I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 179 A world darker than biochemical doomsday is coming!? (1/4 for subscription!)

"The world of data..."

Lu Jie raised his eyebrows, lost in thought.

This is somewhat similar to the world of Digimon. Shouldn't it be this kind of template?

Humans can also eat other people's data to evolve or something?

"System, speed up the timeline."

After Lu Jie thought about it for a while, he opened his mouth and said.

[When the host was thinking wildly, three days passed. The digitization of life on Blue Star has been known to all human beings all over the world. Because the Observer website is no longer updated, humans understand in horror that their world has become an experimental field. And the phenomenon of digitization of living bodies is likely to be the accident of this time, and it is the trial of human beings for world observers. For a time, people all over the world panicked. They don't know what a digital world means. 】

[Under such a depressing atmosphere, the debate about Wu Song gradually became less heated, and even the Council of Presbyterians gave up the issue of dealing with Wu Song temporarily. After all, Wu Song was born in ten months, and As soon as the accident occurs, maybe they will be gg within this period of time. 】

[Humans began to discuss the problem of dataization. A press conference was even held, and Blue Star's largest news media began an exclusive interview with President Lu of Xuanzheng District. The reason why Dean Lu would accept it was also the instigation of the high-level human beings, in order to give an explanation to the entire human race. To be precise, it is the stability of the heart. Most of the world is watching this interview


The explanation of the system stopped,

Lu Jie's figure also appeared at the press conference, and there was a live broadcast screen in front of him, with dense barrages on it.

"President Lu, do you think our world has been reduced to an experimental field, and the phenomenon of digitization of living bodies has appeared. Is it good or bad?"

The news media, from the very beginning, threw out almost difficult questions.

"You have to ask Lord World Watcher about this. I don't dare to jump to conclusions."

Dean Lu opened his mouth with a smile.

As a human being, he would not fall into the trap.

"Cough, Director Lu, because of the phenomenon of dataization, there have been many riots all over the world. For example, because of the problem of dataization, even if human beings suffer serious injuries that used to be fatal injuries, they will not die, only physical injuries. The data will be lost and become incomplete, but it is still alive and well. This has also led to the problem of violence in the world becoming more and more serious. President Lu thinks this phenomenon is good or bad""

reporters asked.

"I think this is a bad phenomenon. There are still a lot of unsolved mysteries in digitization. We can't hurt others just because after digitization, we won't easily die. This is likely to cause big problems."5

Dean Lu spoke with a serious face.

Next, Dean Lu answered a series of questions from reporters very well, alerting human beings, and at the same time comforting the hearts of the people.

However, just as the interview was about to end, a terrifying phenomenon appeared naked in front of the public.

That is, the head of Dean Lu, who was still talking, disappeared in half, and the upper body was also mutilated by one third, and there was not even a phenomenon of data overflow.

And the reporter's upper body completely disappeared.

After the two bodies disappeared, the reporter died violently. Next, just like when you played SAO in Sword Art Online, the characters turned into data after death, and then collapsed, disappearing completely.

Dean Lu watched all this in horror, waving his remaining arms, and fell to the ground.

Ten seconds later, Dean Lu's body also collapsed and disappeared completely.

This scene made everyone watching the live broadcast full of horror, or covered their mouths, or dropped their mobile phones to the ground, all of them were frightened.

The last second was fine, but the next second, it was as if a certain part of the body was directly erased, and then died violently. This is just like watching a horror chapter!

Even this is scarier than a horror movie. This is happening in the real world!

A few seconds later, all kinds of terrified screams sounded all over the world.

The live broadcast was immediately cut off.

"It looks more terrifying than I imagined.

Lu Jie narrowed his eyes and exhaled lightly.

He was still thinking about whether it would be a digitalized world where humans could devour each other's data and evolve. Maybe it was erased randomly?

"System, speed up the timeline.

Lu Jie spoke slowly.

[When the host was surprised, a week passed. Although the high-level human beings tried their best to suppress the matter, it was of no use. After all, this live broadcast was watched by most of the world. Its impact is extremely exaggerated. 】

[Moreover, not only Dean Lu and reporters had their body data erased, but there were also thousands of people around the world whose body data had been erased. If the data of the brain and the heart are erased, it will die. And if it's just other locations, it's fine. Even if only half of the body is left, it is possible to live, this

Horrible phenomenon, after the Observer website was exposed, many people all over the world fell into a state of panic. stalk】

[High-level human beings want to appease people's hearts. However it didn't help. In the following time, data was wiped every day, and it even showed an increasing trend. For a time, all human beings fell into panic. The high-level human order ordered scientists to find a solution as soon as possible, but the scientists were at a loss, even if there were experimental subjects, they would not

Know where to start. They were completely unable to understand this bizarre phenomenon. 】

[In this atmosphere. Some people even said that this is the punishment of the world observers for the darkness of human nature. It was recognized by many people for a while. A church begging for forgiveness from world watchers has gradually emerged. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a month has passed. during this month. There are tens of billions of human beings in the world, and one million people have died because of their data being erased. There are also more than one million people who are lucky enough to avoid the key points and live with broken bodies. In the meantime, mankind has finally found a solution. 】

[That is, by eating other animals and plants, the human body can be restored, which is equivalent to supplementary data. This phenomenon has finally stabilized human society a little, but it has buried a more terrifying depth bomb. 】

[A week later, a genius scientist who, like President Lu, had half of his head erased, fell into a state of madness before he died. Because he had no living body to eat, he actually (Nuo Hao) cut down with a knife in a frenzy. his girlfriend's head. Then, he miraculously survived, and the data on his head was filled. Even he feels his own data

more adequate. 】

[As a high-IQ talent, he guessed that in this data-based world, if you want to survive, you must kill others and devour other people's data, so that he can be resurrected when his body is erased. He even had a bold guess. That is, after swallowing other people's data, it will reduce the chance of data being erased! 】

[In order to confirm his speculation, he did various investigations. It is found that people with incomplete data have a much higher chance of being recruited next time than ordinary people. Even he carried out a frantic study by taking advantage of the phenomenon of digitization of living bodies, which confirmed this. 】

[He understands that the next human world is about to fall into the darkest period. Compared with the biochemical doomsday world, it is a dark period. The so-called moral bottom line will no longer exist! 】

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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