I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 135 Zheng Hui, disconnect!

"Fortunately, there were only a few people who saw me being brought into the house that day."

Zheng Hui sighed with emotion, and immediately walked to the wooden chair where he had just sat, took out a porcelain bottle placed next to the wooden chair, reached out and wiped a group of dark green viscous substance from the inside, and wiped it on the wounds on his body. go.

A strong herbal smell suddenly hit your nostrils.

"Chen Yutong has been killed by me.

The light skill of Fuliu Linghe Step can be used at any time in the future.

But just in case.

In the past five years, all martial arts moves related to Fuliu Linghe Step must not be used anywhere in Taiyuan City! "

Du Beidian stretched out five fingers and waved them in front of Zheng Hui, "This is the last time I remind you.

If you are caught again by then, don't blame me for being ruthless and dealing with you together.

I am a timid and cautious person, and I am also afraid of death.

Therefore, we don’t want the same hidden danger to appear again. "

"In order to save you this time, I have taken a huge risk." Du Bei stopped and stared at Zheng Hui.

Zheng Hui's face also showed solemnity, and he nodded slowly, "I understand, Brother Du, please rest assured. Regarding this matter, I, Zheng Hui, will definitely remember it in my heart and will never forget it for the rest of my life! If I have the opportunity, I will definitely repay you!"

Du Bei paused and waved his hand, not delving too deeply into the matter.

"However, you did a good job this time." Du Beiting took another piece of glutinous rice cake from the plate and threw it into his mouth.

Seeing this, Zheng Hui quickly picked up the porcelain pot and poured another cup of hot tea for Du Cuping.

"At least, the matter of Fuliu Linghebu was not revealed.

I heard them talking at the door of the side room, and thought you had already confessed me.

How could I have imagined it?”

Du Beiting's eyes were quite meaningful and he glanced at Zheng Hui a few more times.

Hearing this, Zheng Hui also laughed and scratched his head, seeming a little embarrassed.

"Brother Du may not know something. Although I, Zheng Hui, am a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, I have been in the world for so long.

The word loyalty is still very useful to me.

At least, I will not reveal the brothers who have supported me because of the threat of life. "

"Well, this is indeed okay." Du Beiding nodded.

"By the way, will the gathering of the three gangs that was suspended and terminated continue as usual?" Zheng Hui asked again.

"I don't know. Several direct sons of the Chen family died outside the city. The Chen family will definitely investigate thoroughly.

I guess it will take a while.

Anyway, it doesn’t have much to do with the two of us.

After all, I have already dealt with everyone in that house.

No witnesses, either.”

Suddenly, Du Beiting thought of a question, and the words that were about to come to his mouth became muffled.

"What's the matter? What's the point of half-finishing your good words?" Zheng Hui was a little confused when he saw Du Beiting hesitated to speak.

"Knock knock knock!"

At this time, an inappropriate knock sounded from outside the door.

"Two adults, the meat and shabu-shabu utensils have been prepared and can be eaten at any time."

Zheng Hui couldn't help but frown slightly, "Why don't you bring it in quickly?"

As soon as the words fell, the door was pushed open.

The butler and two servants walked in quickly with chopped meat, shabu shabu utensils, porcelain plates, dipping sauces, etc., and cleared all the cakes, tea and other things on the table in front of them. On the other side, they immediately began to place the things they brought one by one.

"No need to show off, you guys go down first. I have something to tell your adults." Du Bei suddenly stretched out a hand to stop their movements.

The housekeepers looked at Du Beiting with some confusion, but they had seen Du Beiting many times and knew his identity.

After listening to his words, he saw Zheng Hui waving to him and others, so he put away his things, took them out, and closed the door.

Du Beiting quickly stood up after the footsteps of the butlers and others were far away.

Without saying anything, he walked straight to the door, opened it, and walked out.

"Why don't you hurry up and follow?!"

It wasn't until Du Beidian's voice came that Zheng Hui, who had been in a daze, came back to his senses.

He quickly followed up with Du Beizhan and asked, "Brother Du, what's wrong with you? Why is it so weird? Did you remember something?"

"Yes, you are probably in danger." Du Beiding nodded.

