At this time, it was the third watch of the night. In ancient times when there was a lack of entertainment, the concept of nightlife had not yet emerged. As soon as the sun went down, it was basically a time for people to rest. Those who went home went home, and those who made people made people. Basically, no one would stay outside. .

Therefore, the long street at this time was as silent as water, and cold air penetrated into the lungs between breaths, causing bursts of tingling pain.

It stands to reason that the dark night is the most hated time for every sun inheritor.

During the day, the sky and the world are my sole honor, and at night I am sorry for being born as a human being. This is an unavoidable problem for all sun inheritors.

The sun bearer of the day and the sun bearer of the night are not the same concept at all. For example, a well-known sun rider died after sunset.

However, Zhao Yeshou's "sun" is somewhat different from the normal sun.

Or rather, very different.

The body was pitch black like a shadow, and the corona spread out like tentacles, no matter how you looked at it, it couldn't touch the warm and bright sun.

And after igniting the embers of fire, [Black Sun] gradually revealed his true face.

[Player Ye Lin will get 50% spell bonus of death system, dark system, soul capture system, plague system, war system, killing system and other systems when they are in the dark]

[When players bathe in the sun at night, they will get a 50% spell bonus from multiple systems such as the life system, the light system, the soul system, the purification system, the anti-ge system, the healing system, etc.]

[Players will get an extra six-dimensional bonus when they bathe in the sun at night]

[Players will receive additional judgment bonuses when they bathe in the sun at night]

All in all, be a good person during the day and a bad person at night, this is the rule summed up by Zhao Yesao.

But the call from the blood is telling him that such a [black sun] is incomplete. As a sun that dominates the sky and illuminates the four fields, there is no reason for it to change due to the passage of time.

The so-called day and night are nothing but an artificial definition imposed by people for the normal activities of the sun. The sun itself is there and is not moved by human will.

Maybe, one day in the future, the two will merge?

As for [The Fire of Embers], it was a book worth 210,000 game coins that Zhao Yesui got from the store manager.

[Embers of Fire]

[Grade: Radiance]

[Genre: Myth/Wreck of the World]

[Explanation: This is the original fire of the world and the final fire of the world. It has witnessed the prosperity and decline of the world, as well as the feats of countless people with lofty ideals turning themselves into torches in order to perpetuate the world. It went from the age of fire to the age of deep sea, from the age of deep sea to the age of paleness, when the world disintegrated with the wind, and the last living soul died from the earth, this flame will also be extinguished - but someone The recorder recorded it in the book until it was revived at this moment. ]

[Note: The fire will be extinguished, but Wang Ying will not be seen. ]

To be honest, when Zhao Yesui saw this book on the bookshelf, he began to doubt the identity of the store manager.

It's not that [Embers of Fire] is not worth 210,000 game coins. After Zhao Yesui really ignited it, he was sure that it was definitely a priceless treasure in the market, and no player would be short-sighted enough to use it. to exchange for game currency.

Although game currency is very important under the system of Destiny Game, such as trading, strengthening, purchasing items, etc. all need to be operated through game currency, but the treasure of this level of [Ember Fire], the country and the guild are obviously very happy to let it go. It rots in the warehouse until someone who can use it appears, and it will not be sold for money, and it is bartered no matter how bad it is.

And the store manager gave it to Zhao Yesui so lightly, and the price was only the middle-2 novels written by Zhao Yesao during his middle-2 period.

"The recorder...?" Zhao Yeshao chuckled, shrugged and said, "Do you think I don't know you after changing your name?"

The waiting time has been long enough, and Chen Shuang still has no intention of coming out. It seems that if she doesn't leave, she is determined not to come out.

This instead confirmed a certain conjecture in Zhao Yesang's heart. He stopped waiting, let out a light breath, and stepped into the darkness.

Behind him, a crawling figure quietly followed him, Zhao Yecang threw a pale soul fire to her, and her body began to make a crackling bone displacement sound, according to the soul fire. fragment of information to begin reconstructing the body.

"A domestic animal?"

Zhao Yesui recited this word with interest, and soon laughed:

"It seems that this world is much more interesting than I thought..."

"Then let's see who killed who."

At the third watch, the team of Zhenbei Escort finally came to the gate of Moxian County.

As a well-known big **** bureau, the Zhenbei **** bureau had already planned their trip, so soon the gate guards opened the city gate for them.

The player Song Shigui sighed a little tiredly. This is the case with horseback riding. It may be fun at first, but after a long time of riding, it will become boring and exhausting.

At this time, there are no roads as smooth as modern times. Even the official roads can only cover a small part of the main roads. Riding a horse on a rugged mountain road is not a good experience. Why do dignitaries travel by car?

If it wasn't for 40% of the equestrian specialization, this last part of the road would be enough to die in Song Dynasty.

