I can extract martial arts files

Chapter 140 The only choice

"These things represent the apology of our Red Scorpion Gang."

After showing the contents of the wooden box to Du Beizing, Qin Fei closed it again and handed it to him.

After Du Beiping glanced at him, his eyes immediately moved to Qin Fei with a rather subtle expression, "Qin Fei, I just realized now that it is not unreasonable for you to become the leader of the Red Scorpion Gang.

Strength is one aspect.

I'm afraid I'm not as good as you in dealing with people and worldly matters. "

One thing is obvious.

Compared to Qin Fei, Du Beiting would never do it for such a thing.

And given such a large amount of money.

He reached out and took it directly.

"Since you have done this, I naturally have no reason not to accept it." He paused and glanced at Qin Fei, "This matter has just passed, so there is no need for you to worry too much.

I, Du Beiting, am not a young person.

I won't deliberately use this matter to make a fuss about you. "

After hearing Du Beiting's assurance, Qin Fei let out a long breath, and the sadness and tension that could not be concealed on his face dissipated a little.

"That's naturally the best."

Then, the two continued to chat for a while.

Qin Fei took the lead in making an excuse to leave.

After all, he had the experience of fighting Du Beiting before.

Now being alone with Du Beiting always gave him an extremely depressing sense of oppression.

Just staying there for a while makes my whole body feel hairy.

Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a month passed.

The gathering of the three gangs is coming to an end.

As for the descendants of the Chen family, two direct sons died directly in the outer city, and Zheng Hui, who was the most suspected, fled and disappeared.

After the Chen family searched hard to no avail, they decided not to continue searching.

The matter has come to an end for now.

Moreover, in the middle of the gathering of the three gangs, they withdrew without any reason and had no intention of recruiting people from outside the city to join the Chen clan.

Of course, the exceptions are the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce and the Zhuluo Escort Agency.

After all, what happened to the Chen family's children in the outer city had nothing to do with them.

On the last day of the gathering of the three gangs, Du Beiting ended with a fighting record of five wins and three losses.

His performance is not very good, it can only be said to be mediocre.

It is a relatively common one in any gang.

However, his more insidious and ruthless martial arts moves made people's impression of him even more impressive.

The gang member with the most outstanding record, as usual, belongs to the Red Scorpion Gang.

Among them, there are four powerful hall masters who have achieved complete victory without any defeat and have attracted much attention.

On the contrary, the performance of the fighting personnel of the Shuiyue Gang and the Horned Snake Gang was much mediocre compared with the personnel of the Red Scorpion Gang.

The territory, industries, resources, etc. belonging to the outer city of Taiyuan City will be re-divided.

Higashiishi Town is one of the territories that originally belonged to Higashiishi Town.

Because one of the Hall Leaders of the Horned Snake Gang was defeated by another hall leader of the Red Scorpion Gang, his ownership rights no longer belong to the Horned Snake Gang.

The territories, industrial resources, etc. of the major gangs will also be held in a conference the next day, and a corresponding distribution of hall leaders and leaders will be carried out.

On the second day after the gathering of the three gangs.

All three arenas have been removed.

Today, everyone who participated in the martial arts competition between the three gangs will come.

Except for the Chen family.

The other two major forces, the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce and the Zhuluo Escort Agency, will select outstanding and suitable personnel with high talents from this martial arts competition and recruit them to become members of their own forces.

"Down below, anyone who hears their name being recited should step forward and walk out."

A slightly bloated middle-aged man, wearing a luxurious brocade robe and carrying a big belly, walked out of the crowd at Zhuluo Escort Agency.

He held a roster in his hand, with dozens of names written on it.

He walked slowly to his original position on the stage, raised his eyes and looked at everyone, "The leader of the Red Scorpion Gang, Wang Mingsheng!"

As soon as this person's name was called out, there was a burst of cheers from the Red Scorpion Gang.

There were many people in the Red Scorpion Gang who looked towards Wang Mingsheng's position with envy in their eyes.

Once you become a member of the inner city force, it means that you can break away from the identity of a member of the outer city gang.

Not only can your status be greatly improved.

Moreover, the cultivation resources, money, etc. that can be enjoyed in the future will also be greater than before.

