I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 21: Black hole on the map!

Brother Shen, why is this necessary? I originally planned to let you two get acquainted..." Lei Guangming watched the two of them parting unhappily and immediately smiled bitterly. "Now that the frontline advancement has become difficult, we need you and my colleagues even more. Let's work together. "

"Master Lei Palace." Shen Zhui said calmly. "Do you think Yang Tiancheng, with his temperament, can be friends with me?"

"This..." Lei Guangming was speechless.

"After all, we can't make things too tense..." Lei Guangming advised.

"Don't worry, Lord Lei, as long as he doesn't provoke me, I won't argue with anyone."

"I have something important to do, so I won't talk more with Lord Lei first." Shen Zhui bowed his hand, and then landed the Longpeng warship in the open space in the east city of Breaking Boundary City.

Regarding Lei Guangming's behavior as a good old man, Shen Zhui had nothing to complain about. It's just that everyone has their own way.

The battle for the title of king is a huge battle. The competition is not only for military merit and the position of Wuhou, but also for the secret luck of cultivation!

At this time, if you retreat a little, others will advance a little!

Shen Zhui's way is to be brave and diligent, to cut through thorns like a sword, and never look back or compromise!

Yang Tiancheng may have a background, but how does he compare to King Liang?

Even Liang Wang Shen Zhui didn't compromise under the threat of the other party, let alone Yang Tiancheng?

"Set up camp quickly and build fortifications."

"Set up defense, detection, and screening barriers. From today on, no one is allowed to enter or exit the east city area of ​​Boundary Breaking City without my order."

"Even people from Luo Xuefeng must pass through the statues, guards, and official seal verification before they can pass!"

"Yue Chi, I order your Fengxing Battalion to lead the array weapon [Supervisory Eye] to the front of Breaking Boundary City, advancing thousands of miles in a fan shape."

"Only collect information, not engage in battle! Within three days, I will get the first-hand news outside Breaking the Boundary City!"

"Yu Ziqi, Huang Li, you two will start preparing for the construction of the city after the master craftsman from Tiangong Palace arrives at Pojie City. Seven days later, I will set up camp two thousand miles away and serve as a base for the advancement of the Eastern War Zone. The first person in speed!”

"Guizang, your fire camp will go immediately..."

"Bi Ying, send my personal troops..."

"Fu Liang..."

Orders were issued from the marching hall. As soon as they entered the Boundary Breaking City, Shen Zhui's spiritual thoughts started to work rapidly. Most of them were assigning combat tasks, and a small part were personnel adjustments.

The people in Luo Xuefeng only have one hundred and fifty magical powers, and the masters are too small. There was nothing wrong with Biying's command before.

However, it was different now. Shen Zhui had to make reasonable use of the more than a thousand soul servants and the venerable-level combat power.

Watching Shen Zhui issue orders one after another, almost every one of which was an astonishing move, Biying and Yu Ziqi, who each had a clone as a staff officer, hesitated to speak.

"Whatever you want to say, just say it directly. I have no accusations of being convicted for my words." Shen Zhui seemed busy, but in fact, he had already noticed something strange about his subordinates.

Yu Ziqi and Bi Ying looked at each other and immediately said: "Sir, as soon as we arrived, we occupied the entire Dongcheng District. It would be too arrogant. There are many generals in Dongcheng District, and I am afraid they will be dissatisfied."

"Secondly, it is not appropriate for us to push the front line two thousand miles away to build a new city. First, it may be disconnected from the rear. Secondly, after the new city is landed, it may become a beacon in the enemy's sea of ​​troops. .

Originally, there was a Yangzhou City in Kongyang Prefecture on the left front of Breaking Boundary City to attract help, so it was relatively safer to stay in Breaking Boundary City.

The resistance of the sect alliance is increasing day by day. If we continue to advance crazily, I am afraid that we will immediately attract siege from multiple sects. "

Shen Zhui did not make a decision immediately, but looked at Bi Ying and said, "Bi Ying, tell me what you think."

"Mr. Yu and I have opposite views," Biying replied. "My subordinates believe that although your Lord's approach is radical, there is nothing wrong with it. It is just that an extra group of manpower is needed to provide logistics supplies. Most of the precious items that cannot be put into the storage ring and the cave world are city-casting arrays and arrays. Craftsmen go together. Once the city is built in front, a group of masters must be separated to protect these people."

"Oh?" Shen Zhui suddenly became interested when he saw that the two counselors under him had opposite ideas. "Why do you support my actions?"

"There is only one important city at the front of the Eastern War Zone, and that is Yangzhou City in Kongyang Prefecture." Biying said: "If we advance two thousand miles according to your master's plan, the city will be located exactly one to the left of Yangzhou City. On the right, they became the two bridgeheads of the front line.

"Master Yu is right. The sect alliance is now in a hurry and cannot give in anymore. It will definitely attack fiercely next. But for me, Luo Xuefeng, there is actually no difference between staying in Breaking Boundary City and New City."

