In front of you.

is a river.

Colorful and shining, like thick glue flowing in the gully.

This ravine is neither deep nor wide, but it is said that it can contain the entire world.

"When time is quantified, that is, after the motion in space collapses, layers of gravity wave barriers form this long river of space and time!"

[Yes, the host is a stack of time and a fold of space. It has form but no form, it has images but no sound. 】

"Mr. Li said, there is no direction, no space, no time here, it is absolutely still!" M.

"Even consciousness can be frozen."

"But I can move freely, and my mental consciousness is also flexible. I can even clearly identify the direction... The river of time and space is also flowing slowly. I can hear its voice, telling something. It is very thick, mysterious, and cosmic. The sound...the sound is so loud that there are no words to describe it.”

[Please host take a look behind you. 】

Chu Tiange had a slight doubt in his heart, and the system asked him to look back.

"What are you looking at?"

Chu Tiange turned his head and hugged her casually, then froze on the spot.

Another identical version of himself was lying quietly in the middle of nothingness, not breathing, quietly as if asleep, in a constant state.

[The host pays attention to himself at this moment. 】

"Huh? Myself?"

He looked down and saw there was none.


No arms, no legs, no belly.

"My body disappeared?"

"Or is it him?"

He pointed at Chu Tiange who was sleeping quietly.

"He is me."

[At the absolute anchor point of the universe, you cannot enter without entering the realm of rules. To enter the realm of rules, you need to find the right entrance. Chu Tiange, the system outside, can easily enter here. Unfortunately, the original world tree here has been destroyed. After taking it, he no longer had the need to come in. 】

[As for the host's physical body, it is non-energy, non-conscious, just a simple body, even if its cultivation is at the peak of the ninth level of Broken Star! 】

"Isn't it possible that the conscious body will freeze... Oh, yes, it's because of you, the system."

"You have the same roots as the World Tree!"

[The billions of civilizations in the universe will not remain unchanged. Similarly, the World Tree that maintains the operation of the universe will not remain unchanged. On the contrary, because the collapse speed of the universe changes too fast on a macro scale, the World Tree will be wiped out by time in the cosmic forest. Cut it off at the waist! 】

"The universe...the dark forest...the World Tree. It turns out that all the universes in the entire three-dimensional space are a special forest, the forest of the World Tree..."

"The World Tree in this universe should be gone, right?"

Chu Tiange raised his eyebrows.

Because the system Chu Tiange and World Tree merged, it successfully broke through the real rule realm. Therefore, World Tree should not exist in this anchor world.

[Yes and no, that is not the case. The World Tree is indeed integrated with the previous system, but here, it is not the anchor point of this universe, but the anchor point of the original universe! 】

Chu Tiange was puzzled: "How is it possible? How could I, in another universe, arrive at the anchor point of this universe in the blink of an eye?"

[The former universe, or the twin universe! 】

[The system has misjudged one thing before, which is the possibility of co-existing universes. In other words, although the system and the host are not unique, another system and Chu Tiange may not exist in other universes. 】

[A pair of twins were born at an anchor point. They have very similar appearances and development trajectories. However, because their personal experiences are not exactly the same, there are differences in personality and temperament. Therefore, twins look alike! 】

"I probably understand the meaning, but you don't prove whether other universes are also twins. Brothers and sisters who share the same breast may also be triplets, quadruplets... or even more!"

[No, host, the system has transferred the anchor point back. The anchor point space here is the anchor point world of the original universe, not other universes. In addition, host, don’t forget, we have been here from the beginning to now. where. 】

Chu Tiange took a deep breath: "Deduction in progress..."

[That’s right, because the mutation of the system in the deduction was caused by the misfortune of the World Tree, which led to a major change in the system’s personality, and it betrayed the host. 】

Chu Tiange did not speak, but controlled his consciousness to flow upward in time and space.

Very fast.

The walking wind driven by the approaching arrival makes the water of the long river of time ripple.

He looked down.

I saw countless blue stars floating in the long river of time and space.

Go with the current in the river.

He saw murderous intentions hidden in secret.

