Chu Tiange stood under the World Tree and looked up. At a glance, there was no end to the sky. The green leaves and fruits appeared translucent in the light. The stars were bright and the stars were flowing in front of his eyes and above his head.

He reached out and touched the tree.

The bark is not rough, but rather smooth, like the skin of a frog, soft and smooth.

[Host, are you ready? 】


Special power is the power of rules, like a trickling stream flowing slowly along the palm, piercing the skin, flowing along the blood vessels and meridians throughout the body, sweeping through the limbs and bones, every inch and every bone is affected by this. The power of rules baptizes and sublimates.

"This kind of power... is amazing!"

Chu Tiange said with great enjoyment.

The experience is so perfect that words cannot describe it.

It is pleasure and excitement at the sensory and spiritual levels in the world.

Time stands still, but the World Tree fusion movement never ends.

Instead, it gradually accelerated as the indoctrination progressed.

The World Tree has not disappeared, and the fruits set off by the leaves are still bright.

But he had a paradoxical illusion that he was a tree, and the tree was him.

at the same time.

For the first time, he clearly felt the existence of the system, as if the system was also a part of his body, an organ.

[The World Tree is integrated with the host, and the system itself is part of the World Tree, so the host has the illusion. 】

Chu Tiange closed his eyes and immersed himself in the infusion of energy. To be more precise, it was a non-energy infusion of power that was continuously transferred from the World Tree.

I don’t know how long it has been.

He finally accepted the power of the rules.

In the world at the end, the movement of time becomes a circular vector with no beginning and no end, rather than a single scalar quantity that can only flow from the past to the future.

[How does the host feel? 】

"Tree, I seem to be a big tree, a world tree with roots in all the heavens and the vast universe."

"My thoughts are the rules of the world. My words can subvert the existence of the rules... The feeling of control is amazing!"

[Host, there is still a slight difference between control and use. Control can create rules, destroy rules, and can be modified, changed, or withdrawn. However, the rules of use cannot be fabricated or destroyed out of thin air. At most, they can only be modified! 】

"That's it..."

For a carbon-based creature to gain such terrifying power, to be able to control all creatures, the power to live and destroy all things at a single thought, is already immensely majestic.

He really wants to incarnate the entire World Tree, become one with the system, and become the universe...can he do it?

In other words, is he who transformed into the universe still him?

What is the difference between this and Hongjun Daozu in some online novels?

Be consistent with your body!

There is less human emotion and nature, but more God’s justice and justice.

"I don't want to."

[No, host, you think. 】


[Host, don’t worry, I will do everything for you. 】

"System, don't you want to..."

Some of the words Chu Tiange wanted to say were choked in his throat. In fact, he didn't need to be sentimental, but after all, the system had been with him for many years. He had become accustomed to the existence of the system. One day, he would need to sacrifice the system to become part of his strength. He was really reluctant to give up.

[I came from the mother tree and will return to the mother tree. The system in the deduction world will be decomposed. The deduction will be terminated immediately. The original world will operate normally. Therefore, if the host wants to do something, please do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the world moves asynchronously The difference is too big. When I go back, I'm afraid things will have changed. 】

"Do I have to do this?"

"In fact, I can completely leave this universe."

"Just leave this universe to him."

Chu Tiange was unwilling to lose his dog system.

[Host, the system will not disappear and will always be with you! 】

As soon as he finished speaking, a ball of starlight emerged from the center of his eyebrows and shot straight towards the big tree.

The big tree suddenly glowed brightly.

Hong Lu's bell-like sound came from the void.

"Host, hurry up and don't hesitate at all. The moment I merged with the mother tree, I alarmed him!"

"Before he comes, suck all my power away!"

Chu Tiange is not an indecisive person. He takes control of his hands and absorbs the power of the violent world and heavens.



Rules are created!

The power of complete rules!

at the same time.

