I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 139 Come to the door

Lu Yilin's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

His expression was stunned for a moment, then turned ugly, "Is this the punishment you will give me?"

"Yeah." Qin Fei replied calmly.

"You're out of luck, you did something wrong."

"Is the gang going to kill me just because I attacked someone in a sneak attack and damaged the gang's face?"

Lu Yilin paused for a moment, and his voice became deeper, "Sir, I have been in the Red Scorpion Gang for so many years, and I have worked hard even if I don't have any merit, right?

Is it possible that you think that even though I am a powerful martial artist, I can't catch your eye? "

"No, you are an advanced martial artist.

Maybe you feel that you are very strong and your future development is unlimited.

But in my eyes, it's just a piece of shit.

Not even shit.

You have no value now. "

Qin Fei said it bluntly.

The big black dog sitting next to him was also confused, and was dumbfounded by Qin Fei's words.

Originally, he and Lu Yilin were called over.

I originally thought that Qin Fei was scolding and punishing the two of them based on what happened in today's fight, and then punished them.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fei wanted to take this opportunity to kill the two of them!

What the hell is going on?

The strength of the two is not low, and they can be regarded as the mainstay of the Red Scorpion Gang.

And now, Qin Fei actually wants to kill two people because of today's fight? !

"Big, my lord."

At this time, the big black dog was also panicked, and the expression on his face became a little unnatural, "Are you mistaken? Hall Master Lu Yilin and I can be regarded as old members of the Red Scorpion Gang.

Today's incident is nothing more than a small matter.

It won't have much impact on our Red Scorpion Gang.

Sin does not deserve death.

Do you think this is the case?"

Unexpectedly, before the big black dog finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qin Fei.

"Stop talking, this is all my decision.

Either drink this cup of tea or die!

Two options, choose yourselves. "

The atmosphere at the scene immediately fell into silence.

Lu Yilin's face was as gloomy as a cold pool. He gritted his teeth and tremblingly took the tea on the table again, took it in the palm of his hand and put it to his mouth.

And about to pour it into your mouth.

The muscles in his forearms suddenly condensed, and with a flick of his wrist, the tea in his hand, along with the cup, turned into an arrow and was thrown straight at Qin Fei's face.

As for Lu Yilin, the moment he threw away the teacup with water, he twisted around, grabbed the ground with his toes, and ran like a fleeing prey, straight to the entrance of the courtyard.

"Qin Fei, I remember you today.

If one day comes, I will definitely kill you! "

Even Lu Yilin couldn't understand why Qin Fei wanted to kill him because of this?

What is the root cause? Qin Fei didn't say anything either!

But these are no longer important!

As long as he knows that Qin Fei wants to kill him!

Qin Fei's eyes were indifferent.

Everything that happened in front of him seemed to have been expected.

His fingers had been resting on the spoon on the table all morning, and he pushed lightly with his fingers. The spoon immediately flew out with a "swish" and collided with the teacup thrown by Lu Yilin.

The hot tea was mixed with broken porcelain pieces and splashed away.

Lu Yilin has run a long distance.

His eyes were firm, his legs were shadowed, he stepped on the ground one after another, and rushed out in a flash.

But when he was about to rush through the entrance of the courtyard, his speed slowed down and his face gradually became desperate.

"No! No! You can't do this to me!"

In the shadow of the courtyard door, a tall and sturdy figure was slowly walking out.

His complicated eyes fell on Lu Yilin, who had a face full of despair.

This person is Qin Zuofeng, the deputy leader of the Red Scorpion Gang.

"You can't treat me like this! I have been the leader of the Red Scorpion Gang for over twenty years!

Are you going to kill me because of a trivial matter? Why? !

Could it be that I, a powerful martial artist and the leader of the Red Scorpion Gang, am no match for that Bloody Blood Realm kid from the Horned Snake Gang? ! "

Lu Yilin's eyes turned red.

A series of questions popped up one after another, and they were questioned loudly.

Qin Zuofeng didn't answer. He sighed, rolled up his sleeves, and stepped out.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Lu Yilin.

He raised his hand and slashed at Lu Yilin's neck as if the sharp blade was unsheathed.

Unwilling to give in, Lu Yilin leaned back and tried to dodge.

However, it only took a few breaths.

Several dull crashes were heard, and there was no more sound in the courtyard.

