Water apes are a special species in the Simianidae family. During the scientific and technological development stage of the Blue Star civilization in later generations, anthropozoologists observed that water apes can also use tools simply.

Some people even say that if human beings evolve slowly, they will probably be the ones being observed and experimented on.

But unfortunately, it failed to evolve into humans in the end.

"Today's Blue Star has four life seeds. The first generation of humans did not appear directly. Instead, they evolved step by step as speculated by later evolutionary theories. Natural selection, survival of the fittest, and survival of the fittest are nothing more than the evolution of time. Compressed in a very short period of three million years.”

"Gives me an inexplicable sense of absurdity."

"Under normal circumstances, this generation of humans should have the highest IQ, the best physique, and the fastest personal growth and civilization development in human history."

[If the host is not biased against the theory of evolution, it means that there is an inherent cognitive bias in the evolution of time. 】

[Human beings often believe that the most precious thing is time, so they judge and believe that things that are generally worth a long time to evolve or require a long time to obtain must be good things! 】

[This is a cognitive misunderstanding and a lag in the love of thought. The host is asked to look at time dialectically. 】

"You mean, I only think it's ridiculous when I compare the evolutionary perspective of the fifth-generation human race with the evolutionary history of the first-generation human race, right?"

[Yes, host, forget your inherent knowledge and re-understand the evolutionary history of new races and new civilizations. 】

"Okay, now you speed up and deduce to the stage of human civilization."

[From the Stone Age to the New Age, it took Homo sapiens only 30,000 years to complete the prototype of human civilization. 】

[Three thousand years later, the transition from the Neolithic Age to the Agricultural Age brought the human race into the stage of civilization. 】WeNXuEmi.Cc

[The most significant feature of this period, in addition to the changes in social productivity, the greatest source of motivation and the germination of wisdom lies in the language and writing system. 】

Chu Tiange nodded: "The emergence of language and writing is indeed the most important part of the evolution of civilization. Civilization without language and writing is just a false stage of the evolution of civilization!"

The development of the first generation of humans was too fast. It only took three thousand years to enter the farming period and the period of slave-owner society. Compared with the ten thousand years of the fifth generation of humans, it is obvious that the wisdom of the first generation of humans is much greater. Taller, smarter.

A high degree of enlightenment means great potential for the development of civilization, huge potential for the human race, and everything in the future is possible.

[It took one thousand years for the social form to develop from a slave-owning society to a feudal society. 】

"Feudal society is a social form that no civilization can avoid, and such a form will last for countless years, because no matter what period or ideology, authoritarianism and hegemony will never disappear."

Chu Tiange thought for a while and said.

[This wave of predictions by the host are accurate. Yes, the human race will start from the imperial system, which will last for countless years, and even the universe will be shattered! 】


"What's the meaning?"

"There is no capital-cooperative stage? What if everyone is equal?"

"Besides, didn't the first generation of humans disappear into the long river of history long ago?"

【Who said that? 】

"...Well, no one really said...you want to say, they just left Blue Star."

[Host, please read on patiently. The first generation civilization of Blue Star is the real super civilization. 】

Super civilization...

Chu Tiange's eyes flashed.

[In the year 1585 of the human calendar, the ninth dynasty of the human race entered the stage of history and was named Qin! 】

Qin Taizu's imperial life had three achievements.

First, create the Qin Dynasty, unify the Blue Star, use the same writing and track, unify weights and measures, run education, encourage agriculture and commerce, adhere to people's livelihood, and put people first.

Second, vigorously develop science and technology, build a scientific and technological Qin, and open up the buds of science.

Third, lead the human race to counterattack the first cosmic attack, protect the interests of the human race, and lead the human race to initially experience the vast universe and the brilliant civilization in the universe.

After more than a thousand years of development, feudal ignorance has ruled for more than a thousand years.

It only took fifty-eight years for the imperial government to initiate the germination of science and promote the rapid development of science and technology, as if everything was divinely assisted and deliberately arranged by God.

"After more than fifty years of walking the path that it took the fifth generation of humans four hundred years to explore, I have to say that the first generation of humans is uniquely blessed by nature and deeply loved by God, and this monarch can also be called the emperor of the ages! "

If Chu Tiange's system hadn't alerted the police, he would have almost thought that the founding monarch of the Qin Dynasty was a time traveler or a reborn person.

