At this time, seeing a big firework exploded on the top of the mountain, and a powerful shock wave swept down the mountain, the parents' complexion changed drastically, and they rushed to the small town to escape.

The sound of the collision lasted for nearly a minute, revealing a huge crater full of scars.

The diameter of the huge crater is not large, only twenty or thirty meters. Obviously, even if the giant sword wins in the end, most of its power will be wiped out.

"My most powerful killing move can compete with the opponent's ordinary blow." Chen Yiming got the test result in his mind.

With the realm of the second stage of the Warrior Realm, his attack strength has reached the threshold of the third stage of the Warrior Realm.

It means that it is difficult to easily inflict heavy injuries on him in the third stage of the Warrior Realm, and the ordinary damage is not enough in the face of the recovery ability of the first-level indestructible body.

"What a deep inner strength!" Li Daoyi sneered, "I thought I valued you enough, but now it seems that I have greatly underestimated you."

"Senior praised me, I'm just born with a strong physique." Chen Yiming took a deep breath, feeling a little weak in his body, and regained his strength.

He can recklessly squander the power of ordinary warriors without worrying about the speed of recovery.

However, the strongest ultimate move in the second stage of the Warrior Realm, the recovery speed brought by the level 1 indestructible body talent, is no longer enough to support his level of profligacy, and it takes nearly a minute to recover.

"This is just my random blow, and how many times can you use the killer move just now." Li Daoyi said with a smile without rushing to do it.

"Senior, you can try it, and I will accompany you at any time." Chen Yiming said calmly.

On the surface, his face remained unchanged, but he was already looking for a chance to escape in his heart. After all, the desired result had been tested, so there was no need to fight Li Daoyi to death now.

"Are you from Blue Star?" Li Daoyi asked suddenly.

"Senior, why did you say that?" Chen Yiming kicked the question back.

"It's a pity." Li Daoyi sighed, and continued, "Even if you are a genius who has been rare among human beings for decades, you can't let you leave alive today."

He guessed in his heart that the masked man might have the potential to transform into a martial artist, but he had already made a big enmity with the Qingyun Sword Sect, so it was no wonder that he wanted to kill him.

After all, he is the head of a sect, so it is impossible for him to still have the heart of the Virgin and allow a genius who has hatred against the sect to grow up.

"So confident? Are you afraid that you won't be able to step down later?" Chen Yiming laughed back.

"Young man, let me teach you, the warrior state is not the apprentice state, no one can fight across the great realm."

As soon as the words fell, Li Daoyi slashed out with his long sword.

Jianguang turned into three thunderbirds, one attacked from the front, and the other two surrounded from the side.

All of a sudden, the masked man was locked on by three Thunderbirds at the same time. It seemed that avoiding in any direction was not a good choice, as if he was in a desperate situation.

Of course, Chen Yiming wouldn't just stand there and challenge the other party.

As soon as Li Dao made his move, he also slashed out with a huge sword composed of four consecutive boulders.

At the same time, the spirit villain turns into a black mist artistic conception, and black mist inner strength is born in the body.

Then, under the invisibility effect of the inner strength of the black mist, taking advantage of the giant sword to temporarily block the three thunderbirds, the whole person burst out to the bottom of the mountain, fleeing without looking back.

This is his trump card for escaping. Even if the opponent catches up, it is difficult to accurately determine his position in the dark environment. Chen Yiming does not believe that the opponent has his kind of saturated attack ability like washing the ground.

chi chi chi...

The giant sword lasted only about ten seconds before it was torn apart by three Thunderbirds.

After the smoke dissipated, the masked man had disappeared.

"what happened!"

Li Daoyi's face turned ugly. He could vaguely judge from the sound of footsteps that the masked man had fled down the mountain, but he couldn't see anyone in his sight.

"Sect Master, the other party has a special stealth ability." Seeing this, the three peak masters jumped to Li Daoyi's side and reported.

The elder guard who discovered that the masked man had stolen into the library reported the masked man's invisibility ability to the three peak masters, but the three peak masters did not report this information to the sect master, after all, they did not know that they would be attacked. Hang and beat.