The only sound left was the sound of Qin Zuofeng dragging Lu Yilin's body along the ground.

"Brother, I brought it to you." Qin Zuofeng gently threw Lu Yilin's body to Qin Fei's left side.

Qin Fei glanced sideways, then withdrew his gaze and turned to the big black dog sitting opposite him.

"It's your turn, why are you still sitting there?"

Qin Fei stretched out his hand and gestured towards the tea in front of the big black dog.

The big black dog's gaze kept falling on the dead Lu Yilin. He stared at it for a while, and then he came back to his senses when he heard Qin Fei calling him, and couldn't help but sigh.

Immediately, he picked up the tea cup with a complicated expression, and when he was about to drink it, his hand stopped for a moment.

However, he did not launch a sneak attack on Qin Fei like Lu Yilin did.

Instead, he asked a question.

"Gang Leader, can you tell me the root cause?

At least I don't want to die so unclearly. "

The big black dog lowered his eyes slightly and turned the teacup in his hand.

Qin Fei's eyes lingered on the big black dog for a moment, and then he sighed, "You two are in similar situations, and you are also unlucky.

It would be okay if Lu Yilin wasn't the one who helped him along the way.

This matter will not affect you.

But things went contrary to expectations. It was not just you who helped Lu Yilin along the way.

Moreover, he has a deep relationship with you.

Since joining the Red Scorpion Gang, you have been teaching him martial arts, and you also taught him the Iron Rope Three Flame Hands.

The relationship between the two of you is nothing less than that of mentors and helpful friends.

Therefore, if he dies, you must die too. "

The big black dog was silent for a moment, then asked abruptly, "Is it because of the leader of the Horned Snake Gang, Du Beiting?"

His vigilance is sharp and he can see the key points at a glance.

Qin Fei didn't expect that the big black dog would see the key point, and he didn't hide it too much and just nodded and admitted.

“I never thought that one of my great Dharma Protectors from the Red Scorpion Gang would die because of a little Hall Master who is in the Bloody Realm.

This matter is really ridiculous. "

After hearing this, a hint of self-deprecating sarcasm suddenly appeared on the big black dog's face.

Immediately, he poured the tea cup into his mouth and drank the tea in one gulp.

Then, he got up and walked outside.

Before he could even walk out of the courtyard door, there was a "plop" and he fell to the ground.

There was no movement in his chest, his breathing disappeared, and he was completely dead.

Qin Zuofeng was silent, walked over, brought the body of the big black dog over, and placed it next to Qin Fei.

Seeing Qin Fei start to take action, he took out a machete, took down the bodies of the two people, and put them in sacks.

"Brother, what happened to you? Why do you feel like you have become weird since you came back last time?

Also, why are you so taboo about the leader of the Horned Snake Gang, Du Beiting Hall?

Could it be possible that something happened between you and him? "

Qin Fei paused for a moment while tying the sack rope, he looked up at Qin Zuofeng, and then sighed: "Brother, you are a smart man, and I won't lie to you, eldest brother.

You know my style very well.

No matter what his subordinates did wrong or caused any trouble.

As long as it does not involve the core interests of the gang, I generally will not investigate and hold people accountable.

But this time the situation is different.

The person they provoked was Du Beiting from the Horned Snake Gang. "

Qin Fei's tone paused, as if he was recalling, "Du Beiting is far from being as simple as he seems, and I did have contact with him.

I can’t go into details with you.

In short, you have to understand.

Du Beiting is definitely not someone we can offend at the moment.

Not only our Red Scorpion Gang, but also the two major gangs, the Horned Snake Gang and the Shuiyue Gang. "

"Lu Yilin defeated Du Beiting in the ring before, it's nothing.

But he should never launch a sneak attack after the fight was over while he was not paying attention.

Moreover, when the sneak attack failed to kill the opponent, he showed his strong murderous intention! "

"So, he had to die.

This is an explanation given to him by our Red Scorpion Gang.

Otherwise, time will inevitably bring disaster to us. "Qin Fei picked up the sack containing the two bodies and was about to walk out.

At this time, Qin Zuofeng called him again.

"Brother, you are so jealous of Du Beiting. Is it possible that he is very strong?

Has he fought against him? "

Qin Fei couldn't help but pause, and the look in his eyes gradually became colder. He glanced sideways at Qin Zuofeng beside him, "This is not what you should ask. In short, I have said everything I need to say.

