I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1168: Ten Wrath of Heaven, Hua Shan Lun Jian (for [Hu Zhong Japanese...

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The Zhuge Liang in front of him looks like he is about thirty years old. It seems that the system uses the peak Kong Ming when setting the characters. But what Ye Weiming didn't expect was...

Before Ye Weiming took the initiative to look for him, he smelled the fragrance of vegetables and found the guest room where Ye Weiming was.

Then... This Mr. Wolong, who has the wisdom of history and modernity, joined the dinner as he should.

Is it possible that Zhuge Liang, who is dignified, is also a foodie?

This is different from Zhuge Liang in history and in Romance, alright!

Seeing Zhuge Liang gorging himself as if he hadn't eaten for three days, Ye Weiming suddenly felt that his Three Views were suffering an extremely heavy blow, and he was on the verge of collapse.

Are all the stories deceptive?

Ye Qingjie!

However, after dinner, Zhuge Liang invited Ye Weiming into a quiet room that had already been set up. Ye Weiming knew that he had misunderstood Mr. Zhuge.

Although he was not as exaggerated as having not eaten for three days, he hadn't eaten for a day and a half.

Not only that, Zhuge Liang actually started to collect materials for the arrangement of a special formation from when he was away. These materials are not precious, but the requirements are very demanding. Plants, trees, bamboos and stones at the designated location must be used to complete the array, and the selection of materials is very demanding.

In Zhuge Liang's own words, he was not relieved to leave this matter to someone else, so he could only make a trip himself.

And his real purpose for preparing these things was precisely because he had calculated that Ye Weiming would come to him with a Wolong Order to receive the task reward early in the morning, so he went to carefully prepare Ye Weiming's mission reward.

It wasn't until noon yesterday that Zhuge Liang collected everything and rushed back to Cao Lu overnight. After arriving at dawn, he immediately set up this special spirit gathering formation. It was not until near noon, that is, the half of Ye Weiming who visited the cottage. Just an hour ago, the formation was completed, and before a bite was eaten, he fell asleep.

Hearing Zhuge Liang's description, Ye Weiming couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in his heart. What he felt guilty was that Zhuge Liang had done so hard to prepare himself for the task reward. However, I have slandered this guy more than three times in my heart for deliberately hanging people's appetite and trying to get a reputation, and even just despised him in my heart for being ugly.

Is this something human can do?

this is not!

Compared to Zhuge Liang's selflessness, Ye Weiming felt that he was simply...wait!

Aside from guilt and upset, Ye Weiming suddenly felt that the script seemed a bit familiar? I'm afraid that Zuo Lengchan will call his own proficiency when he sees his extremely tangled guilt at this moment!

Thinking that he used a similar method to fool Zuo Lengchan himself, Ye Weiming felt a little better in his heart, so he went straight to the subject and asked: "Mr. Zhuge, how do I need to use this formation?"

"Is it right that I can raise the level of a discipline that sets internal strength by sitting directly in the center of the formation and performing exercises?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head when he heard the words: "If it's just to raise the level of an internal skill, the system can give you mission rewards directly in Wudang Mountain, so why bother to spend so much trouble?"

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang's Yufan lightly shook, and directly asked Ye Weiming's unexpected question: "If the mountain people are not bad, Ye Masters should have gathered the unparalleled knowledge, the boundless growth, the invincibility of the country and the wide area. There are four special accessories. There should be nothing wrong, right?"

Ye Weiming nodded immediately: "The four jewelry juniors have already been gathered, but currently I only carry the "Du Wen Wushuang" among them. I have stored the remaining three in the warehouse of the Shenchou Division and can get them at any time."

When Zhuge Liang heard the words, he nodded slightly, pointed the feather fan in his hand to the formation in the center of the quiet room, and said, "After Master Ye takes all the four accessories, you only need to place them in the formation in a fixed order. The four corresponding positions in the law. Then this'Spirit Gathering Formation' will run on its own, picking up the aura of the heavens and the earth, and the essence of the sun and moon to nourish these four accessories."

"After seven or seventy-nine days of nourishment, they will merge into one on their own, and become a super jewel of the artifact level, whose name is-Tianwu Shifang!"

Sure enough, the four mysterious accessories from Tianzhu of the Western Regions can be merged with each other and become an ultimate reward. And Zhuge Liang is indeed worthy of the identity of a truly wise man!

