I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1091: "The Secret of Heavenly Demon" Code, Heavenly Demon Dress! (Yes, I wi

Feeling the tyrannical and tyrannical aura erupting from Ye Weiming's body, Zhu Yuyan's intestines were almost regretful.

This kid is so insidious and has shown such obvious flaws before, and he must have tried.

But when I saw that there was a bargain to take advantage of, I stupidly used my body skills to rush up, so that I fell into an embarrassing situation where I was in mid-air and couldn't change direction and avoid... Isn't this stupid?


Sure enough, the waves behind the Yinjiang River push the waves forward, and each wave is more Yin!

Ye Weiming, I took it and admitted that I was not as insidious as you. I wish Yuyan, I would like to call you the insidious world-Houlang!

Although there are various MMPs in his heart, but the ultimate move is imminent, Zhu Yuyan still combined the big magic field with both hands at the critical moment, and faced Ye Weiming's killing blow head-on!

Jade Broken Kungang + Demon Disintegration VS Big Demon Field


With a single blow, the judgment between the two "devils" was settled.

Under the wolf-killing killer move of the disintegration of the heavenly demon, Zhu Yuyan's great heavenly demon field was defeated with one blow, and then the whole person was directly blown out by Ye Weiming's desperate blow.


Seriously injured!

Although at the critical moment, Zhu Yuyan cleverly used her "Big Demon Field" to remove the dressing power of "Devil Disintegration", and even slightly adjusted her figure to avoid the strongest positive impact of Ye Weiming's palm. But still under this palm, he was knocked out of more than 20 million qi and blood and put on a serious injury state with all attributes reduced by 20%.

Then, more shells fell generally downward. A huge hole was smashed into the roof of the material warehouse directly under his feet, and then he fell heavily.

Ye Weiming, who succeeded in one blow, of course refused to let go of this golden opportunity. He immediately dived, chasing Zhu Yuyan's fall, and fell quickly.

Then, just when Zhu Yuyan fell on his back, his body had not recovered his mobility for a while, and his eyes were already showing hopelessness, he bumped his head on the floor in the warehouse.

After that, it turned into a white light and disappeared with a "shoo" sound.

This insidious kid was thrown to death by...?

Zhu Yuyan, who witnessed this scene, couldn't believe her eyes.

In Zhu Yuyan's eyes, if "Ssangyong" belongs to the kind of Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, then the unclear night before him is a super monster who will survive even if the world is destroyed one day, and make trouble in the new era. !

But it was such a big demon who seemed to never die. After hurting himself in this way, he fell from a high altitude... and fell to his death?


Zhu Yuyan thought of some of the exact news that he had just inquired not long ago, and then his beautiful eyes turned, and finally broke out an unprecedented murderous intent!

Four seconds later, when Ye Weiwei's figure was bathed in white light and resurrected, he suddenly felt a solid killing intent behind him.

This feeling made Ye Weiming feel very familiar. Not long ago, when he was in the copy of "Competing for He Choi", it was in this situation that Bi Xuan was a bit cruel.

How similar is the current situation to that time?

Shocked in his heart, Ye Weiming had only time to turn around, Zhu Yuyan's five fingers on his right hand were already pointed like knives, and they were fiercely inserted directly into his chest cavity from his chest.


Seriously injured!


In a hurry, Ye Weiming's life was directly lost more than half, and by the way, he was hit with a serious injury state with all attributes reduced by 20%, and continuous bleeding damage! Compared with Zhu Yuyan, who suffered his "Devil Disintegration", he didn't even take the slightest advantage!

At the same time, Zhu Yuyan saw a cruel smile on the corners of Zhu Yuyan's mouth, and said softly: "Ye Shaoxia. The combination of your desperate killer move with the ability to resurrect in place is indeed terrifying. But once any move is used too much It’s easy to be caught by others. Although you haven’t used this trick in front of me, but..."

"Guess, how did I know?"

Ye Weiming glanced blankly at the slender hand that was inserted into his chest. A large flow of blood flowed out of the opponent's fingers, and the picture was terrifying and shocking.

With a slight sigh, Ye Weiming said calmly: "I have used this trick more than once in front of Bi Xuan, and Zhao Deyan of your magic door is also helping Jieli with Bi Xuan. It is impossible to come to Bi Xuan to help. I keep this secret."

