But Zhao Yesui had nothing to do at night and went out for a walk. Anyway, he was idle, so wouldn't it be normal to kill a few monsters?

As the saying goes, hitting a child on a rainy day means being idle, and taking a walk at night to kill demons while idle is also idle. This is very reasonable.

Just as Zhao Yesui left the homes of the four lucky audience members and went to the next lucky audience's home, he stood outside the wall, frowning rarely.

He smelled the smell of blood, and sensed the gloomy atmosphere of ritual.

Like mana, ritual has attributes.

Such a gloomy ritual, it's impossible to be extravagant, right?

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and recalled that Zhang Lin often helped others come to repair some things, so he also had an impression of the residents of Ink County.

There should be a young couple living in this room. The man is a scholar who teaches in the suburban school, while the woman manages it at home. The man has always been envied because he married a gentle and virtuous wife who is well-known throughout the county. , envy others for a while.

Zhang Lin was deeply impressed by this family because he rarely met a woman of his age who was not in heat with him.

Although it is very strange to describe it like this, and there is suspicion of self-promotion and narcissism, Zhang Lin really sees it to a certain extent. Except for women with sexual orientation problems, basically no one will dislike him, even the one from Fucheng with Long Yang The good county governor also sent secret invitations to Zhang Lin, but they were all rejected by the card guy Zhang Lin.

In my impression, when Zhang Lin went to their house to clear the channel, the woman's eyes never took her eyes off her husband, and she looked like glue.

Therefore, Zhang Lin's impression of them is that of a loving couple, and there is no external force that can separate them.

And now, is there something wrong with the relationship between this loving young couple, causing the relationship to break down?

Zhao Yesui thought for a while, and instead of going over the wall to visit as before, he knocked on the door openly and said loudly, "Is Chen Xiucai at home? I'm Zhang Lin, I have an urgent matter with you."

The ceremonial aura from the wall stagnated slightly, and Zhao Yesui could hear the rustling of clothes coming from inside, and soon, a coquettish and tender voice came from the door: "Yes Brother Zhang? Is there something urgent to come to visit so late? Sorry, my husband has already slept. If it is not a very important matter, please come back tomorrow."

Zhao Yesui secretly said that as soon as you speak, the ritual will stop. I don't believe it if there is a ghost. Then he said aloud: "It's true that someone's life is at stake. Please ask my sister-in-law to let me in. I have something important to do with Chen Xiucai. Negotiate."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yesui then knocked on the door, and the residents around Dalian were awakened by the movement.

Yes, the surrounding residents.

This monster city is not only the existence of monsters, most of the residents are normal people, which is also in line with the "domestic animal" before the death of the monster Shui Sisi.

If there are more livestock than monsters, then there will be more monks and less porridge, and one day there will be an uneven distribution of the spoils. Moreover, how can there be a reason why a monster only eats one person?

The people inside were silent for a moment, as if they were weighing the pros and cons, and finally opened the door and looked at Zhao Yesao with annoyed eyes: "Brother Zhang, it's so late, what exactly brought you here?"

Zhao Yesui didn't speak, but looked at the other side intently.

The other party came out wearing only a thin shirt. At this moment, most of her snow-white **** were exposed, and her face was still flushed. Coupled with this wink, it seemed that she had done nothing. metaphor.

"Yeah." The other party seemed to have noticed Zhao Yeshou's eyes, hurriedly tightened his clothes, and said angrily, "Brother Zhang, men and women are not kissing each other, what are you trying to—"

After saying that, the woman made a gesture to close the door, but was blocked by Zhao Ye's sleeve.

"Yeah, men and women don't have a relationship." Zhao Yeshou smiled and said generously, "So, let me talk to Chen Xiucai. Sister-in-law, don't make trouble."

Zhao Yeshou opened the door, walked in grandly, and walked into the house carelessly, while the woman stood at the door, looking at his back faintly, her eyes uncertain.

After a long time, she sneered: "Oh, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no door to hell, you surrender yourself. In that case, I will accept your head."

