's very simple. Through Jiuge's background, you can ask someone to ask for a transfer order from the Anxie Division.

After a while, a transfer order was handed to Chu Tiange.

Lu Ying sighed: "You Tianwen's efficiency is really high."

He did not doubt the authenticity of the transfer order. With Tianwen's current power, it was too simple.

"It's okay."


Li Su.

The old man in his seventies, with three strands of beard, half white and half black, looks like an old artist, but he is obviously an old scientist.

At this moment, he is concentrating on playing Go.

"Hello, Mr. Yi."

"Young man, you are not simple. You can get the highest level transfer order of Anxie Division. Tell me, what do you want to talk to the old man about?"

The old man Yi said without looking up.

"I want to ask you something about the universe, time and space, and dimensional civilization."

Li Su was stunned for a moment, and pressed the chess piece in his hand on the "break position".

"Can you play chess?"

"I can play a little, but not very well."

"Just play, play a game with me."

"You guess first!"


Black piece, Tianyuan!

Chu Tiange's first move stunned the old man.

After a moment, he reacted and became angry: "Can you play chess? Can you play chess?"

Chu Tiange smiled and said: "This move of the junior is called Liuhe Dingshi. You will know it after playing. My ultimate move is called Tiandi Datong!!!"

Anyway, there are no Go boys in this world.

"Liuhe fixed formula? Heaven and earth are unified?"

Li Su snorted: "No matter how awesome the formula is, without a smart brain and the calculation ability to see a hundred steps at a time, you will lose in the end!"




The two moved very quickly.

"You have good calculation skills!"

The old man stared at the chessboard, looking like he was thinking seriously.

Chu Tiange smiled: "You are a strong national player."

After that, he lowered his head and glanced at the screen of his mobile phone hidden under the table. It was the Go APP, the mode: extremely difficult hell mode. ŴŴŴ.

"Seven to three!"


"I...cut off your dragon."

"Cut it off again!"

"I...I'm crazy..."



Finally, Chu Tiange turned off his phone, and the screen displayed: Challenge failed.

And in reality.

"Yi Lao, I accept it!"

"Young man, you are very good at chess. Do you want to play professionally? I know professional 9th-dan Danzhen and 9th-dan Wang Xiu."

Chu Tiange waved his hand: "Thank you, Mr. Yi, for your kindness. It's just a hobby. It can't be compared with a professional."

"Okay, let's get down to business and let's talk."


The two of them were walking in the flower bed.

"What do you want to know? I'm only interested in things in the sky."

"What a coincidence, Yi Lao, so am I. I am an astrophysics student at Annan University, and I am also very interested in things in the sky."

"First tell me what you think about time."

"Time? You should have discussed this kind of issue with Xiao Wei, right?"

"Yes, but I want to hear something deeper from you."

Li Su looked at Chu Tiange deeply: "Time is a scale, a mark, and the essence is movement."

"What you want to ask is not about time, but about time, space and dimensions. I believe that Wei Mao has told you everything he can tell you. Well, then, I will tell you what you don't know. Even Wei Mao doesn't know."

"The end of time, the beginning of space, absolute motion and absolute stillness, and the other end of the black hole. Do you want to hear these five topics?"

The sparkle in Chu Tiange's eyes soared.

He now doubted that the old man could understand his mind.

Li Su glanced at Chu Tiange and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not a mind reader."


"Okay, no kidding, let's talk about the first topic first, the end of time."

"Boy Chu, do you think there is an end to time?"

Chu Tiange replied: "You previously gave a definition of time. Marks and scales are essentially movement. That is to say, the end of time should be a certain amount. For example, you deliberately talked about five topics, absolute stillness and movement. If it is movement, it should also be time; if there is an absolute, it should be the end.”

"Hahaha, you are so smart, I like you!"

Li Su looked like an old naughty boy.

"That's right, it seems like five topics, but actually there are only three."

"Absolute movement and stillness are the end of time, and the end of time is a relative quantity and an absolutely balanced space."

"There, there is no time! Because everything stops!"

Chu Tiange asked: "Where?! Where is it?"

Li Su suddenly smiled mysteriously: "Want to go? I'll take you there!"

Chu Tiange: “???”

"You, can you take me there?"


Chu Tiange swept away his thoughts and found nothing special about Li Su. Even the first level of body refining was created by using genetic medicine, so it was impossible for him to have that kind of mysterious power.

"Okay, close your eyes."

"Did you feel it?"

"???How do you feel?"

"Standing time!"


Chu Tiange was speechless, "Aren't we right where we are?"

Li Su shook his head: "I'm back, why are you always wandering around in circles?"