"If you make an inference based on this principle, although you and Zhao Deyan are not friends, as long as you are willing to pay a small price for this, he will not mind selling the secrets of my enemy at low prices."

Hearing Ye Weiming's explanation, Zhu Yuyan's smile was even better.

This Ye Weiming is worthy of being a strong man who can possess Grandmaster-level strength at a young age. Although he has calculated his own calculations, he can immediately analyze the key points after being recruited. He has a clear thinking and is well-founded...

What a fart!

According to normal logic, as long as his right hand has been inserted in his chest, this guy will keep bleeding until death. So, if you are a person with a normal mind, how can you still feel and explain and analyze yourself at this time?

Shouldn't you get rid of the right hand that is bleeding him first?

Is there a problem with Ye Weiming's head?

Nonsense, if anyone thinks such a sinister and cunning guy has a problem with his brain, then his brain is really problematic!

Since there is no problem with his mind, it can only show that there is a problem with this seemingly extremely advantageous situation! This...was a trap from the beginning!

After realizing this, Zhu Yuyan quickly took her arm away and tried to withdraw her right hand from Ye Weiming’s chest. Unexpectedly, her hand seemed to be stuck by some kind of force. With a pull, it didn’t happen. Can be withdrawn!

On the contrary, it was Ye Weiming's body, which was pressured by her. For a while, the bodies of the two of them had been tightly attached to each other, and she could even clearly smell the foul breath exhaling from Ye Weiming's mouth.

In shock, Zhu Yuyan hurried his left hand into claws, condensing the Tianma Field, and the claws pointed towards Ye's unknown skull.

And how could Ye Weiming, who had been prepared, let her easily succeed?

At the moment when Zhu Yuyan's claws stretched out, his right hand squeezed the opponent's wrist tightly, and "Yi Yang Finger" was placed above his veins at a limit angle, and Zhu Yuyan immediately let Zhu Yuyan His entire wrist was tingling, and he was even weaker to break free from the shackles of Ye Weiming.

Zhu Yuyan was shocked: "You!"

Ye Weiming smiled slightly: "After Yin, you guessed it right, this is a trap! First put yourself in a dangerous place on the line of life and death, and then attract you to the trap!"

"After all, after all, if I don't expose my biggest flaws, how can you easily get caught?"

In a panic, Zhu Yuyan said in disbelief: "Such a dangerous move, as long as it is slightly wrong, it may be self-defeating. You dare to take strange risks to kill me?"

Facing Zhu Yuyan's question, Ye Weiming said calmly: "Of course I did this for Master Lu Miaozi."

Ye Weiming now has everything under his control, Ye Weiming simply said in a calm tone, and said without hurries: "The reason why Master Lu Miaozi can escape smoothly under your hands, and survives to this day, is only relying on the word fraud."

"But because of my carelessness, you discovered the fact that he was not dead, and with your wisdom, you can definitely infer that I only got it from Master Lu after meeting with the Luoyang Gang last time. This cloak."

"With your Yingui faction, it is absolutely not difficult to investigate the trajectory of my actions during this period of time. On this basis, as long as you infer a little, the location of Master Lu Miaozi is natural to you. It's no secret anymore."

"Since Master Lu Miaozi was exposed because of me, then I am obliged to completely eliminate your hidden danger for him."

"And the only way to completely eliminate this hidden danger is...you die!"

"Even if you are just a avatar in mission mode, as long as you die, everything you saw and heard after meeting me tonight will completely disappear in your memory."

"So, hello after Yin, see you after Yin!"

While speaking, Ye Weiming's free left hand has moved to the side of Zhu Yuyan's temple, his thumb and **** interlocked, and a golden lotus seed is still sandwiched between his fingers.

The next moment, with a flick of his finger, the golden lotus seed suddenly turned into a golden light, directly penetrated Zhu Yuyan's right temple, and shot out from his left temple, Yu Wei even penetrated the wall on the side of the warehouse. , Completely disappeared into the night.

Snap the Excalibur!



Taking advantage of the moment when Zhu Yuyan fell into a dizzy state and completely lost consciousness, Ye Weiming used a series of "Snap Finger Excalibur" again, and every blow hit Zhu Yuyan's temple.