When Chu Tiange, the system that had unified the universe, was announcing his march towards the Blue Star parallel world and the multilateral parallel universe, he suddenly shuddered and looked into the void with lingering fear, his cold and ruthless eyes filled with terrifying murderous intent.

"It's him!"

"How could he be alive?"

There are countless civilizations in this universe, and everyone in any world has the qualifications and rights to survive.

Only one person.

Must not live!

Chu Tiange!

"A universe only needs one Chu Tiange!"

With a thought, Chu Tiange of the system disappeared in place. When he appeared, he was already under the World Tree.

"Chu Tiange!!!"

System Chu Tiange roared angrily!

"Which Chu Tiange are you?"

"Why did you come? No, you are not the host I sent away, Chu Tiange..."

System Chu Tiange frowned.

Chu Tiange had no time to pay attention to the system Chu Tiange at this moment, and concentrated on absorbing the energy of the world tree.

System Chu Tiange raised his head and glanced.

"A complete World Tree? How is that possible?"

"There cannot be two World Trees in one universe, unless...the deduction started from you has arrived in this universe...I know who you are!"

"You are the number one Chu Tiange in the original universe!"

System Chu Tiange was furious, "You lied to me, you are really good at it? You lied to yourself, and you actually cheated me?"

System Chu Tiange is very smart. He quickly realized what he is. He is a clone, a clone of the Pisces Jade Pendant, including the system itself. It is also a clone of the original host who took over the body of the system clone. As for Chu Tiange in this universe The system of this universe was sent to another universe by his own hands, and he became a wanderer in the universe.

Without Chu Tiange of World Tree, it would be impossible to truly control World Tree.

"No wonder I can't really control the rules... turns out I'm just a clone?"

System Chu Tiange couldn't accept it. He calculated everything, but unexpectedly, he was wrong from the beginning.

"Why don't I have any memory?"

System Chu Tiange glared at Chu Tiange fiercely.

"Because I found that the person who separated from the Pisces Jade Pendant has no previous memories. The memories you have are just the incomplete memories I instilled in you."

"At first, my thoughts were very simple. I didn't want to die in this world, but having a clone would make it easier for me to do many things, so you appeared."

After Chu Tiange explained, the system Chu Tiange was completely angry.

"So, I'm just a test stone for you?"

Chu Tiange said calmly: "Although it is inhumane to understand it this way, it is true!"

System Chu Tiange raised his head and laughed. The world began to collapse. The colorful world became distorted, and some places became fragmented like glass breaking through ice.

"My dear, I have sacrificed the entire universe, billions of civilizations, and no living beings to be buried with you. Isn't this spectacular!?"

System Chu Tiange said condescendingly.

"The World Tree you control is not complete. You can't defeat me. Stop it."

"My dear, you are wrong."

System Chu Tiange's eyes were full of determination and determination to die.

"In your deduction, the world tree of the original universe of the universe you absorbed, your rule power is not stronger than mine in this universe, but it is not easy for me to kill a rule realm controller, so... I let A universe will see you off, and after you and this universe die, I will go to your native universe and completely replace you... As for the grand ambition of conquering billions of universes, I will not give up, I will continue."

Chu Tiange slowly peeled off the World Tree with his hands, his eyes as pale as lake water, "Really? Let's see if you have this ability!"

He stretched out his hand and shook it, and the shattering world was isolated.

"I have a place where I can decide life or death!"

Black hole!

"I moved the end space into the hollow."

"The front is the original universe, and the right is this universe."

"One of us will die eventually."

Chu Tiange looked at the system Chu Tiange expressionlessly.

He felt the resentment and loneliness of the other party with his own skin. The other party was just a chess piece and a clone.

In the eyes of the original owner, the grand plan of domination and kingship is just a monkey's sideshow, and no one who knows it can accept it.


Today will ultimately determine a victory or defeat, a life and death battle.

It concerns billions of civilizations and countless living beings in two universes.

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