"Why?" Yu Ziqi asked. "If you stay in Breaking Boundary City, there are Lei Guangming, the master of Lei Xing Palace, Yang Tiancheng and twelve other generals. If the enemy counterattacks, wouldn't it be easier to defend if they are reunited together?"

Shen Zhui also looked over with a smile.

Bi Ying seemed to be encouraged. He took a step forward, pointed to the basin on the map and said, "This is the beauty of why your Excellency chose this place as the location of the new city."

"The location of the new city is not in a straight line with the Boundary Breaking City."

"If I were the leader of the sect alliance and wanted to make a contribution, the first choice would be to break through the boundary city and eliminate the defense force here!"

"It's better if the new city is hidden, and it doesn't matter if it's not hidden. Because all the sects are working together, even if the enemy discovers the new city, they will definitely focus on taking care of the boundary-breaking city in order to be the first to attack."

"At most, the adults will face only a small number of enemies."

"Whether we return to support Breaking Boundary City or advance to cut off the sect's retreat route, we can advance and retreat freely. If we stay in Breaking Boundary City, we can only defend to the death, which only increases the number of variables."

Yu Ziqi was unmoved and continued to retort: ​​"This is based on the premise that the other party's leader will act like you. Don't forget that Yangzhou City has attracted the attention of the sect alliance, and the enemy may not pull it out first. We’ll make plans for the surrounding border towns.”

"It's unlikely!" Bi Ying shook his head and said, "I used your lord's name to lose a battle to the Jiuyin Sect. If the enemy really discovers the new city, and assumes that the enemy really intends to break through the walls on both sides of the boundary city first, The military city will also focus on Yangzhou City, not the new city."

"Because the sect alliance will definitely analyze based on the previous battle reports, Kong is strong and weak. Your Excellency faces far fewer enemies than Yangzhou City!"

"Once they use the strength I had when I pretended to be an adult to deal with the current Luo Xuefeng, they will definitely suffer heavy losses!"

"Haha, okay!" Shen Zhui laughed loudly, his eyes gleaming. "Bi Ying, you have really made progress!"

"Your Excellency is still wise and powerful, I am just expressing your thoughts." Bi Ying said respectfully. "Besides, I also discussed it with Mr. Yu."

Shen Zhui glanced at Yu Ziqi, then at Bi Ying, and smiled. "Okay, it turns out that you have colluded with each other for a long time, and you are here to spy on me on purpose!"

Yu Ziqi and Bi Ying saluted quickly: "I don't dare."

"It doesn't matter. I once heard someone say that using copper as a mirror can correct your clothes and clothes, and using people as a mirror can help you understand gains and losses. As the brains of the army, you two can use this method to remind me, the general, not to be impulsive. I only want to I will be happy and won't blame you." Shen Zhui said.

His series of orders were indeed a bit audacious. Yu Ziqi and Bi Ying's argument was actually a benign approach. During the debate, the general helped the general to sort out some minor details.

As think tanks and strategists, they certainly need to know that the commander's astonishing initiative was an original and well-thought-out decision. Or act impulsively and recklessly.

If it is the latter, the first thing to do is to give advice. If advice is useless, once you know it, you can remedy the situation.

This is what Biying and Yu Ziqi have in mind.

"Your Excellency is wise." Biying and Yu Ziqi both bowed their hands.

When choosing Shangguan, strength is not their first choice. Open-mindedness and wisdom are the first choice.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the master is, if he does not listen to the advice and leads his men to a dead end, he will be really hopeless.


The Dongcheng District of Breaking Boundary City was quickly cleared and sealed off, which lasted for three days.

When some generals who returned from the wild brought their soldiers back to Breaking Boundary City, they were furious when they saw the huge divine power barrier in Dongcheng District, which was as huge as a bird's egg.

"Which general is stationed in Dongcheng District and actually dominates the entire Dongcheng?"

"Looking at the flag, it seems to be Shenwei General Shen Zhui."

"Luo Xuefeng, the mighty general Shen Zhui? Huh, so majestic!"

"He is only in the magical realm, but he has over a hundred magical subordinates. How can he be so crazy?"

"Secret combat mission, damn secrets! I want to see Shen Zhui!"

"Forget it, give General Feng Xing some face, let's change places."


In just three days, many generals came to ask for explanations, but Shen Zhui ignored them and ignored them no matter who they were.

Several generals came to Lei Guangming to complain, but even Lei Guangming himself could not enter the Dongcheng District and was blocked by a divine barrier. Because this divine power barrier is extremely powerful, like a turtle shell.

Complaints were fruitless, and no one was seen. Moreover, Breaking Boundary City was not without its spare space. As time went by, the war became busy, and no one stopped making trouble.

But there will always be people who come back from the war and look at the Dongcheng District with a big golden eggshell on top, and let out an indescribable sigh.


Three days later, all the spies returned, and Dongcheng District was completely closed to no one.

Four days later, two thousand miles in front of Breaking the Boundary City, in a basin surrounded by mountains, a new city quietly took shape.

