New city, on top of the city.

Biying looked at Guizang and others returning victoriously from a distance, and couldn't help but smile: "Sir, it's the third wave."

"A total of one hundred and fifty-two people were killed fifty miles outside the new city. No one escaped. I'm afraid that even now, the commanders of the sect don't even know what the new city looks like."

"Good job." Shen Zhui also nodded. But the interest was not very great. For him, there are more than 150 people in the magical realm, and only 20 or 30 of them are high-level. This military achievement is indeed not a big gain.

However, killing these small soldiers and generals is a good boost to the morale of the people below. Moreover, using the comprehension time to train elite generals such as Wu Xing and confirm what they have learned can increase their strength extremely quickly.

A supreme golden elixir improves one's realm, and the enlightenment time helps improve one's cultivation. Then killing these generals can make up for the good deeds spent, and even make a small profit. It seems that this is the correct way to accumulate good deeds. !

"Three waves of people have mysteriously disappeared outside the new city, and we haven't changed places. I'm afraid someone among the alliance commanders will notice something unusual here." Yu Ziqi said slowly.

"The people coming down below may be of the Venerable level, or even multiple Venerables."

"What are you afraid of? Come one and kill one, come two and kill a pair!" Niu Tian patted his chest and said boldly. Now this alien genius has also entered the ninth level of supernatural power. Gifted by Shen Zhui's understanding, Niu Tian feels like he was yesterday What a huge difference from who I am today! It’s not on the same level at all!

He now feels that he can even fight against the Venerable!

Shen Zhui didn't pay attention to Niu Tian's bold words, but turned to look at Huang Li: "How are the craftsmen of Tiangong Hall preparing?"

"My lord, the entire city wall is made of a five-layered magic formation, with your lord's personal troops as the base of the formation, and the Hongtian gun tower hidden at the main entrance."

"If a person goes out of the city to fight, the world stone will be consumed, and the barrier and magic circle will focus on offense rather than defense. The power of the sky-blasting cannon will be increased tenfold. One hundred and fifty high-level supernatural powers and ten venerables will provide divine power and condense it once Each attack requires consuming one hundred thousand world stones, and the interval is sixty breaths."

"If you simply consume World Stones, you will need millions of World Stones."

"If you don't leave the city, you will consume world stones and divine power, and you will focus on defense rather than attack. The defensive barrier will be increased tenfold and can block a full-force attack of the sixth level of the Venerable. As long as the world stone reserves in the army are not exhausted, this barrier can be used forever. The protection is the same as that deployed in the east city area of ​​Breaking Boundary City."

"As for the consumption, it's hard to say. According to Gongsun Che, the great master craftsman of Tiangong Palace, if a single sixth-level Venerable continues to attack with all his strength, the army's reserves can last for two days."

"If the concealment and offensive capabilities of the new city are removed, it can be extended for another day."

"That's enough!" Shen Zhui nodded. "Remember to protect these craftsmen. The token I gave you can only be used for protection, understand."

"I understand," Huang Li said respectfully.

Of course he understands that in a war, the strength of the strong comes from two sources.

One is the combat power of one's own cultivation, and the other is the divine weapon array.

Especially in such a large-scale battle, outside the wilderness, murderous intent is everywhere, and there might be an enemy hidden in any corner.

No matter how strong a master is, he still needs a place to rest and recover. It is impossible to recover with peace of mind in the wild. Only in a city protected by a formation barrier can one rest assured.

Therefore, these craftsmen from Tiangong Palace are extremely rare and are the key protection targets of the Divine Power Army.

This time, Shen Zhui asked for fifty-five array craftsmen at one go, almost wiping out the fortune of Tiangong Palace. If one person was lost, killing a hundred others of the same level would not be enough to make up for it!

The craftsmen of the Great Zhou Dynasty are also the key targets of attack by the people from the sect alliance!

"The next wave of people coming from the sect alliance will definitely show the strength of the Venerable."

"But we found the address of the new city well. Whether we go to Pojie City later or to Yangzhou City on the left, the distance is more than two thousand miles."

"Under the three sects' war flags, the space is imprisoned and cannot travel through the air. Only the god-level teleportation array can implement space transfer."

"The distance of two thousand miles is neither long nor short. It would take at least half a day for a venerable person to come and go."

"As the saying goes, you don't need a knife to kill a chicken. Among the armies of the sect alliance, there is a magical weapon called the [God of War Picture]."

"In order to prevent the alliance commander from being a traitor to the Great Zhou Dynasty and deliberately affecting the overall military operations, such as assigning masters to kill small soldiers, artifacts to destroy small towns, etc. The generals in the alliance usually deploy troops based on the judgment of the God of War map. Will."

"If my subordinates guessed correctly, Xincheng's previous judgment on the God of War map was that he would not be promoted to the next level."

