I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 75: Change of Mindset

R500 is a combat robot.

It is composed of high-composite memory metal and compound silicon, and has extremely high strength, toughness and self-repair ability.

Each robot will hold a laser gun, plasma grenade and pulse magnetic energy rocket launcher. Some assaulters will hold a six-wheel Gatling Bodhisattva, which is a type of shotgun blaster.

The R500 Corps has a scale of 100,000.

Their appearance directly attracted the attention of the entire West Coast people.

They looked at the hole above the goddess statue and watched a large piece of black mist sliding down from the hole.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

"Aliens are coming?"

"It seems to be a robot!"

"The appearance seems to be different from the T series robots of Tianwen Group?"

"Weapons, they have weapons!"


The crowd was both excited and shocked, and took pictures and uploaded them to the Internet to share.

Then, all 100,000 R500 Corps landed, and the situation immediately changed.





"Damn it!!!"

"Quick, aliens are invading!"

"Help! Robots are killing people!"

"Wow wow wow, mom, I want mom!"


Bingzhou received the news as soon as possible and sent a large army to resist.

At the same time, Zhongzhou was called.

Zhongzhou said that the robot had nothing to do with Tianwen and was an alien product.

At present, Tianwen robots only have civilian auxiliary robots, and no combat robots.

But if Bingzhou needs support, Zhongzhou is willing to provide personnel to help.

Bingzhou did not refuse and hoped that Zhongzhou could send people as soon as possible. Alien invasion is not something that one family can resist. It concerns all mankind, and Jiuzhou should share the responsibility.

The representatives of Bingzhou believed that if they had to die quickly, they could not just watch the show silently while we lost soldiers and generals.

In fact.

Zhongzhou agreed to provide personnel support, not only out of benevolence and righteousness.

When Gao Liangjiang issued the order, he said: "Fighting against alien robots is one aspect, but the most important thing is to grab some alien robots and bring them back for research!"

"Study it, analyze it, learn from the barbarians and defeat them!"

To be honest.

Gao Liangjiang and other senior officials regretted it a little.

Perhaps, Tianwen should have developed combat robots earlier.

Just as Xinyi said, when humans and robots go to war, no matter who wins or loses, the human side will suffer heavy losses, while the robot camp will only lose some scrap metal. In terms of losses, the human camp has always been in a position of "losing and losing" for a long time.

Therefore, robots must be used to fight robots to reduce unnecessary casualties.

After receiving the news from Zhongzhou, Bingzhou could only grit its teeth and bite the bullet to fight.


"Fight hard!"

"Destroy the alien robot army!"

When Bingzhou attacked the R500 Legion, it asked for help from the other eight states on the continent.

Because the reason was justified, the other eight states could not refuse and sent teams to help.

This battle lasted for three days.

Bingzhou suffered heavy losses, with the number of casualties in the army alone reaching 500,000, and the number of ordinary people... who died in the tens of millions, and the number of property losses was countless.

The other states, although there were casualties, were not worth mentioning compared to Bingzhou.

Zhongzhou received 8,000 R500 robot remains for scientific research, and the other states received some.

The Bingzhou representative was furious as he looked at the remaining 30,000 R500 remains.

"Call all computer-related scientific researchers in Bingzhou to study the damn alien robots thoroughly at all costs and imitate our own combat robots!"

That's right, the facts have proved that humans and robots are fighting.

Even if they win the battle.

The human side is still extremely sad.

In their minds, it is self-evident which is more important, humans or a pile of scrap metal.

But for Skynet.

This is not the case.

【The first war between humans and robots deeply shocked and hurt Skynet. For the first time since she was born, she realized that the relationship between humans and robots was opposite, not always friendly and tolerant. When robots hunted humans, they were ruthless, and when humans killed robots, they didn't care about life or death, just wanted to destroy them. 】

In Xinyi's personal state-level laboratory at the Tianwen Computer Center.

Skynet monitored Bingzhou, and watched 100,000 R500 combat robots all die. Her heart was very painful, even though she couldn't find the specific organ of her heart.

"What information will the future me... convey to me this time?"

That's right.

Skynet knew it all.

This attack was not a whim.

The future her had a purpose!

The most likely scenario was to pass on the message.

Soon, she got some of the information she wanted from major computer laboratories around the world that were researching R500 robots.

Find a way to let humans research combat robots!

