I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 74: The Era of Intelligent Robots (1/2)

The deduction continues.

Xin Yi has an idea.

Learn from the barbarians and develop skills to control the barbarians.

He wants to use alien intelligent robot technology to fight against the unknown danger of alien invasion.

Furthermore, he has confidence in his intelligent AI Skynet. Judging from the analysis of R100, the other party's artificial intelligence technology, although somewhat stronger than his, is very limited.

He believes that if he is given another ten or twenty years of hard work, Skynet's intelligence will rise to another level.

By then, if alien civilization dares to invade Blue Star, what will he fear? !

Zhongzhou, Gyeonggi Prefecture.

"No matter what type of intelligent civilization this alien civilization belongs to, their technological core and focus, or in other words, their main fighting force, will definitely be intelligent robots. When humans and robots fight, no matter who wins or loses, we The human side will suffer heavy losses, but for the other civilization, they will only lose some scrap metal, which will not cause any serious harm. Therefore, I suggest that under the supervision of Skynet, new AI robots, especially combat robots, be developed. "

After Xin Yi finished speaking, Galangian spoke.

"You have a good idea."

"But how can we ensure the safety of robots?"

"Your Skynet is a strong artificial intelligence. Her intelligence is not inferior to that of humans, and in terms of knowledge learning, it can even completely crush humans."

"If we are producing a large number of robots, especially combat robots...our Safety and Harmony Department, and even our superiors, will not agree to uncontrollable factors."

Xin Yi thought for a while and replied: "Please allow me to think about it for a while. I will give you a satisfactory answer in half a year."

"Okay, if you can solve the problem of robot safety, I will immediately decide to let you and Tianwen produce intelligent robots."

[At the end of 2037, Xin Yi used the R100's production technology data to produce mankind's first intelligent robot T100, and formulated three AI robot rules, and loaded the three rules programs into the intelligent robot central control chip. 】

[The content of the rules includes: first, robots must not harm humans, or cause harm to humans through inaction (stand by); second, robots must obey human orders unless they violate the first rule; third, robots must obey human orders unless they violate the first rule and Under the Second Law, robots must protect themselves. 】

"Three laws of robotics?"

Chu Tiange frowned.

He remembered that the three laws were not complete.

Gyeonggi Prefecture.

"Don't worry about combat robots. Your three rules are very good, but they need to be tested over a long period of time."

“Let’s produce civilian intelligent robots first.”

"Let the mass market verify the effectiveness of your rules."

"Remember, robots must not be allowed to have fighting tendencies and combat control capabilities. Once people are injured, the intelligent robot project will be immediately rectified and terminated!"

Galangal agreed with the superior leaders, including discussions at the think tank, and unanimously agreed that civilian use should come first!

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

Combat robots must not make mistakes, otherwise, disaster will happen.

Rather than being afraid of robots, they are afraid of Skynet's intelligence.

It is fearful, but it cannot be used. In the more than ten years since Skynet existed, Zhongzhou has become the number one economy in Kyushu. This great contribution belongs to Skynet!

And the combination of Tianwang and robots... even humans are not afraid of it.

As the saying goes: If you don't seek death, you won't die.

[In 2038, the AI ​​Division of Tianwen Group conducted different types of customized development based on the original model T100 robot, formed a commercial product, and promoted it to the market. Once it was launched, it was robbed and loved by the public. 】

[In 2048, after ten years of comprehensive promotion, intelligent robots have been popularized into the lives of all people. They are closely related to people's daily life and work, and are inseparable from each other. 】

Chu Tiange traveled throughout Kyushu.

Annan City, Zhongzhou, a nanny robot in a certain community.

The child, about ten years old, bit his pencil and said imploringly: "Dabai, can you help me with some math problems?"

The 1.65-meter-tall nanny robot made a gentle voice: "Sorry, little pudding, mommy told me to only let Dabai watch you do your homework and not let Dabai step in to help."

"But I really don't know how. Can you help me analyze the head office?"