"Okay, it's time to reach the mission location. I don't know if my teammates have arrived. It's really unfortunate that a teammate died before it started. It seems that I still have to take them..."

Song Shigui sat on the back of a horse and stretched out, greeted the guards around him, and ran towards the city gate.

The gloomy gaze in the truck always followed him. When Song Shigui entered Moxian County, a scrawny hand stuck out of the curtain and aimed at his heart, ready to squeeze tightly... .

It was also at this moment that Song Shigui suddenly stopped his horse and came to the posture of a horse stepping on a flying swallow, almost turning his back on his horse.

The peepers had to stop, because Song Shigui had not yet entered the ink county.

He was a little puzzled. Could it be that Song Shigui found the clue of Ink County? But it's impossible. The harvest day has not yet come. At this time, Ink County should be calm and peaceful...

Song Shigui turned over and dismounted, and a sliding shovel came to the foot of the city wall. After finding the bunker, he looked at Moxian County in surprise.

Although he hadn't really entered Ink County, he could already smell the killing.

This is a branch ability belonging to his profession, and he can sense something as mysterious as killing intent.

At this moment, he could sense that the seemingly silent Ink County in front of him was full of the killing intent of hundreds of people!

But the strange thing is that there is no breath of soul and death, which makes Song Shigui have to wonder if he is wrong.

Since there is killing, someone must die, so how can there be no breath of soul and death?

Hey, hey, hasn't the mission started yet, how come hundreds of people have already died?

Song Shigui faintly felt that there seemed to be a problem with this scene from the root, as if something that should not have been mixed in.

p.s. I was just bored and went through the book list of Wanshou in the previous issues, and found that except for the excellent grades, that is, the kind of people who can earn a few w a month, the others are basically pigeons.

Is this the pigeon nest?

There are still hundreds of thousands of words to end, or should it be called unfinished? To be honest, it feels kind of weird that a book ends in a hurry without even writing a million words, it feels like there is no outline at all (x

The number of words at the end of the book depends on the situation (referring to the results). Everyone should see that the world view is a little bit big. If you want to write two or three million words, it is not a problem, but the book readers don’t seem to like long novels. Basically, no one saw it, in short, it depends on the situation.

Chapter 103 Beating the Child on a Rainy Day, Idle Is Idle (4K)

Zhao Yesang was walking alone on the long street, with the thick shadow on the left and the moonlight like water on the right, which just happened to divide the long street into two distinct halves.

If it is a dull person and Zhao Yechao is translocated at this time, he will only feel a little uncomfortable. There seems to be something staring at him in the shadows, and he can't help speeding up his pace, thinking about going home quickly.

If a person with a keen sense of consciousness and Zhao Yesui were translocated at this time, he would be keenly aware that there were coveted eyes looking up and down around him, but when he cast his eyes suspiciously into the shadows, he would not feel it again. When I looked back, I felt that I was being watched, and so on and so forth.

So, sometimes it's better to be slow, at least to be happy for the last period of time before dying, right?

Zhao Yesui is amazing. He can not only feel the sight, but also distinguish where the sight is coming from. The voices of those monsters swallowing saliva and talking in low voices all entered his ears with the wind, even those He smelled all the vague body odors of the monsters.

These monsters probably thought he was the dumb Zhang Lin, so they made no secret of what they did, but for Zhao Yesao at the moment, their behavior was no different from standing in front of him doing pole dancing.

Carrying the blood of the black sun, completing the spiritualization of matter, and igniting the fire of embers, these three are earth-shaking changes for any player. However, Zhao Yesui completed all three at the same time in a very short period of time, which also led to He still can't quite grasp his current power.

In the present world, Zhao Yesui did not dare to let go of his hands to break in. After all, according to his estimation, it would not be difficult to stomp down the floor that was not of good quality. It's a big deal to pay the landlord.

However, there is no such scruples here.

"It really is a veritable demon city..." Zhao Ye sighed lightly. Along the way, he was like a lighthouse in the dark night, attracting many monsters to covet him.

In this case, why not randomly select a lucky audience to try their current fists?

Zhao Yesui quickly forgot about finding the cause of Zhengqi Lingran's death.

After all, judging from the situation in this county, it's no wonder he can find the murderer because the demons are protecting each other.

But on the other hand, if you just visit the past one by one, until the end, won't you be able to successfully find the murderer?

Zhao Yesui felt that there was nothing wrong with his thinking, and suddenly turned to the left, and his figure disappeared into the thick shadow.

The monsters who were secretly watching were stunned for a while, but they already had plans, so they were not in a hurry, but they just retracted their eyes unwillingly.

As everyone knows, there will be many "lucky audiences" who will receive friendly visits from Zhao Yesui tonight.

Isn't it good too?


"Surgery, unfold."

Sen Leng's bone spear emerged from the sky, and the three sparrows that were flying in a hurry were penetrated by the bone spear and fell to the ground, followed by a pale flame that burned them to the ground.

