I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 180 Devil's Cage, Return Reward, Ultimate European Emperor! (2/4 for subscription!)

When Lu Jie saw this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Killing others and supplementing your own data can reduce the chance of being deleted.

If this continues, human society will indeed enter the darkest things. Even darker than any world ever before.

Because this is a naked test of human nature.

And human nature is the most untested. If there is no legal and moral restraint, the world will fall into a state of turmoil in an instant.

Even in the biochemical apocalypse world, there are high-level human constraints such as Elder Xuan. Although there are still many riots and extreme depression, human society is still normal.

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline.""

Lu Jie spoke slowly.

[While the host was thinking, another week passed. This week, the serial murder of a genius scientist was discovered and tried in court. Facing the judge's question about why he killed, the Tiancong scientist laughed frantically and told everyone the appalling facts. For a time, the people at the scene set off a thousand waves. The people watching the live broadcast were also very horrified. 】

[A seed was planted in the hearts of these people. It didn't take long for the live broadcast to go to a black screen. Humanity began to spread the words of 930 when the genius scientist was put on trial among the Observer sites. For a while, many people appeared to confirm this. After the high-level human beings knew about it, their minds were extremely solemn. 】

[The high-level human beings begin to appease people's hearts. Let humans hunt animals and plants, don't commit suicide. For a time, the word about protecting the ecological environment no longer exists. For their own lives, human beings began to hunt animals and plants all over the world frantically, just to reduce the chance of being deleted. Because of body data, humans don't need to eat anymore

Also don't feel tired. Humans have shown terrifying power. 】

[In the following time, the animals and plants on the Blue Star began to decrease sharply after being hunted by humans. Even many people are horrified to find that even if they hunt animals and plants to increase the data, but because other people are doing the same, the probability still does not decrease. The only people who really reduce the probability of being deleted are those who hunted more. For a time, the demon in the human heart was completely released. 】

[Some people are no longer satisfied with hunting animals and plants. Many people began to secretly hunt the rest of the humans. Comparing humans are all competitors. Only by killing the rest of the humans can not only increase data, but also reduce competitors, killing many birds with one stone. 】


[Slowly, human society began to mess up. Even high-level human beings cannot be bound by social rules and morality. As those in the beginning acted recklessly, the rest began to follow suit. Humans, the chaos begins. Some people even killed their relatives and friends in order to survive. 】

[When the human world began to be in chaos, the high-level human beings also ordered all scientists to discuss countermeasures and work out solutions, but there was little progress. Even because of the decline of flora and fauna, the army could not keep up with the supply. The high-level human beings also have to face a choice, that is, whether to kill or not. 】

[Finally, in order to survive, the high-level human beings except Elder Xuan hypnotized themselves, all for the sake of all human beings. Only when they are alive can the stability of human society be better maintained. For this reason, the high-level human beings also picked up the butcher's knife and killed the restless people who were arrested. It is called punishing evil and promoting good. 】

[Elder Xuan looked at this scene indifferently, he remembered the movie "Spiritual Energy Ball - Girl's Elegy", mocking the selfishness of human beings. The high-level human beings do not lead by example, and they still want ordinary people to restrain themselves?]

[Many scientists also hypnotize themselves. Only if they are alive can more people be saved. This is for all mankind. To this end, they also took up butcher knives and killed some prisoners. Among them, Zhao Lao and a few other scientists did not do this, and looked at all this angrily. They would rather die standing up than be murderers. Whether it will be deleted or not, it is up to fate. 】

[Wu Yan also had his data deleted because he refused to kill and died. And Lin Ru, although she was persuaded by many high-level human beings that they must live and let Wu Song be born, human beings will have greater hope, but she still stands upright and will never kill. In the end, the data was also deleted and died. Wu Song, stillborn. 】

[When the high-level human beings also began to hypnotize themselves to kill for the sake of all mankind to become accustomed to killing, their behavior was also exposed. For a time, the surviving humans were all sensational. The last string of a few reasonably rational people also snapped. 】

[They can't help asking themselves. Since the high-level human beings have done this, they still need to be patient about what to do. Every day I am vigilant that it may be killed by others, and the data may be deleted. Living in fear, in exchange, is the betrayal of high-level human beings. To this end, they also began to join the fighting team. 】

[The entire Blue Star enters the Jedi survival mode. You can only live by killing others. This is the only iron rule for survival. Even the remaining troops on the Blue Star that were not deleted started killing people. Because they are armed with weapons, they kill more calmly. As for the righteous? Heh, it wasn't deleted early because he didn't kill people

Just by someone else's gun. 】

[Blue Star has become the devil's cage. 】

[After a year of fighting, there are only hundreds of thousands of people left in this world. At this time, the high-dimensional fragments emitted a dazzling black light, and all the remaining life was deleted in an instant. After getting these things done, it escaped into the void again and went nowhere. 】

Lu Jie was speechless.

Is this high-dimensional fragment conscious?

Or is it just randomly appearing somewhere and having different effects?

[Host, this game is over, whether to archive it or not, and name it. 】

"Well, save it and name it Data World Devil's Cage."

Lu Jie pondered slightly, then opened the mouth and said.

[Archive success, naming success, whether to return to the real world. 】

The sound of the system sounded again.

"Come back.

Lu Jie nodded slightly.

After the words fell, Lu Jie's consciousness flickered, his vision changed, and he returned to his sea view room.

After returning, Lu Jie smiled and shook his head at Xiubi. After letting him continue watching the anime, he looked at the sky outside.

This deduction can be said to be the most terrifying one. Although there is no grand scene of the Blue Star explosion, it is just the cannibalism of ordinary people.

But that high-dimensional fragment is extremely dangerous. In front of it, Erxiang Foil is just scum.

[When the host sighed, the system had already issued rewards. The host has acquired data high-dimensional fragments. 】

The sound of the system suddenly rang, which startled Lu Jie.

"What the heck, data high-dimensional fragments!?"

Lu Jie stood up, her heart beating fast.

It's not that he can't be determined. The reward this time is really scary.

It is simply that the emperor has reached the extreme.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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