"But one thing I don't understand is how can emperors exist in a time when science is flourishing?"

[Host cognition still has limitations. Who says science and empire conflict with each other? One is social form, the other is ideology. There are obvious differences between the two, which requires a condescending view of strong culture. The other is that for grassroots and ordinary people, the quality of the system has little to do with them. They only care about who can make their lives better, live happier, have enough food and clothing, that's all. 】

Chu Tiange deeply agreed.


Civilization and history are not created by a certain person or a certain group of people, but by all mankind. However, most of the time, the fruits of victory are taken by leaders and some key figures, who become famous and go down in history. The real creators of history are ordinary people, but unfortunately, most of them are lost in the dust and never see the sun or the moon.

Chu Tiange came to the imperial capital.

It has everything it should have.

There are tall buildings, busy traffic, airplanes in the sky, cars below, shops on both sides of the road, and huge display screens playing the hot news.

In a trance.

Chu Tiange seemed to have come to a street in the future.

A sense of familiarity arises spontaneously.

In a blink of an eye.

The 98-year-old Taizu Emperor Zheng passed away.

The second generation emperor was Zheng Ba Zi, named Di Gan.

Di Gan, temple name Taizong, of course, at this time, Emperor Gan was not dead, but alive and well, but a little old, already 68 years old.

Emperor Gan was not as good as his father in civil and military affairs, and his influence in this dynasty was not high, but in the future, Emperor Gan and his father Emperor Zheng were called Zheng Gan Dazhi!

Just because...

Emperor Gan was afraid of death!

He wanted to live forever!

Like most emperors, he was reluctant to give up the supreme power and wanted to live forever, to enjoy the pleasure of ruling forever.


He ordered to develop the longevity subject, whether in medicine, genetic biology, or physical training, Emperor Gan just wanted to achieve longevity.

Logically speaking, such an emperor should be a tyrant, but Emperor Gan was still praised as a wise monarch.

It was only because he opened up the era of super-biological genes!

[Super-biological genes are a scientific method that uses genetic engineering technology to perfectly integrate super-biological genes into the human genome and obtain super-biological properties. ]

To put it bluntly.

Fusion of ant genes has the power of ants amplified hundreds of times.

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Integrated with cheetah genes, it has the speed of a cheetah's dream run.

Integrated with fish genes, it can breathe and swim underwater.

Integrated with water bear genes, it is resistant to high temperatures and low oxygen...

[Although Emperor Gan did not see the possibility of genetic immortality until his death, he was allowed to be an emperor for three hundred years and outlasted two generations of princes. ]

[In the year 2036 of the human calendar, the fifth emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Hong, led the human race into the second-level civilization, unified the solar system, and opened a palace and a human base on the sun. ]

Chu Tiange guessed wrong.

It is not the so-called photothermal technology civilization at all.

It is a super-gene type of technology civilization.

"Human civilization is developing very fast. If I didn't have a system plug-in, Blue Star civilization couldn't catch up with them even if they flattered me? No, there's no need to flatter me. A Three-Dial civilization can directly wipe out Blue Star."

In the main world of Blue Star, at the moment when the Tianwen Ball project was completed, it can confidently announce that it has entered the second-level civilization stage, but it is still a long way from the full second-level technology stage.

[Just as the host was sighing, the monarch from Atlantis, Poseidon, came to visit! ]


"A noble king of the fifth-level civilization?"

[Yes, host, Poseidon failed in the battle of the gods, so he was expelled from the Olympus civilization and led his subjects to settle in the Milky Way and became an early inhabitant of the Milky Way. ]

The time is different in the progress of multiple deduction copies.

In the past, some copies said in the deduction that the Atlantis civilization was a new civilization, a branch of the Olympus civilization, and an outsider from the Milky Way.

But in this civilization, the time of this outsider's move-in was obviously advanced by 3.9 billion years.

Thirty-nine billion years is enough time for an alien civilization to be assimilated into the local civilization.

"What did Poseidon come to the first generation of Blue Star for? Invasion?"

The word "visit" is a bit too vague.

[I came here to register for residence. ]

"... What the hell!"

[During this period, the solar system just moved to the extreme west of the Milky Way, which is also the western gateway of the Milky Way. Poseidon's fleet entered from the west. Blue Star was the first civilization he saw, and it had just entered the second-level civilization. Therefore, Poseidon wanted to cooperate with Blue Star and establish friendly relations, hoping that Blue Star could help Poseidon settle down and develop civilization with peace of mind. ]

"Hmm? What level of civilization did the Atlantis civilization belong to during this period?"