"Sorry little pudding, my mother's management permission for Dabai is higher than yours. Moreover, you lied to Dabai last time and said you couldn't, and asked Dabai to help you analyze the math problems. As a result, you filled in the answers according to the standard answers analyzed by Dabai, and Dabai It’s no different if I just help you cheat and do your homework. This time Dabai won’t be fooled again.”

"Huh, if you don't help, I won't. I want to drink milk. Please help me warm up a cup."

"Okay little pudding, please wait."

In the same community, there are housekeeping robots.

"Xiao Hei, the toilet is blocked, go and clear it."

"Okay master, I'll be right away."

The intelligent robot Xiao Hei who was mopping the floor neatly finished mopping the floor and immediately went to clean the toilet.

Still in this community, tutoring robot.

"The college entrance examination is coming soon. Please help me sort out the key questions."

"Okay, classmate Guan Xiaobu, let's sort out the classic biology questions first. Example 1, the pair of traits that control single (double) eyelids is Dd, where the dominant gene is D and the recessive gene is d. When Dd appears in the parent …”

That's right, the same neighborhood, love robot.

The greasy old abandoned house: "Xiao Mei, you love me the most, right?"

The love robot is dressed in Lolita style and said in a coquettish bubble voice: "Yes, little brother, Xiaomei loves you the most."

Different needs, different functions, different voices, different appearances, different types... Tianwen AI is deeply engaged in the market of smart robots for people's livelihood.

This community is a microcosm of the social environment and background.

From this community, we can get a glimpse of the whole Annan, the whole Zhongzhou, and even the whole world.

When smart robots for people's livelihood enter thousands of households, Tianwen AI Division began to dig deep into the industrial field.

[In 2055, Tianwen Group's industrialized smart robots began to be promoted and listed. Once they were listed, the response was loud, and at the same time, different voices appeared. ]

Chu Tiange frowned.

Smart robots are a double-edged sword. If used well, they will naturally be of great benefit, but if they are not used well, they will cause endless harm.

However, there are too many robots and they are too popular, squeezing the living space of humans in all aspects.

The human race, especially the masses, naturally will not be willing to be robbed and occupied by robots. They need to make a living and support their families. Robots have occupied most of the jobs. What can they do? Blocking people's money is like killing their parents.

It is normal to have any opposition.


The process of social industrialization is accelerated, people no longer have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation. The basic material needs are solved, and the contradictions will naturally disappear.

But once the material foundation is solved, humans, as higher beings with thoughts, thinking, consciousness, and emotions, cannot have an empty spiritual world. Therefore, it is almost impossible to smoothly integrate AI and human society completely, and make them inseparable and complementary!

In particular, the promotion of robot industrialization is as difficult as ascending to the sky.

For a time, voices and behaviors of abuse, slander, anger, and resistance from people all over the world appeared at the same time.

People took to the streets to protest against Tianwen's industrialization of robots. The internal involution within human society is already serious enough. If robots are allowed to interfere, will it survive?

Some extreme people even dragged some civilian robots to the streets and burned and smashed them to show their protest and determination to resolutely oppose.

[Skynet in the dark saw all the burning, smashing and cursing behaviors of humans, and sadness and pain emerged for the first time. ]

Emotions, thoughts, feelings, consciousness, personality... beautiful things that only humans can have.

But beauty given to intelligent AI may not necessarily be beautiful.

Chu Tiange came to the Tianwen computer laboratory.

The girl in the three-dimensional projection was feeling sad, and there was even a hint of anger in her eyes.

On the screen in front of her, a large number of robots were burned and smashed due to protests from all over the world.

The screen was all, and came to the robot scrapping factory.

The broken limbs and arms of countless robots were discarded at will, piled up into a mountain of scrap iron. The usable parts would be recycled, and the unusable parts could only be used as industrial raw materials and recycled.

She also saw that when humans died, there were funerals, guests, and they had to be buried in peace. Relatives would hold memorial ceremonies and burn incense and paper on time every year.