Du Beiting's sudden words startled Zheng Hui, and his heart trembled violently.

He couldn't help but speed up, and quickly rushed to Du Beiping's side, looking at him, "What do you mean? Why am I in danger again? Didn't Chen Yutong be dealt with by you?

Is there anything dangerous going on now?

Hey, by the way, where are you going? "

"It's not where I'm going, it's where you're going?" At this moment, Du Beiting had arrived at the edge of the courtyard. He turned around and looked directly at Zheng Hui.

"Where am I going? What do you mean?" Zheng Hui was confused by Du Beiting's sudden operation.

"It happened so suddenly, I almost forgot about it.

It just occurred to me suddenly.

Chen Yutong may have used some contacts and channels in order to get information about you before.

Otherwise, Chen Xianglin at that time would not know exactly who you were among the leaders of the Horned Snake Gang at that time."

When Du Beiting said this, Zheng Hui seemed to have thought of something, and immediately his expression froze as if he was struck by lightning, and a strong look of shock and worry flashed in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Zheng Hui tried to ask.

"You are a smart man, you should know what I mean."

Du Beidian looked at the other party calmly, "Since Chen Xianglin and the others are dead, the Chen family will definitely use the people and forces they have come into contact with recently to conduct corresponding investigations.

I believe it won’t be long before they are found on you.

At that time, if they come to your door.

Not only will you not survive, but you may also bring disaster to me.

After all, I am the person who has the closest relationship with you.

In the end, they will definitely investigate me together. "

"." Zheng Hui opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, looking like he was hesitating to speak.

"So, am I leaving?" After a while, Zheng Hui choked out a sentence.

"That's right, and we need to leave now, right away.

Every breath that passes becomes more dangerous, and you must leave immediately. "

"Then the housekeeper and servants of my house." Zheng Hui couldn't bear it.

After all, the housekeeper and servants of the house, who live under the same roof as him, are naturally aware of his comings and goings all year round.

Once they are caught by the Chen family, the consequences are self-evident.

Du Beiding's eyes also flashed with a hint of coldness, and he slowly shook his head.

“That’s also something that can’t be helped.

You're gone and they're still in town.

If they are caught, they will definitely tell me after being tortured to extract a confession.

At that time, I will be the unlucky person.

Therefore, they cannot live. "

Du Beiting lowered his eyes and clenched his fists slightly.

The atmosphere is slightly dull.

Obviously, Zheng Hui is not a cold-blooded person.

Although the relationship is between master and servant, they have lived under the same roof for decades.

Not to mention how good the relationship between them is, but it's not shallow either.

Zheng Hui also didn't want anyone in his family to die because of him.

"A few of them have been following me for many years.

If they died because of me, I would not live at ease. "

Zheng Hui's voice paused for a moment, then continued, "Let's do this. I'll take them away together and take the 'Black Dog Road'. This road is very secret, let alone people from the inner city, even people from the outer city. Not many people would know.”

Black Dog Road is a secret road from Taiyuan City to the outside of the city. It was a path created by a local snake force in the outer city.

Its road intersection is just southeast of the outer city, and there is a long distance from the city gate.

It is said that this road alone, which is not even a few hundred meters long, took nearly ten years to complete.

Coupled with its secrecy, even Du Beidian, who has lived in the outer city for so many years, never knew about it.

I only learned about it from Zheng Hui by chance.

"Is that okay? I'll take them away and make sure they won't appear anywhere in Taiyuan City again!

Alternatively, you can continue to follow us after leaving the Black Dog Trail.

Send us a little further. "

Zheng Hui's slightly pleading eyes made Du Beiting's heart tremble.

This was a look he had never seen in Zheng Hui's eyes.

At the same time, this was also the first time Zheng Hui made such a request to him.

Du Beiding was silent for a moment, and after a moment, he nodded, "Okay, but you have to go faster and don't delay it too late."

"Thank you, thank you so much, Brother Du!" Zheng Hui quickly reached out and shook Du Beiding's hand.

Immediately, he turned around and ran away, heading elsewhere.

Du Beiting, on the other hand, was looking at the sky high in the sky, not knowing what he was thinking in his calm eyes.

After a while, Zheng Hui appeared with three people.

