Because three-dimensional creatures must exist, four-dimensional and higher-dimensional creatures must die.

"Yi Lao, are you talking about the balance between energy and matter? Similar to the law of conservation?"

"No, no, no, do you know why I said there are certain errors and absurdities in your Dark Forest Law?"

"The relationship between conservation and expansion?"

Li Su nodded: "Yes, the universe is expanding. It will continue to expand until one day it collapses. No matter what form the expansion is maintained, matter and energy will rise. In other words, absolute conservation and expansion are unified. Yes, absolute conservation will only exist at the end of time. There is a boundary between ideal and reality, and there is only expansion, that is, entropy increase! "

Old man Li Su's words made Chu Tiange fall into deep thought.

Wrong, the universe is constantly increasing and expanding.

“Shrinking it to the scope of civilization, civilization is expanding, just like a country, a city, a town, and a village are constantly expanding. If they don’t expand, they can only perish. There is no possibility of stability and constancy, and we can only seek change. "

After Chu Tian heard this, he silently consulted the system in his heart.

"System, is that four-dimensional creature still alive?"

[It is currently unknown in the main world, but it is indeed still alive in some copies of the deduction time and space. 】

"Such as the ancestral civilization, right?"

[Yes, the host. In the latest copy, four-dimensional creatures are alive. In this universe, there is only one. The specific number of ancestor civilizations is unknown. It must not be too many. The origin of human beings comes from them. This may be their way of preserving themselves. the only means of compromise. 】

"One is civilized."

"Lonely Civilization."

He muttered two sentences silently in his mind.

Chu Tiange then asked: "The third question, what do you think about the other end of the black hole?"

Li Su asked back: "What do you think a black hole is? Is it a dead celestial body? Or is it a collapsed gravitational space?"

"According to your thin film theory, it is a hole formed by the breaking of a layer of gravity field by the dead celestial body under the influence of the collapsing space."

Chu Tiange thought for a while and added again: "It is also a special subspace, also called a space-time tunnel."

Old Man Li smiled: "Space-time tunnel? Your imagination is good, but it's still not enough. Let me tell you now, black holes are natural loopholes in the universe and the world. They are the only channels that connect different worlds and universes. You use space-time tunnel to describe it. They are not wrong, but they are not rigorous enough. They only lead to another world and universe, and will never travel to the future or past of this world, a parallel jump under non-torsion time and space."

"But this time and space gate is not easy to wear."

Chu Tiange shook his head. In front of a black hole, the movement of things is equivalent to being stationary. In other words, time is stationary. If a person is close to a black hole, regardless of being torn apart by strong gravity, the person will gradually become stationary, which is not death. , but life is still, as if frozen by extremely low temperature in an instant.

"Without motion, it is naturally difficult for you to travel through a black hole. Current technology cannot reach the level of traveling through a black hole, but if you want to break the static time, it is not difficult and there is scientific basis for it."

Li Su smiled mysteriously.

"Please feel free to teach me."

"Time has certain limitations, that is, it has the opposite effect. That is to say, when it is stationary, the closer you get to it, the entropy energy will gradually decrease from the state of motion to the final state of disordered stillness. , if you want to solve this problem, don’t take the initiative to approach it, let it actively attract you.”

"How to say???"

"In addition to the slow relative motion and large time-stop gravity of black holes, the corresponding gravity is also large enough. Black holes need energy to maintain their own operation, so they have to continuously absorb energy from the universe. Therefore, dark matter can break this special law. But unfortunately, the rare particles of dark matter are too difficult to capture.”

"Absorption ability, dark matter particles..."

Chu Tiange chewed these words repeatedly in his mouth, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

For ordinary people, it is difficult to collect dark matter, but he can, he has the technology and ability.

Li Su scratched his head: "If you want to ask me, what is on the other side of the black hole? First, I will lay out one of my theories. In other words, I believe that in the entire universe, there are civilizations that are exactly the same as the Blue Star Civilization. Dimensionless, they were neatly stacked together and placed horizontally and vertically. Under the squeeze of the universe, some blue stars collapsed, some blue stars developed healthily and orderly, and some blue stars were just The bud was just born.”