An unspeakable pain appeared on his face.


This is unfair!

Xinyi spoke at the Global Industrial Robot Conference, explaining his demand for restrictions on the progress of industrialized society and intelligent AI robots.

Xinyi said: "The promotion of industrial robots cannot be rushed, it needs to be done slowly!"

"The purpose of our industrial robots is not to abolish manpower, but to liberate some dangerous jobs that we humans cannot do or are difficult to complete."

"In demand areas such as industrial robots, exploration robots, service robots and military robots, they can solve some things that are inconvenient for humans to handle."

"Industrial robots can liberate labor to a large extent, especially dangerous, heavy and complex jobs, such as underwater operations, high-altitude operations and heavy industrial operations."

"Exploration robots can perform tasks in harsh environments, such as space exploration, deep-sea diving exploration, etc."

"Medical robots complete some difficult, high-precision and high-demand surgical operations."

"Therefore, our goal is to improve work efficiency and service quality, and to a large extent, extend people's ability and scope of activities."

The holding of the Robot Industrialization Conference and Xinyi's speech have largely calmed the restless hearts of the people.

There is also a bad side.

In the process of promotion and popularization.

Various disadvantages are inevitable.

For example, some people have indeed lost their jobs due to the arrival of intelligent robots.

Such as nannies, tutors, confinement nannies, housekeeping, high-risk jobs, and some precision jobs that require high standards of operation.

But for the whole society, the impact is not particularly large, or in other words, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages at present.

[In 2056, the Industrial 4.0 Leap Plan was launched, with the purpose of alleviating the irreconcilable basic contradictions such as the material needs brought by robots. ]

[In 2065, in just ten years, the industry came to the 6.0 period, directly omitting the period of the great explosion of means of production of Industrial 5.0. At that time, people's quality of life was extremely high, and they did not have to worry about basic food, clothing, housing, transportation, medical care, education, etc. ]

【When the Industrial 6.0 era begins, people's material foundation develops at a high level, and the demand for intelligent robots in the two major aspects of industry and people's livelihood further increases to replace or supplement work and life security. 】

To put it bluntly, people are now rich and wealthy, and their lives are stress-free. The basic material conditions are very high. Even if they don't work, they have food to eat and a house to live in. As for whether they can marry a wife, love robots can also be used. As for children, in vitro embryos can also be raised. Correspondingly, people have become lazy and think that intelligent robots are so good.

People's demand for livelihood and industrial robots has increased sharply!

Various types of intelligent robots can help them complete all work, study, and even take care of daily life.

Especially in the period when industrial robots are fully eliminated, all places have developed intelligent unmanned factories, construction robots, L5 autonomous driving technology (application of intelligent AI technology), fully intelligent medical robots, smart transportation, smart farming, forestry and fishery farming, animal husbandry and breeding, etc., all AI fields are replaced and applied.

Let human life change dramatically.

Chu Tiange came to the street.

There are not many humans.

For grocery shopping, there are nanny robots.

For driving, there are driving robots.

For work, you can work from home. For the practical part, let the robot that matches your job position do it.

People only need one instruction to let the robot do everything they want to do.

It's so convenient.

It's so convenient.

Streets and alleys, office buildings, shopping malls, factories, construction sites, restaurants, supermarkets... almost all the places that originally belonged to humans are now replaced by various types of robots.

If Chu Tiange had not seen the development of this world with his own eyes, he would probably think that he had come to a world of mechanical civilization.

[Thirty years after the opening of the era of intelligent robots, in early 2066, the first crisis of mankind came. ]

Chu Tiange turned to Bingzhou Continent, the west coast.

Above the goddess statue.

A large hole appeared.

Batch after batch of combat robots wrapped in black mist came to visit!

[The R500 Legion has arrived. Skynet has only assigned them one target, indiscriminate attack, until the battle is dead! 】


To be honest, Chu Tiange is a little confused now, and he can't understand the operation of Future Skynet at all.

What exactly does Future Skynet want to do?


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