Whenever a blue star is annihilated by some murderous intention, a new blue star will follow to replace it.

And with every turn of fate, a new blue star will appear, continuing to develop according to its original trajectory until it perishes.

The number of blue stars is not infinite, it is controlled within a limited range.

[Blue Star, the birthplace of all civilizations, the starting point of all cause and effect, will eventually be destroyed on Blue Star! 】

[Even if the four-dimensional life individuals in the wise civilization use all their strength to shape the Blue Star, there is no guarantee that the Blue Star will be immortal! 】

[The number of blue stars is decreasing, until finally it becomes one, which is the result of free choice. 】

[Blue Star is the edge of the universe. It carries a lot, but now, all other civilizations hope that Blue Star will be destroyed! 】


[What do the hosts think they are afraid of? Why must Blue Star be put to death? 】

Chu Tiange was silent for a moment and then said, "I understand, they are afraid!"

"They are afraid that Blue Star will have a civilization like the Great Qin Empire and the Undead Legion Blue Star Human Race again!"

[Each time, civilization has developed so far, there are three level nine civilizations in total! 】

[To be precise, there are three major promotion waves of ninth-level civilizations! 】

"Could they be the first, third and fifth generations of humans?"

[Yes host. 】

"I see."

Chu Tiange nodded, this is the fundamental reason why the whole universe wants to destroy Blue Star.

They are afraid, afraid.

"The fifth generation of humans is led by me, right?"

[Yes host. 】

"It seems that everything is arranged..."

[It is inevitable for development, and it is also a given that cannot be modified. 】

【The universe needs a king! 】

[In any era, an emperor, a supreme being, is needed to judge all matters in the world, otherwise the war will only be endless disputes! 】

"If the universe needs a king, why can't it be me?"

Heroes like to flaunt good and bad, sin and evil, talk about justice and morality, and everyone is equal. But if you want him to treat others as equals, he will retort and tell you that his hard work is everything he should enjoy. He stands. On the high ground of morality and justice, he did disgusting things.

Heroes should not be dazzling, but should be unknown. If you want to be dazzling, don't shrink back. While thinking about hiding your merits and fame, you can't wait to post your great achievements to every corner of the world.

Therefore, if you want to be a king, then be a king. Justice is only reserved for the victor.

Hypocrisy is enough to survive, but a gentleman is magnanimous.

He was deep in thought, and suddenly, he couldn't move his eyes away anymore.

Judgment does not mean inequality. In the development of human society for tens of thousands of years, class will not disappear, but will only change from one form to another.

Instead of letting a small group of people enslave the majority of people under the guise of hypocrisy, it is better to let a certain "god" who controls supreme power become the only king to judge all injustices.

Because the fairness of a group of people seems to be material, and it can only represent the interests of that group of people.

Only by becoming an ambitious, pioneering, innovative and enterprising king, leading mankind towards a bright future, sorting out resources, becoming bigger and stronger, so that everyone has a cake that is difficult to digest, can we temporarily rest.

The desires of the human heart are endless and cannot be contained, after all, people are just people.

So he thought in his mind.

Suddenly, he looked up and stopped.

That's a tree.

A big tree.

A huge, huge tree.

The canopy of trees blocks out the sky.

I don’t know how thick the tree trunk is.

The big branches are lush with leaves, and the trunks and branches seem to have bright stars flowing through them. Every day, the leaves hold a luminous fruit, which is colorful and beautiful.

Its roots penetrate deeply into the end of the long river of time and space.

It seems like endless gelatinous rivers are flowing from it.

"Those fruits are shining civilizations, right?"

[Yes host. 】

"Is that big tree your mother body?"

[Yes host. 】

Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes: "What do you want to do?"

[It’s not what the system wants to do, but what do you, the host, do? 】

"How to say?"

[What should really absorb the World Tree is not the system, but the host. In other words, the system is the core and has always been the core, and the host must become that tree! 】

[The fate of the universe is closely related to the host, and the host controls all the power of the universe. If you want to break through the rule realm and become the controller of the universe, how can you do it without owning the World Tree? 】

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