After she finished speaking, she closed the door, fastened the latch, and followed Zhao Yeshou's footsteps with twists and turns, showing her calmness and hidden excitement as she walked.

Confidence never goes out of style.

p.s. On the 19th, there will be a plus update event, I will join in the fun by the way, although it should not be ranked, but there is no problem in trying it, plus plus update should be put at that time.

In addition, Zhao Yesui's growth rate is really not fast. This is only 30w words before reaching the first level. According to the outline, it takes 80w words or more to enter the hero status. I think it is already very slow-- Because the word count for other books is over (x

Chapter 104 The key to the gift of righteousness

As soon as Zhao Yesui entered the room, he sat on the chair without hesitation, looked at the surrounding earth walls, and asked the woman, "Sister-in-law, where is Chen Xiucai? I have something to call for him, please wake him up. stop."

"Okay, my husband is resting in the house. Zhang Jiang will wait for a while, and my husband will come soon." The woman poured a glass of water for Zhao Yeshou, and then turned around and went back to the house, never to return.

Zhao Yesui looked at the slightly turbid white water in the cup thoughtfully, and tried to burn it with the fire of embers, and found that it was an ordinary cup of clear water.

Even if she wanted to, she couldn't have imagined that Zhao Yesui would come to visit her early on, and she couldn't have imagined that someone would come to visit her in the middle of the night. Even if she wanted to poison it, it would be tomorrow morning, right?

As soon as Zhao Yesui entered the room, the smell of blood had become almost inaudible. It should be that the woman used some special means to deal with the smell, but Zhao Yesang could still vaguely distinguish whether the smell of blood was coming from the direction of the bedroom. of.

Zhao Yewai waited for a while, and suddenly a woman's scream came from the back room, exactly the same as when the victim's body was found in the Conan world.


When it was time to cooperate with the performance, Zhao Yesui was very cooperative. He immediately got up and shouted "hurriedly", "Sister-in-law, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Husband, husband, husband he..."

There was an intermittent sobbing sound from the house, which was exactly the same as the image of a woman who was at a loss when she was hit by a major blow. If Zhao Yesui hadn't taken the open-book exam, she might have been deceived by her.

But now, Zhao Yesui just hurried to the back room, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw the woman paralyzed on the ground, tears couldn't stop flowing down, covered his mouth, pointed tremblingly in a certain direction: "Husband , husband, he..."

Zhao Yesui raised his eyebrows, stood there and waited for five seconds. Seeing that the woman was still pointing in that direction, he patiently asked, "What's wrong with him?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, as if she did not expect Zhao Yesao to ask such a question.

According to common sense, shouldn't I go up and check the situation anxiously now, why are people still asking me questions? ? ?

Seeing that the woman didn't respond, Zhao Yesui repeated it patiently: "What happened to him? Since you were frightened, you must have seen it. Tell me, what happened to your husband?"

"He, he, he..."

The woman didn't expect things to turn out like this. Zhao Yesui played cards out of line at all, which made her full plan come to nothing, and she could only keep on he he he he he he, like a repeater.

"Tsk, are you stuck with the process..."

Zhao Ye frowned. As someone who often plays RPG games, he knows what's going on right now.

The broadcast is over, but the player has not yet reached the predetermined position, so the CG will always be stuck here, not a bug is better than a bug.

The art master was bold, and Zhao Yesui walked directly to the other end of the bed and cast his gaze downward.

The first thing that catches the eye is a dead head, laid flat on the ground, staring straight at the ceiling, the eye sockets are empty, and the eyeballs have disappeared.

There are two lines of blood and tears under both eyes, but in the view of Zhao Yesao, who has relevant experience, these two lines of blood and tears do not fall naturally, but more like...

—Someone painted this head with blood on his finger.

And under this head, there is an irregular formation like a ghost drawing talisman. When Zhao Yesui looked at it, he suddenly felt dizzy.

It was also at this moment that there was a sense of sternness behind him, and something sharp touched Zhao Yesao's waist, and it seemed that he was about to wear Zhao Yesao's waist.

