I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 282 What taboo has humanity committed!? Elder Xuan Da's anger and powerlessness! (Pleas

"The Nibi civilization is actually the ancient civilization of Blue Star 100 million years ago!?"

"The legend of Lu Continent and the Nibiru Empire is actually true..."

"So, this extremely powerful 'Nibi civilization' has a deep relationship with us human beings, can we rely on the 'Nibi civilization' to develop?35

All the elders were shocked and discussed with anticipation.

"There's no need to think blindly. You'll see when you see it."

Elder Xuan was not so optimistic, but sighed.

Humanity has chosen to embark on a road of no return, even if the attitude of the 'Nibi civilization' towards humans is friendly, it is estimated that they will not trust humans. In the end, it's hard to say.

As soon as Elder Xuan's words fell, the scene became much quieter, and everyone's eyes flickered, calming down and continuing to watch the movie.

The next picture is that the 'Nibi Civilization' did not search for Blue Star for the first time, but chose to attack the Silver Horn Civilization.

Facing the attack of the 'Nibi civilization', the Silver Horn civilization was easily defeated like a baby facing a strong man.

In less than 14 months, all the planets of the Silver Horn civilization were completely occupied.

However, the 'Nibi civilization' did not choose to slaughter the Silver Horn civilization, but chose to conquer and rule.

Seeing this, Elder Xuan Da and the others all looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

It seems that at this level of super civilization, the concept of civilization war in the past is no longer applicable.

When everyone was thinking about it, the Mechanical Empire and Santong Civilization fled in a panic and became a fugitive civilization.

The closed Great Myron civilization was subsequently invaded and was also completely occupied.

However, because of the existence of Wu Song, the fifth-order powerhouses of the 'Nibi civilization' did not suppress violently like Yin Taixing, and their shots were much lighter.

Seeing this, Elder Xuan Da and the others were a little relieved.

It seems that the 'Nibi people' have a very friendly attitude towards 'human beings', and the Blue Star civilization should not be wiped out.

Afterwards, Elder Xuan Da and others also saw the scene where the ‘Nibi civilization’ had ruled the three galaxies of the White River System, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Big Myron System and went to the Myron System.

Watching the 'Nibi civilization' invading the Blue Star network and knowing what the Observer website and the humans in the parallel world were doing, even with the determination of the elders, they became nervous.

It is not surprising to them that it is as strong as the 'Nibi civilization', and they are still extremely in awe of the World Observer.

It's just that the ending of human beings really surprised them.

Because the 'Nibi civilization' chose to expel humans from the Blue Star, announced that the Blue Star civilization became one of the satellite civilizations of the 'Nibi civilization', and then sent a fifth-order powerhouse to lead the fleet to monitor, and then let the human race in the Myron galaxy. developed.

"As far as the 'Nibi civilization' is concerned, we humans still have a relationship with them, plus the fact that the world observers and us are too weak, we will get such a good ending.

Elder Xuan sighed in relief and muttered to himself.

"Yeah, although I was under house arrest and lost Blue Star, this is the best result.

"We are equivalent to being sheltered by the 'Nibi civilization'. Perhaps technology can also follow."

"With the 'Nibi civilization', we may not have to be afraid of the super civilization with the sun pattern on the starship in the future. 35

The other elders were also relieved, quite satisfied with the result.

In the sound of their discussion, more than a million years have passed in the parallel world in a blink of an eye, and they are stunned for a moment.

Then, the key stories of this million years later also appeared one by one.

The support of the 'Nippi civilization' to mankind has given mankind all the technologies of the 'Mechanical Empire' and the 'Big Myron Civilization', which has made the human technology tree climb up, and it will be completely absorbed after a million years.

The most important thing is that these important scientific research processes are actually played clearly in the movie. Some of the most important theories of technology can be seen clearly.

The meaning of this is not simple.

"Is this another test for us, Lord World Watcher?

"That lord wants to give us humans another chance? It's up to us whether we can seize it or not... That's what you mean."

"This should be....."

The elders were happy, but also a little hesitant, unconfident, and nervously said.

"It's a good thing no matter what. We have to take this opportunity and perform a little bit better.

Elder Xuan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Even if this is just some theory, the value in it is amazing to the extreme.

Although in the eyes of Elder Xuan... the intelligence of human beings can't keep up, even if you know the theory, it is very difficult to study it.

I didn't see that even though the human beings in the movie, with the help of the scientists of the 'Nibi civilization', have complete technical information, it took more than a million years to really master it...

In the discussion of Elder Xuan Da and others, the plot of the movie is still advancing.

Human beings are not only developing in science and technology, but also in cultivation.

Hundreds of Tier 4 powerhouses. Many of them are still strongmen who combine cultivation and mecha.

If it was before, Elder Xuan Da and others would definitely be excited, but when they think of the big scene at the beginning of the movie, they really can't be excited.

However, when Elder Xuan Da and others were a little boring, the screen switched again.

This time, the mysterious super civilization at the end of the "War of Civilization: Victory of the Spirit" appeared.

This time, human beings also know the name of their civilization.

Sunrise civilization.

Originally, Elder Xuan Da and others thought that there would be a fierce war.

However, the next development made Elder Xuan Da and all mankind dumbfounded.

Because after Lunar Civilization and 'Nibi Civilization' contacted, they didn't even fight a war, so Nibi Civilization chose to surrender without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Elder Xuan Da and the others looked at each other in dismay, and understood this Luminous Sun civilization, 573 seems to be much more terrifying than they imagined...

However, Elder Xuan Da and others, like the humans in the movie, were not nervous.

Because this Sunrise civilization doesn't seem to be the kind of civilization that likes to slaughter other civilizations.

In other words, at their level, they disdain to step on ants to death.

However, the expressions of Elder Xuan Da and the others quickly froze.

Because Luminous Civilization sent a terrifying powerhouse to the Myron galaxy, judged mankind, and then easily wiped out all mankind, even disdain to answer Wang Yu's question.

"Humans, stupid races, you have committed a major taboo and are not worthy of living in this universe.

And the words of the other party judging the human beings made Elder Xuan Da and other human beings who were watching the movie look ugly, and a chill went straight to the sky. Chilled all over.

Humans have committed a taboo and are not worthy of living in this universe!?

What does this mean?

What's wrong with human beings?

Could it be that humans colonized the Red Seal civilization and refined their brains into medicine?

Or is it the reason why human beings are too evil?

However, in the development of civilization, how can there be justice and evil!

Which powerful civilization did not develop on the corpses of other civilizations!

Elder Xuan Da and the others clenched their fists, extremely frightened, full of anger, but very powerless.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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