I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 283 The meaning of taboo, human evil or dragon star domain or Zerg? (Two more please subscri

Although Elder Xuan Da and other human beings have extreme emotional fluctuations, the ending of the movie will not change with their emotions, and the screen will be black.

For this reason, Elder Xuan and the other human beings were full of gloomy faces. After a brief discussion, they each left.

On Xu Xinying's side, her face was also full of silence, and her heart was quite unpleasant.

The existence of Nibi Civilization, Sunrise Civilization, and various explosion information shocked her, but what she thinks most now is Wu Song.

The other self, 'betrayed' her.

Dumbly recalling Wu Song's smile in the movie, Xu Xinying sighed deeply.

On Wu Yan's side, he and Lin Ru didn't have any negative emotions about the choice of the daughter in the parallel world, they were very calm, and they even agreed with Wu Song's approach.

As long as it is the daughter's choice, they will support it.

Meanwhile, the comment section for the new movie is already frying.

"Although the plot of the new movie is very explosive, the amount of information is amazing. The war between Nibi civilization and Zerg is extremely shocking. Nibi civilization is a civilization born 100 million years ago by Blue Star. This explosive information is enough to stun all mankind, and The Sunburst Civilization is much more powerful than we thought, and it's terrifying. Well, but these are not the main points. The most important points are two!

One, brothers, Lord World Watcher has once again given us a test. All Blue Star civilizations in the parallel world have the opportunity to obtain the technology of the Big Myron civilization and the Mechanic Empire. This is the most important! It shows that the World Observer has not completely abandoned us humans!

Second, what is the so-called taboo in the mouth of the powerhouses of the Luminous Civilization!? Have you brought analysts to analyze it?"

"The landlord is right... Lord World Observer did not give up our human beings completely. This is a very fortunate thing, and it can be called the most important thing.

As for the taboo of the Sunshine civilization, could it be the reason why we humans wantonly slaughter other civilizations, and conduct other intelligent races for their own in vivo experiments and refining medicine?"

"Upstairs...you think the same as I do. The World Watcher also said that when he transferred the Blue Star and the human beings. Humans have embarked on the path of the Asura evil ghost, and there is no way back. It seems very May be this reason.

If we embark on this road, does it mean that we will be bloody, become an evil civilization, and become the public enemy of the universe? If there is such an implication, the Sunshine civilization knows the details of human beings, saying that human beings have committed a major taboo, and destroying human beings is a matter of It's a matter of course" 9

"Maybe there's this part of the reason... Otherwise, the World Observer-sama wouldn't make a special appearance and let humans choose. However, I always feel that there are other reasons, but I can't tell what it is.

"Let me make a bold guess, everyone remember to squirt lightly. Could it be... the existence of the World Watcher is a taboo. When we are concerned by the World Watcher, it is a big taboo?"

"Pfft, I'm sorry, I wanted to spray lightly, but I couldn't help it! Upstairs, are you gone? Also, the World Observer is taboo, sloppy, do you want to kill all human beings? Also, you Do you think this Sunburst civilization is so powerful that it can make World Watcher-sama taboo?!

I admit that they are very strong and very perverted. It can be said that they can be called overlord-level civilizations in the entire universe, but they are really not worthy of shoes for World Observer adults!

If they are really strong enough to make World Watcher a taboo and unscrupulously obliterate the civilization that World Watcher is concerned about, they will be broadcast by World Watcher in the form of a movie? Don't make me laugh !""

"Cough, cough, the emotions upstairs are very exciting, but I want to say, it's beautiful. It's too brainless to say that the World Observer is a taboo."

"Everyone, don't get excited. It's a personal guess. Remember, I'm just a personal guess, don't spray me. I think the taboo in the mouth of the Lunar Civilization is related to the alien mother insect...?

I analyzed it carefully. In the war between the 'Nibi civilization' and the Zerg, the Zerg behaved extremely ferociously, madly devouring the intelligent race of the 'Nibi civilization', and did not appear to want to occupy the galaxy and expand the sphere of influence.

The Zerg doesn't have anything like a starship, and it doesn't look like an intelligent civilization. What is their position in the universe? Will it be a tumor-like existence?

If the zerg is a tumor, we humans develop genetic medicines through the active cells of the alien mother worms and inject them to enhance their strength. As a result, almost all human beings have the genes of alien mother worms in their bodies.... It seems that it can be perfectly explained by the Luminary Civilization's evaluation as "a taboo".

"Upstairs, your brain is really big. However, it seems to make sense. In many science fiction novels, the Zerg are the enemies of the universe... So, fuck, genetic medicine is an unprecedented big pit!?""

"Well, I think Fat Dun's guess is somewhat reasonable, but it has some meaning of forced explanation. You said that the Zerg behaved very ferociously, devouring the intelligent race of the 'Nibi civilization', and there was no such thing as a starship, and did not want intelligent civilization.

Then I want to say that the Dragon Star Territory where Father Long is located also exists like this. The star-devouring dragon clan also did not develop technology, and they also ate planets everywhere, even with intelligent life. Are they also cancerous? Are they the public enemy of the universe?

This universe is so vast that any kind of civilization and race may appear. Some races are inherently powerful, and they don’t need to develop technology at all, and it’s not easy to develop technology, but because of this, it’s too arbitrary to judge that they are the cancer of the universe and the public enemy of the universe?”

".~Uh...the guy upstairs woke me up again. But it made me confused again. So, what is the taboo of human beings? If you don't understand, I can't sleep at night!"

"Speaking of the Star Devourer... Could it be because of the alliance between humans and the Star Devourer? Maybe because the Dragon Star Region and the Sunshine Civilization are enemies? Maybe the Star Devourer, like the Zerg, is a common enemy of the universe, a cancer. ""

"Pfft, this is getting more and more outrageous. It is still possible that the Dragon Star Domain and the Luminous Civilization are enemies. The Star Devouring Dragon is the same as the Zerg as the public enemy of the universe. Cancer or something is too ridiculous (Li Zhaohao) , Is it like this kind of heterogeneous intelligent race are all cancers? This idea is too narrow.

Also, Daddy Long has helped humans a lot, and he has such a good personality, how could you comment like that, backstabbing crazily, is your mind too dark?"

Pin. Damn, looking at your analysis makes my head hurt. 99

"Actually, there is so little information now that guessing is useless. There must be enough intelligence as a basis for analysis and guessing. When the amount of intelligence increases, it will not be too late for us to analyze it."

Seeing that the sand sculpture netizens' brains were wide open, and all kinds of strange speculations appeared, Wu Yan couldn't help but choked, and also made a comment.

As soon as this comment came out, all kinds of sprays were a little better, but it was only a little bit.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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