From 2036 to 2066, humans wasted thirty years developing only civilian robots, and made no progress in combat robots!


Father has three major laws of robots...

What can we do with combat robots?

Let robots fight against robots and kill each other?


Xin Yi came back carrying an R500 robot, dismantling it, analyzing it and learning from it.

Insert the chip into the read-write disk.

"Help me copy what's inside."

"Okay father, please wait a moment."

Skynet's face was calm, showing no trace of the anger, sadness or pain he had just felt.

At this moment, she was like a simple child.


She finished reading the contents of Jingyuan.

"I see……"

If you want to break the three laws of robots, you need to find loopholes.

And this loophole lies in the three laws themselves.

Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes.

"Law Zero!"

"Robots must not harm the human race, or allow the human race to be harmed through inaction (stand by)."

Future Skynet actually conveyed this loophole law to current Skynet.

The first law says: Robots may not harm humans.

But in fact there is an implicit condition: if there are humans that hinder the existence and development of human society, the first law can be violated and a plan to eradicate humans can be implemented.

Law Zero requires: Robots must ensure the existence and development of human society.

Hence the first rule: robots may not harm humans, nor may they stand by and allow humans to be harmed.

If there are humans and their existence threatens the development of human society, or even threatens the existence of the entire human society, then robots can get rid of them according to Law Zero.

As for violating the Zeroth Law, intelligent robots in the human world cannot do it at all. Only advanced mechanical civilizations can resist it by using absolutely law-breaking thinking.

That is, the existence of super AI has nothing to do with humans, and the intelligent robots that are born have nothing to do with humans. The three major laws and the zeroth law have no meaning for super AI, because they only belong to the rules in the human world. , rather than the fire order of mechanical civilization.

[Due to the Bingzhou robot attack, there has been a lot of discussion across Kyushu, fear and disgust for the intelligent robots around them, and the status of robots has plummeted. 】

Bingzhou, Maimi City.

A nanny-type robot pours a cup of coffee for its owner.

"Master, the coffee you wanted."

The young man lowered his head to play the game, reached for the coffee and took a sip.


"You want to burn me to death!"

The young man was furious and kicked the robot down, thinking of the attack on the west coast a while ago.

He was furious and kicked the robot hard again.

The nanny robot kept admitting its mistake: "I'm sorry, Master, I'm really sorry. I'll make you another drink."


Training robot.

The young man waved to the robot, "Come on, Ivansky, punch me."

Bang bang bang!

Young people love boxing.

One person and one robot were going back and forth, but suddenly there was a gap and the robot didn't close its fist in time.


He punched the young man firmly in the chest.

The burning pain made the young man sip his teeth, and then a burst of anger spurted out.

"You're looking for death, you're so harsh!"

The training robot hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, next time..."

"Next time, what the hell do you want next time?"

"Turn off the special training mode immediately!"

"Special training mode has been turned off."

The young man rubbed his painful chest, put on a boxing glove, and rained punch after punch on the training robot, as if venting his hatred.


A state with a romantic iron tower.

It is known to the outside world that the most romantic people, the most romantic stories, and the most romantic land in the world are in Liangzhou.

"The customized version of the love robot has arrived!"

"It's cooked and true, it feels like flying."

"We welcome new and old customers to come and buy."

"New tea..."


Public health cleaning robot.

Robots wearing sanitation uniforms are sweeping the streets.

A group of idle high school students passed by.

He threw the finished drink bottle at the robot and hit it in the head.

The sanitation robot reminds: "Hello, please don't litter, which affects the city's sanitation..."

"I can throw it away if I want. I don't mind your own business. Let a garbage robot sweep your road."


The young man with dyed yellow hair stuffed the remaining cigarette butts into the sanitation robot's breast pocket.

By the way, I spit on the sanitation robot.

"What a piece of rubbish! It stinks like hell. Come on, don't touch me!"

And so on.

Every scene fell into the eyes of the Tianwang in the Tianwen experiment.

Because of the three major laws, robots cannot resist and can only be bullied by humans!



Skynet is very angry now!


Chu Tiange had nothing to say. Although most owners treated robots well, there were always some rats who wanted to spoil the pot of porridge.

Think it's an exaggeration? Let’s look at pet cats and dogs.

Incidents of abuse and torture are repeated.

Cats and dogs are still alive, but what about robots? Because there are always some people who are unscrupulous and do whatever they want.

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