I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1092: Super "Inner Strength Experience"! (For [Sun and Moon in the Pot]...

Ding! Get "Inner Strength Experience" × 1!

Ding! Get "Fisting Experience" × 1!

Ding! Get "Finger Tips" × 1!

Ding! Get "Light Work Experience" × 1!

Ding! Get "Sound Wave Technique Experience" × 1!


Ding! You use the "Canglong Seven Sleeping Coffin" to mortuary corpses. Will you activate the special effect "Moving Flowers and Receiving Trees" to transfer the proficiency from all the experience cheats to the same one?


Please select the tips you need to carry all your proficiency.

Ye Weiming didn't hesitate to choose the "Inner Strength Experience" that he most urgently needs to upgrade now!

With a soft white light flashing on top of the five tips at the same time, she finally got the super "Inner Skills".

Inner Strength: A transcript of Zhu Yuyan, the master of the Yingui School of the Demon Sect. Acting on the designated internal power can increase the internal power proficiency by 66 million points!

I want to ask why the corpse is a 170-level BOSS clone, and the quality of the secrets obtained is even more powerful than Qiu Qianren's 175-level normal BOSS body?

This is the awesomeness of the "Canglong Qi Su Coffin".

Or, why does Ye Weiming work hard to improve his title and salary at a huge price?

Not to save more coffin books!

Throwing the "Canglong Seven Sleeping Coffin" after Zhu Yuyan into the baggage, Ye Weiming felt that his injury had also healed a lot, so he stopped staying, and when he unfolded his body technique, he turned back in the direction he came from.

Sure enough, near the entrance of the alley where Ssangyong and the others fled, a few special marks were found for him.

Follow the signs all the way, and soon enter a house with a detached house. Here, it was Ssangyong’s secret lair in Luoyang City, and even Wang Shichong, the Lord of Luoyang, did not know the existence of this place.

Piao Ran settled down in the middle of the courtyard, Ye Weiming noticed that the main hall was still lit, but when he went in, there was only one Shangguan dragon in a comatose state, which was tied to the ground and threw it to the ground.

On the table, there is still a note:

Shao Ming, your girl is really a versatile talent, and can help us a lot. Everyone brother is not an outsider, so let us use her for a big event.

Shangguanlong, we will stay here. If you are bored, you can interrogate first.

After we come back, let's study together whether to use him directly in exchange for Aunt Yu, or to save people directly through the results of the interrogation.

—— Kou Zhong

Seeing the note Kou Zhong left him, Ye Weiming frowned, and then waved his big hand, and a white dove flew out.

next moment……

Ding! Because the other party is on a special map and cannot be contacted temporarily, the email you send will be automatically sent to the other party by the system after the other party leaves the special map.

Special map?

Hearing this system prompt, Ye Weiming couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

It seems that I had a fight with Zhu Yuyan on my side. It seems that I missed a very important task?

He shook his head, Ye Weiming didn't think so much, and sat down on the chair beside the table with his butt, followed the big hand, and took the unconscious Shangguanlong into his palm with the technique of "controlling crane".

After tapping the opponent's body for a few consecutive times, he awakened him after blocking the acupuncture points of the opponent's body.

Shangguanlong, who had regained his sanity, first glanced around in a dazed manner. After realizing his current situation, his eyes immediately showed extremely horrified expressions.

I wanted to resist, but I found that not only was the acupoint blocked by someone, I couldn't move anywhere, and even was **** with beef tendon rope to be strong. It was really double insurance.

He wanted to open his mouth for help, but found that even his dumb acupoint was given some points.

He cast a horrified gaze on Ye Weiming, who was holding his collar with one hand, but found that the latter was also looking at him. With his eyes facing each other, Shangguan Long suddenly found that the young boy's eyes in front of him were like two black holes, as if he wanted to **** his soul into them. When he found danger and wanted to get rid of this sucking, it was too late.

As his mind was dizzy, Shangguanlong's eyes immediately became dull.

"Soul Relocation Dafa" was successfully performed!

With a satisfied smile on his face, Ye Weiming asked softly: "Tell me, where is Fu Junyu, the lady from Goryeo, kept by you?"

