I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 136: Battle against powerful warriors

Half an hour later.

On the outskirts of the wild forest, there is a tree with a thick trunk and a large branch nearly eight meters high.

A head suddenly popped out.

A pair of eyes stared at the few people crossing the river, waiting for these people to completely move away and disappear.

Du Bei stopped and jumped down from the tree and returned to the original path.

Returning to Taiyuan City, walking on the streets was quiet.

I could only vaguely hear the sound of the watchman beating the gong and shouting in the distance.

The door of the shop was closed, there were no pedestrians, and the moonlight filled the bluestone slabs.

Du Bei stopped walking aimlessly.

At first, Chen Qingzhi left.

By now, Zheng Hui is gone.

What caused all of this to happen was due to his own lack of strength.

While walking, he suddenly stopped in front of a stall, sat down, and poured himself a cup of cold tea.

"Boss, have a bowl of big meat wontons and add more green onions."

"Sir, old man, my stall has been closed and we are getting ready." The voice of the old man in charge of the stall suddenly stopped. He stared straight at the piece of broken silver that Du Bei had slapped on the table.

With a smile on his face, he quickly stepped up and took the broken silver and accepted it.

"Please wait a moment, sir. I'll make soup and wontons for you right now. I'll make sure you're full."

Du Bei stopped and waved his hand, and the old man at the stall walked aside in a sensible manner without saying anything more.

Looking at Du Bei, he drank tea one sip after another, as if he was drinking. I don't know what he was thinking.

The gathering of the three gangs is temporarily suspended.

Early the next morning, Du Beiting did not receive any news that the event would be held as usual.

The leaders of the three major gangs were still missing.

Du Bei paused and estimated that these three people were probably still in the Chen family's mansion, conducting investigations and questioning.

Since he had nothing to do, Du Beiting naturally practiced martial arts in his courtyard.

However, as dusk approached, the feeling at the place where Zheng Hui was rescued yesterday appeared again.

In the courtyard.

Pick up a good piece of fat and thin meat with wooden chopsticks, dip it in the sauce, put it in your mouth, and chew it with big mouthfuls.

The cork of the wine bottle was removed, and a stream of Huanglong wine with a rich aroma was poured in.

Slides down the throat and reaches the abdomen.

A hot burning sensation came, and the energy and blood all over his body seemed to be mobilized at this moment, surging like boiling water.

Du Beiting's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The skin on the outside of the body also begins to feel hot and hot.

"Since the gathering of the three gangs has been suspended, we can just use this free time to practice martial arts."

Du Beiting's five palms were fully opened, and immediately three fingers were arched, and two fingers were slightly curved into blades, protruding like dragon claws.

But before his claws could be found, his expression suddenly froze, as if he had discovered something.

The soles of his feet stamped the ground violently, and the whole person rushed out like a runaway horse.

The clothes on my body were blowing straight back.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the edge of the courtyard wall, raised his hand, kicked his feet, and rolled over directly.

But outside the wall, no one was seen.

In the narrow alley, there was only a puddle of water and several vests hanging on the clothesline.

No one was seen.

"What's going on? The situation is exactly the same as last time. I heard someone breathing just now. Why didn't I see anyone when I went out?" Du Beiting's brows were furrowed, and his eyes were very puzzled.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand again and explored the location he had just sensed.

It was indeed an empty place, with no one in sight at all and no touch whatsoever.


Seeing this, Du Bei stopped retracting his hand, and then walked around his bungalow.

I went back after still finding no relevant traces.

Not long after Du Beiting left, Xia Zhirou walked out of the alley that Du Beiting had just passed.

There was something strange in her eyes, and her mind was filled with Du Beiting's eyes staring closely at her.

"The last time we were in the Chen family's house, and this time, it's been twice.

Even though his vision was blocked through the use of spiritual magic, he was still able to detect my presence.

Is it because his own Qi and blood are too strong?

The powerful power of Qi and blood is enough to push the development of his body's senses to the limit. "

After thinking for a while, Xia Zhirou left without staying too long.

When Du Beiting returned to the courtyard, he did not continue to practice martial arts. Instead, he returned to his bedroom, took some money from it, and then went out.