Also, remember my warning to you before.

Do not investigate any relevant information about this Du Cup stop.

If I find out that he has attracted public attention because of this, I will definitely break your legs! "

Qin Fei's tone was cold and his eyes were heavy. It didn't look like he was joking at all.

After saying that, he picked up the sack and left.

Qin Zuofeng was left standing alone in the stone pavilion with doubtful eyes.

"Du Beiting, what kind of person is he that can make even my eldest brother feel taboo about him?

His strength is probably not low, maybe even stronger than his eldest brother!

However, in the martial arts competition, he couldn't even beat Lu Yilin. So what's going on? "

Confusing thoughts swirled in my mind.

Qin Zuofeng thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out.

The moonlight is like a radiance, spreading all over the earth.

The outer city of Taiyuan City, Dongshi Town, is in a remote alley.

A figure was walking quickly with a sack in his hand. The soles of his shoes stepped on the beach, causing ripples.

After a while, he stopped in front of a courtyard door.

This person is Qin Fei who came in a hurry from the Red Scorpion Gang.

He stood in front of the courtyard door of Du Beidian's bungalow, took a deep breath, and was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, when Du Beidian's voice came from the courtyard.

"Is Gang Leader Qin outside?"

Qin Fei couldn't help but stop his movements and raised his brows slightly.

"Come in, the door is open."

Qin Fei subconsciously pushed the door open and entered.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Du Beiting, naked from the waist up, clenching a fist with his left hand and palming his right hand. He was moving with his body, performing a set of fierce and powerful martial arts moves in the courtyard, blowing up strong winds.

After coming in, he saw Du Bei stopped practicing martial arts with no intention of stopping, and Qin Fei was not in a hurry to disturb him.

Instead, he walked slowly to the tables and chairs placed in the courtyard, sat down, and poured himself a cup of tea.

After a while, Du Beiting finished the last set of steps and fist moves before he stopped and let out a long breath.

Immediately, he walked to the table where Qin Fei was sitting, took the wine bottle from the wooden table, and pulled out the wooden stopper.

Just pour it into your mouth.

A strong smell of alcohol immediately spread out from Du Beiding's body, and the color of his skin turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It smells so strong. Did you brew this wine yourself?" Seeing this, Qin Fei asked subconsciously.

"Well, the exclusive secret recipe is currently unique to me in the entire Taiyuan City." Du Beiting said it directly without any scruples.

Qin Fei nodded thoughtfully.

Du Beiting, on the other hand, continued to drink.

After drinking almost all the Huanglong wine in the flask, he stopped, wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth, and turned to look at Qin Fei.

"Tell me, what do you want to see me for this time?"

"Brother Du is in the courtyard and can know that the person standing outside the door is me, so he should know why I am here." Qin Fei glanced at Du Beitan.

Then, he untied the sack.

Suddenly, two corpses appeared in front of Du Beiting.

Seeing these two corpses, Du Beiding's expression did not change at all.

It seemed that all this was within his expectation.

However, when he saw the body of the big black dog, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face and asked.

"Who is this guy? Why did you kill him too?"

Du Beiting pointed at the body of the big black dog.

“This guy is the protector of my Red Scorpion Gang, and he is also Lu Yilin’s guide.

Among the Red Scorpion Gang, he has the best relationship with Lu Yilin.

Lu Yilin has many martial arts skills that he taught. "

Qin Fei's voice paused for a moment before continuing, "So, in order to satisfy you and eliminate future troubles forever, I will also solve him for you."

"Is there no future trouble?" Du Beiting's eyes paused on the big black dog's body for a moment, and then he turned to look at Qin Fei with a smile on his face.

"You certainly didn't disappoint me.

Originally, I planned to go to your Red Scorpion Gang in three days to deal with Lu Yilin.

But now, you have personally sent him to me.

It seems that the goodwill you said to me before was not what you said verbally. "

While Du Bei stopped talking, Qin Fei reached into the sack, took out the two corpses, and threw them aside.

Then take out the wooden box at the bottom.

This wooden box is in the shape of a long strip, not big, only about the thickness of a head.

Qin Fei opened it.

Suddenly, a flash of golden light surged out from inside.

A large golden area is spread on the upper level.

On the lower floor, there are banknotes stacked densely together.

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