Shangguanlong, whose mind has been completely controlled by "Soul Removal Dafa", naturally answers all questions. Hearing this, he immediately replied: "On a ship in the port."

Ye Weiming frowned slightly: "Which one?"

Luoyang City was known as the capital of China in ancient times. Not only was it located in the central part of the Central Plains, it was also an important transportation link connecting east, west, south and north. This made this place a rare prosperous city in ancient times and a battleground for military strategists.

There are not one hundred and dozens of ships berthed daily in the port. If you look for them one by one, after all, it is a tedious task that wastes money and labor.

Hearing Ye Weiming’s question, Shangguanlong continued: “It’s our Luoyang Gang’s ship, but it’s disguised as an ordinary cargo ship. There is no Luoyang Gang flag on it, only on the bow of the ship. There are three very tattered wooden boxes placed in the shape of the product. Just look for a high place to observe and it is not difficult to distinguish."

"Okay, you can continue to sleep!"

Having received the news he wanted, Ye Weiming naturally had no need to ink with him anymore, so he immediately placed a little on his sleeping acupoint, and then pushed the door to leave the room.

Now that you have followed Ssangyong and them to do other important tasks, Ye Weiming felt that there was no need to wait for them to come back to rescue the Korean ladies, so that the night would have more dreams.

In fact, on the way back to the dragon's nest, Ye Weiming had already used his abnormally strong recovery ability to completely heal the injuries suffered during the previous battle with Zhu Yuyan.

At this moment, he unreservedly used his body skills to the extreme, and a long series of phantoms were suddenly pulled out in the night sky, which looked like real and illusion. If anyone found out, they would be shocked by the scene before them.

In just a moment, Luoyang Port has appeared at a sight. Ye Weiming's toes suddenly tapped on the ground, and his figure rose directly into the sky. Then he unfolded the "Wings of Heavenly Dragon", and stopped at the port for condescending observation. Of many ships. Soon, he found the unremarkable large cargo ship mentioned by Shangguanlong.

Quietly landed on the splint, Ye Weiming immediately maximized his spiritual sense, but only heard a few snoring sounds of different heights from the guard ship, coming out of the same room, other locations , There is no more sound. Come to think of it, these snoring sounds should come from the mouth of the boatman.

Ye Weiming didn’t bother to search carefully by himself. Even though he quietly sneaked into the room where the heirs were resting, he stunned everyone, leaving only one that seemed more savvy, and after hypnotizing it with "Soul Removal Dafa" Start questioning.

Upon questioning, it turned out that these people who guarded the boat did not know where Fu Junyu was locked up. After all, it seems that such important secrets are not for the little fish and shrimps like them to be qualified to interrogate.

However, since a few days ago, the bottom cabin of the ship was listed as a forbidden area. None of them, the guards of the ship, were allowed to take a half-step, otherwise they would not be able to live or die.

Therefore, Fu Junyu is very likely to be locked in the bottom cabin.

The Yingui faction made such an arrangement, which is actually reasonable. After all, the guy who guards the boat is not a good person, and he is the kind of rough guy who is energetic at a glance. If these guys find that there is a super beauty on the boat who has no resistance, according to the original work of Datang It can be changed to functional.

The Yingui School certainly doesn't care about Fu Junyu's ending, but no one, including Zhu Yuyan, dared to offend Fu Cailin's existence at will!

For the sake of safety, it is undoubtedly the best choice to set a restricted area that no one dares to cross.

He stunned the boatman again, and Ye Weiming swaggered down the stairs to the bottom of the cabin. As expected, at the center of the bottom, he saw a comatose beauty in white.

This woman is slender and well-proportioned, and her skin is white as jade. Although she closes her eyes and does not move, she looks like a living dead, but looking at her figure and appearance, one can imagine her sober and glamorous appearance.

However, Ye Weiming's gaze did not stay on this comatose beauty for too long. Because, in this cabin, there is a beauty who is more stunning than her, sitting on a chair, looking at herself with a smile.

I wish Yuyan!

After Ye Weiming saw the other party, he subconsciously glanced at the Canglong Qisu coffin in the baggage space and confirmed that it was indeed a solid coffin. Only then did he determine that the person in front of him should be another clone of Zhu Yuyan, or... she The normal ontology!