"Outside the universe, there are multiple universes converging. They are isolated from each other by a kind of space-time bubble. It is almost difficult to cross. Once crossed, they will merge. Can you imagine the scene of blown bubbles hitting each other? It's beautiful Suffocating, in an instant, the two universes were shattered. The probability of fusion is very small. The fall of the universe is so beautiful. It is the art of destruction. It is unimaginable, but it is certain that there are different rules between them, because different rules interact with each other. Exclusion is the fundamental reason for inapplicability and parallel and non-synchronous development. By the way, I generally don’t want to use the term parallel universe, because the expansion speed of the universe is too fast, which results in the same scale and dimension in space. , civilizations with different levels of development support the expansion of the universe at different speeds. Some may expand to the size of a large mountain, while some may only be equivalent to a round piece of watermelon, and some may be like a broken bowl with a hole already opened. , the universe collapsed, until in the end, there was only a trace of cosmic ashes left.”

"Finally, what I want to tell you is this."

Old Man Li stared at Chu Tiange seriously and said: "There are many civilizations in this universe, the scope of time and space in this universe is very large, and the development of civilizations is dazzling and wonderful. Whether it is rebirth or destruction, development is inevitable and preset, but any Beautiful things are inevitably short-lived. I don’t want Blue Star to become a flash in the pan. On the scale of civilization, a flash in the pan will last thousands or even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years. In fact, while Blue Star is developing steadily in place, no one will Bully Blue Star because it is too weak and has been completely ignored. Now Blue Star is getting bigger and stronger little by little. First, there will be some jealousy, envy and hatred at the same level. Second, in the civilization with high positions, they are afraid of you. They come from behind, so they will try their best to eliminate you.”

"I have read your boy's Dark Forest Law and Cosmic Bullseye Theory several times. Although it is a bit naive and taken for granted, I do not deny its rationality and authenticity. Blue Star hates danger, and those who can protect Blue Star, I think about it. If you want to go, only your Tianwen Group, at the level of civilizational confrontation, only technology is the primary combat force. "

Chu Tiange nodded and assured: "Don't worry, the meaning of Tianwen's existence is to lead Blue Star technology, vigorously develop science and technology, and continuously improve the level of civilization so that Blue Star has the ability to protect itself from the invasion and harm of foreign civilizations."

The conversation with Mr. Li made Chu Tiange feel quite complicated.

Many mysteries about the universe have been solved to some extent.

Next, many things will have to be verified one by one by yourself.

Blue Star will also usher in its own period of rapid development.

What he can provide are first-class technical packages and top talents, and those responsible for implementation are all mankind, everyone!

Not even one less!

The human race does not live by his own efforts, but by everyone's efforts, persistence and hard work, and then achieves good results.

When leaving the mental hospital in the afternoon.

Chu Tiange said: "In the future, I may not come to the courtyard very often."

Chen Mujin said in surprise: "What's wrong? I'm afraid I'll keep you as a patient."

Lu Ying smiled: "You invited all my teachers to come out and give you enlightenment today. You must have enlightened a lot."

"Yes, I have benefited a lot and will use it for life."

"Okay, I have something to discuss with you, and I hope to ask for your permission."

Lu Ying said with a smile.

Chu Tiange waved his hand: "You are my teaching teacher. Why do you need my permission for anything?"

"I want to work at Tianwen Group, and I don't have many acquaintances. As for me, it's like going through the back door."

Chu Tiange: “???”

Chen Mujin: "???"

Chen Chu and Chen were surprised at the same time: "Are you crazy?!"

Lu Ying raised her hand: "I'm not crazy. Can't I, a university teacher, work in a private company?"

"It's possible. After all, Mr. Yu and the others also work at Tianwen. But if this happens, your future in teaching positions will disappear."

Chu Tiange shook his head: "Professor Pingzheng is thirty years old. According to your current research, it is no accident that at forty he can enter the Academy of Sciences and become a top scholar."

Lu Ying smiled and said: "Is there no future in working at Tianwen? I am a young physics professor after all, a full-time job!"

"If you want to go, you can do it at any time. The platform provided by Tianwen is no lower than that of scientific research and teaching positions, but I still want to ask, why do you want to go to Tianwen? It can't be because the salary offered by Tianwen is high, right?"

At Lu Ying's level, he was definitely considered young and promising. He took on a few projects every year and it was definitely not difficult to make money. Not to mention his social status and status, he was full of talents and would be welcomed wherever he went.

When he arrived at Tianwen Group, he was a theoretical physicist. Although his salary was not low, his status was not as good as that of a university professor.

