I Can Extract Abilities From Antiques

202. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools

The next day, 9 o'clock.

The top floor of the Mandarin Hotel.

Compared to yesterday, the hall today is much more crowded.

Mainly because today is below the stage, some stools have been removed and replaced by a large painting table.

There are more than thirty.

On the large drawing table, there are all kinds of writing tools such as the Four Treasures of the Study.

Xu Anhua came to power and announced the process of today's calligraphy exchange meeting.

In the morning, the main forms of viewing the works and the members of the Xiangjiang Calligraphers Association on the spot were to exchange and interact on techniques and art.

In this part, the main purpose is to let people with high level of calligraphy help to point out the shortcomings of writing brushes and inks.

For the written characters, the strokes, the structure of the glyphs and the arrangement of the chapters are analyzed.

Make it slowly learn the correct writing method, improve the other party's writing ability, and also form a good writing-habit.

Just like the last time Wang Chengfeng asked Hu Muzhi to appreciate his writing.

However, today, Wang Chengfeng has become the person who points out his shortcomings.

In the afternoon, Wang Chengfeng, Lin Wentai, Xu Anhua and others showed their calligraphy skills on the spot.

This part is to let those with average level of calligraphy know that calligraphy is originally written like this.

Hu Muzhi knew that he had been assigned to the afternoon by Wang Chengfeng.

In addition to his age, he did not dare to rashly point out the shortcomings of other people's calligraphy.

Because other people will not pay attention to themselves at all, and will even attract group ridicule.

With a mentality that more is worse than less.

Hu Muzhi found an empty corner and sat down to rest.

It's just that before the buttocks are hot, he sees Han Ling in Hanfu walking towards him.

When the other party approached, Hu Muzhi took the initiative to ask: "Miss Han, why don't you come here to watch other people brush and paint? 55

"I don't know how to calligraphy." Han Ling smiled awkwardly and explained, "So I can't understand their writing style at all.

"Staying there is boring, it's better to run far away."

"You don't know how to calligraphy and you come to this calligraphy exchange meeting?" Hu Muzhi exclaimed in surprise.

"My grandfather brought me here." Han Ling replied: "He said that the essential characteristics of Chinese characters and their distinct personality are unmatched by any other language in the world."

"It is also not behind any phonetic writing.

"Its beautiful shape is also reflected in the power of traditional calligraphy."

"Looking at other people's calligraphy works can not only cultivate one's sentiments, but also improve one's literati temperament.

"So that's the case." Hu Muzhi showed a clear expression.

"What about you? Didn't you come to participate in the calligraphy exchange meeting? Why are you sitting here?" Han Ling asked.

"I said I'm just like you, I don't know calligraphy, do you believe it?" Hu Muzhi said with a light smile.

"I don't believe it." Han Ling shook his head and said, "At that time, I told my grandfather about your evaluation of the painting 'Guotai Min'an', and he was surprised and even wanted to see you.

"Enough to see you, you not only know calligraphy, but also a master."

"Your grandfather?" Hu Muzhi asked.

"Yes, that piece of 'Guotai Min'an' was written by my grandfather. He is the vice president of the Xiangjiang Calligraphers Association, Han Tianfeng. 55 When Han Ling answered this question, there was a hint of pride on his face.

Apparently, proud of his grandpa.

Seeing this, Hu Muzhi said politely.

"It's no wonder that you can write such beautiful words, and it's your grandfather who dares to love, it's amazing.

Hearing Hu Muzhi complimenting her grandfather, Han Ling's smile grew even wider.

The two young people just sat in the corner and chatted without a word.

Finally, the two-and-a-half-hour pen-and-ink painting was over.

Through this brush and ink, not only the communication among calligraphy lovers is promoted, but also the mutual reference and inspiration between various styles of calligraphy.

It also allows many calligraphy lovers to learn a very rare experience and skills.

Let everyone who watched and participated in this exchange meeting witnessed the charm of calligraphy art, and also showed that calligraphy, an art with thousands of years of cultural beauty, is still shining today.


This is the final stage of this calligraphy exchange meeting.

At the same time, it was also when Hu Muzhi, Wang Chengfeng and others came to the stage to sprinkle ink.

At this time, in the entire hall, except for a large painting table on the stage, everything else was removed.

On this large painting table, the four treasures of the study gathered together, and there were dozens of brushes.

There are purple pen, mouse whisker pen, chicken pen, concurrent pen, wolf pen, sheep pen, bristle pen and so on.

As the saying goes, "If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools".

When writing in different styles, it is natural to choose the most suitable brush.

In fact, although there are many varieties of brushes, there are countless.

But mainly can be classified into three categories.

Soft hair dominated by sheep hair.

The hard cents dominated by wolf cents.

As well as the combination of sheep hair, wolf hair and other animals.

Three pens with three distinct characteristics.

The biggest feature of the soft brush is that it absorbs and stores a large amount of water, and the tip is soft, which is more convenient for changing the thickness and thickness of the pen.

However, due to the soft edge of this type of pen, the disadvantage is that the elasticity is poor, it is difficult to accurately grasp the operation of the edge of the pen, the edge of the pen is easy to fork when writing or painting, or the edge of the pen cannot automatically return to its original state, and it is weak and difficult to master, so it is suitable for those with A certain level of calligraphy and painting lovers use.

The characteristics of the hard hair brush are sharp and strong, especially the wolf hair made of weasel hair is hard and suitable for drawing lines.

Due to its straightness and rigidity, the performance of storing water is worse than that of sheep. It can be hooked or drawn, smashed or rubbed. It is more vigorous and less flexible. It is easier for those who are just beginning to learn painting and calligraphy to master.

The characteristic of the Jianhao pen is that it combines rigidity and softness. It not only maintains the water storage capacity of sheep's pen, but also has the strength and elasticity of hardness. It can be dyed, drawn, hooked and pointed.

As for the creation of cursive script, it is best to use the combination of the brush, because the softness of the sheep and the elasticity and flexibility of the wolf can make the writing fly naturally, change at any time, and express the strong and vast line texture.

"There is a request below, everyone from the Beijing Calligraphers Association who came from afar will come to the stage." Xu Anhua's voice sounded from the loudspeaker in the hall.

Hu Muzhi heard the words, and the other seven members of the Beijing Calligraphers Association, including Wang Chengfeng and Lin Wentai, came to the stage, in front of the big painting table.

As he came to the stage, everyone under the stage suddenly made a sound of discussion.

"Hey, why is there a young man among the ten members of the Beijing Calligraphers Association?

"Yes, what's the situation? Could it be that he also wants to show us his calligraphy?"

"What a joke, so young, where did you get your calligraphy skills? In my opinion, it must be the grandson of the old man who came to learn. 35

Wang Chengfeng listened to the voices of everyone in the audience, turned his head to look at Hu Muzhi beside him, prepared to comfort him and tell him not to care.

However, Wang Chengfeng found that there was no expression on Hu Muzhi's face, as if the object of discussion was not him.

Being so calm, Wang Chengfeng was a little surprised.

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