Seeing Ye Weiming appearing, Zhu Yuyan said leisurely: "It seems that in the future, our Yingui school's confidential work will indeed be strengthened by a level. For some vital secrets, even if they are absolutely credible, one less person can know about it. , It’s better to know one less, otherwise, if we meet someone like you, we Yingui faction have no secrets."

Obviously, Zhu Yuyan, who had witnessed the unexplained "Soul Removal Dafa" in the Luoyang Gang, had long guessed that Ye Weiming could know the location of Fu Junyu from Shangguanlong's mouth.

But in that case, she didn't transfer it to another place, but took it here in time to wait for her arrival. Is it possible...

Without waiting for Ye Weiming to continue to speculate, Zhu Yuyan has continued to speak: "Since I lost the bet to you, I naturally have to fulfill the bet and offer Fu Junyu both hands. However, her coma was not caused by our Yingui faction. After she was captured, she made herself look like this, and we have no way to wake her up."

Ye Weiming didn't pay attention to Fu Junyu's status. After all, it has long been stated in Yin Bugui’s strategy that Fu Junyu’s situation is to use a secret technique similar to "Turtle Breath Gong". As long as it is returned to Yijian Palace in Gaoli, Fu Cailin will naturally have a way to Its rescued.

What really caught his attention was the word "gambling appointment" mentioned by Zhu Yuyan.

Since the present Zhu Yuyan remembered the previous gambling appointment with Ye Weiming, does that mean... Thinking of a certain possibility, Ye Weiming's eyes suddenly bloomed with murderous intent, and he had already made plans to fight Zhu Yuyan again. Even in his mind, he has already begun to think about what tactics are needed to kill Zhu Yuyan again.

Feeling the murderous intent emanating from Ye Weiming's body, Zhu Yuyan didn't care at all. Instead, she asked curiously: "Although I can guess that you may beat me once, but once you can, it doesn't mean you can do it every time. . But I’m still curious, what bet did we make before?"

Ye Weiming replied in a cold voice, "Isn't the Queen of Yin already knowing it, so why ask knowingly?"

At this time, Zhu Yuyan stood up and said helplessly: "I was just inspired by the heavens, knowing that I lost to you because of a certain bet, and I must give you Fu Junyu intact."

"However, I can't remember what the specific bet is."

"So, can Ye Shaoxia help me out?" After a slight pause, there was a charming smile on his face: "Just treat it as a compensation for your previous cruelty."

Zhu Yuyan judged from memory that she was killed by Ye Weiming, which is reasonable. For her request, Ye Weiming said euphemistically: "No!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward to the unconscious white-clothed woman on the cabin, and asked a little puzzled: "She is Fu Junyu?"

Zhu Yuyan did not answer and asked, "Do you think I have the ability or the courage to reach the heavens?"

"That's all right."

Ye Weiming directly used the technique of "controlling cranes" while she was speaking, and took Fu Junyu to take a picture of Fu Junyu, and took her right hand around her legs, and carried it on her shoulders as if she was carrying rice, and then turned her head without looking back. Head away.

Seeing Ye Weiming had already walked to the stairs, Zhu Yuyan quickly called her to stop and said, "Wait a minute."

Ye Weiming paused, but she heard Zhu Yuyan continue to say: "Although I lost to you, Shangguanlong is worthless to you. If I am willing to pay some price..."

Ye Weiming thought, UU read www.uukanshu. com immediately said: "I want the last volume of the "Secrets of Heaven", which is the content of the "Reincarnation"."

Zhu Yuyan: "Then you should kill him."

Ye Weiming: "No problem."

After saying that, Ye Weiming no longer stayed and left the cabin with Fu Junyu, and then unfolded her body and disappeared into the night sky.

After making a big circle around the city, until it was confirmed that no one was following, then he took Fu Junyu back to the Dragon Nest again. I simply checked Fu Junyu’s body. I was sure I was not sure enough. I was able to wake him up without hurting the other person. I simply kept him in bed. I came to the candle beside the table. The super "Inner Strength Experience" obtained by Zhu Yuyan was taken out.

After so long, it is time to raise "Sacred Qi of the Sun" to level 9 again!

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