Nodding excitedly, Ye Weiming hurriedly asked: "Please also ask Mr. Zhuge to teach me how to place the four jewelry?"

When Zhuge Liang heard the words, he shook his head slightly: "The placement method of these four items is a bit complicated, and one or two sentences are not clear at all. In fact, Lord Ye does not need to spend thoughts on this matter. You only need to take those four items. The items are handed over to the next. After seven, seven or forty-nine days, I can naturally give you a complete "Heaven Wrath Ten Directions"."

Ye Weiming nodded immediately after hearing this: "Okay, I'll fetch things now."


Unlike the previous complicated process when upgrading "Eagle Feather Cloak" to "Wings of Heavenly Dragon", the synthesis of "Ten Wrath of Heaven" basically does not require Ye Weiming to worry about anything, even what needs to be sent in the synthesis. The materials were all retrieved by Zhuge Liang by himself.

The only thing that makes people depressing is that the waiting time of seven or seventy-nine days is really painful.

Ye Weiming couldn't help feeling a little depressed when he thought of how long he would have to wait to see the attributes of the "Ten Wrath of Heaven".

However, his depression did not last long, because compared to this meaningless thing, there are more important things that require him to prepare carefully.

In less than five days, Huashan Lunjian will begin!

Huashan Lunjian, a concept that has been operated since the beginning of the game, naturally attracted the attention of countless players. If you can get a good place in this Huashan Swordsmanship event, not only will you have extremely generous rewards, even the top five players will get a unique and resounding title.

This title corresponds to the world of NPCs. It is also divided according to East, West, South, North, and Middle. However, the specific finalization requires waiting for the end of the game and the ranking of the five must be determined according to each player’s There is no way to know its own characteristics and a specific name tailored for it.

In this way, both for those who love money and fame, there is enough motivation to be brave enough to compete for the first place in this Huashan Lunjian.

Even if the night is unknown, nature is no exception.

Because Huang Shouzun told him that the reward for the champion of Huashan Lunjian is a complete genius. Definitely worth looking forward to!

In order to prepare for the Huashan Lunjian, even the investigation of the truth about the murder of Yujin has been suspended. It is not because of their work attitude, but because the clues are completely broken, and it is meaningless to investigate randomly until a new clue is found.

So everyone simply put aside the work at hand and began to devote themselves to the great cause of improving their own strength. If there is a task, do the task, and if there is no task, use the dungeon, the monster, and the boss to accumulate strength.

Of course, this is also because Ye Weiming’s friends are basically the best among the players. They have completed the task of challenging their own 30-level BOSS early and got the ticket to Huashan Lunjian early.

More players are racking their brains about how to choose a BOSS that exceeds their own level 30 levels, whose martial arts and abilities can be restrained by themselves, or through other methods, single-handedly defeated BOSS.

Ye Weiming did not use the dungeon **** horse like his friends, but entered into a semi-reclusive state like Huang Shouzun, using the skill of "Swordsmanship" to enhance his vision, and constantly absorb every sword master of the past. The essence of the moves, used to increase their own heritage.

Although ninety-nine percent of those moves are destined to not become his own skills, sometimes as long as a good idea is enough to be the key to a victory or defeat.

In this way, Ye Weiming took advantage of these few days to use all the treasures and magical weapons on hand, including the giant **** sword and the imperial sword, and even borrowed some from Xiaoqiao and others with a long history. , Or the research of the legendary sword, the accumulation of experience can be said to be increasing day by day.

It is worth mentioning that for the skill of "kendo human heart", the inspiration and enlightenment that a sword can bring to him is not directly related to the quality and grade of the sword itself.

The key also depends on the strength of the masters of this sword in the past, and the depth of their perception of kendo.

To give an example that is not very appropriate, Xiaolongquan and the closed moon shame light swords, as gods, are extremely powerful in terms of their rank and attributes, but in comparison, their enlightenment and help to Ye Weiming , It is not as great as the "struggle" as a treasure.

Of course, swords that appeared out of thin air, such as the Golden Sword of Po Xun and the Sword of Fallen Blood, were almost of no help to Ye Weiming. The same is true for the sword of the sword.

After all, the first owner of that sword was Ye Weiming. The second master is a so-called master who is far less powerful than him...