Zhao Yesui didn't try to bet if there were any bullets in her gun, and fell straight down. While supporting her body with her right hand, she lifted up the wooden bed in the center of the room with her left hand and smashed it towards the position of the woman in her memory.

"mountain elf-"

The old wooden bed was slashed in half by the sharp bone blade, and the bone blade continued to chop down towards Zhao Yeshou, but in this short period of time, Zhao Yessao had On the [streamer].

"Steam punch!"

The surging steam rushes out of [Liuguang]'s conduit smoothly, bringing a stable momentum. Zhao Ye's robe rises forward and slams into the enemy's chest. The green figure suddenly flew out.

It flew, but not quite.

Zhao Yesui turned on [Original Time Control], and just before the enemy was hammered away by him, he stepped forward and grabbed the opponent's slippery shell. A big windmill slammed it on the ground, and a dull sound came, and the earth house shook for a while. , almost collapsed under this blow.

Unidentified dark green liquid splashed out, Zhao Yesui slightly turned sideways to avoid, without hesitation, [Chai Chen] emerged from his hands, steam roared, and neatly removed the opponent's six legs one by one, and then stepped on the enemy The only human-like beautiful head on his body raised his eyebrows and said, "So, can you tell me what happened, Miss Huang?"

In traditional society, except for those with distinguished status, most women do not have a name, and they are only called by their surnames. Huang's is the name of the woman under their feet.

It's just that at this moment, she has lost the charming demeanor she used to have before. Her whole body is green, with a smooth shell and two pairs of wings that are still vibrating. Except for certain groups of heterosexual love, no one should be able to watch this. Sub-somatic estrus.

Between the rise of the rabbit and the fall of the falcon, the offense and defense had shifted. It was only at this time that Huang did not realize what was going on. Just as he opened his mouth to let out a scream, Zhao Yesui stepped on it and made her close her mouth.

"It looks like you don't really want to cooperate..."

Zhao Yesang saw clearly just now that Huang's appearance was not meant to speak. In theory, Zhao Yesang and the others were now in the enemy's camp. If she made a roar, Zhao Yesang would have to fall into the trap. Besieged by demons.

Although "Chai Xin" is good enough to deliver to your door by himself, Zhao Yesui still has a public morality. Maybe some teammates still haven't figured out what happened, and they are still happily chatting with the demon about their ideals in life. There is a situation here, and the teammates are smashed into flesh by 800 knife and axe hands, which is not good.

"Forget it, it seems that you can't ask for information in a normal way."

Zhao Yesao sighed lightly, and with a slight force on his toes, he stepped on Huang's neck, but the other party did not cooperate with him to die. The demon's tyrannical vitality was undoubtedly revealed at this moment, and it continued to struggle on the ground. , the dark green bodily fluids spilled all over the ground, making Zhao Yesui think of the bugs he had trampled to death before.

Just like now, the originally plump body was splashed with juices like a burst balloon after Zhao Yesao stepped on it with one foot. In the end, only the shriveled body and a pool of unknown liquid remained as the last traces of its existence.

However, it is not so simple to trample an adult-sized insect to death. In order to ensure that the "torture" in the future can go smoothly, Zhao Yesui has to ensure that its body is as complete as possible, and it cannot be directly burned on the fire of embers. , So he could only wave his hand, Yin Qi condensed into several cold bone spears, pierced from Huang's abdomen, mouth, chest and other parts.

The bone spear, this is one of the many skills that Zhao Yesui learned from a necromancer's handbook in the last scene.

According to the records of the handbook, this necromancer is the last inheritor of the Black Wing Necro School. After him, there has been no Black Wing Necro School in the world, only the Black Wing Medicine, founded and developed by him, has a long history. hospital.

Out of his nostalgia for the old times, he finally recorded all the inheritances of the Blackwing Necromancer into a book and handed it over to the Holy See for archives.

In fact, the necromancer has been the confidant of the Holy See for a long time, but with the development of the times, the profession of necromancer has lost the soil of its existence. Either starved to death or wanted by the Holy See, in the end, the Holy See eliminated the necromancers without any effort, and prostituted a large number of skilled doctors, which greatly promoted the development of biotechnology.

