A distribution center in the east of Luoxi City.

This is the transit point for goods, and the relief supplies given to Donghu City are loaded here.

At this time, the place is full of containers one after another, full of busy scenes.

The porters on the truck sorted the materials one by one, and filled the truck compartment with boxes.

Chen Yiming pretended to be full and came back, and walked slowly to the convoy station.

Fan Ronghua put down his supervision work, walked up to him, and reported: "Mr. Chen, someone came to the door just now."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yiming pretended not to know.

"The person here claims to be the elder of the Flying Star Sword Sect." Fan Ronghua replied.

"I don't know you, why did you come to me suddenly?" Chen Yiming asked back.

Fan Ronghua breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and said directly: "It seems that three disciples of the Flying Star Sword Sect were wounded with hidden weapons while eating."

"Hidden weapon?" Chen Yiming asked in surprise.

"That elder said so." Fan Ronghua replied.

"And then?" Chen Yiming pretended to be confused, and asked again.

"Knowing that Mr. Chen is good at swordsmanship, I left immediately." Fan Ronghua replied.

Chen Yiming nodded.

On the surface, he is a newly promoted warrior. He has not mastered the inner strength of shape change, and it is generally believed that he cannot attack out of the body.

In addition to martial arts, most people are specialized in one, and Chen Yiming is so young, no one would think that he is both a swordsman and a master of hidden weapons.

So when the elder focused his suspicious eyes on the hidden weapon, Chen Yiming was naturally ruled out of suspicion.

Fan Ronghua reported what he wanted to say, and soon went back to continue to monitor the progress of material loading.

Not long after, Fang Hongkun hurried back.

Without taking a breath, he yelled at Fan Ronghua: "Fan Ronghua, let everyone move, the convoy will start immediately after loading the cars."

Fan Ronghua got the order, without asking why, he went directly into the convoy, delivering orders one by one.

After Fang Hongkun explained the matter, he saw that Chen Yiming was also there.

"Mr. Chen, a big event happened in Luoxi City. I wanted to take you to some scenic spots tomorrow, but now it seems that there is no other way." Fang Hongkun apologized.

"It's okay, I also want to return to Donghu City soon." Chen Yiming pretended not to care.

Fang Hongkun sighed, and took the initiative to inform: "A few people in charge and I were having dinner with the head of the logistics department of Luoxi City, and suddenly received a shocking news."

"What news?" Chen Yiming cooperated.

"The swordsmanship of the Qingyun Sword Sect and the Zhen Sect was stolen by a masked man sneaking into the mountain gate." Fang Hongkun replied.

When Chen Yiming heard the words, a row of question marks appeared in his heart.

A copy of the ordinary warrior-level swordsmanship that was thrown on the first floor of the library was actually said to be the Zhenpai swordsmanship.

"In this area of ​​Luoxi City, there is a very high possibility of a battle at the top of the Warrior Realm, so we'd better stay away from this place of right and wrong as soon as possible." Fang Hongkun said helplessly.

"The Zhenpai sword technique is so easy to be stolen? I think there is something wrong with it." Chen Yiming laughed.

He wants to test how everyone views this matter so that he can prepare for it.

If the situation is too bad, he can only hang on for a while.

Fang Hongkun sighed, and explained: "The martial art of the third stage of the warrior realm is directly at the peak level of the warrior realm. Even if they know that the news is likely to be false, some people will try to make a move."

After a pause, he continued: "Mr. Chen, you just broke through to the Warrior Realm, so you may not know much about it.

There are three stages in the Warrior Realm, and the gap between each stage is countless times greater than the sum of the nine body transformations in the Apprentice Realm.

A big city like Luoxi City would be unbearable for a giant figure of this level in the third stage of the Warrior Realm to take action. If our convoy is slightly affected, the car crashes and people die. "

Chen Yiming nodded.

His strongest ultimate move, the 100-meter-long giant sword composed of four boulders, can destroy an area several miles in diameter with a single sword falling from the sky.

However, this is only equivalent to Li Daoyi's casual blow, and it is by no means Li Daoyi's limit.

On the other hand, in the realm of ordinary warriors, the inner strength cannot be attacked outside the body, and it is considered the limit to be able to demolish a small building with one punch and one kick.

Naturally, Fang Hongkun was not optimistic about Chen Yiming, who was just an ordinary warrior.


It's two o'clock in the morning.

The convoy loaded the rescue supplies into the car overnight, and with the sound of a whistle, set foot on the way back to Donghu City.

When they reached the east gate, they were stopped for inspection.

A large number of soldiers were stationed at the city gate, one team on the left and right sides of the city gate, and one team every tens of meters on the city wall. And each team has a high-power lighting lamp, which continuously shines around, not letting go of any corner.

At this time, two young soldiers trotted to the off-road vehicle.

"Sorry everyone, there is an order above, please cooperate with us to do a simple inspection."

Fang Hongkun turned his head and explained to Chen Yiming: "Sects of Qingyun Sword Sect's level, even if they are not located in the city, they still have great influence."

Chen Yiming's face remained unchanged, as if he knew nothing about it.

In my heart, I have a new understanding of the influence of the third stage of the Warrior Realm.

If you want to do one thing, Luoxi City, a big city with a population of tens of millions, will also sell its face.

The two naturally got out of the car and cooperated with the inspection.

The inspection is not complicated, just registering simple personal information, including name, gender, where you are coming from, where you are going, and the purpose of coming to Luoxi City.

Finally took a photo.

At the same time, not only Chen Yiming and Fang Hongkun, but also all the accompanying personnel of the large trucks in the convoy were inspected one by one.

It took nearly half an hour before the convoy was allowed to leave the city gate.

The next journey back.

Under the command of Chen Yiming, a martial artist, no unsightly forces dared to rob the convoy easily. It took three days to successfully transport the rescue supplies to Donghu City.


East Lake City, West City Gate.

The scars caused by the birds and beasts are still there, and the city gate and the city walls extending from both ends have a lot of damage that has not been repaired in the future.

Chen Yiming got off the car at the gate of the city and saw Ren Pingsheng, the city guard who was waiting.

"Young man, you performed very well this trip." Ren Pingsheng spoke first.

Chen Yiming's face was normal, showing that he didn't know him.

Of course he knew the person, he just beat him up not long ago so that he ran away in a panic.

Fang Hongkun next to him introduced to Chen Yiming: "Ren Pingsheng, the city guard of Donghu City, the second stage of the Warrior Realm."

The two sides simply met each other and shook hands.

Ren Pingsheng handed over an invitation letter and said with a smile: "Donghu City is waiting to be rebuilt, and we need young warriors like you to give everyone new hope. Donghu City will hold an auction in two days."

"No problem." Chen Yiming accepted the invitation letter and agreed without hesitation.

After sending out the invitation letter, Ren Pingsheng left without saying anything.

After the people left, Chen Yiming approached Fang Hongkun and asked, "What's going on with this auction?"

Fang Hongkun has a very good sense of Chen Yiming, and he stepped forward when Donghu City needed it, and helped the convoy transport back the rescue supplies smoothly.

So he informed in a low voice: "This auction was decided before the convoy set off, and it is related to the Yiwuzhejing family."

When Chen Yiming heard about the Wuzhejing family, he immediately figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

The Yue family should have been liquidated, and all property was confiscated and handed over.

The post-war reconstruction of Donghu City requires a huge amount of funds. In order to maximize the use of the remaining value of the Yue family, an auction involving the level of warriors will be held.

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