When Li Daoyi rescued the three peak masters, Chen Yiming had already dissipated the inner strength of the black mist, so that only Li Daoyi did not know that the masked man had a special invisibility ability.

As soon as Li Dao finished listening, his face was gloomy.

"I'm going to chase them now. The three of you bring all the elders and follow up immediately. As long as you find out and hold on for a while, I can rush over and kill the masked man."

After putting down his words, he flickered and chased down the mountain.


Qingyun Town.

The parents who fled before saw the fighting movement ended, and many of them returned again.

In their hearts, a top sect like Qingyun Sword Sect, how could there be problems that could not be solved.

Chen Yiming had already descended from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain within the time Li Daoyi arranged the pursuit plan, after seeing the crowd.

"I can only let you be a tool man."

The voice fell.

Four boulders joined together to form a 100-meter giant sword, which emerged in mid-air, and then smashed into a deserted wide area in front of Qingyun Town.

The strongest parents of this group of newcomers who are in the entry test are ordinary warriors, and most of them are apprentices in martial arts.

Seeing the 100-meter giant sword appearing in the sky, they panicked on the spot, and many people just fell to the ground.

When the huge sword fell and made a loud noise that shook the ground, no one dared to stop in place, and the crowd made the decision to flee almost within a second.

"Hey!" Chen Yiming couldn't help laughing.

With so many people covering him, he didn't believe that Li Daoyi still had the ability to find him, even if he immediately mobilized technological weapons from Luoxi City, it would be too late.

Because this place is only 30 to 40 kilometers away from Luoxi City, with the strength of Wu Zhejing, Chen Yiming has returned to Luoxi City without waiting for the order to report and get permission.

With tens of millions of people in Luoxi City, Li Daoyi had nothing to do with the vast sea of ​​people.

Chen Yiming hid in the darkness and quickly ran in the direction of Luoxi City.

A few minutes later.

"Young man, I have found you."

A thunderous sound echoed in the mountains and forests, and then spread far away.

Li Daoyi was running on the top of the tree when he heard movement hundreds of meters away.

The whole person came down from the top of the tree, his figure accelerated, and the distance of hundreds of meters was reached in a short time.

"I'm not the person you're looking for." A middle-aged man raised his hand and shouted, for fear of being mistaken for the person who was chasing him.

"Damn it!" Li Dao scolded angrily.

He had already met several of these people who had inadvertently provided cover for the masked man.

He struck out with a palm, without even using his inner strength.


The middle-aged man flew out, his body was blown to pieces in mid-air.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't know why he was killed, and he just died in the forest for no reason.

Li Dao didn't even look at it, he moved and continued to chase forward.

A few kilometers away from the death of the middle-aged man.

Hearing Li Daoyi's voice several times, Chen Yiming analyzed in his heart:

"It's ruthless enough. This is to kill all the innocent people who fled to Luoxi City."

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to stay, and continued to run towards Luoxi City.

More than ten minutes later, in a mountain forest a few kilometers away from Luoxi City.

"Master, our people in Luoxi City have responded, and now we can dispatch the helicopter and use the thermal imaging camera to help search for people." Huang Lieyan caught up with Li Daoyi and reported.

"It's late." Li Daoyi shook his head.

"Our people also replied that they can block all the city gates, including the city walls." Huang Lieyan paused and continued.

"Forget it, so what if ordinary people find the masked man, can they stop him? By the time we arrive, the masked man has already entered the city." Li Daoyi sighed and said helplessly.

"Then we just let the masked man go?" Huang Lieyan whispered.

"Of course it's impossible, otherwise in a few years, the one who will be hunted down may be my teacher." Li Daoyi replied.

After thinking about it, he made arrangements: "These innocent people who were killed in the hunting plan are all counted on the head of the masked man, and it is announced to the outside world that the masked man stole the Qingyun Sword Sect's swordsmanship, and it will be released immediately." A reward order to hunt down the masked man."

"Yes." Huang Lieyan nodded.

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