He went to the grocery store closest to his home, bought some yellow powder, and spread it one by one on the open space next to his house and on the wall.

As long as someone passes by without having time to deal with it, he will definitely find it.

Soon, three days passed.

Just as Du Beiting expected, people from the Chen family were the first to find Zheng Hui's address.

But Zheng Hui had left a few days ago.

After learning that Zheng Hui had run away, the Chen family became furious.

Because I don't know where Zheng Hui fled, I can't find Zheng Hui.

As for the death of Chen Xianglin and others, it is impossible to continue to investigate and find the murderer of Chen Xianglin and others.

Two dignified direct sons of the Chen family died outside the city. The anger of the Chen family naturally fell on the three major gangs responsible for governing the area outside the city.

After several days, Liang Qingxiong and others who were taken away were released.

None of them had any obvious injuries.

But I don’t know what the Chen family did to them or what punishment they imposed.

It can be clearly seen that the faces of Liang Qingxiong and others have become extremely bad since they were released by the Chen family.

His expression was also extremely gloomy and cold, and he looked like he would not let strangers in.

Even the two deputy gang leaders who usually have the best relationship with the gang leader don't dare to say anything in front of Liang Qingxiong.

This farce did not last long.

Not long after Liang Qingxiong and others were released, the gathering of the three gangs continued as usual.

On the first day of the gathering of the three gangs as usual, there was no fighting between Du Beiting.

But as the leader of the Horned Snake Gang, he cannot be absent for the time being without special reasons.

Therefore, early that morning, Du Beiting and several hall masters accompanied him to watch the battle.

However, this time Du Beiting discovered something strange.

The woman from the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce who practiced the Charming Art, Xia Zhirou.

I don't know what's going on, but I will look in the direction of Du Beizhan from time to time.

Due to his own majestic qi and blood, and his obvious sense of facial features, even if the other person is wearing a veil, Du Beiting can still feel that the person the other person is looking at is himself.

"Why does this guy keep looking at me? I obviously have no contact or transaction with her."

Du Beidian frowned slightly.

In his memory and impression, he had never had contact with this woman.

I don't know if it was related to her own sensitivity. After she looked back at Xia Zhirou a few times, she never looked at me again.

On the contrary, the president of the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce, the old man sitting at the front of the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce, began to look towards his position from time to time.

Soon, another three days passed.

It wasn't until the fourth day that Du Beiting's name appeared on the fight list.

His opponent is Lu Yilin, the leader of the Red Scorpion Gang.

Whether in terms of height or body shape, Lu Yilin is almost the same as Du Beiting.

However, his skin color is slightly whiter.

Moreover, he has two small beards on the upper side of his mouth.

Looking from a distance, it always seems to give people a rather weird and funny feeling.

In terms of martial arts realm, he is already very advanced.

Logically speaking, martial arts at the advanced level are no longer something that an ordinary hall master like Du Beiting can handle.

The Horned Serpent Gang would not agree to such a list of martial arts competitions.

But there was no way, because Lu Yilin happened to complete the breakthrough the day before yesterday.

He is over thirty-five years old and has been in the third level of blood accumulation for nearly eight years.

A few years ago, seeing that there was little hope of completing the fourth blood accumulation, he began to work hard.

But he didn't expect that it would be completely completed during the gathering of the three gangs.

Walking onto the ring with broad steps, Lu Yilin looked directly at Du Beiting, not forgetting to raise his finger at him, full of gunpowder.

Although he didn't say anything, the meaning of his actions at this moment was already very obvious.

Faced with Lu Yilin's provocation, Du Beiting's expression did not show any major disturbance.

After drinking all the tea left in the cup, Du Bei stopped and walked towards the ring.

And just when he was about to walk out of the Horned Snake Gang audience seat, Liang Qingxiong's voice came to his ears.

"The opponent has completed entering his energy, and his strength far exceeds that of most blood-containing warriors.

Don't act rashly.

If you are not your opponent, just admit defeat.

Losing to the Red Scorpion Gang is not a big deal and is indeed a normal thing.

No one will look down on you for this. "

Du Beiping was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Liang Qingxiong and saw him nodding towards him.