[Like Blue Star, it is the second-level elementary, but Poseidon personally owns some technical information and technological products of the fourth-level advanced civilization. ]

Chu Tiange nodded. The current Olympus civilization is only the fourth-level advanced civilization, far from the arrogant fifth-level civilization.

One of its kings, the Sea King, led his defeated people to create a new civilization on a new land.

The Palace of the Sun.

“Your Majesty, a mighty space marching fleet is visiting from outside the galaxy.”

Emperor Hong was stunned and immediately ordered: “Everyone enters the first level of war preparation!”

“Gather all warships, just in case.”

“Also, prepare the Emperor’s warships. I’m going to the front line to see what this space marching fleet wants to do.”


Poseidon and Emperor Hong met.

“Please don’t misunderstand, Your Excellency. I’m here to establish friendly relations and make our civilizations friendly and diplomatic.”

Poseidon said so, but Di Hong was a little unconvinced: "Diplomatic relations? Friendly relations?"

Di Hong glanced at the marching team behind Poseidon, which was dark and could not be seen at the end.

"Your diplomatic means are really hard enough!"

Seeing Di Hong's misunderstanding, Poseidon waved his hand quickly, "Your Excellency misunderstood, please allow me to explain."

Di Hong looked at Poseidon, "I will explain it later. My civilization has always been hospitable. If you really have no hostility, please come with me to the Imperial Palace for tea. I will host a banquet for you."

Poseidon hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement. The guards beside Poseidon were a little worried: "Your Majesty..."

Poseidon waved his hand, indicating that the guards did not need to say more.

"It's okay, I believe in the character of Your Excellency Di Hong."

Di Hong smiled: "Your Excellency Poseidon, don't worry, as long as you are sincere in making friends, I Di Hong and the Blue Star Human Race are not villains, and will not do despicable things."

Blue Star, in the Imperial Palace.

"Please have some tea."

"Thank you."

Poseidon likes to drink, and it's a novelty to drink tea for the first time.

"Go ahead, Lord Poseidon."

Poseidon sorted out his words and said, "I come from a fourth-level advanced civilization, the Olympus civilization, which is a photon energy civilization, and the interstellar coordinates are Leo L77 and M87."

"Not long ago, our twelve kings had a god selection competition. In the battle, I lost, so I brought my subjects to the Milky Way to settle down..."

Poseidon told the cause and effect, and Di Hong expressed his understanding and promised to help Poseidon settle down.

"I have a general understanding of your situation. It's easy to settle down in the Milky Way. Just find an unowned place."

Poseidon smiled awkwardly: "Unowned places are easy to find, but there are not many safe places."

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

As one of the three main galaxies in the galaxy cluster, the Milky Way has no shortage of advanced civilizations. If he, an outsider, accidentally offends or occupies the territory of a certain advanced civilization, he will be completely doomed.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. Besides, he is not a strong dragon. In terms of origin, he comes from a fourth-level advanced civilization, which is definitely not low in the galaxy cluster, but he is only a second-level elementary civilization when separated.

Di Hong nodded, expressing his understanding: "In the current Milky Way, there is one fourth-level advanced civilization, two fourth-level medium civilizations, three fourth-level elementary civilizations, and hundreds of third-level civilizations. As for the second-level civilization, there are at least three or four thousand, and the first-level civilizations are countless."

Chu Tiange, who was standing aside, was surprised when he heard this.

"The Milky Way was so brilliant 3.8 or 3.9 billion years ago! There were 10 to 20 level 4 civilizations, and hundreds of level 3 civilizations?"

You know, in the later deduction copy, there is only one level 4 civilization, the Nibiru civilization, and it is a level 4 primary civilization. As for level 3, especially level 3 advanced civilization, there are only a few. What happened?

[The development of the times is not static. Relatively speaking, resources will gradually decrease with development and migration. The overall lack of resources in the future Milky Way, coupled with the weak development of scientific and technological civilization, naturally will not give birth to too many advanced civilizations! ]

Chu Tiange asked in surprise: "It is difficult for barren soil to grow lush and dense weeds, so why did the rich and fertile Milky Way become barren?"

[Please read on. ]

Apart from war, is there a second reason for the lack of resources in one galaxy?

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