I destroy you, it has nothing to do with you, this is probably the best interpretation of this war without gunpowder smoke.

Zhao Yesui doesn't have much opinion on this, because he is also one of the white prostitutes. If there is no event initiated by the Holy See, I am afraid that such perfect knowledge of necromancy will not be stored in the Holy See, Zhao Yesang also There's no place for prostitution.

After the bone spear pierced into Huang's body, the cold and negative energy spread along with it. As an energy that is diametrically opposed to life, its spread quickly caused the flesh and blood to wither, and the anger dissipated. It didn't take long for Huang to remain motionless. He dropped his head and died.

[Player Ye Lin has killed the elite monster Huang Mosheng]

[Linear Quest - The Tomb of Gentleness has been completed]

[task completion is 50%]

Looking at the abundant black mist, he was in a hurry. Zhao Yesui did not take a long time to display the idea of ​​​​reviving the undead. Under his control, the black mist submerged into Huang's body. After a while, Huang's He reopened his lifeless eyes and looked at Zhao Yesao quietly.

Looking at those dead eyes, Zhao Yesui didn't panic at all, flipped through her memory, and quickly frowned.

"Sure enough, there is no important information at all. It is estimated that it is a high-level prohibition. The only useful thing is the magic circle that remains in my mind..." The soul and body of the heavenly beings, the body forges the door, the soul guides the direction, only then can the door of harvest be opened'..."


familiar vocabulary.

Zhao Yesui had heard the word in the mouth of the elite monster Shui Sisi, the day of harvest and livestock.

Combining the two, it seems self-evident what it means.

"The livestock is already fat, what's the point of not slaughtering...?"

These are the words spoken by the elite monster Shui Sisi in desperation.

Coupled with what I saw and heard this night, the truth seems to be close at hand.

Therefore, the people in this city are all domestic animals raised by demons, and the reason why demons hide their identities and play house games with humans is to wait for this so-called harvest day to have a good time? ?

"Then, this harvest day should be very important. It can make the cruel monsters endure until this time. Is it some kind of special rule, or is there a special requirement?"

Zhao Yesui quickly thought of the magic circle he had just seen.

"The souls and bodies of the five people who belong to each other and whose souls belong to Changtian can only open the door of harvesting after they are gathered together..." Zhao Yesui thought deeply, "Some kind of special ritual requirement? Can we eat after this ceremony?"

While thinking about it, Zhao Yesui suddenly realized that this number and setting seem to be a bit subtle.

"Five, souls return to the heavens, and at this time..."

The corners of Zhao Ye's mouth twitched: "Wouldn't it just randomly select five lucky players to complete the ceremony?"

Thinking about it like that, it seems to be enlightening.

The setting of this scene is that the demons must complete a certain ceremony before they can start "harvesting", and the players are just the sacrificers who meet the requirements of the ceremony, so when the players come to Ink County, the ceremony's The gears begin to turn, and the scene begins.

Well, the setting of the running group module is quite normal, but when I am in it, it becomes more subtle.


"If it's really as I guessed, then the old man who seemed to be used for the ceremony just now wouldn't be..."

Zhao Yesao took a deep breath and walked to the head just now. After looking closely, he found that the magic circle under the head seemed to be drawn by the mixture of his flesh and bones crushed.

It seems that the situation has become clear.

The head in front of him was the head of the player [Zhengqi Lingran] who only heard the name but didn't know who he was, and received the lunch box as soon as he appeared.

"Brother, you are too miserable. You died at the hands of the little monster as soon as you came out. It's really humiliating to your reputation."

With the thought that the dead are the greatest, Zhao Ye threw down the flames, intending to give the righteous old brother Ling Ran a rest, but after everything was burned, a blue key was left in the place.

Zhao Ye picked it up and found that it was actually a prop with a description of the equipment.

[The gift key of the player 'Righteous Ling Ran']

[Type: Death/Key]

[Explanation: It embodies the unwillingness and resentment of the player's righteousness. After completing his last wish, you will have three chances to draw the items he owns]

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