On the fifth day, March 12, the Great Zhou Temple issued a warning.

A large number of powerful sectarians appeared in front of the Eastern War Zone!

The sect alliance that had been oppressed for a long time finally started a crazy counterattack. First-rate and second-rate sects such as Corpse Puppet Sect, Jiuyin Sect, and Wuqi Sect gathered a large number of strong men and attacked the stronghold of Dazhou City in the Eastern War Zone.

A huge flag embroidered with alchemy tripods, hexagrams, and long swords stretched across thousands of miles, shrouding the sky, and a dark cloud spread towards Dazhou in the south.

New city, in the marching hall.

Groups of people came in and out, and countless golden lights surged in the hall. They were tens of thousands of spiritual messages, transmitted from all directions.

"Your Excellency, your guess is indeed correct. Both Yangzhou City and Pojie City are besieged by a large number of sect masters. Currently, eleven first-class sects have appeared!"

"The three cities behind the Boundary Breaking City have also seen strong men. The masters of the Great Zhou Dynasty are currently staying behind closed doors and are waiting for help." Biyinghui reported.

"Can we find any traces of enemies outside the new city?" Shen asked.

"There are two sect teams that seem to have discovered the location of the new city, which is already a hundred miles away. They are the Sixiang Temple and the Eight Gods Pavilion." Huang Li said quickly.

"How many people are there? How many strong people are there?"

"There are less than sixty people, but they are all powerful in the magical realm."

"That's it?" Shen Zhui was slightly startled.

Sixty people, even if they all have high-level supernatural powers, it's not enough for me to kill.

The damn sect alliance looks down on me too much!

Shen Zhui was a little depressed. He didn't know how Bi Ying fought before, but he actually left such a weak impression on the people of the sect alliance?

"Ahem... Sir, they may not realize that Sir is here in Xincheng." Bi Ying seemed to have guessed what Shen Zhui was thinking, and explained immediately. "We strictly guard the entry and exit of personnel, so the chance of information leakage is extremely small. Moreover, we use small teleportation arrays and are sent to the new city in batches. Not to mention the sect alliance, even people in Breaking Boundary City may not know We've already left."

"I see." Shen Zhui suddenly realized that he had done such a good job in keeping secrets that he sent a team of sixty people to attack the new city. He was considered to be thinking highly of himself.

"Sir, we are approaching fifty miles away, what should we do?" Huang Li asked.

"Kill them all when they get close." Shen Zhui said calmly. "It's not time for us to move out yet."



Time passed in a blink of an eye, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Breaking Boundary City, Yangzhou City, and several important cities in the rear were all under fierce attack, and battle reports of the deaths of strong men continued to reach Shen Zhui's hands.

At the same time, Shen Zhui also killed a total of three groups of people in the new city, almost one group a day, adding more people each time, but they were still at the level of supernatural power, and no venerable combat power appeared.

On the third night, outside the city.

In a bloody fortress.

Strong men from the three first-class sects of Jiuyin Sect, Corpse Puppet Sect, and Wu Qi Sect gathered here.

In the fortress, there were countless discussions and various spiritual thoughts intertwined, making suggestions for breaking through the Boundary City.

The people working on the thrones are basically all at the venerable level, and there are only a few in the magical realm. Those who are qualified to be in the round table are basically geniuses with amazing combat power and unparalleled talents. He is the proud man among all the major sects.

On the seat, there was a young man with endless chaos in his eyes. The chaos in his eyes was constantly transforming into new worlds. Looking at his eyes, it was easy for people to fall into psychedelia.

"Huh?" Suddenly the young man looked down at his palm, and a message came from his palm, which was about the battle damage in the supernatural realm in the past few days.

"How come there are so many supernatural beings dead in the future?" Lord Nightmare frowned. Although most of those who died were low-level supernatural beings and were just like ants in his eyes, ants can also grow! Too many deaths will attract people's attention.

"Could it be that the strong men in the wild haven't been cleared away yet? There are still strong men killing people in the rear?"

Lord Nightmare looked at the map, and the signal disappeared at the location of the new city.

On the map of the sect alliance, there are several danger levels marked from one to nine.

Because true gods basically don't fight on the ground, the ones marked one to nine correspond to the venerable level.

However, at this moment, there is no mark on this map at all, which proves that this place cannot even reach the level of Venerable. But so many people died...

There is a map black hole here!

"Item Spirit, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and mark this place to level one." Meng Wushang's mind moved and he immediately touched the hexagram lines in his palm.

After thinking for a while, he seemed to hesitate, then raised his head and looked at the young man next to him: "No harm."

"Disciple is here." Meng Wushang said respectfully.

"How many of you can go here and have a look."

"Yes, Master." Meng Wushang's figure quietly disappeared on the seat.

Around here, there are also many figures condensing and dispersing.

"With Wu Shang's strength, even the third level Venerable is no match for him. If there is really a strong person hiding here, there is no problem in saving his life." Lord Nightmare glanced at it and quickly lost interest in the new city.

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