"In the case of the destruction of the Third War, it is between no classification and first level... Anyway, no one can report the news. It depends on whether there are experts who can discover the abnormality in the new city from the vast intelligence information." Bi Ying smiled.

"If it is discovered, the first-level mission is to dispatch the first-level Venerable."

"Unless there is discussion among the three generals, the mission will be artificially raised to level two or above. Stronger troops will be sent."

"So, the next wave of people coming will be at most three or five first-level venerables?" Shen Zhui asked.

"Sir, that's exactly what it is." Bi Ying said.

"That's fine." Shen Zhui nodded. "After all, we have to break the boundary and fight with several cities in Yangzhou first. Only when we are unable to return our troops to cause trouble in the new city will we have a chance."

"Bi Ying, just keep your eyes on this place. As long as there is no expert above level 4 of the Venerable, there is no need to call me."

Shen Zhui waved his hand, and now he had released all the ten demon emperors in the demon emperor's order, and there was also the fourth-level venerable Yumingshan.

The Venerable is of low rank and poses basically no threat to the new city. Coming, it's just an addition to one's own merit list.

This was the purpose of establishing the new city. Being independent behind the sect alliance team would make it easier to earn military merit than in the boundary-breaking city of Yangzhou City.

Because now Pojie City and Yangzhou City are mainly defending the city, as for going out of the city to kill the enemy? The Great Zhou Temple has raised the alarm level to Level 7. It proves that there are masters of at least the seventh level of the Venerable outside those cities!

Out of town? That’s too long a life!

"Don't worry, sir, I'll keep an eye on you." Bi Ying said respectfully.

"Yeah." Shen Zhui waved his hand and floated down the city.

Returning to the marching hall in the city, Shen Zhui closed his eyes and relaxed his mind.

Tens of thousands of miles away on the distant south bank of the Canglan River, Dayuan Mansion is the entrance to the world of mountains and rivers.

Fengxing's clone and Tanlang are trading with the person in charge of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce.

"Dear four-star customer, your level has been promoted to four-star."

"You can enjoy a 3% discount on auctioned treasures without handling fees."

"Seven of your auction items have been auctioned, and 5,152 lucky coins have been obtained.

There are another nine items currently under auction, and the auction of all treasures is expected to be completed in two days. "

"Your permissions are changed to four-star customer permissions..."

The sounds of rules sounded in the ears of the two of them, and the gray-robed leaders were waiting respectfully, waiting for instructions at any time.

"Your Highness, the items you auctioned this time are quite valuable." Tanlang smiled as he listened to the voice of the rules. "In both auctions, my three-star customer became a four-star customer thanks to His Highness."

"This is only seven pieces. When the remaining nine pieces are sold out, I'm afraid it will have to go up a bit more."

"That's quite a lot." Shen Zhui smiled.

He also didn't expect that the things he fished out from the Nine Nether Realm would be so valuable.

You need to know... During these three days in Shanhe World, all the things that I could value were sold to the Sihai Chamber of Commerce. Through the Chamber of Commerce, I directly received 10,872 Lucky Coins!

There are still sixteen treasures, which Shen Zhui himself cannot discern the value of, or even what their functions are.

At that time, Shen Zhui had to prepare for the new city in Breaking Boundary City, so Shen Zhui was not in a hurry. Anyway, he already had enough money to build the two remaining treasures on the second level of Qijuetian. So Shen Zhui chose to screen and auction the remaining sixteen treasures.

At the same time, according to the prompts of Zen Heart, I bought and bought in the world of mountains and rivers to gather the precious materials needed by the Seven Heavens.

Three days have passed...

The materials for Qi Jue Tian’s important treasure have been gathered!

Seven treasures were also auctioned at the same time and were identified. After being sold, another 5,152 Lucky Coins were obtained!

This was beyond Shen Zhui's expectation!

You need to know... He has handled nearly 30,000 treasures in total.

Most of those sects' accumulations were worth no more than the fifth-level top grade. It was entirely based on quantity that they sold more than 10,000 Lucky Coins.

But among these sixteen nameless treasures, just six of them cost more than five thousand fortune coins!

It has to be said that the results of the house confiscation and robbery in the Jiuyou Realm completely exceeded Shen Zhui's expectations.

"The mountain gates of the sects in the Nine Nether Realm are no less shabby than those established in the world. The longest inheritance of these sects can be traced back to ancient times. After several wars and reconstructions... some of the treasures passed down are not even recognized by future generations themselves. Out, just keep it at the bottom of the box."

"Now, I'm being singled out, but it's an advantage for me." Shen Zhui said with a smile.

"No wonder so many people like to fight for sect promotion, killing people and setting fire to the golden belt. This is indeed true."

"It's a pity that the war came early. If His Highness had agreed to the Cangsong Holy Envoy to enter the Taishang Cave, he might have been able to get more." Greedy Wolf said with a smile.