"Obviously I didn't do anything."

"Then open your eyes and look at me!"

Chu Tiange stared at the old man intently.

"Did you see that? I'm back again."


Chu Tiange said helplessly: "Are you always making me happy?"

Old Man Li suddenly said with a serious face: "I didn't tease you, nor did I make fun of you. I did go and I came back!"


"There are no buts, because at the end of time, there is no time, not even a fraction of it exists, so I went and I came back, not even a millionth of a second."

"...Okay, let's assume you are not blind. Please tell me first what it will be like at the end of time. Can you describe it? Let me, a mortal, open my eyes."

The old man scratched his head and scratched his head, a little worried: "How can I describe it to you?"

"You are at the end of time. If you take a step forward, it is equivalent to taking a step in all directions. It is the same in all directions. There are no rules, no order, and entropy is zero, neither increasing nor decreasing."

"You are at the end of time, where there is absolute stillness and motion, an integration of contradictions. It is not chaos, but disorder, no rules. There is no air, no matter, no direction, no gravity. You can even see Yourself, you look forward and you can see the back of your head."

Chu Tiange murmured: "What kind of space is that?"

"Yes, it is space. The end of time is the space after gravity distortion!"

"You know the theory of celestial films, right?"

"Well, Teacher Euonymus once said."

Old man Li Su nodded: "When I told him about the membrane theory, it was not complete. Now, I will tell you the complete membrane theory..."

"The membrane theory model reveals the relationship between space, gravity and celestial bodies, but also reflects absolute time and space... that is, the unity of stillness and movement, balance!"

"You put a few iron beads of different sizes on the membrane, they will rotate, and will attract the small balls because of the downward pressure on the membrane, that is, the gravity and gravity waves of the large celestial body attract the small celestial body to rotate, such as the blue star and the moon, the sun and the blue star, the solar system and the Milky Way, all of which are in this relationship!"

"But have you ever thought about putting another small ball at a certain position on the membrane, so that all the small iron beads on the entire membrane can reach a relatively balanced and still situation?"

"It is a hypothesis, a bold statement, but if it exists, absolute stillness and absolute movement will exist, and time will have an end."

"Then, you will ask, where is this small ball?"

Li Su stretched out a finger and tapped Chu Tiange's heart.

"Feel it with your heart!"

"Remember, science is objective materialism."

"Objective, represents law, materialism represents existence?"

"When the wind blows the flag, is it the wind that moves? Is it the flag that moves? Zen answers, it is the heart that moves."

"Subjective idealism, subjective, is consciousness, is spirit."

"Materialism and idealism are not a debate between science and theology, but a contradictory unity of spirit and matter."

"Do you know why I want to take Yi? In Laozi's Taoist doctrine, there are yin and yang, four images and six combinations, five elements and eight trigrams, seven stars and nine palaces, and Zhoutian constellations all conform to the same principle... Tao is like a law, and looking for the law of stillness is idealism, so since you believe in science, look for it in theoretical science!"

"Use your heart!"

"Don't mind!"

Chu Tiange was silent for a long time, and he had already grasped it in his heart.

"Then what about Yi Lao, the origin and source of space?"

"Space involves dimensions!"

Li Su said.

"You should know the dimensions from one to eleven."

"Yes, I know a little bit."

"Then, space is nothing more than points, lines, and surfaces, and then the points, lines, and surfaces that are superimposed on the two-dimensional space-time. If I tell you that space only has basic three-dimensional properties, and the space-time dimension is an ascending spiral curve, do you believe it?"

Chu Tiange thought about it and did not answer directly, but said: "Four-dimensional creatures should exist, right?"

"Yes, he lives on the timeline, overlooking the three-dimensional space-time."

"Since it can live on the timeline, why can't high-dimensional creatures live on the timeline or in the plane space of the time and space-time?"

"It can, but at the moment the universe was born, except for some four-dimensional creatures who could survive by chance, other dimensional creatures had already collapsed with the latitude and all died."



Chu Tiange was very shocked, because what Yi Lao said was completely true, but Yi Lao was obviously just an ordinary person. Think about the thinking life in the Oort Cloud!

This great existence that once withered in this universe

"Because the universe needs to expand and energy, these dimensional creatures are just nutritional supplements, feeding back to us three-dimensional creatures!"

"In general, our existence caused their death, and we absolutely cannot live in peace!"

"Otherwise, once the dimensionality reduction attack occurs, the three-dimensional life, even if its civilization develops to the ninth level, will be too weak, and the existence of the universe will have little meaning. Therefore, for the sake of three-dimensional creatures and the major civilizations of the universe, high-dimensional life has to die!"


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