Qin Fei also turned his head slightly and looked at Wang Mingsheng.

As long as the inner city forces select more people from his gang, the more resource support and compensation he will receive from the inner city forces.

Compared to others, Wang Mingsheng's expression was somewhat calm.

After all, he participated in the martial arts gathering of three gangs during this trip, but he won this competition with a complete victory.

In this round of fighting between the three gangs, their performance can be regarded as top-notch.

It was also within his expectation to be selected by the forces in the inner city.

He stood up and walked to the front of the crowd under everyone's attention.

Seeing that Wang Mingsheng had walked out, the middle-aged man glanced at him and continued to shout, "Leader of the Red Scorpion Gang, Meng Shaomei!"

The person whose name was called was also from the Red Scorpion Gang.

However, this person is a woman, and she is also a gang leader, and has only completed blood accumulation once.

But its strength is extremely terrifying.

In the martial arts competition with the leaders of other gangs, he won them all.

Also achieved a complete victory record.

No one could survive thirty rounds in her hands.

Therefore, it was expected that she would be favored by the people from Zhuluo Escort Agency.

Gray bandages were tied around his wrists, calves, etc., and his high ponytail was tied up with a straw rope. He had a dark complexion and a tall figure.

Compared with ordinary women, Meng Shaomei looked a little more heroic.

After seeing Meng Shaomei stand up and walk out of the crowd, the middle-aged man continued to read out the names.

"The leader of the Red Scorpion Gang, Ma Jiajie. The leader of the Red Scorpion Gang, Situ Wenhai."

After hearing the names of these people, many people from various gangs looked a little suspicious and weird.

From time to time, he looked in the direction of the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce, with a hint of curiosity on his face.

"These people are all the ones who have achieved a complete victory in this martial arts competition. Why are they all forced to pass by the Zhuluo Escort Agency? Doesn't the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce intend to fight for it?"

"Yes, logically speaking, if the Chen family does not participate in this recruitment.

The personnel who performed well in the fighting between the three gangs this time should be divided equally between the Zhuluo Escort Bureau and the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce.

But now, these people who are the most outstanding in martial arts have been killed by the Zhuluo Escort Agency?

The Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce is not going to fight? "

"Yes, these people can be said to be the most talented people in this martial arts competition.

Actually, the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce wants everyone to leave."


Xueyian Chamber of Commerce and others did not have too many emotional changes.

It seemed that all this was within their expectations.

Soon, the middle-aged man called out the names of the thirteen people selected this time.

Among them, people from the Red Scorpion Gang alone occupied seven places.

The Horned Snake Gang and the Shuiyue Gang occupied three and four places respectively.

After the farewell words were recited and the farewell ceremony was performed, the middle-aged man put on the outer robes belonging to the Zhuluo Escort Bureau on each of them, and then took several of them away and walked towards the crowd of Zhuluo Escort Bureau.

This is the end of Zhuluo Escort's recruitment of talented people.

Following closely behind was the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce.

The person who walked up was a woman, dressed like a maid.

But the power behind her makes no one dare to underestimate her.

She had nothing in her hand, as if she had already written down the list of people to be recruited.

His gaze drifted directly to the Horned Snake Gang crowd, and in the direction of Du Beitan's seat.

"On this trip, the three gangs gathered for a martial arts gathering and recruited talented people. The second lady of our chamber of commerce personally selected them.

But there are not many people who can catch the eye of our young lady, only one. "

The maid held out a finger.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was moved.

After all, this has never happened before.

This kind of thing is usually left to the stewards responsible for overseeing the operation of the forces.

Unexpectedly, the second young lady of the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce personally selected the talents recruited by the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce.

This can be said to be overwhelming wealth.

Once you do that, the future is endless.

"My darling, this time the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce is recruiting talented people, Miss Xia Zhirou is actually the one to personally select them.

Doesn't this mean that the person she selected this time will follow her and work under her in the future? "

"Xia Zhirou, Miss Xia Er.

He is known as a martial arts wizard who is rare to see in Taiyuan City for thousands of years.

The person who can be chosen by her must have good martial arts talent! "

"That's right, I just don't know who is so lucky to be chosen by Miss Xia Er.