"That's not what you said." Shen Zhui shook his head. "Without this excuse, it would be difficult for me to sneak in. Besides... people shouldn't be greedy. If they really enter the Taishang Cave, maybe they won't get the money, but the person will get in."

In the Taishang Cave Heaven, the incarnation of the rules is stronger, the top true god, maybe someone can see through his disguise. It is absolutely impossible for Shen Zhui to take such a big risk before he has cultivated the phaseless magic skill to the fourth level.

After a pause, Shen Zhui's Fengxing clone once again formed an incarnation of divine power.

Greedy Wolf didn't know why, and didn't understand why Shen Zhui had to do this many times to condense an avatar that could only last a few days.

"Gan Lang, you stay here and continue to wait for the auction to end with this incarnation of me. My clone has crossed the Canglan River first." Shen Zhui said.

"Your Highness, don't you need me to accompany you?" Tanlang asked.

"No, you can't get through now." Shen Zhui said. "The battle flags of the three sect alliances are unfurled. As soon as you pass by, the venerable fifth-level cultivation will be exposed immediately, and it will be a trouble."

"Wait until the situation becomes normal, at least until the strong men of the Great Zhou Dynasty break the three sects' battle flags and cannot capture the whereabouts of the venerable in time, then you can bring your things over here."

The three sect battle flags are mainly aimed at the venerables and destroying the venerable-level combat power of Great Zhou.

At this time, it is not easy for greedy wolves to cross the river. On the contrary, the clones in the supernatural power realm are protected by the formless magic power and are more hidden.

Now that the remaining two treasures of Qi Jue Tian have been gathered together, Shen Zhui must take the things back and let him fuse them to increase his combat power.

As for cultivating the other five World Hearts, the treasures targeting the World Hearts are very rare, even rarer than the treasures that create the Qi Jue Tian. Qi Jue Tian, ​​which is in high demand and useful to the heart of the world, is very rare and can only be seen at the auction of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce.

Secondly, I am now on the front line and can only wait for the battle to become chaotic before Greedy Wolf can come over.

"Your Highness, take care." Tanlang warned.

"Well, let's go." Shen Zhui's clone moved his mind and was immediately transported out by the rules of the mountain and river world.


Jiuyou Mountains, New City.

Three hundred miles away from the new city, a huge green leaf was floating in the air.

The green leaves are as soft as cotton, and every time they float, they spread out for miles, which is quite magical.

And on the green leaves, there were four figures standing, it was Meng Wushang and the three venerable guards he had with him.

"Have you confirmed the coordinates where the people from Yashen Pavilion disappeared?" Meng Wushang asked calmly, as if nothing could cause him to fluctuate emotionally. Even the destruction of the entire Iori Pavilion sect seemed trivial.

"Master, the last place where Iori Pavilion disappeared was two hundred and thirty miles northwest." A guard said respectfully.

"The abbot of Sixiang Temple and the Eight Gods Pavilion has a combat power close to that of the Venerable. My subordinates speculate that there must be a Venerable with combat power there."

"But according to the information on the God of War map, 90% of the venerable people with a radius of 8,000 miles centered on the Breaking Boundary City have retreated into the military city at this moment, and the remaining people are also numerous and are being hunted down. I don't know where they are. A fish that slipped through the net..."

"With the War God Picture and the three sects' battle flags, there is no way there can be a mistake. There is only one possibility." Another guard said solemnly.

"There are also several extremely powerful supernatural beings there, even comparable to the Venerables, so that no one from the Eight Gods Pavilion and Four Elephants Temple can escape."

"Oh?" The guard on the left was a little surprised. "At this time, there are still supernatural powers stranded in the wild, and they are still behind the coalition forces?"

"There are always those who are not afraid of death or those who are unlucky and do not have time to return to the city... Ah, Master, I found it!" A guard holding a compass said.

The green leaves suddenly stopped floating and fell on a high mountain peak.

"Master, please look, it's right there!"

"Huh?" Meng Wushang's spiritual thoughts did not reveal any abnormalities. Looking for Shuyuan instead, he observed with his naked eyes and discovered something strange.

A strange light appeared in his eyes, and the outline of a city slowly appeared.

"Huh? There is actually a newly built city here?"

At the same time, when Meng Wushang arrived, several figures also flew out of the city.

Seeing that vaguely familiar figure, Meng Wushang's eyes suddenly lit up: "It's actually the Divine Power Army!"

A hint of excitement suddenly appeared on Meng Wushang's face.

The five movements of the Shenwei Army impressed him deeply last time. A mere six people were able to withstand his attack.

Now that the five elements of the Divine Power Army are here, doesn't it mean that Shen Zhui is also here?

"What a great opportunity! I made Shen Zhui run away last time, and we met him again so soon. It seems like God is helping me!"

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