I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 281 Human Traitor · Wu Song? The origin of Nibi civilization, the shock of human beings! (Tw

"The zerg where the alien mother worm is located is actually so powerful!?"

Elder Xuan was shocked and muttered to himself.

Alien worms have also appeared on the blue stars of some parallel worlds, but they grow to the end, that is, transcendence, that is, the second-order level.

Although the active cells of alien mother worms are still an important material for human research on genetic medicine, they have long forgotten the threat of alien mother worms.

A second-order existence is difficult for humans to keep in mind.

Unexpectedly, the zerg where the alien mother worm is located has actually metamorphosed to such a degree.

In front of this powerful civilization that seems to be comparable to the mysterious super civilization that appeared at the end of the movie "War of Civilization: Victory of the Spirit", it was so embarrassingly beaten by the Zerg.

Elder Xuan looked at the fourth-order as a dog, and the battlefield was falling into pieces, and even in some starry sky, those were obviously beyond the fourth-order level, and the aftermath of the battle alone shook for several light-years "five seven zeros" and even The perverted powerhouse in the area of ​​more than ten light-years, his temples jumped.

These powerhouses, as well as those alien mother insects that are comparable in size to the sun, are definitely fifth-order existences...!

Thinking of this, the elder Xuan Da felt the scalp tingling even more.

"The alien mother bug actually appeared in this super galaxy cluster, and attacked this extremely powerful super civilization... Why is this happening? 39

"Could it be that the zerg where the alien mother worm is located is multiplying in the surrounding galaxies of this supercluster? Why did the weak alien mother worm appear on the blue star of the parallel world across a distance of 200 million light-years.

If you want to destroy Blue Star, you should send more powerful alien mother insects to destroy Blue Star, and even the entire White River System..."

"There is too little information to judge. However, why did Lord World Watcher show us this?"

All the elders discussed with shock and heavy heart.

This universe is really too vast and too dangerous. They refreshed their cognition again and again.

From Blue Star, to the White River System, to the White River Galaxy Cluster, to the super civilizations and alien Zerg civilizations that rule the super galaxy clusters, the veil of the universe is gradually unveiled in front of their eyes.

However, they were only given heavier and heavier pressure, enough to suffocate all mankind.

In the face of these civilizations, what should human beings do?

Although human beings are still a long time away from facing such a civilization, but now that they know it, they can't help but think.


In the non-stop sighing of Xuan Da Elder and others, the plot in the movie is also advancing rapidly.

Even a super civilization as powerful as the 'Nibi civilization' that ruled a huge super galaxy cluster could not defeat the Zerg and became a fugitive civilization, using various means to escape towards the unknown starry sky.

Seeing this, Elder Xuan Da and the others were all numb.

Even the super civilization of the universe will have a day of escape. The various miserable encounters and struggles of human beings in the past seem to be nothing...

Weakness is the original sin, and this seems to apply everywhere.

Afterwards, the screen switched to Blue Star, which made Elder Xuan Da and the others regain their senses.

Blue Star's various developments, if it were before, Xuan Da Elder and others would definitely be full of relief and joy, but now, it is a little boring.

Compared with the epic war of the 'Nibi civilization' and the Zerg, this kind of development of human beings is as boring as toddlers.

Even if they are high-level human beings, it is wrong to think so, but they still have such thoughts, which makes them shake their heads with mixed feelings.

Next, the screen switched to Wu Song.

At this time, Wu Song had grown up, and he applied to go to the Great Myron Civilization as an envoy of the Blue Star Civilization to conduct cultural exchanges and seek a way out for mankind.

Seeing this, Elder Xuan Da and others nodded happily.

Thousands of years have passed, human beings have opened the space wormhole, and Wu Song, who is third-order, has embarked on the road to the Big Myron galaxy alone.

Came to the Big Myron galaxy, led by the reconnaissance ship of the Big Myron civilization, and went to the capital of the Big Myron civilization, Maiji Star. Civilization conducts diplomacy.

Wu Song was very smart, what to say and what not to say, for this reason, many officials of the Great Myron civilization accepted Wu Song's existence.

Seeing this, Elder Xuan Da and others praised Wu Song again and again.

"Xiao Song's ability is still strong."

"Yeah. Easy to gain trust. The task is much easier to do.""

"Next, we'll see if we can get the technology."

However, Elder Xuan and the others soon stopped laughing.

In the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed, Wu Song actually fell in love with the peaceful and quiet life on the Maiji Star, the relaxed atmosphere, the history of the Big Myron civilization, and gradually forgot his mission.

Thousands of years later, Wu Song did not abandon his conscience, gave up his mission, and did not want to go back to Bluestar to endure the breathless atmosphere, so he chose to teach children knowledge in Maijixing academy...

Xu Xinying was angry at Wu Song's 'betrayal'.

Seeing this, the expressions on the faces of Elder Xuan Da and the others were also a little unsightly.

"Wu Song, what the hell, he gave up his mission and became obsessed with other places."

"This is an act of betrayal of all mankind, does she want to be a rape?"5

The three elders spoke irritably.

"Third, don't say such things. Wu Song is too kind. Asking her to do such a thing may itself be a wrong choice."

Elder Xuan Da shook his head, looked at Wu Song's sweet smile when he taught children in the movie with mixed feelings, and sighed.

"She didn't tell human intelligence, it's not human rape. Human hands are covered in blood, which is necessary in order to survive. Wu Song's kindness is not what human beings need now. In the current situation, she She can't continue to support human beings with her ability. We don't need to continue to force her to do ordinary scientific research. If Wu Song in this world chooses to live happily as an ordinary human, just let her be.

After a pause, Elder Xuan continued to speak.

These words made the expressions of the other elders change, and in the end they all sighed deeply.

Next, before the elders could continue to say anything, the screen suddenly switched again.

This time, it switched to the solar system of the White River System.

Seeing the mother galaxy after a long absence, Elder Xuan and others were all stunned. 0.5

However, in the next second, Elder Xuan Da and the others all shrank their pupils violently.

Because, the fleet of 'Nibi civilization' actually appeared here. Its appearance is exactly the same as that mysterious super civilization with a blue sun pattern.

"What are they doing in the solar system!?

Elder Xuan and the others looked at each other in dismay.

Before everyone could think about it, the 'Nibi Civilization' in the movie found out where Blue Star is now.

During the discussion of the 'Nibi people', Elder Xuan Da and other humans also knew the origin of the 'Nibi civilization'.

The ancient civilization that was born on Blue Star 100 million years ago is considered to be the ancestor of mankind.

The birth of human beings now has a part of their credit.


Hearing these explosive messages, all human beings were stunned, their mouths widened, and they didn't know what to say.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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