I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 116 Analysis of the big guy is awesome, Aoli gives! (4/4 for subscription!)

"Damn it, when I saw this post, I found out that there are no giant meteorites in this movie. It's embarrassing."

"Pfft, upstairs, how big is your heart..."

"Ahem, actually me too. I always feel that there is some magic in this movie that makes people forget time..."

"I'm relieved to see that many people are like this. In fact, I only reacted later. As for the reason why the giant meteorite did not appear this time, after careful consideration, I guessed the following reasons. First, this parallel The alien civilization in the world is more afraid of the observers of the world. Second, the alien civilization in this parallel world has also encountered some changes, resulting in no energy to manage the blue star. Third, the alien civilization is afraid of the terrifying alien mother insect, and there is no Select Raid.99

"Fuck, there is something in the speculation of the floor master. I think the possibility of the first one is relatively small. After all, in so many movies, alien civilizations attacked Blue Star even when the designated world observers existed, which means that they I also understand my position in the eyes of the world observers, and I also understand the laissez-faire attitude of the world observers towards this matter. As for the fact that the alien civilization is stronger than the world observers, it has been discussed many times, it is impossible After all, alien civilizations really have to be so terrifying, so they wouldn't hide from being a mouse and use giant meteorites as an attack method. This shows that their civilization level is at most level 2. Of course, they are 777 stronger than our Blue Star. That's it, helpless.

"Well, I also think that the first possibility is relatively small. As for the second reason, there is a possibility, but it is completely imaginative, and there is really nothing to discuss. Personally, I think the third possibility is the most likely. Alien civilizations are afraid of terrifying alien mother insects and have no choice to attack."

"Above, you didn't say the details. In fact, I also think that the alien civilization is afraid of the alien mother insect and did not choose to shoot. But the alien civilization is not only afraid of the alien mother insect. It is more likely that the blue The intelligent life on the star has been wiped out by the alien mother insects, so there is no need for them to come. As for the alien mother insect, a species of violent gluttony but low intelligence, it may not be within their attack range. However, if you think about it at a deeper level, maybe they are also afraid of the alien mother insect civilization? As for why there are huge meteorites in the previous alien mother insect copy, it is naturally because the alien mother insects in those parallel worlds are too weak. , was directly destroyed or captured by human beings. In the eyes of alien civilization, alien mother insects are no threat. Too weak.

"Fuck, the above analysis boss, the anatomy is very reasonable. After saying this, I suddenly feel that it is normal for the giant meteorite to not come this time. After all, alien civilizations are not stupid, so there is no need to do this. Not to mention the possibility of offending an alien mother worm civilization.

"666, mortals can only worship the big analysts. At the same time, whispering a word, I also think it makes sense."

"In fact, there is another detail, that is, the time period in this movie is relatively early. It may be a parallel world intercepted by world observers earlier. There are no movies uploaded later. Alien civilization does not know Alien Mother. The details of the worm. If they knew that even if the alien mother worm was captured or exterminated by humans, no alien mother worm civilization appeared, their approach would be different.35

"Well, there seems to be a reason for that. 35

Wu Yan and the others looked at the comments, and they were also in admiration.

This possibility is undoubtedly the highest. Maybe even close to the truth.

Immediately, Wu Yan and others saw another comment, which made his eyes light up.

"Actually, is it a bit rough to directly assert that the huge meteorite is related to alien civilization? 39

"It's not rough. By now, there is enough information to prove that the giant meteorite is the ghost of an alien civilization. After all, there are radioactive substances aimed at human genes. Then the escaped starship was directly destroyed by the starship of the alien civilization. Then the huge meteorite did not appear this time, and it has something to do with the extinction of mankind.""

"If you want to say that human beings are completely destroyed, in the Skynet storm and space wandering, human beings are also completely destroyed, and Skynet is left? Your argument is wrong..."

"No, that's right. To be precise. According to the 'law of the dark forest', the alien civilization doesn't care what kind of creature the intelligent life is. If the alien civilization only knows that there is intelligent life on the blue star, it will be destroyed. Whether it is humans, zombies, or even Skynet, they are all within his attack range... Only the alien mother insects with lower intelligence are not there."

Seeing this, Wu Yan and others (beab) also nodded silently, and they also recognized the reasoning behind.

At this time, Wu Yan saw another comment, and he couldn't help being stunned for a while.

"Actually, I have always had a question. Why didn't the alien civilization come to occupy the Blue Star after it wiped out the human race. In almost all parallel worlds, after the alien civilization wiped out the intelligent life on the Blue Star, they didn't come to occupy it. "

"Well, actually I have this question too, but I didn't expect someone to ask it today. 35

"Well, on this issue, I actually have a guess. That is, alien civilizations are not rare in blue stars. Maybe in their opinion, a life planet is no big deal. There are so many planets in the universe, many planets are bluer than blue. Star resources are much richer.

"It's not uncommon for Blue Star... If that's the case, it's quite sad to think about it. Humans regard Blue Star as a treasure, thinking that it is the only living planet in the universe, and even think that we humans are the only intelligent life in the universe. . As a result, the survival law of the universe is the 'dark forest law'. People just don't want to expose themselves. The science of alien civilization

. technology is much more developed than human beings. People don't want to expose it, and humans can't find it at all. Because he can't find it, he believes that he is the only intelligent life. Blue Star is the only living planet. It is really arrogant and ignorant as the world watcher said.

"What's the use of talking about this now, the more I talk about it, the more we feel small and uncomfortable. It's better to discuss the main topic than this.

"Indeed, there is a high possibility that alien civilizations are not unfamiliar with Blue Star. Not to mention that many of Blue Star's resources have been exploited by humans a lot..."

"Actually, you didn't get to the point. It's not uncommon for the Blue Star, it's possible. But I think it's more likely that humans have sent signals in the universe. The Blue Star is in a state that may be exposed at any time. The one who wiped out humans It is very likely that the alien civilization found the location of the Blue Star by accidentally receiving the electromagnetic signal sent to the universe a hundred years ago. In this case, the electromagnetic signal may also be exposed to the eyes of other alien civilizations. In this case, why did they Occupy Blue Stars that could be visited by other alien civilizations at any time. That would be too dangerous. You might even reveal where your home planet is. 35

"Damn it, the boss upstairs is right!"

"Indeed, this reason is estimated to be correct. It's not uncommon for blue stars or something, it's still a bit fake. After all, in the vast universe, there are very few living planets. It is possible to occupy one without risk of exposure. The planet of life, I believe many alien civilizations are very happy. But if it is exposed, it is estimated that it will not be occupied.

"Emmmmmm, some can't keep up with the brains of the big guys. As an ordinary person, I can only call 666 to the big guys here.

"Cough, cough, same as 666."

Seeing this, Wu Yan and others also agreed with the words of several big analysts.

Sure enough, in case of trouble, go to the comment area. Wouldn't it be much better to have so many smart people all over the world analyze it together rather than thinking about it on your own?

Well, this will save a few hairs. Well, how bad it is to be bald.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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