After today, I'm afraid I'm going to jump over the dragon's gate. "


Not only the gang members present, but also the leaders of the three major gangs looked strange.

Miss Xia Er from the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce came to select talents personally.

This has never happened before.

However, haven't the best performers in this martial arts competition been selected by the Zhuluo Escort Agency?

Who on earth could be chosen by Miss Xia Er?

Du Beidian was also curious, who actually attracted the attention of this mysterious second lady from the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce?

"But what's going on with the look in this girl's eyes? Why does it always feel like she's looking at me?!" Du Beiting frowned slightly.

He moved his butt and felt something was wrong.

Vaguely, he always felt that the maid who came out of the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce was staring directly at him.

As if to verify Du Beiting's conjecture.

The next second, the maid started calling her name.

"Hallmaster of the Horned Snake Gang, Du Bei stops!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

The whole place fell silent for a moment.

On the contrary, it was Qin Fei, who was the quickest to react.

His eyes were filled with strange colors as he looked at Xia Zhirou in the crowd of the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce.

"It is rumored that Xia Zhirou once practiced spiritual mysticism and had considerable attainments in spiritual power.

She must have used this to see how extraordinary Du Beiting was.

Otherwise, nothing can be seen from these few battles alone. "

The fact that Du Beiting was favored by Xia Zhirou was not beyond Qin Fei's expectation.

After all, he had already thought about it just now.

Among all the people present, except Du Beiting, there seemed to be others who were not qualified to attract Xia Zhirou's attention and do things for her.

Compared to Qin Fei, the other two gang leaders seemed a little stunned and confused.

"What? Du Beiting? Du Beiting from our gang?" Liang Qingxiong was a little confused about this.

In his opinion, it is impossible for a person like Du Beiting, who loses more games than he wins, to fall under Xia Zhirou's eyes.

In addition, he was able to win the martial arts competitions only by using some underhanded tricks.

Logically speaking, he should not be attracted by people from the Zhuluo Escort Agency and the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce.

But now, let alone whether the two inner city forces are interested in him. At the moment, Miss Xia Er is pointing out the name and wants to recruit this person.

This is enough to prove that Du Bei stopped in an extraordinary way.

Although he had many questions in his heart, Liang Qingxiong was a figure who had been around for many years and did not ask at such a critical moment.

Otherwise, it would be equivalent to questioning Xia Zhirou.

The consequences are far beyond what a gang from an outer city can bear.

The same was true for Shuiyue Gang leader Dong Yupeng. He looked in the direction where Du Beipeng was standing, his brows full of confusion.

“I remember several of this kid’s fights.

But there is obviously nothing particularly outstanding about him. Why did Miss Xia Er choose this guy? "

He was doubtful, but when he saw that Liang Qingxiong and Qin Fei not far away did not ask questions, he naturally would not ask casually.

After all, this is Xia Zhirou's decision.

It was definitely not something he, a mere gang leader, could propose to change.

Similar to the reaction of the leaders of the three gangs, after hearing the people from the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce announcing the names of people to be recruited, the people from the Zhuluo Escort also immediately looked in the direction of Du Beiding.

Especially the people sitting at the front of the escort agency looked excited.

"No wonder, I just said that the Blood Flame Chamber of Commerce will let me, the Zhuluo Escort Agency, choose the personnel first.

There will be no restrictions on quantity or personnel.

It turned out that they had already selected the personnel.

By the way, who is this person? Who still remembers his performance in this fight? Is there anything special about him? "

"Sir, I remember several of this guy's martial arts competitions.

He only achieved victory by using some destructive martial arts moves to attack the opponent's key positions and launch a fierce attack.

As for the losing game, there is nothing special about it.

It is normal for one to be defeated by the enemy due to lack of strength.

Overall, the performance is very mediocre.

Compared with an ordinary gang leader, he is nothing big. "

"You can't say that.

After what you said just now, I remembered a place where there is a flaw. "

At this time, an older woman's eyes flickered.

“I remember that this little guy didn’t seem to suffer any injuries, whether he was winning or losing.

He has not suffered even the most basic trauma.

This person is indeed a bit weird. "

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