After five days of fighting experience, Ye Weiming's strength hasn't been increased on the bright side, but his true combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

If the previous Ye Weiming was still a talented player, and his fighting style relied solely on the on-the-spot performance, then he is now a genuinely capable player. No matter what style of opponent he encounters, he can find out at the first time. The best way to fight is to deal with it calmly.

With this accumulation of experience, coupled with his already strong basic attributes, Ye Weiming firmly believes that he is absolutely unafraid of any opponent in this Huashan Lunjian.

No matter how weird it is, the guy with the slanting sword can't take advantage of him!

Seeing that the date of Huashan on the sword was approaching, Ye Weiming had already started gearing up, and when he was about to fight, he was caught off guard by the competition rules announced by the system.

To say how cheating the rules of this game are, it is not enough, on the contrary, it is very beneficial to him. only……

The specific competition rules are more complicated, but in summary, they can probably be summarized into two:

1. All people participate. All players, regardless of whether they get the ticket to Huashan Lunjian or not, can participate in the large-scale system activity of "Huashan Lunjian".

The only difference is that players who have obtained the admission ticket can directly participate in the Huashan Lunjian arena competition, and in the "Huashan Lunjian" part of the main plot of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

And the one without admission ticket is a special map auctioned in the system, and the Huashan mountain, which has been magnified ten times, plays a game similar to eating chicken together.

Not only is there no penalty for losing, but there is also a consolation prize, but the better the player, the richer the reward.

However, the qualifiers are only qualifiers after all. Even if you win the championship in the qualifiers, the rewards you get can't be compared with the players.

2. Regardless of the qualifiers, the real Huashan Lunjian takes the form of a trapezoidal advancement to compete for the honor of the world's top five.

Players are also divided into several different grades according to the level of the BOSS they challenged when obtaining admission tickets.

Challenge to win the BOSS of level 80 and below, and calculate according to the level 80 BOSS as the lowest level. On top of that, every time the challenged BOSS increases by 10 levels, a brand-new level is divided, and so on. Players who complete the challenge multiple times will be calculated based on the highest level among all challenges.

The arrangement of the game starts from the 80-level ticket, and the system randomly arranges opponents, and each person needs to go through 20 contests. Take the five best players in the competition and upgrade their level 80 tickets to level 90 tickets.

Then, these people have to compete with those who have 90-level tickets to get five places for 100-level tickets.

And so on...

To make it easier for players to prepare for the game, the system even announced the names and martial arts of all players who received tickets.

A total of 675 players have won admission tickets, and most of them are concentrated on the two levels of level 100 and 110. At level 120, there are only more than 30 players, and at level 100, 150, including Sword Girl and There are only 7 people including Kobashi.

Level 160, no one!

Level 170, no one!

Before Ye Weiming, he had singled out with Ning Daoqi once in the "Shuanglong Secret Realm". Although the opponent was obviously suspected of releasing the sea, the battle was recognized by the system, and his name was included in the level of 180. Among the ranks of the tickets, lonely is listed at the top of the list, and there are two grades between the second echelon and the second echelon, which looks very dazzling.

If you follow this rule, Ye Weiming only needs to defeat the 5 winners at most to get the title of "Five Best in the World".

Then participate in the plot mission with the other Four Jue and compete for the title of "No. 1 in the World".

According to the rules of this event, of course, it is extremely beneficial to Ye Weiming. But the many preparations he had made before were like a punch on the cotton, and he was so depressed that he almost vomited blood on the spot.

If you knew that the event was arranged like this, you wouldn't have to work hard to improve your vision and experience, right?

A total of only five games are required, so after five challengers have been contested, it is enough to look through their game videos?

In this way, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not only simple and direct, but also more targeted.

Isn't it beautiful?

Just when Ye Weiming looked depressed, a white dove suddenly appeared not far in front of him, then flapped its wings and landed on his shoulders, disappearing.

[You are looking for the original party, I have found it for you. 】——Will enter the wine

Original party?

Ye Weiming was taken aback when he heard the words, and almost subconsciously wrote back and asked:

[What original party? 】——Ye Weiming

[No, brother? Not long ago, you asked me to try my best to find the original party that knows about "Xiafeng Secret Realm" and "Huangfu Dengyun". you forgot? 】——Will enter the wine

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