The same is true for Zhu Fuchun sitting next to Liang Qingxiong.

"This kid Lu Yilin, I met him a few years ago, he seems to be the next Dharma protector of the Red Scorpion Gang.

He was extremely ruthless and vicious.

Anyone who is not his opponent may have their hands and feet broken, and their muscles and bones broken.

Losing a fight is a trivial matter, but don't incur irreparable injuries.

It is not a wise choice to end the path of martial arts because of this. "

"I understand." Du Beiting nodded.

"Is it Lu Yilin?" Looking at Lu Yilin standing on the ring with a face full of expectation, Qin Fei couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Even though Lu Yilin had completed his entrance, he was still not satisfied in front of Du Beiting.

This guy is no ordinary hall master.

His identity does not represent his strength.

From the beginning of the gathering of the three gangs to now, his true strength has not yet been shown.

I'm afraid that if he shows his true intentions, let alone the gang leader, even if the gang leaders of the three major gangs join forces, they may not be his opponent.

"Lu Yilin is a good general of our Red Scorpion Gang.

I just hope Du Beiting doesn't kill him." With this thought in his mind, Qin Fei picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth, chewing it slowly while staring straight in the direction of the ring.

"Xiaorou, is this little guy you are talking about really as magical as you say?"

In the audience seat where the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce was, the old man Xia Yunfei glanced at Xia Zhirou who was sitting next to him. He leaned on the abacus and played with the abacus beads, making "tapping, tapping" sounds from time to time. .

“Just wait and see.

His physical condition was very unusual.

Extremely powerful energy and blood level.

Only I, who have practiced the secret arts of spiritual power, can sense it.

If he is unwilling to take the initiative to break out, ordinary people will not be able to detect it. "Xia Zhirou, wearing a white and purple gauze, kept looking in the direction of Du Beiping, and said.

"According to what you said, why did he always use some damaging moves to win before?" At this time, it was Xia Yunfei's turn to be confused.

"Isn't it an easy task for him to defeat these hall masters who have only completed accumulating blood a few times?"

"Grandpa, it's not just you, this is also what I'm curious about." Xia Zhirou smiled slightly, with a strange color flashing in her eyes.

"I can confirm that this guy definitely retained his strength and did not use all his martial arts.

I just don't know why he did this. "

"Oh?" After hearing this, Xia Yunfei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Du Beiding with a little more surprise.

“Looking at it this way, this little guy is quite interesting.

The other gang leaders tried their best in martial arts and used all their strength.

In an attempt to win, they can enter the sight of the three major forces in our inner city, be favored by us, and recruit them.

This kid is a bit contrary to the norm.

I just don’t know if he will win this fight? "Xia Yunfei stroked his white beard, and his tone was full of anticipation for the next fight.

"The opponent is a powerful martial artist, and based on Du Beipei's previous performance of martial arts.

No matter what, he cannot be the opponent of a powerful warrior.

Will be defeated by Lu Yilin.

Unless he is willing to use all his strength.

But this goes against his original intention. In his previous martial arts competitions, he was hiding his own strength. It seems that he does not want to join one of the three major forces in our inner city. "

Xia Zhirou frowned, "If that's the case, then he should lose this fight. Moreover, he will lose so naturally that no one can see any mistakes or accidents."

"Oh, are you so sure?" Xia Yunfei was a little surprised.

"Well, I have met this guy several times and know what kind of person he is." Xia Zhirou nodded.

Recalling that when she secretly spied on Du Beiding, without exception, she was discovered and found his location.

Fortunately, I have practiced mystical magic and can affect the other party's sensory perception.


"It's good that you know what's going on. Ever since you were a kid, you've always been able to make decisions on your own.

This time, it's no exception.

As long as you confirm the candidate, Grandpa will do his best to assist you! "

"I understand, thank you grandpa."

Soon, the two met in the ring.

"Boy, I watched your first few fights. They were very good." Lu Yilin rubbed the corners of his mouth, his pupils were wide open and he looked extremely excited, and his tone of voice was also extremely excited.

“Very much to my liking.

At least, our fighting styles are exactly the same.

They are all very vicious and insidious! "

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