In a series of critical damage from "Snap Finger Excalibur", the blood bar above Zhu Yuyan's head was finally completely emptied, and then his body fell softly, and his pupils slowly spread, completely devoid of vitality.

Ding! You successfully killed the 170-level BOSS Zhu Yuyan and received a reward: 400 million experience points and 50 million repair points.

Killing the boss in the secret realm of the previous dynasty is so simple and clear. Even if it is the first kill or the complete kill for the normal body, there are not a lot of system announcements.

The disadvantage is that even after Ye Weiming killed the opponent, he couldn't determine whether the Zhu Yuyan in front of him was the normal boss body or the clone in mission mode.

However, according to the rational analysis, the high probability will be a clone.

First, under normal circumstances, Zhu Yuyan's level should not be only 170, but it is also a terrifying existence with a minimum of 180.

Furthermore, this Zhu Yuyan himself was hit by Ye Weiming during the system mission, so there is a greater probability that he will not appear in real form.

As for the active effect of the previous "How Daizong", this is used to judge BOSS below level 150 and has some effect. For Zhu Yuyan, who is close to the peak, whether it is the body or the clone, he wants to complete the hard with a mockery. Control is a very unrealistic thing.

Because the strength has reached her level, it has surpassed the BOSS in the general sense. Even in the game's mechanics, the system will make some tilts, so that players will not be killed by players using some opportunistic methods.

But anyway, with the death of Zhu Yuyan before him, it can be regarded as a perfect make up for the mistakes he made before, put an end to the crisis that may be brought to Lu Miaozi, and let him spend the last time of his life peacefully.

And good people are rewarded. While making up for his own mistakes, he also harvested a perfect BOSS corpse.

Throw a healing pill into the mouth, and at the same time, quickly run the internal force for healing. After feeling that his state had begun to recover quickly, he leaned down and touched Zhu Yuyan's corpse lightly.

Feel...very moist!

Ahem... Zhu Yuyan didn't drop a lot of things, and there were only two things together, but the quality of these two things was enough to make up for their lack of quantity.

Tianma Secret Fragment (Je Xue): Yingui School Town School stunt. Contains "Xing Shen", "Rigid and Soft", "Virtual Reality", "Space" and "Disintegration", because the fragments lack the last level of "Reincarnation" content.

Cultivation requirements: 100 aptitude, 100 comprehension, gender: female!

Although this fragmentary piece of "The Secret of Heavenly Demon" is a fragmented piece, it can be made into a strong man like Zhu Yuyan by falling into the hands of the NPC, and its preciousness is evident.

However, Zhu Yuyan, as the leader of the Yingui School, should also know the content of the last part of "Reincarnation". UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

It's just that she hadn't practiced this part of the content, and the fact that Ye Weiming killed the enemy in all likelihood was not the body under normal conditions, so she couldn't burst out the complete "Secret of Heavenly Demon" collection.

However, compared with the fragments and non-fragments, what made Ye Weiming feel more depressed was its disgusting practice needs.

The training needs of this martial arts actually require a female gender!

You are sexist at all, you know! ?

Heavenly Demon Dress (artifact): The treasure worn by Zhu Yuyan, the master of the Yingui School, is one of the secret treasures inherited by the Yingui School of the past, and has a strong combat effectiveness increase effect.

Defense +2000, blood limit +20%, internal power limit +20%, internal power level +2, charm +10!

Special effects: Peerless enchanting, demon style

Peerless Enchanting: Charm effect increased by 100%!

Demon Demeanor: The defense against Buddhism is increased by 50%, and the defense against Buddhism is reduced by 50%.

Remarks: Because the celestial demon clothes are one of the symbols of the highest authority of the Yingui School, the equipment cannot be covered by any exterior clothing and will always be exposed.

The attributes of this artifact are absolutely too strong to say, what's even better is that it does not restrict the gender of the wearer!

The only fly in the ointment is that this thing cannot be blocked by the exterior. If a man appears wearing such a **** dress that splits to the root of his thigh, the picture is simply enough to blind people's eyes!

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming silently put these two flawed secrets and artifacts into his baggage. Turning his wrists over, he took out a mouthful of the best quality Canglong Qisu coffin for him. Zhu Yuyan's body converged.


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