I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 115 Where is my huge meteorite? How big is my meteorite? (3/4 please subscribe!)

The next development made Wu Yan and others even more stunned.

Because after the alien mother insects have completely wiped out the human beings, they have begun to take action on all the creatures of the Blue Star.

Flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, running on the ground, and even plants, she and her descendants, the Zerg, did not spare a single one, and ate them all.

The entire Blue Star has turned into a khaki planet, except for the Zerg, there are no half creatures.

And this is not the end. After the alien mother worm has eaten all the creatures of Blue Star, because of starvation, it has exported to its own offspring worms, eating them one by one.


Looking at the terrifying monster in the movie with a body the size of the Xuan Kingdom and a height close to the atmosphere, Wu Yan and others felt a little disgusted.

The alien female worm that grew up looks really disgusting.

Moreover, at the extreme point of terror, he would eat the entire Blue Star's creatures, not even his own descendants.

With the rapid progress of the plot, another thousand years have passed. The alien female worms without food starve to death, and the movie ends here.

This ending made Wu Yan and others look at each other in dismay.

I starved to death, and this ending was a bit too showy.

"That's the downside of not understanding sustainable development."

Wu Yan said strangely.

"I don't care about anything, I eat everything, and it's what I deserve in the end."

"However, this is fine, lest she still knows how to raise humans in captivity, which will cause the humans in this parallel world to live more miserably.

Wu Yan's roommates also responded one after another.

Science fiction films, they have seen a lot. Those alien creatures that store humans as placentas and food are truly terrifying.

The alien mother insect is much better than the others. At least, there is only brief pain before being eaten, rather than being tortured to madness.

"Wait, we forgot something very important."

Suddenly, Wu Yan seemed to remember something, his pupils froze, and he let out a stunned voice.

"Uh, what's the matter?"

His roommate was stunned.

"Have you forgotten that there are no giant meteorites in this movie! A thousand years have passed, and still no giant meteorites appear!

Wu Yan opened his mouth in surprise.

These words made his roommates react, their eyes widened a little, and they looked at each other in dismay.

"Fuck, yes, I forgot about the huge meteorite.

"I would subconsciously ignore the giant meteorite, the big killer that destroys human beings. Damn, is this alien female insect so magical in eating?

"Well....almost ignored the time.""

Immediately, they began to complain.

"By the way, why is the huge meteorite gone?" Wu Yan was puzzled.

"You said, will the alien civilization be shocked by the new video of World Observer and dare not come."

"Aren't you talking nonsense. The start time in this movie is before the upload of Dark Forest, okay. It's the same time period as the Alien Worm Moon Explosion.

"Uh, that's right. What's the reason?

"You ask me, who do I ask."

"Tsk, it's useless to think so much. We can just go to the comment area. There are so many big analysts there.

Wu Yan pouted and clicked on the comment area.

Really, if you can directly cut others for analysis, why do you have to use your own brain to guess here.

Wu Yan's words made the corners of the mouths of the other three roommates twitch, and they fell silent.

As Wu Yan expected, in the comment area now, there are indeed many big analysts who started analyzing and commenting because of the new movie.

Well, as for the purpose of World Observer doing this, it is still a top comment.

"Why do you say that the world observers cultivate alien mother worms like this?

"Probably because he wanted to see how far the alien mother worms could grow?

"It is indeed possible."

"No way, the World Observer is so boring. Although he often intervenes casually out of interest, there are basically reasons for him to do so.

"Probably, the active cells of the grown alien mother worm are of great use for the research of genetic medicine?

"Fuck, the speculation upstairs is very likely. If the mother alien worm is cultivated to become stronger. Then the active cells of the alien mother worm will also become stronger. Then, use this active cell It should be of great use to make genetic medicines."

"The two upstairs, you really know how to make up your mind. However, I think it makes sense."

"Uh, it would be great if that's the case... Although it's a bit cruel to use a human being in a parallel world or even the life of the entire Blue Star to cultivate alien mother worms. But if we can develop stronger genes in the future If the potion resists huge meteorites and alien civilizations, it is also worthwhile for humans in countless parallel worlds.

"Well, upstairs, the humans in the parallel world will probably not know the mother you scolded when they heard this."

Look...even though I thought so too, I expected this to not happen in our world. Although selfish, I still want to continue to live.

"+1 upstairs.

"Upstairs +10086." 5

"Hey, I hope your guess is true. If it is true. World observers may be interested in the study of human genetic medicine, but after all, it gives us humans greater hope. Here, we should say what!?

"We are the big brains of the World Observer! We are the World Observer's big licking dog! We are the World Observer's big loyal dog! Ollie!"

"Whatever difficulties we encounter, don't be afraid. Face it with a smile. The best way to eliminate fear is to face it. Perseverance is victory. Come on, Ollie!

"Upstairs 666. In fact, I'm also a fan of brains + licking dogs + loyal dogs. Aoli give it!"

"You guys are really enough... Well, actually (Zhao Zhao Zhao) me too.

Looking at this floor, Wu Yan and the others were rather dumbfounded. However, I think this speculation is really reasonable.

If that's the case, that's fine.

Then, they turned to other comments.

After swiping through the messy comments, they finally saw a comment that was topped up.

That is, the analysis of the bizarre disappearance of the huge meteorite is close!

"I believe that attentive netizens must have discovered the anomaly in the new movie "Alien Mother Insect: Endgame". That is, the huge meteorite that gave mankind a great crisis has mysteriously disappeared in this movie?? Is there a big analysis? Anyway, I am confused. What about my huge meteorite? What about a meteorite as big as me?

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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