I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 162 All human beings are autistic! Three views that have been completely shattered! (2/5 for

When Wu Yan and the others became nervous, they watched the screen intently.

Wu Song in the movie developed a shielding device in half a month.

Within half a year, a large number of shielding devices were installed all over the Blue Star, which completely blocked external signals, but their own signals could not be sent out.

Blue Star is finally a little safer. Although it is still dangerous, the degree of danger has been reduced to a minimum.

Seeing this, Wu Yan and the others breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

Damn, watching this kind of plot, this kind of tense atmosphere is really unbearable.

At this time, the screen suddenly switched to an unknown starry sky, and a small white and silver starship received the electromagnetic signal emitted by the Lange Civilization.

The appearance of the new alien civilization made everyone shocked, a little curious, but more and more nervous.

They saw the image of a new alien, a race with a single horn on its head, "897" skin and silver skin, but its appearance was very similar to humans.

"What race is this?

"You ask me who I ask. It is estimated that only the world observers will know.

"However, he received an electromagnetic signal, so he shouldn't be able to do anything to Blue Star. After all, Blue Star has already entered a state of closed ball. And he is still escaping..."

Wu Yan's roommates started talking. Really curious about the new aliens.

"Don't talk, just watch. Stop breastfeeding now."

Wu Yan clenched his fists and said in a low voice.

Suddenly he felt uneasy.

At this time, the silver-skinned one-horned alien began to operate.

The high-tech displayed makes everyone feel the scalp tingling.

He immediately located the solar system, and even understood the cause and effect.

Then, using space wormhole technology, a small silver card was sent to the solar system.

The screen switches to the solar system again.

All human beings watched this little white and silver card spin and spin.

Really beautiful.

"Space wormhole technology... This Nima technology is too scary. 55

“The technology we dreamed of, they have come true. 35

"It can only be said to be perverted. If human beings collide with this silver-horned alien civilization, it is probably over. This silver-horned alien civilization is much more perverted than the Lange civilization.

"Oh, it seems that human beings still have a long way to go. However, now that human beings have caught up with the Lange civilization, they are already very strong. With the Goddess Songsong, it will be a matter of time."

Wu Yan's roommates began to discuss.

"Space wormhole technology is nothing. Your focus is all wrong. The Silver Horn alien civilization specially used space wormhole technology to send this small white and silver card. It's the most dangerous.""

Wu Yan's face was a little ugly and extremely solemn, he said in a low voice.

The feeling of unease in his heart became more and more intense.

These words made his roommates startled, staring at the spinning white and silver card.

It should be said that people all over the world are paying attention, and many people are puzzled. Even many women were fascinated by the beautiful shape and brilliance of this card. I was itching to think that it would be nice if I had this thing for collection.

However, in the next second, the noisy world immediately became silent.

Everyone's face was pale, their pupils contracted violently, their bodies were stiff, and a chill shot straight into the sky, making them feel the bone-chilling cold. Even in the scorching heat, you can only feel the cold.

Because the pictures in the movie are beyond their cognition. Knowledge of technology, knowledge of the universe.

On the screen, the spinning white and silver cards stopped spinning, bursting with dazzling light, and then. Dimensionality reduction begins.

The three-dimensional space was forcibly squeezed into a two-dimensional state, and the crackling sound of special effects rubbed everyone's eardrums, making them go crazy and want to die.

Space has become a beautiful two-dimensional state, and even the sun can't escape, it is directly squeezed into a two-dimensional state, and it hangs in the two-dimensional map of space.

Subsequently, other planets in the solar system also became two-dimensional and hung in space.

The entire solar system has become an oil painting. A beautiful oil painting called the solar system!

However, this beautiful appearance made all human beings hold their breath, pale, desperate, and even collapsed.

They couldn't say anything.

He could only stare blankly at the rapid expansion of dimensionality reduction, turning more of the starry sky into a two-dimensional state and rapidly eroding into the distance.

This is a dimensionality reduction attack.

Dimensionality reduction attacks never thought of by humans.

At this moment, all human beings once again understand how dark, cruel and terrifying the war in the universe is.

The three views of human beings, this time, have been shattered and reshaped...

They genuinely felt their own insignificance.

They were shaken and fell into a state of confusion. They could only watch with numbness on their faces, thinking about a question.

Can human beings win against this advanced alien civilization?

No, not right.

It's an arrogant idea to think about winning.

To be precise, can humans escape?

All fell into deep suspicion.

The answer is, no.

The same thought appeared in everyone's mind.

If we really want to be discovered by this kind of civilization, and if we are targeted by this kind of civilization, the only way for mankind is to perish.

At this moment, all human beings are inexplicably happy.

Fortunately, in the past parallel worlds, it was discovered that human beings, targeting human beings, are just a blue-geo civilization that is stronger than human beings, but can still cope.

Instead of this, a perverted civilization that has risen to another dimension.

Just, happy to be happy.

At this moment, all human beings are truly autistic. true autism. Experience the self-closing of the dimensional gap.

They also understand the origin of the name of the movie.

Enchanting Girl · Erxiang Foil · Space Oil Painting!

What an artistic name. Indeed, full of artistic sense!

Space oil painting is indeed art.

Anyone who sees a space oil painting cannot deny how beautiful this space oil painting is.

However, under this beauty, there is a sense of despair and suffocation.

Two-way foil, that beautiful white and silver card, is two-way foil.

World Observer 0.1, never deceive people, engage in title fraud.

Really, as always.

Human fantasy, the fantasy of victory and the future conquest of the universe, is really funny enough.

Wu Yan also stared blankly at the screen, unable to regain his senses.

After a long while, he scratched his scalp irritably, his face twisted, and he was so mad at the alien civilization.

But I felt really powerless.

True, incompetent fury.

He hoped that his daughter could get through this.

But, this is really just a delusion.

Dimensionality reduction attack, no matter who you are.

If you catch up, you will die.

No, not right.

That is a more terrifying fact than death.

Become a two-dimensional state, life is better than death.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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