I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 161 The ultimate means of alien civilization! Humans panic! (1/5 for subscription!)

"Hahaha, here we come!"

"The labor and management will have to see what the expression of this stubborn pioneer ship looks when it sees the empty solar system. Didn't they chase after it very happily before. We have a big explosion in technology now, and they can't find the direction if they want to find it."

"No no no. Even if they are lucky and find their way, it is still a question whether they can beat our Blue Star civilization."

"Genetic Pharmacy 4.9, star-shattering transcendence plus anti-matter starship, our hard power has caught up with them. Even if they chase after him, their heads will be smashed, and their ashes will be raised for him.""

"Extremely so.

Wu Yan and the rest of the roommates laughed recklessly, patted their thighs, and felt their whole body feel refreshed, and their whole body was a little airy.

This is also the psychological microcosm of people all over the world.

God knows how depressed and autistic they were when they saw so many human beings in parallel worlds being wiped out before, it was a deep sense of despair.

Now that human beings are strong, it is time to wash away the humiliation and despair with a great victory!

Not to mention alien civilization, even if the current human encounters the star-devouring dragon—, they can kill him!

Thinking of this, many humans feel more refreshed. Humans are not the objects you can bully at will!

With the support of the goddess Wu Song, human beings will become stronger and stronger.

Oh, alien civilization? Star-devouring dragon?

Let's settle accounts one by one!

The vast majority of humans have ruthless expressions on their faces.

When they imagined the future, the plot of the film was further promoted.

In the movie, after the pioneer ships of the alien civilization came to the solar system, they found that the Blue Star had disappeared.

For a time, they were pale, angry and desperate.

"Pfft haha, aren't you very arrogant?"

"You keep looking? Looking for nmb!"

"Come on, I can't even find my father's ass, but I still want to chase after my father. I want to die." 5

"Hahaha, this panic, angry, and desperate little expression, laughing to death! 99

For a time, Wu Yan's dormitory was like a party, and all kinds of laughter mocked the ugly state of alien civilization.

Not only Wu Yan's dormitory, but all over the world are full of human laughter and laughter.

However, human beings have not found it, and even if they cannot find it, they should not despair, at most they will be resentful. Humans are lost because they are too collided and immersed in the reversal of human status.

The next episode made human laughter bigger and bigger.

Because the vanguard ship's search was fruitless, and the information was reported to the First Fleet.

The captain's expression was also extremely ugly, with a heavy face.

This scene made the human ridicule even more outrageous.

"At the beginning, this man still admired humans? What do you say that the genetic field of human beings has developed well, but they have to die against them?

"Weakness is a sin. Tsk tsk tsk, the original words he said later."

"Hehe, his face is swollen now. Humans are what he can appreciate? He can only bully us humans for too short development time. If the development time is the same, Goddess Songsong will destroy them into scumbags easily. .39

"That face is so cool."

Amid the laughter and laughter of people all over the world, the captain of the First Fleet reported the information. In the movie, there was an angry roar from the senior leaders of the parent star of Lange Civilization, and they also felt panicked.

This makes people laugh more and more wanton.

"Using the last resort!"

The laughter of Wu Yan and others subsided a little until the order of the senior management of Lange Civilization was issued, and they stared at the screen and became a little nervous.

Although human beings are now sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, the ultimate means of an alien civilization cannot be underestimated.

In the movie, after receiving the order, the captain of the First Fleet gave the vanguard order with a heavy face.

For a time, the screen switched to the solar system.

The Vanguard star's face was ugly, but he used the last resort with a frenzied face.

For a time, they took the solar system as the center, and sent electromagnetic signals towards the depths of space without dead ends.

After the launch, the vanguard blew up directly.

Even the First Fleet blew up.


This scene made many people look stupid, and their faces were stunned. Don't know what alien civilizations are playing.

"The alien civilization is playing with snakes? 35

"Why did it explode after emitting an electromagnetic signal?

"This is the so-called last resort? Damn it!"

"Damn, I'm scared to death, but the so-called final means is the self-destruction of the brain-damaged, putting a squib? Or is it a suicide order after the mission fails?"

Many ordinary people are mocking.

In Wu Yan's dormitory, they did not ridicule, but showed fear.

As top students of Shuidu University, their IQ is undoubtedly above the horizontal line.

.....for flowers 0·

Naturally, he would not mock like ordinary people, but saw the intention of alien civilization.

"Fuck. This is too cruel.

"If you can't find the Blue Star civilization, then directly expose the situation here and let other alien civilizations take action?"

"In order to prevent his home planet from being exposed, he directly sacrificed the First Fleet. Too cruel. 35

"However, how can they be sure that this method can definitely solve the alien civilization? If they do this, they may also expose their home planet. 35

"No, although there is a risk of exposure, it should be small. They estimate that they have prepared for protection very early. I just don't know how many civilizations will suffer because of this electromagnetic signal. 99

"Blue Star, it's okay..."

Wu Yan and the others discussed with a solemn expression.

They suddenly felt that they and others underestimated the Lange civilization. The last resort is indeed terrifying.

But it shouldn't matter...

After all, the blue star has already escaped from the solar system, moving forward at three percent of the speed of light.

While they were discussing, the plot continued to advance.

In the movie, more than a year has passed, and the screen switches to the escaping Blue Star.

Blue Star, received this terrifying electromagnetic signal.

This made Wu Song's complexion change greatly. Although there was no reply, she instantly figured out what happened. Blue Star, there is a risk of exposure.

For a time, the high-level human started a meeting. Discuss countermeasures.

The high-level human beings asked Wu Song to leave Blue Star.

But Wu Song is paranoid and does not leave, she wants to coexist and die with all human beings.

She went to study the shielding device with great determination.

Seeing this, all human beings understand what the ultimate means of alien civilization means, and the expressions of many ordinary people are frozen. I felt a burning pain in my face.

It's a shame that they thought alien civilizations were evil. It turned out that they didn't realize how dangerous it really was. How ruthless are alien civilizations?

However, they were instinctively attracted by Wu Song's choice and heroic appearance.

As expected of the goddess Wu Song, she is so handsome. Also great!

Goddess Wu Song, always drop God!

There is no doubt that human beings are the strongest and the best savior!

Perhaps, I have to add the most beautiful, cutest, most handsome savior?

(ps: Please customize, ask for everything, QAQ~! Hmm... I will try the next five updates from today. So, what are you going to do, hey hey hey.) One.

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