I Can Extract Abilities From Antiques

200. Once again the importance of money

Appreciating antiques takes time.

So Lin Yuehong gave everyone an hour.

Within ten minutes, Hu Muzhi had a detailed understanding of everything.

There are a total of forty-seven antiques here.

Among them, there are 29 pieces of furniture, 11 pieces of porcelain, 6 pieces of jade, and 1 piece of miscellaneous items.

Not long after Hu Muzhi sat on the seat arranged by Lin Yuehong, Tong Fan also came back.

Hu Muzhi noticed that Tong Fan paid more attention to the twenty-nine pieces of hardwood furniture.

As for the porcelain, jade, and miscellaneous items, I don't know if I don't understand it or I'm not interested.

After sitting beside Hu Muzhi, Tong Fan asked Hu Muzhi in a low voice, "Mr. Hu, how are these furniture?"

"It's all good." Hu Muzhi said truthfully.

"I think so too." Tong Fan nodded: "The price is right, I'll take it all for him. 35

"According to the price of the large huanghuali painting table given by Lin Yuehong just now, if you want to get all the furniture here, it would cost millions." Hu Muzhi said.

"Money, it's a lot." Tong Fan said and patted his bag.

Hu Muzhi knew that Tong Fan's bag was not big enough to hold a lot of money.

But when 19 gave Lin Yuehong the money just now, he noticed that there were several HSBC checks in it.

An hour later, finally, everyone finished their appreciation and returned to their seats.

Seeing this, Lin Yuehong said loudly, "Everyone, everything has been read."

"For these things, you must know more than me, so I won't introduce more, just start quoting.

When everyone heard the words, they all secretly looked forward to it.

They all thought in their hearts, even if they couldn't take everything here, they would at least take away a few pieces.

However, Lin Yuehong's words made several antique merchants with limited financial resources at the scene immediately dumbfounded.

"The first batch, with all the hardwood furniture here, starts at HKD 60w.

"What? All the hardwood furniture in one package?"

"Why not sell them separately?"

"Yes, I support separate sales.

Immediately, the few antique merchants with limited financial resources expressed their dissatisfaction.

Just before Lin Yuehong could speak, the only foreigner at the scene snorted coldly and said in broken Chinese: "Sister Qian, the old cloth needs to be collected by others, so hurry up and clean it up, and let's go back to farming."

Although what he said was correct, it still caused the dissatisfaction of several antique merchants.

If it was the 1950s, with the status of foreigners in Hong Kong, they would have put up with it.

But this will be different.

As the return date of Xiangjiang is getting closer and closer, the status of foreigners in Xiangjiang has been getting lower and lower.

Most of these antique merchants came from that era, and they were fed up with foreigners.

Some of them stood up directly from their seats, pointed at the foreigner's nose and scolded.

"Your mother has a rotten egg, foreign devil, what do you say?"

The foreigner was not false, and said indifferently: "If you can't even come out with a few million, what else can you do if you don't have the Hui family to farm."

"My Nima..."

The man was also violent, and he was ready to act.

But looking at the burly big man sitting on the right hand side of the foreigner, in the end he could only sit back angrily.

Because he knew that these foreigners all have bodyguards, so don't ask, this big guy is his bodyguard.

Seeing this, Lin Yuehong also breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "The price of this batch of furniture will be increased by at least 10,000 each time, so let's start now.

"Sixty-five thousand."

As Lin Yuehong's voice fell, the foreigner was the first to speak.

"Sixty-six thousand.

Immediately after him, the antique merchant who didn't deal with him immediately followed.

The two of them were like angry children, raising the price of this batch of furniture all the time.

In just a while, this batch of furniture was lifted to 80w.

"85W." "The foreigner raised the price by 50,000 indifferently.

He knew very well that people in his own country liked the hardwood furniture of the Dragon Country very much, and as long as it was disassembled and shipped back to their own country, and then reassembled, it could easily sell for a high price.

As for how high?

According to this foreigner's estimate, it can be sold for about 25w, which is about 140w in Hong Kong dollars.

As long as it is not higher than this price, there is some profit, it is just a matter of earning more and earning less.

However, as soon as the 800,000 price came out, the antique dealer who didn't deal with the foreigners suddenly lost his voice.

Not because the price was high, but because he didn't have that much money in his pocket.

As for the reason other antique dealers didn't bid, it was because they wanted to keep the money on the china.

Because there are a lot of good things in that batch of china, they have to keep bullets for emergencies.

Lin Yuehong's eyes swept over everyone and said, "Is there anyone taller than 850,000?"

Hearing this, Hu Muzhi turned his head and glanced at Tong Fan.

He knew that Tong Fan was in a position to win for this batch of furniture, and the reason why he never made an offer was because he let the bullets fly for a while.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yuehong saw that no one continued to bid, so he was ready to announce the result.

After all, the price has already met his expectations.

Since this is not an official auction.

That's why Lin Yuehong doesn't do the one-million-first, one-million-second routine.

Instead, he said directly: "Since no one has bid, then I announce..."

"One million. 35 Finally, Tong Fan spoke.

His offer immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Because this kind of bidding, the further the price increases, the smaller the price increase is, and the main reason is to strive for that last bit of interest.

When the antique dealer who didn't deal with the foreigner heard Tong Fan's offer, instead of being disappointed, he looked at the foreigner with a proud face.

It seems to be saying, aren't you very good? Let's see how my compatriots treat you.

It is true that the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

The foreigner glanced at Tong Fan, then raised his hand and said, "One million and five thousand.""

"1.1 million. 557" Tong Fan said indifferently.

But this time, the foreigner didn't immediately make an offer, but sat there, thinking about something.

Seeing this, Hu Muzhi already understood that this price is almost the limit that foreigners can bear.

Lin Yuehong waited for a while. Seeing that the foreigner had not spoken for a long time, he couldn't help but ask the foreigner, "Mr. John, do you still want to continue to bid?"5

The foreigner shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Lin Yuehong announced: "Since Mr. John is not bidding, then this batch of hardwood furniture belongs to Boss Tong."

With the results announced, the natural next step is to hand over the money.

After all, this is not a formal auction, it is said that there is no deposit.

Lin Yuehong did this to prevent someone from deliberately making random quotations, but in the end they couldn't come up with the money.

Tong Fan took out three checks from his bag, all of which were promissory notes from HSBC.

Two 500,000 and one 300,000 were handed to Lin Yuehong.

After Lin Yuehong checked it, he collected the check and started the auction for the second batch of goods.

Seven pieces of jade.

It's not a high-quality jade.

Among them, there are four Hetian jade pendants, a bracelet, a bracelet of iced bean green jadeite, and an Arhat statue carved from waxy jadeite.

Compared with furniture, the value of these seven pieces of jade is much lower.

The starting price is 1w8.

In the end, it was sold at the price of 5w1 by the antique dealer who did not deal with foreigners.

Next is the only miscellaneous item.

Xuande furnace.

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