Among these three people, except for a housekeeper, the other two are servants who have served Zheng Hui for a long time.

I don’t know what Zheng Hui said to them.

Now the faces of these three people are full of nervousness, fear, worry and other expressions. They look very anxious and uneasy, as if they really want to leave here.

"Brother Du, we are all ready and can leave at any time." Zheng Hui came to Du Beiding's side.

He was holding a simple linen satchel in his hand, which contained gold nuggets, silver notes and other items.

Others are similar.

"Okay, let's go." After saying that, Du Bei stopped and looked at the other three people, "On the way, no one can make a sound without my permission. Do you hear me?"

"I heard it all." The housekeeper and others nodded hurriedly.

Immediately, Du Beiding and his group left one after another.

With the sound of the door closing, the noisy, overlapping footsteps began to move away.

Three quarters of an hour later.

Outside the city, there is an open space in some kind of wild forest.

It is covered with messy, loose dead leaves, and there is also thick loess nearby.

Suddenly, a square piece of land on this piece of land suddenly arched up.

Immediately afterwards, four cracks spread from its surroundings and gradually expanded.

The square piece of land was pushed away, and several figures quickly walked out of it.

And the one walking at the end was Du Beiting.

Zheng Hui took the housekeeper and others and walked a few steps towards the wild forest path, then turned back and looked at Du Beiding who was walking towards him.

He took a deep breath, with mixed emotions and emotions, and finally he could only sigh, "Brother Du, take care! If there is a chance in the future, we will definitely meet again."

Zheng Hui stopped towards Du Bei, raised his hands and bowed deeply.

When the butler and others standing beside him saw this, they also followed suit.

Du Bei stopped and nodded, then stepped forward and patted Zheng Hui's shoulder gently, "Don't worry, as long as you leave Taiyuan City, everything will be fine. From now on, you can do whatever you want with regard to the light skill of Fuliu Linghe Step." used.

But be careful, no matter what, remember to be extremely careful and cautious when acting outside. "

"I understand." Zheng Hui nodded heavily and was about to say goodbye.

Suddenly, Du Beiting put his hand into his arms.

The next second, a thin booklet appeared in his hand.

"This trip is in a hurry, and I have nothing to give you. I can only give you this gift.

I just hope that you can practice hard and be able to save your life at the critical moment. "

The booklet was forced into Zheng Hui's hands by Du Beiting.

It was old and rough, but there were six big characters on the booklet - Secret Map of the Impermanence Sword.

But it is very conspicuous.

This thing is exactly what Du Beiting got from the inheritance of that disciple of Qingyang Sect.

However, this martial art is a sword martial art, and the core concept of its martial arts is not in line with Du Beiting's, so Du Beiting is not interested in it.

Originally, he planned to find a place to sell it, but he never found a suitable opportunity.

But now, Zheng Hui was forced to leave because of the murder of Chen Yutong.

Du Beiting could only give him this as a farewell gift.

After all, Zheng Hui has silently helped Du Bei solve many things over the years.

All year round, no complaints.

It might even delay him from practicing martial arts.

But even so, Zheng Hui still doesn't ask for anything in return.

Everything was seen by Du Beiting.

Therefore, the relationship between the two is no longer what it used to be.

"What is this martial art?" Zheng Hui was a little surprised and looked up at Du Beiting.

"If you can master a unique martial art, at the very least, your own strength will definitely increase several times." Du Beiting said quickly.

"What, the ultimate martial arts, me?" Before Zheng Hui could finish his words, he was interrupted by Du Beiting.

"Okay, stop nagging, time waits for no one.

Let's set off.

If there is a chance to meet in the future, we have plenty of time and can chat slowly. "

"I understand." Zheng Hui sniffed and suppressed the mist in his eyes.

There is no doubt about the cherishment of unique martial arts skills.

Even among the three major forces in the inner city, it is a rare thing.

But he didn't expect that Du Beiting would be willing to give such a treasure to himself.

"Brother Du, see you later!" Zheng Hui saluted Du Beiting again.

No more words.

This time, he turned around and left, taking the butler and others with him.

Under the moonlight, as the distance traveled, the originally clear back figures of several people gradually became blurred.

Get smaller.

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