So, if you have an iron job, why should you look for a job that is full of challenges? Don't understand.

Lu Ying replied: "Okay, I admit, I have selfish motives. I actually just want to meet my idol."

Chu Tiange was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he came to his senses, "...Okay, I probably understand what's going on. It was Teacher Wei Mao who told you."

"Well, yes."

"Actually, it's not necessary. Being a university teacher is definitely more valuable than going to Tianwen Group. Let's do this. I'll ask the Human Resources Department to approve a special consultant quota. You can also exchange your experiences with them, but there is one thing you need to do. Strict compliance and confidentiality! Absolute confidentiality! ”

"After all, this involves some core technologies..."

As soon as Chu Tiange finished speaking, Lu Ying immediately agreed: "You'll rot in my stomach, and I won't even say anything about it even if I beat you to death."

Chen Mujin asked curiously: "What's going on? You won't say anything about it even if you kill him? It's quite mysterious."

Lu Ying shook his head: "The precious opportunity you finally earned, keep it secret, keep it secret, keep it secret."

"whispering sound!"

After bidding farewell to the two of them, Chu Tiange returned to the villa. For a long time, he just refreshed the copy every day, and then paid attention to the live broadcast watched by the whole people, the progress of the Tianwenqiu solar energy cover project.

In a blink of an eye, it was three months.

This day.

Tianwen Ball is completed.

At this moment, there are as many as five billion people watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room.

Host Hua Ying smiled and said: "Everyone, today, you will witness history and the greatest moment of mankind. Our human Tianwenqiu solar energy collection system has been completely completed. Let us humans witness this great energy project together. Let us humans step into the ranks of second-level civilization together!”

As soon as Hua Ying finished speaking, the live broadcast room exploded, and the beautiful video was refreshed with hundreds of millions of messages.

"Strong! Strong! Simply invincible. I have been watching the live broadcast for three months and finally witnessed the history in full!"

"I can brag to my grandson in the future. Back then, your grandfather witnessed the greatest project in human history! Tianwen Ball!"

"With Tianwen Ball, it is equivalent to completely solving the energy crisis. We humans dominate the solar system!"

At this moment, no matter which state in Jiuzhou, people are celebrating. At this moment, the celebration belongs not only to Zhongzhou, but to the entire human race.

Everyone is happy, and Chu Tiange is also very happy.

Because when Tianwen Ball was completed, a wave of deduction points were obtained at the same time.

The system has completed the upgrade again!

[Deduction range, this galaxy cluster! ]

"Okay, I have waited for this moment for a long time. Let's start the deduction and deduce the light-thermal civilization directly."

[Today's deduction has been started. Do you want to deduce? ]

"Deduction, start deduction from light-thermal civilization!"

[Okay host, deduction begins! ]

The surrounding environment suddenly changed.

He appeared on the bank of a first-class clear water river.

[In the 700 millionth year of the Blue Star Calendar, the first generation of intelligent humans appeared in this world. Their origin was the ancestral civilization! ]

Four large eggs, one black, one white, one gold, and one red, flew in from space.

Four seeds of life collided with each other on the original continent of the Blue Star.

The four life liquids mixed together and became the strongest life soup, converging in the river and finally flowing into the sea.

Water once again became the root of all life.

[The Big Bang of Life, it took only three million years to complete the evolution! ]

In the next three million years, he sat in the sky and looked down at the changes of all things under the clouds.

Beating frame by frame.

Ocean rivers, from bacteria and other fungi, single-celled organisms to multi-celled organisms, from microorganisms to plants and animals.

Mollusks, arthropods, chordates...the Big Bang period has arrived.

Marine, amphibious, terrestrial...this is the brilliant light of life.

"Three million years is a long time for tiny individuals and races, but it is only a very short section, or even a trivial episode, in the history of race evolution."

"What about the human race? It should appear!" WeNXuEmi.Cc

[The ancient ancestor of the first generation of intelligent humans, the aquatic ape learned to walk upright and use tools. 】


Monkeys are social animals.

A monkey, holding a wooden stick, sharpened it on a large stone, and then stood on the coast to watch.

Then, the monkey's eyes lit up and he stabbed it with a fork.

It pierced the fish's belly, and the fish struggled on the wooden thorn for a few times, and then stopped moving.


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