On the other side of the room, there was a three-meter-tall black bear spirit standing upright, its huge body almost reaching the ceiling, roaring and waving a bear paw the size of a grinding disc, crushing it down towards Zhao Ye.

Zhao Yesui has many ways to deal with it, such as turning on [Original Time Control] to avoid this powerful but cumbersome blow, or directly using [Zhi Ge] and [Injustice] to teach this stupid bear what is the change of times .

But he didn't choose.

The black bear's attack was close at hand, Zhao Yeshou just took a step back, bowed, clenched his fist, and then punched!


The sound of shattering bones sounded, but the black bear spirit was distorted by Zhao Yecang's punch, and the bear's paw the size of the grinding disc was obviously distorted. Then, Zhao Yechuang took a deep breath and turned on the [Original Time Control] ].

The wailing of the black bear spirit was pulled very long at this moment, and the already sluggish body slowed down again. In contrast, Zhao Yesui slammed into its arms, clenched his fists with ten fingers, and punched!

"This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this!"

A set of hearty Wang Ba punches came down, and the black bear spirit had no strength to fight back.

This is not a game. With dozens of shots in his body, he can still get up and continue to fight like nothing else.

In the real world, if an untrained ordinary person suffers a severe head injury, there is a 99% probability that he will lose his combat effectiveness. If he loses a quarter of the blood on his body, he will be completely powerless and have difficulty moving.

It doesn't even need to be so troublesome, even if it's just breaking one of his little fingers, the pain will make him incompetent for the next period of time.

In the same way, even in the face of extreme anger, there are some things that cannot be overcome by will, such as the mere laws of physics.

Zhao Yesui's combo had no rules, but the black bear spirit was beaten to the ground by him, and finally he was beaten to death, and his brains were probably shaken.

Of course, Zhao Yesui also paid a corresponding price.

The ulna and radius have been damaged to varying degrees, the phalanges are severely displaced, and the fingers are bloody. Even after completing the spiritualization of matter, punching the fur that is comparable to steel plates at a speed that exceeds the human limit will still be hurt.

However, this is exactly what Zhao Yejiao wanted.

Pale cold flames ignited from the corpse of the black bear spirit, and little embers flew, as proof that it had survived.

On the other hand, the divine power belonging to the black sun surged from Zhao Yeshou's body, and the **** wound quickly scabbed and fell off, followed by slightly fair skin.

This is one of the abilities of embers of fire. It burns everything and converts it into the power of the dark sun, so that Zhao Yesui does not need to rely on the sun to recharge like a solar cell every day.

[Player Ye Lin has consumed 0.7 units of Black Sun Divine Power]

[Player Ye Lin's physique has been slightly improved]

[Player Ye Lin's power has been slightly improved]

After obtaining the Heiri bloodline, Zhao Yesui's six-dimensionality indeed ushered in a leap, but this is only the beginning. Zhao Yesao still needs to continue to tap the Heiri bloodline to gradually improve its integration with himself, just like By refining pig iron into steel, the potential of the black sun is tapped step by step. At present, Zhao Yesui's development of it is limited to the power bank of magic power, and it is far from being fully utilized.

The existence of embers of fire is the best help to speed up this process. As long as there is enough "firewood", Zhao Yeshou's six-dimensionality can be gradually increased until the limit of the black sun.

However, as the saying goes, if the power of the black sun is to play its best role, it needs Zhao Yeshou to appear "broken", so that Zhao Yesang can better incorporate the concept of "black sun".

It may be a little troublesome in the present world, but...

"'Firewood' or something, isn't it all over the place?"

Zhao Yeshou shrugged, left the room, and said in his heart, "Seventy-four."

This is already the seventy-fourth monster that Zhao Yesui killed this night.

The whole Moxian County is like a nest of monsters. As long as you look carefully, you can find monsters everywhere. The couple who seem to be in the process of creating human beings are actually a fox spirit and an elephant spirit. When Ye Kuai broke into the door, the two monsters appeared one after another, and then...

The fox spirit was overwhelmed by Zhao Yeshou's stunned eyes.

The ancients used the word donkey to describe the size of the **** organs, but Zhao Yesui witnessed what is called "elephant goods" today, and he couldn't help feeling that the imagination of the ancients was still too shallow.

Of course, Zhao Yesui quickly took the grief-stricken White Elephant Monarch Xiaoshou, who lost his wife, and sent it down to reunite with his wife and become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks together.

"So, what is the main quest of this scene... Let's survive in this demon city? It doesn't seem to be difficult, and what is the harvest day... .."

Zhao Yesui only felt that this scene was suspicious, but he didn't know that he actually skipped the process himself.

According to the normal process, now is only the first step of the main task, that is, the five players will meet together, and then the demon city will gradually wake up and the crisis that will follow.

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